

姓  名:


职  务:

职  称:


学  历:


学  位:



邮  编:





2007.08-2011.12  美国佛罗里达大学 土木工程 博士
2010.10-2010.12  荷兰乌特勒支大学 人类地理与空间规划 访问学者(Short Stay Fellowship
2007.08-2010.05  美国佛罗里达大学 统计学 硕士
2004.09-2007.07 清华大学 土木工程 硕士
2000.09-2004.07 清华大学 土木工程 学士


2020.12-至今        北京交通大学 教授
2021.04-2022.04 北京市住房和城乡建设委员会 重点工程协调处 副处长(挂职)
2014.12-2020.11 北京交通大学 副教授
2012.02-2014.11 北京交通大学 讲师


  • 交通运输规划与管理
  • 交通运输(专业学位)
  • 城市交通工程理论与技术


  • 交通运输规划与管理硕士
  • 交通运输硕士
  • 交通运输规划与管理博士




首都高端智库课题: 京津冀交通一体化未来战略方向研究(2)-2, 2020-2020
北京交通大学: 周口市城市综合交通规划, 2017-2021
北京交通大学: 北京市交通出行链生成模型研究, 2019-2020
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于精细网格化管理的交通小区划分与出行需求全景拟合方法, 2020-2023
国家发展改革委: 交通领域技术创新战略研究, 2018-2021
其它部市: 《公路交通工程及沿线设施设计通用规范》(JTG D80)中译英编译服务, 2018-2022
首都高端智库“决策咨询重大课题”: 北京落实建设交通强国战略研究, 2018-2018
其它: 手机信令数据清洗与存储技术开发, 2017-2017
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于驾驶人认知与车辆操控行为的追尾事故风险辨识与智能预警方法, 2018-2021
北京市哲社办: 京津冀城市群跨区域交通规划管理体制与协调机制研究, 2016-2020
其它: 成渝城市群综合交通运输现状分析与规划审核, 2016-2018
科技部“863”: 位置服务应用开放支撑平台研制与示范应用, 2015-2017
其它部市: 全球环境基金“缓解大城市拥堵 减少碳排放项目” “十三五”交通运输发展规划大纲研究, 2014-2018
国际合作: 制定国家城市交通发展规划指南-交通管理方法研究, 2013-2016
国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 非集计交通需求模型中输入数据的人工合成方法, 2013-2015






26. Duan, Ke, Xuedong Yan, Lu Ma, Junyu Hang, and Xiaomeng Li. 2020. “A Multistage Analytic Model of the Longitudinal and Lateral Acceleration during Lane Changing in Work Zone Areas with the Aid of a Driving Simulator Experiment.” Transportation Letters , 1–11.
25. Xujia Gu, Xuedong Yan*, Lu Ma, Xiaobing Liu, 2020. Modeling the service-route-based crash frequency by a spatiotemporal-random-effect zero-inflated negative binomial model: An empirical analysis for bus-involved crashes, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 105674
24. Li, Shurong, Chong Wei, Xuedong Yan, Lu Ma, Deqi Chen, and Ying Wang. 2020. “A Deep Adaptive Traffic Signal Controller With Long-Term Planning Horizon and Spatial-Temporal State Definition Under Dynamic Traffic Fluctuations.” IEEE Access 8: 37087–104.
23. Wei, Chong, Ying Wang, Yasuo Asakura, and Lu Ma. 2019. “A Nonlinear Programing Model for Collision-Free Lane-Change Trajectory Planning Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication.” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1–21.
22. Hui Xiong, Lu Ma, Mengxi Ning, Xu Zhao*, Jinxian Weng, 2019.The tolerable waiting time: A generalized Pareto distribution model with empirical investigation, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137:106019
21. Lu Ma, Shuai Zhang, Xuedong Yan*, Chong Wei, 2019. A hurdle finite mixture lognormal crash rate estimation model for addressing heterogeneous characteristics of influential factors, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 11(5): 443-463
20. Lu Ma, Hui Xiong*, Zhong Wang, Kaiqiang Xie, 2019. Impact of weather conditions on middle school students commute mode choices: Empirical findings from Beijing, China. Transportation Research Part D, 68: 39-51
19. Lu Ma, Hao Zhang, Xuedong Yan, Jiangfeng Wang, Ziqi Song, Hui Xiong*, 2019. Smooth associations between the emergency medical services response time and the risk of death in road traffic crashes. Journal of Transport & Health, 12: 379-391
18. Hui Xiong, Lu Ma*, Chong Wei, Xuedong Yan, Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan, Jinchuan Chen, 2019. Exploring behavioral heterogeneities of elementary school students' commute mode choices through the urban travel big data of Beijing, China. IEEE Access, 7: 22235 - 22245
17. Jinxian Weng*, Yao Yu, Lu Ma, 2019. Uncertainty-based prediction of work zone capacity using a Bayesian approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 172(1): 24-35
16. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, Xinyu Liu, 2018. Exploring multi-stage driving behaviours prior to potential vehicle–pedestrian collisions. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 171(4): 216–224
15. Hang, Junyu, Xuedong Yan*, Lu Ma, Ke Duan, and Yuting Zhang. 2018. Exploring the Effects of the Location of the Lane-End Sign and Traffic Volume on Multistage Lane-Changing Behaviors in Work Zone Areas: A Driving Simulator-Based Study. Transportation Research Part F 58: 980–993
14. Chong Wei*, Xuedong Yan, Chunfu Shao, Jiang Sun, Lu Ma, 2018. Choice behavior of the elderly regarding street-crossing facility, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018
13. Lu Ma*, Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan, 2016. An empirical assessment of factors affecting the accuracy of target-year synthetic populations, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 85: 247-264
12. Lu Ma, Guan Wang, Xuedong Yan* Jinxian Weng, 2016. A hybrid finite mixture model for exploring heterogeneous ordering patterns of driver injury severity. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 89: 62-73
11. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, Chong Wei, Jiangfeng Wang, 2016. Modeling the equivalent property damage only crash rate for road segments using the hurdle regression framework, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 11:48-61
10. Jinxian Weng*, Gang Du, Lu Ma, 2016. Driver injury severity analysis for two work zone types, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 169(2): 97-106
09. Lu Ma, Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan*, 2015. Synthetic population generation with multilevel controls: a fitness-based synthesis approach and validations, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30: 135-150
08. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, Jinxian Weng, 2015. Modeling traffic crash rates of road segments through a lognormal hurdle framework with flexible scale parameter, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 49(8): 928-940
07. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, 2015. Assessing traffic accident occurrence of road segments through an optimized decision rule, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015
06. Xuedong Yan*, Yuting Zhang, Lu Ma, 2015. The influence of in-vehicle speech warning timing on drivers’ collision avoidance performance at signalized intersections, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 51: 231-242
05. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, 2014. Examining the nonparametric effect of drivers’ age in rear-end accidents through an additive logistic regression model, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 67: 129-136
04. Lu Ma, Xuedong Yan*, Wenxin Qiao, 2014. A quasi-Poisson approach on modeling accident hazard index for urban road segments, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014
03. Xuedong Yan*, Qingwan Xue, Lu Ma, Yongcun Xu, 2014. Driving-simulator-based test on the effectiveness of auditory red-light running vehicle warning system based on time-to-collision sensor, Sensors, 14: 3631-3651
02. Cuiping Zhang, Xuedong Yan*, Lu Ma, Meiwu An, 2014. Crash prediction and risk evaluation based on traffic analysis zones, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 
01. Lu Ma, Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan*, 2010. Impact of individuals' immigrant status on household auto ownership, Transportation Research Record, 2156: 36-46

02. 高志军,马路*等,城市交叉口非机动车交通冲突及其严重程度模型,中国安全科学学报, 2017 (03):31-36
01. 张浩, 马路*等,基于固有匹配对数据的交通事故致亡风险因素分析,交通信息与安全, 2016 (05): 61-67


2021 北京市社会科学基金“青年学术带头人”项目
2019 教育部 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)二等奖
2019 交通运输部 交通运输行业重点领域创新团队 核心成员
2018 中国仿真学会 科学技术奖 二等奖
2010 荷兰乌特勒支大学 Short Stay Fellowship
2010 美国佛罗里达智能交通协会 The Anne Brewer Scholarship