- 应用传播
- 理论传播
- 中国特色社会主义对外传播研究
- 新闻传播学硕士
- 新闻与传播硕士
- 马克思主义理论博士
2018年天津滨海综合研究院委托课题:《国家新区媒体认知与美誉度评价暨滨海新区产业吸引力研究》(合同经费20.6万元) ,已结项;
(一)英文期刊论文(* 通讯作者)
1. Su, Linsen & Li, Xigen* (2023). The Effects of Message Attributes and Source Characteristics of News Posts on Audience Engagement on Social Media, Asian Journal of Communication (SSCI), DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2023.2200435
2. Su, Linsen, Du, Juan, & Du, Zhitao.* (2022). Government communication, perceptions of COVID-19, and Vaccination intention: A multi-group comparison, Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI), 12, 783374.
3. Su, Linsen & Li, Xigen* (2020). Perceived Agenda-Setting Effects in International Context: Media’s Impacts on Americans’ Perception toward China, the International Communication Gazette (SSCI), 83(7) 708–729.
4. Su, Linsen & Chen, Shih-Chih* (2019). Exploring the Typology and Impacts of Audience Gratifications Gained from TV–Smartphone Multitasking, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (SSCI), (36)8, 725-735.
5. Chan-Olmsted, Sylvia. & Su, Linsen* (2017). Relationship between Advertising and Consumption in China: Exploring the Roles of Economic Development and Mass Media, Global Media and China, XX: 1–19.
6. Su, Linsen (2010). The Relation between Media Expenditure and General Economy, China Media Research, 6(3), 13-25.
Zhang, Hongzhong & Su, Linsen (2013). Chinese media and journalists in transition, David H. Weaver & Lars Willnat (Ed.) The Global Journalist in the 21st Century (Routledge Communication Series, ISBN-13: 978-0415885775), New York, NY: Routledge.
(三)中文期刊l论文(部分)(* 通讯作者)
1. 苏林森:“看电视如何影响幸福感?——直接效果和社会交往、物质主义的中介效应分析”,《国际新闻界》,2023年第11期(CSSCI)
5. 苏林森:“感知的议程设置效果:媒介对美国人涉华认知的影响研究”,《中国新闻传播研究》2018年(上),(CSSCI集刊)
6. 苏林森、程思琪:“居民收入如何影响文化消费?基于 CGSS2013 微观数据的分析”,《城市问题》,2018年第12期(CSSCI)
7. 苏林森:“美国人眼中的东方巨龙 :涉华新闻关注与美国人对中国的认知、态度的关系”,《国际新闻界》,2018年第5期(CSSCI)
8. 苏林森:“美国受众对中国英语媒体的使用与效果研究”,《当代传播》,2017年第2期(CSSCI)
9. 苏林森:“智能手机在中国的采纳和使用研究:基于北京的调查研究”,《西南民族大学学报》(人文社科版),2016年第4期(CSSCI)
10. 苏林森:“改革开放以来中国广告业、宏观经济与政策的互动关系”,《新闻大学》2015年第5期(CSSCI)
11. 苏林森:“中国报业市场结构的政治经济分析”,《当代传播》,2014年第6期(CSSCI)
12. 苏林森等:“大数据技术对传播研究方法的影响与挑战”,《现代传播》,2014年第11期(CSSCI)
13. 苏林森、马慧娟、张东岳:“大数据对新闻生产的影响”,《科研信息化技术与应用》,2014年第3期
14. 苏林森:“被再现的他者——中国工人群体的媒介形象”,《国际新闻界》,2013年第8期(CSSCI)
15. 苏林森:“我国报业广告与发行市场集中度研究”,《西南民族大学学报》(人文社科版),2013年第5期(CSSCI)
16. 苏林森:“我国新闻从业者的职业压力研究”,《新闻大学》,2013年第1期(CSSCI)
17. 苏林森:“新媒体环境下国民阅读的特点与趋势——基于1999-2011年全国国民阅读调查的分析”,《中国青年政治学院学报》,2013年第2期(CSSCI)
18. 苏林森:“宣传者、营利者和传播者——中国新闻从业者的角色认知”,《国际新闻界》,2012年第8期(CSSCI)
19. 苏林森:“改革开放以来中国广告业与宏观经济的协整分析”,《新闻与传播研究》,2012年第3期(CSSCI)
20. 苏林森:“中国新闻从业者职业流动性及其影响因素的分析”,《中国出版》,2012年第1期(CSSCI)
21. 苏林森:“网络广告效果评估的现状、问题与修正”,《西南民族大学学报》(人文社科版),2011年第10期(《新华文摘》2012年2月辑)(CSSCI)
22. 苏林森:“广告开发度:概念、意义及其中国实践”,《江淮论坛》,2011年第3期(CSSCI)
23. 苏林森:“中国报刊退出的意义和善后责任”,《当代传播》,2011年第5期(CSSCI)
1. Su, Linsen (2023). Does Media Use Promote Political Participation Equally?—A Cross-Country Investigation Based on World Value Survey 7. Paper to be presented at the 73rd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Ontario, Canada, May 2023.
2. Su, Linsen & Yan, Qihong. (2020). Impact of Issue- and Medium-Specific Characteristics on News Effects —Evidence from the News Posts of top 100 Traditional Media Sina Weibo Accounts. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Online, July12-17, 2020
3. Yan, Qihong. & Su, Linsen (2020). The Moderated Mediator Effect of Audience Personality Characteristics on Their Perceived Agenda Setting Effect—a Analysis of Posts of Top 100 Media Sina Accounts. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Online, July12-17, 2020
4. Su, Linsen & Li, Xigen (2020). Social Face and Smartphone Hedonic-Utilitarian Functionality in China. Paper presented at the 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, online, May 2020.
5. Su, Linsen & Li, Xigen (2018), Perceived Agenda-Setting Effects in International Context: Media’s Impacts on Americans’ Perception toward China. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2018
6. Su, Linsen (2016), The Knowing, Adoption, and Usage of Wechat in China: Diffusion Pattern and Impacting Factors. Paper accepted by the 12th World Media Economics and Management Conference, New York, May 2-6, 2016
7. Su, Linsen & Wanta, Wanye. (2016). Perceived Agenda-Setting Effects: Factors Impacting Awareness of Media Influence. Paper accepted by Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, Minneapolis, MN, August 4-6, 2016
8. Su, Linsen (2015), The Agenda-Setting Examination in China on Smog Issue. Paper accepted by the Sixth Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication, Kobe, Japan, November 12-15, 2015
9. Su, Linsen & Li, Mingqian (2014). The Influence Mechanism of the Advertising and National Economy: the Chinese Experience (1979-2010) . Paper accepted by the 97th annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) on August 6th to 9th, 2014, Montreal, Canada, August, 2014.
10. Su, Linsen (2010). Beyond the Principle of Relative Constancy: Determinants of Media Expenditures into the Era of Internet in U.S. Paper accepted by the conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, June, 2014.
11. Su, Linsen & Kenneth, Fleming (2009). Patterns of Media Expenditures in China: Beyond the Principle of Relative Constancy. Paper accepted by the conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Chicago, IL, May, 2009.
12. Su, Linsen & Kenneth, Fleming (2008). Examining use of the Internet and traditional media in Chinese college students. Paper presented at conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL, August, 2008.
1. 刘凯、苏林森等:《中国交通舆情发展报告(2015-2020)》,社会科学文献出版社2021年11月;
2. 苏林森 著:《商业传播研究》,中国国际广播出版社,2018年6月;
3. 苏林森 著:《媒介消费与宏观经济的关系研究》,中国人民大学出版社2012年1月;
苏林森 译:《传播统计法:定量研究操作指南》(第五版)(Reasoning With
Statistics: How To Read Quantitative Research by Williams, Frederick, Monge, & Peter),清华大学出版社2011年1月(译著,26.4万字);
宋晖、吴磷、苏林森 编著:《舆论学实务教程》,中国传媒大学出版社2015年1月;
王春枝、刘涛、苏林森 译:《媒介公司管理:赢取创造性利润》(Managing
media companies: Harnessing creative value by Annet Aris & Jacques
7. 苏林森、董友斌、罗有晗 著:《工会职工舆情工作理论与实践》,中国工人出版社,2014年4月。