办公电话:51688607 |
电子邮件: yihui.wang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:科技大厦7层 |
邮编:100044 |
2010.09 - 2014.11 代尔夫特理工大学,系统与控制专业,获工学博士学位;
2007.09 - 2010.09 北京交通大学,交通信息工程及控制专业,博士研究生;
2003.09 - 2007.07 北京交通大学,自动化专业,获工学学士学位.
Sep. 2010- Nov. 2014: Ph.D. Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology
Sep. 2007-Sep. 2010: Ph.D. student, Traffic Information Engineering Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University
Sep. 2003-Jul. 2007: B.Sc. in Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University
2023.09 - 至今 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 副教授 博士生导师
2018.12 - 2023.08 北京交通大学 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室 副教授 博士生导师
2014.11 - 2018.12 北京交通大学 轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室 讲师
2019.09 - 至今 伦敦大学学院 交通研究中心 Honorary Senior Lecturer
2019.03-2019.06 访问 伦敦大学学院 交通研究中心
2018.05-2018.07 访问 罗马第三大学 AUTORI实验室
Working Experience
Sep. 2023-Present: Associate professor, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University
Dec. 2018-Aug. 2023: Associate professor, State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University
Sep. 2019-Sep. 2022: Honorary Senior Lecture, UCL’s Centre for Transport Studies, University College London, UK
Mar. 2019-May. 2019: Visiting Professor, Centre for Transport Studies, University College London, London, UK
May. 2018-Jul. 2018: Visiting Professor, AUTORI (Automation and Operation Research in Industry) Laboratory, Engineering Department, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Nov. 2014-Dec. 2018: Assistant professor, State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University
Research Direction
Railway signalling
Optimal train control
Real-time train scheduling
Control of hybrid systems and discrete event systems
Operation research
Model predictive control
Professional Membership
Transportation Research Board (TRB) AR030 Standing Committee
Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
International Association of Railway Operations Research (IAROR)
The Netherlands Research School on Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL)
Intelligent Computing Branch of Operations Research Society of China
Professional activities
Editor for IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Member of IEC/TC9 /PT668 working group "Railway applications-Signalling and control systems for non UGTMS Urban Rail systems''
Member of High Speed Train and Maglev Standard Committee (IEEE/VTS/HSTMSC)
Member of the INFORMS RAS International Committee
Co-chair of the 2022 INFORMS RAS Student Paper Competition
Session chair at various conferences including ITSC, INFORMS, etc.
- 人工智能
- 控制工程
- 交通智能控制与优化
- 新一代电子信息技术
- 网络与信息安全
- 人工智能硕士
- 控制工程硕士
- 交通信息工程及控制博士
- 交通信息工程及控制硕士
- 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
- 网络与信息安全硕士
2023-2027 国家自然科学基金“基础科学中心”:未来城市交通系统超大规模网络优化与计算技术
2022-2023 铁路总公司:基于路网及设备数字化的高速铁路非正常行车调度调整决策技术研究
2022-2023 自然科学横向:铁路调度应急自动调整开行计划轮廓方案技术服务
2022-2024 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合” :四网融合条件下面向乘客出行的调度一体化与运输组织关键技术
2021-2022 铁路总公司:基于CTC3.0系统的调车进路控制关键技术研究
2021-2022 基本科研业务费:面向虚拟编组的城轨运行图编制方法研究
2021-2024 国家自然科学基金“面上”:
2020-2021 铁路总公司: 强化集中统一指挥和效益导向机制的调度生产组织模式研究
2020-2023 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”:面向城市轨道交通列车故障救援的应急预案离线优化与在线匹配方法研究
2020-2021 北京交通大学横向课题: 列车自动驾驶优化与控制算法技术开发
2020-2022 基本科研业务费:城轨线路运营中断下列车调整与客流控制一体化模型与算法研究
2020-2021 铁路总公司:强化集中统一指挥和效益导向机制的调度生产组织模式研究
2020-2022 国家重点实验室: 成网条件下城轨系统资源优化配置与协同调度方法研究
2019-2021 铁路总公司:TDCS/CTC系统关键设备自主化技术研究
2019-2020 铁路总公司:普速铁路应用调度集中系统适用条件和关键技术研究
2019-2020 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”:面向乘客个性化出行需求的列车智能调度与客流诱导一体化模型与算法
2019-2020 国家重点实验室:大风预警下的高速列车调度与控制一体化模型与算法研究
2018-2019 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 城市轨道交通运营中断恢复阶段列车运行计划自动调整模型与算法
2018-2022 国家自然基金重大项目:复杂环境下高速列车运行优化控制方法-3(协同优化方法)
2018-2019 国家重点实验室: 城轨运营中断下列车与乘客一体化管理研究
2018-2020 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 基于机器学习的列车间再生能利用优化方法研究
2018-2021 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 城市轨道交通网络列车实时调整与客流控制协调优化模型及算法
2017-2018 基本科研业务费: 雨雪天气条件下列车节能驾驶策略优化技术研究
2017-2019 北京交通大学横向课题: 列车运行显示界面(多车)技术咨询合同
2016-2019 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 高速铁路调度指挥计划同步优化模型和算法
2016-2017 北京市科委: 基于列车自动运行(ATO)优化的地铁节能核心技术研究与示范应用
2016-2018 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 城市轨道交通系统中列车运行调整与驾驶控制一体化模型与算法研究
2016-2017 国家重点实验室: 基于可变轨道区段锁闭时间的列车 运行计划优化编制方法
2015-2016 校人才基金: 城市轨道交通系统中基于客流需求的列车大交路与小交路交错运营时刻表优化问题研究
2015-2016 国家重点实验室: 城市轨道交通网络中基于实时客流的列车调度优化算法研究
2015-2016 国家重点实验室: 列车流控制与列车运行控制一体化优化模型和算法
2015-2015 北京市教委: 科研项目-北京实验室-城轨CBTC系统的互联互通及节能优化验证平台研究
2015-2016 北京交通大学: ATO驾驶曲线的节能优化和应用方法研究项目-研发及现场应用试验
Selected projects
''Integrated train scheduling and rolling stock circulation planning for the interconnected operation of metro and suburban rail lines'', the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2023-2026
"Dynamic coordination of metro train scheduling and rolling stock circulation planning with flexible train compositions'', State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, 2022-2023
"Off-line and on-line mathematical optimization models for rescuing rolling stock in urban rail transit lines'', Beijing Natural Science Foundation - ``Joint Research project on Rail Transit'', 2020-2023
"Models and algorithms for integrated train timetabling and control of high-speed railway lines with virtual coupling'', Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021-2024
"Key technologies on train autonomous driving optimization and control algorithm'', Qingdao Hisense Micro Link Signal Co., Ltd.
"Models and algorithms for integrated train rescheduling and passenger flow control for urban rail line under disruptions‘’, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2020-2022
"Models and algorithms for integrated train scheduling and control for high-speed trains under Strong Wind Warnings'', State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, 2019-2020
"Train rescheduling models and algorithms for the recovery phase of disruption management in urban rail transit systems'', Beijing Natural Science Foundation - ``Joint Research project on Rail Transit'', 2018-2019
"Energy-saving driving strategy optimization for trains under rain and snow weather conditions'', the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2017-2018
"Train operation display interface (multi-train) technical Consultation'', Beijing HualuCT Technology Co., Ltd., 2017-2019
"Models and Algorithms for Integrating Traffic Regulation and Train Control in Urban Rail Transit Systems'', Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2018
"Passenger demand-oriented train scheduling for urban rail transit network'', State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, 2015-2016
"Passenger demand-oriented train scheduling for urban rail transit lines with different operation plans'', Natural Science Talent Fund Project of BJTU, 2015-2016
讲授全英文研究生课程:系统与控制中的优化理论(Optimization in Systems and
讲授全英文研究生课程:科技写作与交流 (Scientific Writing and Communication)
Lecturer for the following BSc Courses
The Art of Technical Writing and Public Speaking (2019-2020)
The Past and Present of Metro Systems (2020-2021)
Data Structure (2020-2023)
Advanced Programming in High-Level Languages (2022-2023)
Programming Training Based on ACM Platform (2021-2023)
Lecturer for the following MSc Courses
Optimization in Systems and Control (Teaching in English) (2014-2021)
Scientific writing and presenting (Teaching in English) (2016-2020)
Academic Writing and Scholarly Standards (2020-2023)
期刊论文 (Selected journal papers)
Y.(王义惠), Zhu, S., Li, S., Yang, L. and De Schutter, B., 2022. Hierarchical
Model Predictive Control for on-Line High-Speed Railway Delay Management
and Train Control in a Dynamic Operations Environment. IEEE Transactions
on Control Systems Technology.
C.S., Chow, A.H., Wang, Y.H. (王义惠) and Chin, K.S.,
2021. Adaptive metro service schedule and train composition with a
proximal policy optimization approach based on deep reinforcement
learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
M., Wu, C., Lu, S. and Wang, Y.(王义惠), 2022. Notch-based
speed trajectory optimisation for high-speed railway automatic train
operation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F:
Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 236(2), pp.159-171.
Y.(王义惠), Zhu, S., D’Ariano, A., Yin, J., Miao, J. and Meng, L., 2021.
Energy-efficient timetabling and rolling stock circulation planning based
on automatic train operation levels for metro lines. Transportation
Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 129, p.103209.
K., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Zhu, S., Sun, D. and Wei, G., 2021. Integrated Train Timetabling
and Rolling Stock Circulation Planning for a Metro Line with Multiple
Depots. Transportation Research Record, 2675(12), pp.980-994.
Y.(王义惠), Zhao, K., D’Ariano, A., Niu, R., Li, S. and Luan, X., 2021.
Real-time integrated train rescheduling and rolling stock circulation
planning for a metro line under disruptions. Transportation Research
Part B: Methodological, 152, pp.87-117.
J., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Du, B., Wu, Q., Zhai, Y., Shen, J., Zhou, L.,
Cai, C., Wei, W. and Zhou, Q., 2021. The Bounds of Improvements Toward
Real-Time Forecast of Multi-Scenario Train Delays. IEEE Transactions
on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
H., Li, S., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. (王义惠) and Yang, L.,
2021. Real-time optimization strategy for single-track high-speed train
rescheduling with disturbance uncertainties: A scenario-based
chance-constrained model predictive control approach. Computers &
Operations Research, 127, p.105135.
N., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Zhu, S., Quaglietta, E., Tang, T. and Goverde,
R.M., 2021. A Matheuristic for the Integrated Disruption Management of
Traffic, Passengers and Stations in Urban Railway Lines. IEEE
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
H., Li, S., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Yang, L. and Gao, Z., 2021. Collaborative
real-time optimization strategy for train rescheduling and track emergency
maintenance of high-speed railway: A Lagrangian relaxation-based decomposition
algorithm. Omega, 102, p.102371.
J., D’Ariano, A., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Yang, L. and Tang, T., 2021. Timetable
coordination in a rail transit network with time-dependent passenger
demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(1),
Q., Liu, J., Haghani, A., Meng, L. and Wang, Y.(王义惠), 2020. Energy-efficient
speed profile optimization for medium-speed maglev trains. Transportation
Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 141, p.102007.
Q., Liu, J., Haghani, A., Meng, L. and Wang, Y.(王义惠), 2020. Optimal Energy
Speed Profile of Medium-Speed Maglev Trains Integrating the Power Supply
System and Train Control System. Transportation Research Record,
S., Meng, L., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Miao, J. and Li, X., 2020. A Discrete-Space
Train Movement Model for a High-Speed Train under Temporary Speed
Restriction. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020.
Wang (王义惠), A. D’Ariano, J. Yin, L. Meng, T. Tang, and B. Ning. Passenger
demand oriented train scheduling and rolling stock circulation planning
for an urban rail transit line. Transportation Research Part B:
Methodological, vol. 118, 193-227, 2018.
Luan, Y. Wang(王义惠), B. De Schutter, L. Meng, G. Lodewijks, F.
Corman. Integration of real-time traffic management and train control for
rail networks - Part 1: Optimization problems and solution approaches.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 115, pp.41-71, 2018.
Luan, Y. Wang(王义惠), B. De Schutter, L. Meng, G. Lodewijkse, F.
Corman. Integration of real-time trac management and train control for
rail networks - Part 2: Extensions towards energy-efficient train
operations. Transportation Research Part B, vol.115, pp.72-94, 2018.
Wang(王义惠), T. Tang, B. Ning, L. Meng. Integrated optimization of regular
train schedule and train circulation plan for urban rail transit lines.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,
vol.105, pp: 83-104, 2017.
Wang(王义惠), Z. Liao, T. Tang, B. Ning. Train scheduling and circulation
planning in urban rail transit lines. Control Engineering Practice, vol.
61, pp: 112-123, 2017.
Wang(王义惠), S. Su, X. Pan, F. Cao, T. Tang, B. Ning, and B. De Schutter,
"Integrated line planning and train scheduling for an urban rail
transit line," Transportation Research Record, no. 2540,
pp. 66-75, 2016.
Su, T. Tang, Y. Wang (王义惠). Evaluation of Strategies to Reducing Traction
Energy Consumption of Metro Systems Using an Optimal Train Control
Simulation Model. Energies, vol. 9, no.2, pp.1-19, 2016.
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, B. Ning, and T. Tang, “Efficient
real-time train scheduling for urban rail transit systems using iterative
convex programming,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, vol.16, no. 6, pp. 3337-3352, Dec. 2015. (SCI)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, T. Tang, and B. Ning, “Passenger-
Demands-Oriented Train Scheduling for an Urban Rail Transit Network,”
Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 60, pp. 1-23, 2015. (SCI index)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, B. Ning, and T. Tang, “Efficient
bi-level approach for urban rail transit operation with stop-skipping,”
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.15, no. 6,
pp. 2658-2670, Dec. 2014. (SCI index)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. Ning, " Optimal
trajectory planning for trains under fixed and moving signaling systems
using mixed integer linear programming," Control Engineering
Practice, vol. 22, pp. 44-56, Jan. 2014. (SCI index:000329385200005)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. Ning, "Optimal
trajectory planning for trains - A pseudospectral method and a mixed
integer linear programming approach," Transportation Research Part C,
vol. 29, pp. 97-114, Apr. 2013. (SCI index: 000317162000007, EI index:
王义惠, 罗仁士, 于振宇, 宁滨. 考虑ATP限速的ATO控制算法研究, 铁道学报, 2012, 34(5):59-64. (EI index: 20122815233969)
王义惠, 罗仁士, 曹芳, 宁滨. 铁路避撞系统RCAS的关键问题研究, 铁道学报,2012, 34(6):46-50. (EI
index: 20123015280682)
会议论文 (Selected conference papers)
S. Long,
L. Meng, Y. Wang (王义惠), J. Miao, T.
Li, F. Corman. Train rescheduling optimization model with considering the train
control for a high-speed railway line under temporary speed restriction. The
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019). Auckland, New
Zealand, pp. 2809 - 2816, Oct. 2019.
X. Li,
L. Meng, Y. Wang (王义惠), S. Long, J.
Miao. A rescheduling optimization model under temporary speed restriction. The
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ( ITSC 2019). Auckland, New
Zealand, pp. 3726 - 3731, Oct. 2019.
Wang (王义惠), M. Zhang, S. Su, T. Tang, B. Ning, L.
Chen. An operation level based train regulation model for a metro line. The
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ( ITSC 2019). Auckland, New
Zealand, pp. 2920 - 2925, Oct. 2019.
Besinovic, Y. Wang (王义惠), S. Zhu, E.
Quaglietta, T. Tang, R.M.P. Goverde. Integrated train and passenger disruption
management for urban railway lines. The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
Conference ( ITSC 2019). Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 3182 - 3187, Oct. 2019.
Yin, A. D’Ariano, Y. Wang (王义惠), J. Xun, S.
Su, T. Tang. Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Models for Coordinated Train
Timetabling with Dynamic Demand. The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
Conference ( ITSC 2019). Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 863 - 868, Oct. 2019.
Y., Niu, R., Wang, Y.(王义惠), Luan, X.,
Samà, M. and D’Ariano, A., 2019, September. Train Rescheduling for an Urban
Rail Transit Line under Disruptions. In RailNorrköping 2019. 8th International
Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA), Norrköping,
Sweden, June 17th–20th, 2019 (No. 069, pp. 253-269). Linköping University
Electronic Press.
X. Li,
L. Meng, Y. Wang (王义惠), S. Long, K.
Zhang. A method for calculating the issuing timing of temporary speed restriction,
The IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, Marina
Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 12-14, 2018.
Zhang, Y. Wang (王义惠), S. Su, F. Cao, T. Tang, and B. Ning."
Train scheduling with short turning strategy for an urban rail transit line
with multiple depots," Proceedings of the 20th International IEEE
Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2017), Yokohama, Japan,
pp. 714-719, Oct. 2017.
Luo, Y. Wang (王义惠), F. Cao, M. Zhang, T. Tang. Collaborative
optimization of train schedule and circulation plan. 2017中国自动化大会(CAC
2017), PP.5067-5072, Oct. 2017.
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, B.
Ning, and T. Tang, “Origin- destination dependent train scheduling problem with
stop skipping for urban rail transit systems,” in Proceedings of the 93nd
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, Jan. 2014.
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, B.
Ning, and T. Tang, " Real-Time Scheduling for Trains in Urban Rail Transit
Systems Using Nonlinear Optimization," Proceedings of the 16th
International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC
2013), The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 1334-1339, Oct. 2013. (EI index: 20140917394341)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T.J.J. van den Boom,
B. Ning, and T. Tang, "Real-time scheduling in urban rail transit
operations control," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference
on Intelligent Rail Transportation (IEEE ICIRT 2013), Beijing, China, 6 pp.,
Aug.-Sept. 2013. (EI index: 20140717303255)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T. van den Boom, and
B. Ning, "Optimal trajectory planning for trains under a moving block
signaling system," Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference,
Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 4556-4561, July 2013. (EI index: 20140717299436)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T.J.J. van den Boom,
and B. Ning, "A suboptimal control scheme of multiple trains based on mode
vector constraints," Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on
Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailCopenhagen), Copenhagen,
Denmark, 12 pp., May 2013.
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, T.J.J. van den Boom,
and B. Ning, "Optimal trajectory planning for trains under operational
constraints using mixed integer linear programming," Proceedings of the
13th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS'2012), Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 158-163, Sept. 2012. (EI index: 20133216595138)
Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, B. Ning, N. Groot,
and T.J.J. van den Boom, "Optimal trajectory planning for trains using
mixed integer linear programming," Proceedings of the 14th International
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2011), Washington,
DC, pp. 1598-1603, Oct. 2011. (SCI index: 000298654700262, EI index: 20115114620988)
Wang (王义惠), B. Ning, F. Cao, B. De Schutter, and
T.J.J. van den Boom, "A survey on optimal trajectory planning for train
operations," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on
Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT 2011), Beijing, China, pp. 589-594, July
2011. (EI index: 20121714966221)
Wang (王义惠), R. Luo, F. Cao, B. Ning. "Train
tracking problem using a hybrid system model," Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in the Railway
and other Transit Systems, Beijing, China, pp. 89-97, Aug.-Sept. 2010.
S. Su, Y. Wang (王义惠), B. De Schutter, X. Li, and T. Tang, “A subway
train timetable optimization approach based on energy efficient operation
strategy,” in Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation
Research Board, Washington, DC, Jan. 2013.
[1] Y. Wang (王义惠), B. Ning, T. van den Boom, B. De Schutter. “Optimal
Trajectory Planning and Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Systems”,
Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016. (ISBN:
王义惠, 宁滨, 唐涛, 宿帅. 基于客流需求的列车运行图自动编制方法,专利类型:发明,专利授权号:ZL 2016 1 0074699.5.
王义惠, 宁滨, 唐涛, 宿帅, 廖志斌. 一种基于车底复用的列车运行图自动编制方法, 专利类型:发明,专利授权号:ZL 2017 1 0428127.7.
Top 10 Best papers at the 9th International seminar on railway operations modelling and analysis - RailBeijing 2021
Outstanding Journal Paper Award for ``Railway Transportation and Economics'' in 2021
Excellent Graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University (Supervisor for the master student)
- Informs RAS international committee成员;
- Dutch Institute of
Systems and Control, TRAIL Research School, International Association of
Railway Operations Research等研究协会(IAROR)会员;
- 担任
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Transportation Research Part B,Transportation Research Part C,
Transportation Research Part E,
Engineering Practice,
Journal of Rail Transport Planning
& Management,
Transportation Research Record等期刊的审稿人