Delta 12 Workshop on Logic

Delta 12 Logic Workshop

Delta workshops aim to bring logicians from Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science together.

Venue: Room 506, Siyuan West Building, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing

地点: 北京交通大学思源西楼506室

Time: 11 January 2020

时间: 2020年1月11日

Links to previous Delta workshops.

Invited speakers



Time Speakers Titles
9:00 - 9:50 Nan Fang On the converging speed of d.c.e. approximations
9:50 - 10:40 Xi Li 贝叶斯框架下通用先验的选择问题
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break  
11:00 - 11:50 Jixin Liu Weakly Aggregative Modal Logic: Characterization, Interpolation and Model transformation
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch Time  
14:00 - 14:50 Xianghui Shi An $I_0$-analogue of an AD theorem
14:50 - 15:40 Yue Yang 实数上的递归集是$\Delta_1$的?$\Delta_2$的?还是$\Delta_{12}$的?
15:40 - 16:00 Tea Break  
16:00 - 16:50 Jian Yu 基于认知的机器学习公理化




Supported by

  • 北京交通大学理学院 School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University
  • 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities



  • Royal King Residence Hotel
  • 39 Xueyuannan Road,Haidian, Beijing. Tel: (010)62289999

    (All the guests payed by the host will stay in this hotel)

    融金中财大酒店 北京市海淀区学院南路39号 电话: (010)62289999


Last Updated:12-12-2019, Shichang Song