香港科技大学所获得博士学位,2007年加入北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院。曾在中科院软件所和公司从事网络协议和产品以及安全操作系统的研究、设计和开发。获中国科学院科技进步奖一等奖和二等奖、国家科技进步奖二等奖(计算机网络安全关键技术研制与产品开发)和教育部科技进步一等奖(基于虚拟化技术的可信网络终端系统)、2018年IEEE GLOBECOM (CCF C )最佳论文奖、2021年ICSOC (CCF B )最佳短文奖、2021年华夏建设科学技术二等奖(基于国产密码算法的城市物联网密钥管理系统)、2023年中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖二等奖(智能网联汽车信息安全关键技术及产业化)、、2024年中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖二等奖(车载电池与充电设施交工条件下的安全预警方法与故障诊断关键技术及应用)。主持或参加的项目包括国务院信息办重点攻关项目、863项目、中国科学院重大科研项目、欧洲第六框架计划项目、教育部博士点基金、北京自然基金、国家自然基金、国家重点研发等。已在IEEE TDSC、IEEE TSC、IEEE TCC、IEEE TITS、IEEE TVT、IEEE IoT 等领域国际顶级期刊和国际会议上发表论文180余篇。作为第一发明者授权专利有20余项。是多个国际学术期刊的审稿人和国际会议的程序委员,担任中国科学院信工所客座研究员,担任国家自然科学基金和国家重点研发的评审专家以及加拿大自然科学、加拿大工程研究协会(NSERC)基金的海外评审专家,担任IEEE IoTJ Editor.
(1) 安全、可信、高效、绿色的分布式系统 (元宇宙、云原生服务、端边云服务 、规模化区块链;度量和评估方法、机制和系统研制)
(2) 积极防御机理分析和系统研制
(3) 数据库透明加密、安全代理、多级访问控制
(4) 安全可证明的区块链共识机制
(5) 安全可信的智能学习、机密计算
Dr. Kishor Trivedi, Dr. Jianying Zhou, Dr. Jelena Misic, Dr. Vojislav Misic, Dr. Ricardo J. Rodríguez
Dr. Distefano Salvatore, Dr. Scarpa Marco, Dr. Fumio Machida,
白晶(国际关系学院), 杨润垲(京东区块链研究院), 姜丽丽(电信研究院), 陈志(航天二院), 杨扬(铁科院),邢彬,刘博, 张国治(西北师范),姚英英 (北交大)
1. 一种用户可信的机密虚拟机服务的实现方法和系统
2. 一种面向ZYNQ SoC的FPGA可信执行环境构建方法
3. 一种基于深度强化学习的大规模城市应急物资分配方法
4. 面向MEC环境的基于OAuth2.0的单点登录机制
5. 基于区块链辅助的车载雾数据轻量级匿名接入认证方法
6. 基于TPM的可信Web网页的实现方法
Y. Gong, X. Chang, et al, "Practical Solutions in Fully Homomorphic Encryption - A Survey Analyzing Existing Acceleration Methods“ CyberSecurity, 2024.
H. Zhu, X. Chang,et al,'Delay Impact on Stubborn Mining Attack Severity in Imperfect Bitcoin Network'IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2024.
Y. Wang, X. Chang, et al,'Towards Secure Runtime Customizable Trusted Execution Environment on FPGA-SoC' , IEEE TC, 2024.
J Wang, X. Chang , et al. 'PA-iMFL: Communication-Efficient Privacy Amplification Method against Data Reconstruction Attack in Improved Multi-Layer Federated Learning’ IEEE IoT. 2024 (安全机器学习安全,中科院一区)
J Wang, X. Chang , et al. 'PASS: A Parameter Audit-Based Secure and Fair Federated Learning Scheme Against Free-Rider Attack’ IEEE IoT. 2024 (安全机器学习安全,中科院一区)
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Impact of Service Function Aging on the Dependability for MEC Service Function Chain", IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023 (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院一区).
H Qushtom, J V. Misic, VB. Misic, X. Chang 'A Two-Stage PBFT Architecture with Trust and Reward Incentive Mechanism’ IEEE IoT. 2023 (区块链,中科院一区)
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Towards UAV-Based MEC Service Chain Resilience Evaluation: A Quantitative Modeling Approach", to be published in IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区).
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Model-Driven Dependability Assessment of Microservice Chains in MEC-Enabled IoT", to be published in IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,,中科院二区).
Y Li, L Li, X Chang, et al, 'Availability and Reliability of Service Function Chain: A Quantitative Evaluation View', International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2023, (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院四区).
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Model-Driven Dependability Assessment of Microservice Chains in MEC-Enabled IoT", to be published in IEEE Trans. Services Computing. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院一区).
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Towards UAV-based MEC Service Chain Resilience Evaluation: A Quantitative Modeling Approach", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2023. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区).
H. kang, X Chang, et al,"Cooperative UAV Resource Allocation and Task Offloading in Hierarchical Aerial Computing Systems: A MAPPO-Based Approach", IEEE IoT Journal, 2023 (云边端-UAV, 5G, C-V2X安全)
V Mišić, J Mišić, X Chang, et al,"A Two-Stage PBFT Architecture with Trust and Reward Incentive Mechanis", IEEE IoT Journal, 2023 (区块链,中科院一区 )
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "Dual Privacy-Preserving Lightweight Navigation System for Vehicular Networks", IEEE Access, 2022. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全)
H Zhu, X Chang, et.al., "Revisiting FAW attack in an imperfect PoW blockchain system", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022.(区块链安全,中科院三区)
H Qushtom, J V. Misic, VB. Misic, X. Chang: Efficient Blockchain Scheme for IoT Data Storage and Manipulation in Smart City Environment’ IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. (2022) (物联网联盟链,,中科院三区)
H Qushtom, J Mišić, VB Mišić, X Chang, et.al., "A high performance two-layer consensus architecture for blockchain-based IoT systems", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022.(区块链安全,中科院三区)
J Fan, X Chang, et.al., "DHL: Deep reinforcement learning-based approach for emergency supply distribution in humanitarian logisticsm", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022.(区块链安全,中科院三区)
X. Chang,et al, "Job Completion Time under Migration-based Dynamic Platform Technique", IEEE Trans. Services Computing, 2022. (主动安全防御,中科院一区)
S Tong, Y Liu, J Mišić, X. Chang, et al, "Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation: A Historical Cumulative Contribution based Collaborative Fog Computing Model", to be published in IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology. ( 可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区)
S Tong, Y Liu, J Mišić, X. Chang, et al, "Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Fog-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems: A UAV-Enabled Multi-Hop Collaboration Paradigm", to be published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ( 可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院一区)
J. Misic, V. Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Optimal multi-tier clustering of permissioned blockchain systems for IoT", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2022. (PBFT 共识机制优化,中科院二区)
J. Misic, V. Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Design of Proof-of-Stake PBFT Algorithm for IoT Environments“ IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2022. (PBFT 共识机制优化,,中科院二区)
J. Misic, V. Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Scalable Self-Sovereign Identity Architecture“ IEEE Network, 2022 (信任管理,中科院一区)
V Mišić, J Mišić, X Chang,"Reducing the number of transaction messages in bitcoin", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022. (比特币 以太坊 攻击分析,中科院三区)
Y. Wang, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, et al,"DI-AA: An Interpretable White-box Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Networks",Information Sciences,2022.(安全可靠的机器学习)
Y. Wang, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, et al,"AB-FGSM: AdaBelief Optimizer and FGSM-Based Approach to Generate Adversarial Examples", Journal of Intelligent System,2022.(安全可靠的机器学习,中科院一区)
Wen Wang; Xiaofeng Peng; Ye Yang; Chun Xiao; Shuai Yang; Mingcai Wang; Lingfei Wang; Yanling Wang; Lin Li; X. Chang, 'Self-Training Enabled Efficient Classification Algorithm: An Application to Charging Pile Risk Assessment", IEEE Access, 2022. (充电桩安全分析)
H. Kang, X. Chang,et al, "Improving Dual-UAV Aided Ground-UAV Bi-directional Communication Security: Joint UAV Trajectory and Transmit Power Optimization", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 2022. (无人机安全通信,中科院二区)
R. Yang, X. Chang, et al, "Understanding Performance of a Vulnerable Heterogeneous Edge Data Center: A Modeling Approach", The Computer Journal, 2022. (主动安全防御,中科院四区)
R Yang, X Chang, J Mišić, VB Mišić, H Kang,"Quantitative Comparison of Two Chain-Selection Protocols under Selfish Mining Attack",IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2022. (比特币 以太坊 攻击分析,中科院二区)
J Bai, X Chang, et al,"Quantitative Understanding Serial-Parallel Hybrid SFC Services: A Dependability Perspective", , Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院三区).
L Jiang, X Chang, J Mišić, VB Mišić, J Bai,"Understanding MEC empowered vehicle task offloading performance in 6G networks", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2022. (中科院三区)
R. Yang, X. Chang,et al, "On Selfholding Attack Impact on Imperfect PoW Blockchain Networks",IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021. (比特币 以太坊 攻击分析,中科院二区)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "LPC: A lightweight pseudonym changing scheme with robust forward and backward secrecy for V2X“ Ad Hoc Networks, 2021 ( 车联网安全,中科院二区)
J. Bai, X. Chang,et al,"Resilience-Driven Quantitative Analysis of Vehicle Platooning Service“ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021. ( 可信的端-边-云服务链,中科院二区)
H. Kang, X. Chang,et al, "Understanding Selfish Mining in Imperfect Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks with Extended Forks“ IEEE Transactions on Network Service and Management, 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析,中科院二区)
Y. Zhang, X. Chang,et al, "Cost-effective Migration-based Dynamic Platform Defense Technique: A CTMDP Approach", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021. (主动安全防御,中科院三区)
J. Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Adapting PBFT for use with blockchain-enabled IoT systems“ IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020 (联盟链 PBFT 共识机制,中科院二区)
Y. Wang, Shaohua lv, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, et al, "On the combination of data augmentation method and gated convolution model for building effective and robust intrusion detection“ CyberSecurity, 2021 ( 安全可靠的机器学习)
L. Li, X. Chang, J. Liu, et al, "Bit2CV: A Novel Bitcoin Anti-Fraud Deposit Scheme for Connected Vehicles“ IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport System, 2021 ( 比特币支付, 车联网,中科院一区)
J. Bai, X. Chang,et al,"Service Availability Analysis in a Virtualized System: A Markov Regenerative Model Approach“ IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020 ( 可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区)
J. Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Performance of Bitcoin network with synchronizing nodes and a mix of regular and compact blocks“ IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析,中科院二区)
R. Yang, X. Chang,et al, "Assessing Blockchain Selfish Mining in an Imperfect Network:Honest and Selfish Miner Views", Computers & Security, 2020. (比特币 以太坊 攻击分析,中科院二区)
L. Jiang, X. Chang,et al, "Model-based Comparison of Cloud-Edge Computing Resource Allocation Policies ", The Computer Journal, 2020 (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院四区)
L. Jiang, X. Chang,et al, "Dependability Analysis of 5G-AKA Authentication Service from Server and User Perspectives ", IEEE Access, 2020 (5G 认证服务分析)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "Lightweight Batch AKA Scheme for User-Centric Ultra-Dense Networks", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2020. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全,中科院二区)
Y. Zhang, X. Chang,et al, "Exploring Function Call Graph Vectorization and File Statistical Features in Malicious PE File Classification", IEEE Access, 2020. (恶意代码智能检测,中科院三区)
Z. Chen, X. Chang,et al, "Numerical evaluation of job finish time under MTD environment", IEEE Access, 2020. (主动安全防御,中科院三区)
J. Bai, X. Chang,et al, "Analyzing Software Rejuvenation Techniques in a Virtualized System: Service Provider and User Views", IEEE Access, 2020. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院三区)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving ID-as-a-Service Provisioning in Vehicular Cloud Computing", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全,中科院二区)
J. Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang,et al, "Modeling of Bitcoin's blockchain delivery network“ IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineeringg, 2020 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析,中科院二区)
V. Misic, Jelena Misic,X. Chang, "Data Lifetime Estimation in a Multicast-Based CoAP Proxy,",Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT) 2020
L. Jiang, X. Chang,et al, "Performance Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric Platform: A Hierarchical Model Approach ", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2020 (区块链-HyperledgerFabric,中科院三区)
L. Li, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, Tianhao Liu, Jingxian Liu:Toward conditionally anonymous Bitcoin transactions: A lightweight-script approach. Inf. Sci. 509: 290-303 , 2020. (区块链-比特币 应用,中科院一区)
Y. Wang, Jiqiang Liu, Jelena Misic, Voj. Misic, X. Chang, "Assessing Optimizer Impact on DNN Model Sensitivity to Adversarial Examples", IEEE ACCESS, 2019. (安全可靠的机器学习,中科院三区)
R. Yang, X. Chang,et al, "Performance Modeling of Linux Network System with Open vSwitch", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2019. (主动安全防御,中科院三区)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "BLA:Blockchain-Assisted Lightweight Anonymous Authentication for Distributed Vehicular Fog Services", IEEE IoT Journal, 2019. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全,中科院一区)
Y. Shi,, X. Chang,et al, "Quantitative security analysis of a dynamic network system under lateral movement-based attacks", Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2019. (网络安全态势量化分析,中科院二区)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "Reliable and Secure Vehicular Fog Service Provision", IEEE IoT Journal, 2019. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全,中科院一区)
Y. Yao, X. Chang,et al, "CLAM: Lightweight Certificateless Anonymous Authentication Mechanism for Vehicular Cloud Services", Cyber-Physical Systems, 2018. (云边, 5G, C-V2X安全)
B. Liu, X. Chang, Zhen Han, Kishor Trivedi, Ricardo J. Rodrgues, "Model-based Sensitivity Analysis of IaaS Cloud Availability", Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区)
Z. Chen, X. Chang, Zhen Han, Lin Li, "Survivability Modeling and Analysis of Cloud Service in Distributed Data", The Computer Journal, 2018. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院四区)
X. Chang, et al, "Modeling and Analysis of High Availability Techniques in a Virtualized System", The Computer Journal, 2018. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院四区)
X. Chang, R.F. Xia, J.K. Muppala, K.S. Trivedi, jiqiang Liu, "Effective Modeling Approach for IaaS Data Center Performance Analysis under Heterogeneous Workload", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018 (云-边服务量化分析,中科院二区)
X. Chang, Jose M. Martinez, Kishor S. Trivedi, "Transient Performance Analysis of Smart Grid with Dynamic Power Distribution", Information Sciences, 422: 98-10, 2018.
Guozhi zhang, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, et al, "Combining Popularity and Locality to Enhance In-Network Caching Performance and Mitigate Pollution Attacks in Content Centric Networking", IEEE ACCESS, 2017. (信息中心网络)
Yang Yang, X. Chang, jiqiangliu ,lin Li, "Towards Robust Green Virtual Cloud Data Center Provisioning," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 5(2): 168-181, 2017. (云-边网络切片、服务链,中科院二区)
X.Chang, Bin Wang, Jogesh K. Muppala, Jiqiang Liu: Modeling Active Virtual Machines on IaaS Clouds Using an M/G/m/m+K Queue. IEEE Trans. Services Computing 9(3): 408-420 (2016) (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院一区)
Bin Wang, X. Chang*, jiqiangliu , "Modeling Heterogeneous Virtual Machines on IaaS Data Centers", IEEE Communication Letter, 2015. (可信安全的端-边-云服务,中科院二区)
Bin Xing, Zhen Han, X. Chang, jiqiangliu , "OB-IMA: Out-of-the-Box Integrity Measurement Approach for Guest Virtual Machines", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2015. (可信计算)
X. Chang, et al., "Performance Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Virtual Network Embedding," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013. (云-边网络切片、服务链,中科院二区)
X. Chang,and J. K. Muppala, "The Effects of AQM on The Performance of Assured Forwarding Services," Computer Communications,2006.
X. Chang,and J. K. Muppala, "A stable queue-based adaptive AQM mechanism," Computer Networks, 2006.
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "On Improving Bandwidth Assurance in AF-based DiffServ Network Using a Control Theoretic Approach," Computer Networks, 2005.
Conference and Poster Publication
J. Wang, X Chang, et.al., "Towards Well-trained Model Robustness in Federated Learning: An Adversarial-Example-Generation-Efficiency Perspective", IEEE ICC,2024.(CCF C)
H Zhu, X Chang, et.al., "On Dependability of Heterogeneous Distributed Oracle System in Blockchain", IEEE ICC,2024.(CCF C)
Y. Gong, X Chang,"SES2: A Secure and Efficient Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for Structured Data", IEEE GlobeCom,2023.(CCF C)
J Mišić, VB Mišić, X Chang,"PBFT with Gated Prioritized Block Cycles", IEEE ICC,2023.(CCF C)
J Mišić, VB Mišić, E Amini, Z. Mohtajollah, X Chang,"Fast Cycle Multiple Entry PBFT Consensus",IEEE ICC,2023.(CCF C)
Y. Yao, X Chang, et.al., "DIDs-assisted Secure Cross-metaverse Authentication Scheme for MEC-enabled Metaverse", IEEE ICC,2023.(CCF C)
H Zhu, X Chang, et.al., "Threat Capability of Stubborn Mining in Imperfect GHOST Bitcoin Blockchain", IEEE ICC,2023.(CCF C)
M. Fu, X Chang, et.al., "Evaluating Checkpointing Capability Against Eclipse-Based Stake-Bleeding Attack in PoS Blockchain", ISPA 2022 .(CCF C)
J Mišić, VB Mišić, X Chang,"Delegated Proof of Stake Consensus with Mobile Voters and Multiple Entry PBFT Voting", IEEE GlobeCom,2022.(CCF C)
H Zhu, X Chang, et.al., "How Does FAW Attack Impact an Imperfect PoW Blockchain: A Simulation-based Approach", IEEE ICC,2022.(CCF C)
J Mišić, VB Mišić, X Chang,"Proof of Stake Voting in Multiple Entry PBFT System", IEEE ICC,2022.(CCF C)
V Mišić, J Mišić, X Chang,"Arbitration Mechanisms for Multiple Entry Capability in PBFT for IoT Systems", IEEE ICC,2022.(CCF C)
J Wang, X Chang, et.al.,"Assessing Anonymous and Selfish Free-Rider Attacks in Federated Learning", IEEE ISCC,2022.(CCF C)
R Yang, X Chang, et.al.,"Evaluating fork after withholding (FAW) attack in Bitcoin", CF,2022.(CCF C)
H Kang, X. Chang, et. al, Joint Optimization of UAV Trajectory and Task Scheduling in SAGIN: Delay Driven, IEEE ICSOC 2021 (UAV) (CCF B)
J Wang, X Chang, J Mišić, VB Mišić, Y Wang, J Zhang,"Mal-LSGAN: An Effective Adversarial Malware Example Generation Model", IEEE GLOBECOM,2021.(CCF C)
VB Mišić, J Mišić, X Chang, "Coping with smartly malicious leaders: PBFT with arbitration for blockchain-based IoT applications",IEEE GLOBECOM,2021(CCF C)
Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang, Trade-offs in large blockchain-based IoT system design, IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析) (CCF C)
J. Wang, J. Zhang, Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Yixiang, X. Chang, Mal-LSGAN: An Effective Adversarial Malware Example Generation Model, IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 (深度学习安全)(CCF C)
Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang, Coping with smartly malicious leaders: PBFT with arbitration for blockchain-based IoT applications, IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)(CCF C)
Vojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic, X. Chang, The Impact of Vote Counting Policy on the Performance of PBFT, IEEE CCECE 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)
Jelena V. Misic,Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang, Voting Control in Multiple Entry PBFT Blockchain Systems for IoT, IEEE CCECE 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)
YingYingYao, Zhendong Zhao X. Chang, et.al, A Novel Privacy-Preserving Neural Network Computing Approach for E-Health Information System . IEEE ICC 2021 (机器学习 隐私保护) (CCF C)
Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang:A Scalable Two-Tier PBFT Consensus for Blockchain-Based IoT Data Recording . IEEE ICC 2021 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析) (CCF C)
Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang:Multiple entry point PBFT for IoT systems. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析) (CCF C)
Vojislav B. Misic, Jelena V. Misic, X. Chang: Making Transaction Propagation More Efficient: Deferred Transaction Relay in Bitcoin. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析) (CCF C)
Zhi Chen, X. Chang, Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, Yang Yang, Zhen Han: Model-based Perofrmance Evaluation of An Moving Target Defense System. IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 (网络安全态势量化分析)(CCF C)
Haoran Zhu, Jing Bai, X. Chang, et. al, ”Stochastic Model-based Quantitative Analysis of Edge UPF Service Dependability ", ICA3PP 2020. (移动边缘计算)(CCF C)
Yang Yang, X. Chang, et. al, ”PIM-Assisted MEC 3C Resource Allocation for Computation Offloading”, ICA3PP 2020. (移动边缘计算)(CCF C)
Jelana Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang, et. al, ”Comparison of single- and multiple entry point PBFT for IoT blockchain systems ", IEEE VTC-fall 2020. (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)(CCF C)
Jelana Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang, et. al, ”On the Benefits of Compact Blocks in Bitcoin ", IEEE ICC 2020. (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)(CCF C)
Hongyue Kang, Bo Liu, X. Chang,, et. al "Assessing Security and Dependability of a Network System Susceptible to Lateral Movement Attacks", IEEE ICNC 2020. (网络安全态势量化分析)
Runkai Yang, X. Chang,Vojislav Misic, Jelana Misic, et al, "Exploiting Dynamic Platform Protection Technique for Increasing Service MTTF", IEEE GlobeCom 2019. (网络安全态势量化分析)(CCF C)
Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic, X. Chang: On Ledger Inconsistency Time in Bitcoin's Blockchain Delivery Network. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6 (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析) (CCF C)
Vojislav Misic, Jelana Misic, X. Chang ”On forks and fork characteristics in a Bitcoin-like distribution network", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)(CCF C)
Vojislav Misic, Jelana Misic, X. Chang ”Towards a Blockchain-Based Healthcare Information System", 2019 IEEE ICCC. (区块链应用)
Bo Liu, X. Chang, et. al, "Evaluating Performance of Active Containers on PaaS Fog Under Batch Arrivals: A Modeling Approach," IEEE ISCC 2019.(CCF C)
Yixiang Wang, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, "Assessing Transferability of Adversarial Examples against Malware Detection Classifiers," IEEE CF 2019. (安全可靠的机器学习)(CCF C)
Jelana Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang, et. al, ”Block delivery time in Bitcoin distribution network ", IEEE ICC 2019. (区块链-比特币-机理量化分析)(CCF C)
Yang Yang, X. Chang, et. al, ” Delay-Aware Secure Computation Offloading Mechanism in a Fog-Cloud Framework”, ICSP 2018. (云-边网络切片、服务链)(CCF C)
Guozhi Zhang, Jiqiang Liu, X. Chang, et. al, ” Interest Relevance-Based Caching Design in Content-centric Networking”, ICA3PP 2018. (信息中心网络)(CCF C)
Jelena Misic, Vojislav Misic, X. Chang, ”Kernel based estimation of domain parameters at IoT proxy“,IEEE GlobeCom 2018.(CCF C)
Vojislav Misic, Jelena Misic, X. Chang, ”Efficient traffic reduction in IoT domains using Bernoulli scheduling of proactive cache refresh“,IEEE GlobeCom 2018(CCF C)
X. Chang, et. al, ”Survivability Model for Security and Dependability Analysis of a Vulnerable Critical System“,IEEE ICCCN 2018 (安全可靠的机器学习)(CCF C)
Bo Liu, X. Chang, et. al, "Performance Analysis Model for Fog Services under Multiple Resource Types," IEEE DSA 2017. (可信安全的端-边-云服务)
Lin Li, Yingying Yao, X. Chang, "Plaintext-dependent selective image encryption scheme based on chaotic maps and DNA coding",IEEE DSA 2017.
Harish Sukhwani1,Jose M. Martinez1, X.Chang, Kishor S. Trivedi,Andy Rindos,"Performance Modeling of PBFT Consensus Process for Permissioned Blockchain Network (Hyperledger Fabric)" IEEE SRDS 2017, poster. (区块链- HyperledgerFabric) (CCF B)
Xiaodan Li, X.Chang, et al, "A Novel Approach for Software Vulnerability Classfication", IEEE RAMS 2017.
Zibo zhou, X.Chang, et al, "Resource-aware Virtual Network Parallel Embedding Based on Genetic Algorithm", IEEE PDCAT 2016. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
T.J. Wang, X.Chang, et al, "Performability Analysis for IaaS Cloud Data Center", IEEE PDCAT 2016. (可信安全的端-边-云服务)
X.Chang, et al, "Model-based Survivability Analysis of a Virtualized System", IEEE LCN 2016. (网络安全态势量化分析) (CCF C)
Ricardo J. Rodrgues, X.Chang, Xiaodan Li, Kishor Trivedi, "Survivability Analysis of a Computer System under an Advanced Persistent Threat", Proc. Of the 3rd Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec), @IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium. 2016. (网络安全态势量化分析)
Xuanni DU ,X.Chang, "Performance of AI Algorithms for Mining Meaningful Roles " IEEE WCCI-CEC, 2014
Yang Yang ,X.Chang, et al., "Effective and Efficient AI-based Approaches to Cloud Resource Provisioning" In Proc. IEEE ICON, 2013. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
Wenbo wang,X.Chang, et al., "Simulated Annealing Based Resource Allocation for Cloud Data Centers" In Proc. GECCO, 2013. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.Chang, et al., "Green Cloud Virtual Network Provisioning Based Ant Colony Optimization" In Proc. GECCO-GreenGEC 2013, . (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.Chang, et al., "Network State Aware Virtual Network Parallel Embedding"? In Proc. IEEE IPCCC 2012. (云-边网络切片、服务链)(CCF C)
B. Wang, X.Chang, et al., "Reducing Power Consumption in Embedding Virtual Infrastructures" In Proc. IEEE Globecom Workshop ManSec 2012. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.Chang, et al., "Migration Cost Aware Virtual Network Re-Embedding in Presence of Resource Failures" In Proc. IEEE ICON 2012. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.M. Mi, X.Chang, et al., "Embedding Virtual Infrastructure Based on Genetic Algorithm" In Proc. IEEE PDCAT 2012. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.Chang, et al., "Robust and Efficient Response to TCG TOCTOU Attacks In TPVM" In Proc. IEEE PDCAT 2012. (可信计算)
X.M. Mi, X.Chang, et al., "An Integrated Approach To Virtual Network EmbeddingWith Sharing Physical Nodes" In Proc. IEEE MINES 2012. (云-边网络切片、服务链)
X.Chang, "ZRTP-based Trusted Transmission of VoIP Traffic and Formal Verification," In Proc. IEEE MINES 2012. (可信计算)
X.Chang, et al., "Defeating TCG TOCTOU Attacks In T" In Proc. IEEE MINES 2010. (可信计算)
X.Chang, Bin Xing, Jiqiang Liu, "LWRM: A Lightweight Response Mechanism for TCG TOCTOU Attack" In Proc. 28th IEEE IPCCC 2009. (可信计算)(CCF C)
X. Chang, " Analysis of Interrupt coalescing in? Gigabit Ethernet Networks”, In Proc. IEEE ICC 2008. (Linux )(CCF C)
X. Chang, Jogesh. K. Muppala, P.C Zou, and X.K. Li,"A Robust Device Hybrid Scheme to Improve System Performance in Gigabit Ethernet Networks”, In Proc. IEEE LCN 2007. (Linux )(CCF C)
X. Chang, Jogesh K. Muppala, P.C. Zou, Z.Y. Zheng, and X.K. Li, "A Queue-based Adaptive Approach to Improve System Performance in Gigabit Ethernet Networks,” In Proc. 26 IEEE IPCCC 2007 (Linux )(CCF C)
X. Chang, X. Lin and J. K. Muppala,"A Control-Theoretic Approach to Improving Fairness in DCF Based WLANs," In Proc. 25th IEEE IPCCC, 2006.(CCF C)
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "The Effects of AQM on The Performance of Assured Forwarding Services,” In Proc. 24th IEEE IPCCC,2005.(CCF C)
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"Applying Adaptive Virtual Queue to Improve the Performance of the Assured Forwarding Service," In Proc. IEEE ICC,2005.(CCF C)
X. Chang, X. Lin and J. K. Muppala, "An Adaptive Queue Management Mechanism for Improving TCP Fairness in the Infrastructure WLAN," In Proc. 16th Ann. International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2005), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2005.(CCF C)
X. Lin, X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"VQ-RED: An Efficient Virtual Queue Management Approach to Improve Fairness in Infrastructure WLAN," In Proc. 5th International IEEE Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN 2005), Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2005.
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "A Robust Nonlinear PI Controller for Improving AQM Performance," In Proc. IEEE ICC,2004. (CCF C)
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "An Integral Sliding Mode based AQM for Stable Queue Length," In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, 2004.(CCF C)
X. Chang, and J.K. Muppala, "A Robust PI Controller for Improving Performance in the AF-based Differentiated Services Network," In Proc. 23rd IEEE IPCCC,2004. (CCF C)
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala, "Adaptive Marking Threshold for Improving Performance of Assured Forwarding Services (based on local knowledge)," In Proc. IEEE Globecom, 2003.(CCF C)
X. Chang, and J. K. Muppala,"Adaptive Marking Threshold for Assured Forwarding Services (based on router cooperation)," In Proc. IEEE ICCCN, 2003.(CCF C)
S. Qing, X. Chang,J.Zhang,"Design and implementation of Secure e-commerce protocol iKPI," In Proc. 1st CCICS, 1999.
王建华;黎琳;赵镇东;常晓林;王爱丽;刘宇;耿欣 ,‘一种基于全同态加密算法的神经网络预测方案’, 人工智能, 2022. (安全可靠的机器学习)
张嘉楠, 常晓林 ,et al, "深度学习的对抗攻击方法综述",网络空间安全, 2020. (安全可靠的机器学习)
赵镇东, 常晓林 ,et al, "深度学习对抗样本的防御方法综述", 网络空间安全, 2020. (恶意代码智能检测)
赵镇东, 常晓林 et al, "机器学习中的隐私保护综述", 信息安全学报, 2019. (安全可靠的机器学习)
Yutong Cai, 常晓林 ,et al, "动态平台技术防御攻击的瞬态效能量化分析", 信息安全学报, 2019. (目标移动防御)
邢 彬, 韩 臻, 常晓林, 刘吉强, "基于虚拟机监控技术的可信虚拟域", 信息安全学报,2016. (可信计算)
常晓林 , 冯登国, Sihan Qing, "A Single Sign on Protocol for Multiple Servers," 软件学报, China, 2002.