办公电话:010-51687139 | 电子邮件: wxxu@bjtu.edu.cn |
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1.教育部教改项目:职业教育计算机课程标准研制,2017-06-01-2018-06-30, 20.0万元,主持
2.北京市科委: 轨道交通车辆关键设备故障诊断系统开发, 2017-01-01-2019-12-31, 80.0万元,参加
3.国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于云计算的海量多源智慧交通数据流的实时查询与可视化研究, 2017-01-01-2020-12-31,50.0万元,主持
4.北京交通大学:《轨道交通工程资料管理规程软件系统》开发、安装、维护、使用技术服务, 2015-01-01-2018-12-31, 38万元,主持
5.北京交通大学:“《轨道交通工程资料管理规程(修编)》电子化技术服务”,2014-06-01-- 2015-04-21, 8万元,主持
6.北京交通大学:“广州市有轨电车系统编码体系研究”, 2014-04-25--2015-04-25, 40万元,主持
7.北京交通大学:“轨道交通土建工程施工质量验收标准和资料管理规程及计算机软件开发研究(子项目)”,2014-3-27--2016-7-31, 24万元,主持
1.Jin Zhou,Weixiang Xu*,Xin Guo,Xumin Liu, A hierarchical network modeling method for railway tunnels safety assessment. Physica A,2016.10.12,467:226~239 ; (SCI)
2.Jie Zhu,Weixiang Xu*,Jiachuan Wang,Public Bike Rental Station Scheduling Demand Analysis. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin ,2016.5.12,25(5):1533~1537 ; (SCI)
3.Xu Weixiang*, Jia Lin. Research on an Approach of Cloud Workloads Deployment to Public Cloud Based on Open Source Standard. International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. Vol. 9/,No. 3/,209-220,2015 (EI)
4.Zhao Xiuli*, Xu Weixiang, An Extended Affinity Propagation Clustering Method Based on Different Data Density Types, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 2015, Article ID 828057, 8 pages. 2015 (SCI)
5.Zhou Jin, Xu Weixiang*, Guo Xin, Ding Jing, A method for modeling and analysis of directed weighted accident causation network (DWACN), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 437: 263-277 (SCI)
6.Zhou Jin∗, Xu Weixiang, Guo Xin and Ma Xin. Railway Faults Spreading Model based on Dynamics of Complex Network, Vol. 29 (2015) 1550038 13 pages. 2015 (SCI)
7.Xu Weixiang*, Fan Yinhong, Zhang Junxue. Association Rules Algorithm and Its Application in the Maintenance of the Tunnel, International Journal of Simulation Modelling (ISSN: 1726-4529), Volume 13, Number 4, pp: 458-471. 2014 (SCI)
8.周世波, 徐维祥*, 一种基于偏离的局部离群点检测算法, 仪器仪表学报, 35(10), pp: 2293-2298. 2014 (EI)
9.周世波, 徐维祥*, 柴田, 基于数据加权策略的模糊C均值聚类算法, 系统工程与电子技术, 35(11), pp 2314-2319. 2014 (EI)
10.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. Efficient Processing of Continuous Skyline Query over Smarter Traffic Data Stream for Cloud Computing, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (ISSN: 1026-0226), Volume 2013, Article ID 209672, 10 pages. 2013 (SCI)
11.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. Continuous Distributed Top-k Monitoring over High-Speed Rail Data Stream on Cloud Computing Environment, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, (ISSN: 1687-8132) , Volume 2013, Article ID 590234, 8 pages. 2013 (SCI)
12.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wei Lili, Wang Hanning. Study of railway track irregularity standard deviation time series based on data mining and linear model, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (ISSN: 1024-123X), Volume 2013, Article ID 486738. 2013 (SCI)
13.Xu Weixiang*, Wang Zixu, Research on Ride-Sharing Taxi Model Optimization and Routing Choice Based on the Genetic Algorithm, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol.32, pp 103-110. 2013 (EI)
14.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Futian, Jia Chaolong. A Cloud-Computing-Based Data Placement Strategy in High-Speed Railway, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (ISSN: 1026-0226), Volume 2012, Article ID 396387, 15 pages. 2012 (SCI)
15.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Futian, Wang Hanning. Track Irregularity Time Series Analysis and Trend Forecasting, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (ISSN: 1026-0226), Volume 2012, Article ID 387857. 2012 (SCI)
16.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. Metadata-oriented data model supporting railway distributed system integration, Journal of Software, 7(4), pp.814-822. 2012 (ISSN: 1796-217X). 2012 (EI: 20121814988410)
17.Wang Hanning*, Xu Weixiang, Jia Chaolong,Research on intelligent transportation cloud metadata replica technology based on Paxos ,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(English Edition), 21(suppl.2), pp:61-68. 2012 (EI)
18.赵秀丽, 徐维祥*. 一种移动物体时空轨迹聚类的相似性度量方法, 信息与控制, 2012, 41(1), pp.63-67. 2012
19.贾朝龙, 徐维祥*, 王寒凝. 轨道不平顺时间序列关联度及其变化趋势研究, 交通运输系统工程与信息(ISSN: 1009-6744) , 2012,Vol.12 (6), pp. 157-163. 2012 (CSCD)
20.贾朝龙, 徐维祥*, 王福田, 王寒凝. 基于GM(1,1)与AR模型的轨道不平顺状态预测, 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版)(ISSN: 1673-0291), 2012,Vol.36 (3), pp. 52-56. 2012 (CSCD)
21.Zhao Xiuli, Xu Weixiang*. A new measurement method to calculate similarity of moving object spatio-temporal trajectories by compact representation, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2011, 4(6), pp.1140-1147. 2011 (SCI)
22.赵秀丽, 徐维祥*. 基于有趣地点压缩的时空轨迹聚类, 北京交通大学学报(自然科学版)(ISSN: 1673-0291), 2011, 35(3), pp.53-57. 2011
23.赵秀丽, 徐维祥*. 在物流RFID数据库中挖掘时空模式, 物流技术, 2011, 30(9), pp.101-103. 2011
24.胡志刚, 徐维祥*. 聚类分析在隧道开挖变形速率中的应用, 公路交通科技, 2011, 28(2), pp.97-102. 2011
25.陈煜, 徐维祥*. 基于逆向搜索的关联规则算法更新, 计算机工程, 2011, 37(8), pp.25-27. 2011
26.许良锋,徐维祥.国际物流航空运输管理系统的设计与实现,物流技术(ISSN: 1005-152X),2010,29(16),P56-60. 2010
27.Zhao Xiuli, Xu Weixiang. A New Measurement Method to Calculate Similarity of Moving Object Spatio-Temporal Trajectories by Compact Representation, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (ISSN: 1875-6883),2008,4(6),P1140-1147.
28.武弦,徐维祥.基于改进聚类分析算法的供应商选择研究,物流技术(ISSN: 1005-152X),2009,28(6),P64-66.
29.洪雪飞,徐维祥. 基于变精度粗糙集的决策树改进方法,计算机工程与应用(ISSN: 1002-8331),2009,45(13),p.163-165.
30.刘健,徐维祥,刘旭敏.公交出行最优路线查询系统设计,计算机应用(ISSN: 1001-9081),2009,29(B12)p.110-112.
31.孟文君,徐维祥.单亲遗传算法在TSP问题中的应用,物流技术(ISSN: 1005-152X),2009,28(11),p.73-75.
32.丁小兵,徐维祥.WEB GIS/GPS与WEB运单管理系统在物流运输安全中的应用,物流技术(ISSN: 1005-152X),2008,27(8),p.195-202.
33.孙凌燕,徐维祥.基于加权朴素贝叶斯分类的供应商评价模型,物流技术(ISSN: 1005-152X),2008,27(5),p.72-74.
34.薛永庆,徐维祥.一种适应大型数据库的多支持度关联规则算法,计算机工程与应用(ISSN: 1002-8331),2008,44(2),p.182-185.
35.Xu Weixiang*, L. Xu, X. M. Liu, James D. Jones. A new approach to decision-making with key constraint and its application in Enterprise Information Systems. Enterprise Information Systems. 2008. Vol.2, No.3. 1751-7575.
1.Ma Jin, Xu Weixiang*. Thickness Evaluation and Rebar Recognition of Railway Tunnel Lining Based on GPR. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation. 2015, pp. 665-675 DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-49370-0_69, Zhuzhou, China.2016 (EI)
2.Xu Weixiang*, Wang Zixu, Liao Jihang. Research on optimization of model and routing choice for ride-sharing taxi, Proceedings of LISS 2013 pp.642-646 (ISBN: 978-3-642-40659-1), Beijing China, 2013
3.Xu Weixiang*, Jialin. Research on the Mobility Issue of Cloud Workloads Based on Open Source Standards, ICCSNT 2013 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, pp.811-815 (ISBN: 978-1-4799-0561-4), Dalian China, 2013
4.Xu Weixiang*, Yang Hucheng. Urban Common Delivery Model Analysis and System Design, Mechatronics and Control Engineering, 2013.04, HongKong, pp.772-777 (ISBN: 978-3-03785 -737-3), 2013
5.Canghui Zhu, Xu Weixiang*, Ran Fang. Bi-level Programming for Dispatching the Traffic Rescue Vehicle over the Expressway Network, The 8th Advanced Forum on Transportation of China, Beijing China, 2013
6.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*. The research of improved Apriori algorithm, 2012 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 201207, pp.307-313 (ISBN: 978-3-642-32055-2), Beijing China, 2012
7.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. A High-speed Railway Data Placement Strategy Based on Cloud Computing, Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336), Vols. 135-136 (2012), pp.43-49 (ICIE2011) (ISBN: 978-3-03785-290-3). 2012 (EI: 20114914578793)
8.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Hanning. Analysis and forecast of track composite irregularity, Procedia Engineering, (ISSN: 1877-7058), Vol.15 (2011)1-42, pp.1288-1292. 2012 (Elsevier, EI: 20115214630948) (CPCI-S/ISTP: 000300876501063)
9.Xu Weixiang*, Sun Lingyan, Liu Xumin. An improved weighted mixed bayes classification model, Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, Part 1, 179-180, pp.1260-1265. 2011 (EI)
10.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Hanning. Study of Management Information System of Railway Permanent Way Safety Risks and Comprehensive Evaluation, Procedia Engineering, (ISSN: 1877-7058),Vol.15 (2011) 1-42, pp.1293-1297. 2011 (EI:20115214630949) (CPCI- S/ISTP: 000300876501064)
11.Xu Weixiang*, Wang Liuqiang, Liu Xumin. Quadratic TC-Bezier curves with shape parameter, Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, Part 1, 179-180, pp.1187-1192. 2011 (EI)
12.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Hanning. Study on Data Management of High-Speed Railway Transport Equipment Based on Metadata, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (ISSN: 1660-9336), Vol.44-47(2011), pp.3771-3775. 2011 (EI:20110313586527) (CPCI-S/ISTP: 0003025942 01332)
13.Liu Yue, Xu Weixiang*. The method of test for state of railway tunnel lining based on association rules, DSDE 2011, 2011, pp.387-390. 2011 (EI)
14.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Hanning. Prediction of track geometry status based on gray forecast-kalman filter analysis, Proceedings of the ASME/ASCE/IEEE 2011 Joint Rail Conference, JRC2011. Volume 1, pp.85-89 (ISBN: 978-0-7918-5459-4), 2011 (EI:20121814979791) (CPCI-S/ISTP: 000322053400009)
15.Chen Yu, Xu Weixiang*. The association rules updating algorithm based on reverse search, ICMMA 2011, pp.1126-1131. 2011 (EI)
16.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang*, Wang Hanning. Application of Time Series Analysis in the Analysis and Forecasting of Track Geometry Status, Applied Mechanics and Materials, (ISSN: 1660-9336), Vol.44-47(2011), pp.3767-3770. 2011 (EI:20110313586526) (CPCI-S/ISTP: 000302594 201331)
17.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. Dynamic Metadata Query Algorithm of High-speed Railway Basic Data Based on Heterogeneous Integration, proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, vol.7, pp.3422-3425 (EMEIT 2011)(ISBN: 9781612840857). 2011 (EI:20114014403858)
18.Ren Wei, Xu Weixiang*. Minimum weighted mining in frequent directed subgraphs, DSDE 2011, 2011, pp.391-395. 2011 (EI)
19.Wang Hanning, Xu Weixiang*, Jia Chaolong. A Data Model Supporting Railway Distributed System Integration, Proceedings of the ASME/ASCE/IEEE 2011 Joint Rail Conference, JRC2011. Volume 1, pp.387-394 (ISBN: 978-0-7918-5459-4). 2011 (EI:20121814979826)(CPCI-S/ISTP: 000322 053400044)
20.Jia Chaolong, Xu Weixiang, Liu Xumin, “Forecasting of the track state using BP neural network based on Kalman filtering”, Proceedings of the ASME Joint Rail Conference 2010(ISBN: 978-0-7918-4906-4), JRC2010, Volume 1, pp:293-298. 2010 (EI: 20104413346011) (ISTP: ISI: 000290415700033).
21.Xu Weixiang, Xujing. A Pruning method based on conditional misclassification, Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISBN: 978-3-03785-004-6), 44/47, pp. 3448-3452. 2010
22.Liu Zhenyu, Xu Weixiang, Efficiently Using Matrix in Mining Maximum Frequent Itemset, Third International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, IEEE Computer Society(ISBN 978-0-7695-3923-2), Phuket, Thailand. PP50-54. 2010
23.Liu Xumin, Xu Weixiang,Guan Yong,Shang Yuanyuan. Trigonometric Polynomial Uniform B-spline Surface with Shape Parameter,ICCIT2009,24-26 November, 2009, Seoul, Korea.
24.Zhao Xiu-Li, Xu Wei-Xiang. A Clustering-Based Approach for Discovering Interesting Places in A Single Trajectory. The Second International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA 2009), Changsha, Hunan, China, 10-11 October 2009.Volume Ⅲ. 429-432.
25.Zhao Xiu-Li, Xu Wei-Xiang. Mining Spatio-Temporal Association Rules in Bus IC Card Databases. The 2nd Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS 2009), Shenzhen, China. December 19-20, 2009. Volume 1. 125-128.
26.Liu Xumin, Xu Weixiang,Guan Yong,Shang Yuanyuan. The Effect of Shape Parameters on Hyperbolic Polynomial Uniform B-spline Curve Model, ICIECS2009, December 19-20, 2009 in Wuhan,China.
27.Liu Xumin, Xu Weixiang. Uniform B-spline Curve and Surface with Shape Parameters,CSSE 2008,China December 12-14, 2008.(2):975-979
28.Xu Weixiang, Liu Xumin. Researching into human-computer interface for the remote supervision of railway luggage application system, 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City Marriott CityCenter, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 21-26, 2008: 233-236.
[1] 徐维祥.控制室设计与人机工程学手册[M]。国内:人民邮电出版社,2011-01
[2] 钟雁,徐维祥,王喜富,钱大琳,任远.《管理信息系统案例分析》(高等学校经济与工商管理系列教材[M]。清华大学出版社、北京交通大学出版社,2006-06
[3] 钟雁,邵丽萍,徐维祥.《管理信息系统》网络课件[M]。高等教育出版社、高等教育电子音像出版社,2003-09
[4] 徐维祥,刘旭敏. 全国计算机等级考试一级考试参考书(03.12)[M]。高等教育出版社,2003-06
[5] 徐维祥,刘旭敏. 数据库应用基础教程(03.12)[M]。高等教育出版社,
[1] 徐维祥, 王君历, 刘旭敏. 无人值守铁路平交道口声控自动预警装置及其方法, 2011.7,中国,ZL 2006 1 0088887.X
[2] 徐维祥, 丁小兵. 一种随速度变化而改变外形使摩托车能平稳站立的轮胎, 2011.4, 中国,ZL 2009 1 0079722.X