

姓  名:


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日本国立名古屋大学大学院  获都市环境专业(交通运输规划与管理方向)工学博士学位

北京工业大学 获交通运输规划与管理方向硕士学位;

北京工业大学 获交通工程专业(主修)以及计算机应用(辅修)专业学士学位


北京交通大学交通运输学院 教授

NEC 中央研究所/ITS 研究中心 研究员

名古屋大学大学院都市环境专业交通规划研究室 共同研究员

北京工业大学土木工程系 助教


  • 交通运输规划与管理
  • 交通运输(专业学位)
  • 运输组织理论与技术
  • 城市交通工程理论与技术
  • 综合交通运输理论与技术
  • 综合交通运输规划与系统设计
  • 低碳与绿色交通
  • 控制科学与工程
  • 综合交通大数据与数字交通
  • 智能运营(运输学院导师组)


  • 交通运输规划与管理硕士
  • 交通运输硕士
  • 交通运输规划与管理博士
  • 控制科学与工程硕士
  • 交通运输博士
  • 人工智能博士
  • 人工智能硕士



Ÿ   不同自主化水平道路交通系统风险辨识与安全管控技术,T23B05200070,国家重点研发计划-课题,纵向在研,2023-2027

Ÿ   地铁故障大数据挖掘技术方法研究,T23L01260,横向结题,2023-2023

Ÿ   面向民用机场的新能源设备规划与应用研究,T23M200100,民航安全能力建设基金,纵向在研,2023-2024

Ÿ   京津冀跨界交通基础设施规建管养一体化机制研究,T23ZK00070,首都高端智库课题,在研,2023-2024

Ÿ   运输机场应急救援预案编制指南研究,横向结题,T22L00681,2022-2023

Ÿ   “四网融合”背景下的北京市郊铁路现代化运营管理体系研究,T22ZK00100,首都高端智库课题,结题,2022-2023

Ÿ   一种轨道交通客流分布预测模型建立及预测方法专利实施许可,T22ZH200020,结题,2022-2024

Ÿ   内蒙古自治区智慧交通顶层设计与行动方案,横向结题,T22L00590,2022-2024

Ÿ   城轨运营突发事件下诱导信息对乘客行为影响及客流演化机理研究,北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”项目,T21E0700010,纵向在研,2021-2024

Ÿ   城市群尺度下城际出行行为分析与交通供给优化,国家自然科学基金“面上”项目,T21A0300020,纵向在研,2021-2025

Ÿ   我市轨道交通与地面公交、慢行系统多网融合发展问题研究, 首都高端智库课题,T21ZK00080,结题,2021

Ÿ   高速公路隧道交通运行和事件影响分析研究,T21L00520,横向结题,2021-2022

Ÿ   区域多制式轨道交通客流预测与协同调控技术研究,T21L00340,横向结题,2021-2023

Ÿ   室内高精度地图绘制与更新技术测量仪器标定测试及评估,T20L00960,横向结题,2020

Ÿ   商务中心区城市公共交通组织措施研究,T20L00850,横向结题,2020

Ÿ   商务中心区交通稳静化措施适用性研究,T20L00840,横向结题,2020

Ÿ   2020年交通运输部民生实事重点工作评估研究,交通运输部,T20I00060,纵向结题,2020

Ÿ   枢纽间换乘客流运行态势监测与运力动态协同调度及应急处置技术,国家重点研发计划-课题,T19B5200020,纵向结题,2019-2022

Ÿ   区域轨道交通系统协同规划、设计及运营理论与方法研究,基本科研业务费重点项目,T19JB300010,纵向结题,2019-2022

Ÿ   公共路权导向运输系统安全保障理论与标准体系研究,国家重点研发计划-任务,T19B5300020,纵向结题,2019-2020

Ÿ   北京市交通行业综合能效分析与碳排放管理关键技术研究与应用,北京市交通委员会,T18I00201,纵向结题,2018-2019

Ÿ   城市公交车辆行驶特征数据测试,T18L01290,横向结题,2018-2019

Ÿ   北京公益性交通企业绩效目标与财政补贴机制研究,首都高端智库“开放课题”,T18ZK300010,纵向结题,2018

Ÿ   2018年交通运输部民生实事重点工作评估研究,交通运输部,T18I00090,纵向结题,2018

Ÿ   新能源汽车充电设施建设奖励资金使用建议及管理办法研究,北京市科委,T17I00160,纵向结题,2017-2018

Ÿ   城市轨道交通网络客流预测与协同调控的理论和方法研究,北京市自然基金“重点”项目,T17E200010,纵向结题,2017-2020 

Ÿ   鄂尔多斯市停车场充电桩建设规划,T17I00030,横向结题,2016-2017

Ÿ   城市轨道交通网络客流预测平台研发项目,T17L00030,横向结题,2016-2018

Ÿ   交通运输部民生实事重点工作评估研究,T16I00190,纵向结题,2016-2017

Ÿ   苏州市出行服务综合信息服务系统建设,全球环境基金“缓解大城市拥堵 减少碳排放项目”,T16F00020,结题,2016-2017

Ÿ   城市轨道交通网络实时客流预测与突发事件下客流预测算法研究,T16L00110,横向结题,2016-2017

Ÿ   公用领域停车场充电设施运营管理机制研究,T16L00010,横向结题,2016-2017

Ÿ   绿色城市轨道交通企业评价指标体系研究,交通运输部节能减排能力建设项目,T15I00200,纵向结题,2015-2016

Ÿ   居民出行入户调查样本数据分析,北京市交通委员会,T14I00180,纵向结题,2014-2016

Ÿ   出租车发展政策研究,T15L00030,横向结题,2015-2016

Ÿ   物流节能配送方案关键技术研究,T14I00170,纵向结题,2014.9-2015.12

Ÿ   基于服务水平的轨道交通能耗评价指标体系研究, 北京市交通委员会,纵向结题,T14I00130,2014-2016

Ÿ   城市轨道交通网络客流分布预测平台咨询及研发,T14L00500,横向结题,2014-2016

Ÿ   2014年北京市交通领域节能减排年度报告研究,T14M00020,纵向结题,2014-2015

Ÿ   交通空气污染物浓度指数及其时空分布研究,T14L00370,横向结题,2014-2015

Ÿ   城市轨道交通新线接入客流预测模型开发,T14L00260,横向结题,2014-2015

Ÿ   电动汽车能耗建模及基于动态交通信息的续航里程估算研究,“教育部博士点基金”,T13C100040,纵向结题,2014-2016

Ÿ   呼和浩特市现代物流业发展规划,T13I00070,纵向结题,2013-2014

Ÿ   广州地铁新线接入线网后乘客拥堵情况分析及解决咨询,T13L00400,横向结题,2013-2014

Ÿ   物流节能配送关键技术研究,T13L00190,横向结题,2012-2014

Ÿ   中国出租汽车发展理论研究,北京市交通委员会,T12I00150,纵向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   拥堵收费系统技术方案可行性研究,T12L00370,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   电动汽车能耗建模及基于工况的电池SOC估算研究,T12L00300,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   延庆县主要城市道路公共服务设施点位规划,T12L00290,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   多方式交通运行的协同组织与控制,科技部“973”课题-任务,T12B100051,纵向结题,2012-2016

Ÿ   鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗乌兰镇停车场规划,T12L00200,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   巴中市城市综合交通体系规划的需求预测模型的研究,T12L00150,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   成网条件下城轨交通客运需求分析技术,“国家科技支撑”子课题,T12B300030,纵向结题,2011-2013

Ÿ   EV关联数据采集及分析,T12L00040,横向结题,2012-2013

Ÿ   面向城轨路网运行计划协同编制的客流需求预测理论和方法,I11K00050, 纵向结题,2012-2013,

Ÿ   浮动车系统配置优化的研究,T10X01060,纵向结题,2010-2011

Ÿ   交通检测数据融合技术的研究,T10X00780,纵向结题,2010-2011

Ÿ   基于时间序列位置信息的居民出行数据生成方法的研究,T10JB00310,纵向结题,2009-2012

Ÿ   基于交通信息精度以及覆盖率的浮动车信息系统优化研究,T10J00020,纵向结题,2010-2011

Ÿ   基于低频浮动车数据的地图匹配技术的研究,T09J00040,纵向结题,2009-2011

Ÿ   NEC出行信息系统评价及个人出行行为分析,T09X01330,纵向结题,2009-2010

Ÿ   潍坊中心城区至寿光快速通道公路建设方案研究,T10X00010,横向结题,2009-2010


Ÿ   特大型综合交通枢纽高质量发展路径和策略研究,T24L00060,2023-2024

Ÿ   需求导向下的“轨道+公交+慢行”三网融合规划方法研究,T23L01420,2023-2025

Ÿ   北京市居民出行调查样本分析,T23L01390,2023

Ÿ   北京市轨道交通13号线扩能提升工程道路交通工程方案咨询,T23L00320,2023

Ÿ   多车型混编条件下城市公交行车计划优化研究,T22M200110,2022-2024

Ÿ   货物运输特征识别及方式选择研究,T22L01190,2022-2023

Ÿ   基于元模型的高速公路匝道控制仿真优化算法研究,T22M200090,2022-2024

Ÿ   面向动态需求的共享自动驾驶车辆调度与停泊一体化优化方法研究, T21M200070,2021-2022

Ÿ   新一轮线网技术专题研究(运营类)运输服务项目,T21L00201,2021

Ÿ   综合立体交通网作用机理研究,T20I00070,2020

Ÿ   取消高速公路省界收费站技术评估咨询,T20L00740,2020

Ÿ   交通强国建设试点任务方案与实施,O20JB0300010,2020-2022

Ÿ   2019年交通运输部民生实事重点工作评估研究,T19I00070,2019

Ÿ   通景公路交通运行的旅游影响研究,T19M00040,2019

Ÿ   城市客运车辆运行特征测试,T18L01300,2018

Ÿ   基于综合交通大数据的运输结构调整关键技术研究,T18JB00340,2018

Ÿ   基于出行行为的共享电动汽车布局优化方法研究,T18JB00140,2018

Ÿ   云南省综合交通运输体系发展研究,T18L00140,2018

Ÿ   交通运输部多式联运文件落实情况的评估研究,T17I00220,2017

Ÿ   交通运输部民生实事重点工作评估研究,T17I00130,2017

Ÿ   基于移动上网数据的出行特征提取方法研究,T17JB00370,2017-2019

Ÿ   突发事件下城轨乘客出行方案选择行为研究,T17JB00360,2017-2019

Ÿ   社区建成环境对家庭小汽车使用行为的影响机理研究,T17JB00350,2017-2019

Ÿ   电动汽车保有意愿与推广政策研究,T17JB00290,2017-2019

Ÿ   基于充电行为分析的电动汽车充电设施布局规划研究,T17JB00280,2017-2019

Ÿ   城市交通系统协同规划、设计与运行理论与方法研究,T17JB00030,2017-2019

Ÿ   鄂尔多斯市停车场建设规划,T17I00020,2017

Ÿ   多方式条件下的出行者出行选择行为研究,T16JB00140,2016-2018

Ÿ   基于路径选择行为分析的城轨断面客流实时预测,T16JB00090,2016-2017

Ÿ   电动汽车充电需求分析及充电设施布局规划研究,T16JB00040,2016-2018

Ÿ   基于行为分析的突发事件下城市轨道交通客流预测研究,T16JB00030,2016-2018

Ÿ   北京城市交通协同创新中心技术咨询,T14L00850,2014

Ÿ   京津冀通勤圈轨道交通接驳空间优化途径与措施研究,A14H00010,2014-2015

Ÿ   成网条件下城轨乘客路径选择建模方法与理论研究,T14JB00340,2014-2016

Ÿ   肃宁县公共交通发展规划研究,T14I00040,2014

Ÿ   首都世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心技术开发,T14H100041,2014

Ÿ   北京市道路交通流综合分析与数据质量评价体系研究,T13H00030,2013

Ÿ   城市群综合交通发展问题研究,T13JB00280,2013-2014

Ÿ   基于有限理性理论的车辆路径选择行为研究,T13JB00120,2013

Ÿ   常规条件下城轨乘客出行路径选择行为研究,T13JB00110,2013

Ÿ   突发事件下城市道路交通系统非常态演化机理及干预对策,国家自然科学基金“重大”,T12A100010,2012-2017

Ÿ   大城市停车政策及其对停车社会成本构成的影响研究,T12L00270,2012

Ÿ   中国国际广播电台对外传播中心技术大楼工程交通影响评价,T12X00480,2012

Ÿ   成网条件下城轨交通运输组织关键技术与系统研制,科技部“科技支撑”课题,T12B300020,2011-2013

Ÿ   面向资源约束和公交导向的信号交叉口多方式交通流协同运行的仿真建模方法研究,T11A800020,2012-2014

Ÿ   北京世界城市交通管理发展战略规划,T10L00190,2010-2011

Ÿ   交通诱导信息发布效果评价研究,T10B300140,2010

Ÿ   京沪高速铁路中短期客流的两阶段协同预测方法,I10K00140,2010-2012


Ÿ   P-DRGS(Probe based Dynamic Route Guidance System),日本总务省战略发展基金资助的基于浮动车信息的动态导航系统的研究,2003.10-2007.3,担任P-DRGS技术研究开发小组的技术副查

Ÿ   节能ITS技术以及其效果评价方法的先行研究,ITS-Japan能源ITS研究会项目,2007.10-2008.03,参加

Ÿ   浮动车信息收集对交通行动的再现性改善的评价- 以名古屋市的出租车为例,日建建设株式会社提供项目,2008.01-2008.03,主持

Ÿ   南京市浮动车信息系统开发,日本电气株式会社,2008.04-2008.09,主持

Ÿ   汽车自动驾驶以及车辆列队行驶技术的研究开发,日本经济产业省及新能源产业发展组织(NEDO)国家战略开发项目,2008.10-,“Feed forward 控制的道路空间曲线生成”子课题 主持






1)      Xue F, Yao E*, Cherchi E, et al. Modeling the joint choice behavior of commuters’ travel mode and parking options for private autonomous vehicles[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2024, 159: 104471.

2)      Li Y, Yao E*, Liu S, et al. Spatiotemporal influence of built environment on intercity commuting trips considering nonlinear effects[J]. Journal of transport geography, 2024, 114: 103744.

3)      Huan N, Yamamoto T, Yao E*. Seamless air-HSR intermodal solution: Behavioural model-based scheduling of airline timetable and airfare[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2023, 176: 103821.

4)      Zhang T, Yao E*, Yang Y, et al. Deployment optimization of battery swapping stations accounting for taxis’ dynamic energy demand[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2023, 116: 103617.

5)      Liu S, Yamamoto T, Yao E*. Joint modeling of mode choice and travel distance with intra-household interactions[J]. Transportation, 2023, 50(5): 1527-1552.

6)      Huan N, Yao E* and Zhang J. Demand-responsive passenger flow control strategies for metro networks considering service fairness and passengers’ behavioral responses[J], Transportation Research Part C, 2021.

7)      Lu T, Yao E*, Zhang Y and Yang Y. Joint Optimal Scheduling for a Mixed Bus Fleet Under Micro Driving Conditions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(4): 1-12.

8)      Huan N, Hess S, Yao E*. Understanding the Effects of Travel Demand Management on Metro Commuters’ Behavioural Loyalty: a Hybrid Choice Modelling Approach[J], 2021, Transportation.

9)      Pan L , Yao E* , MacKenzie D . Modeling EV Charging Choice Considering Risk Attitudes and Attribute Non-attendance[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2019, 102(2019):60-72.

10)   Liu S , Yao E* , Li B . Exploring Urban Rail Transit Station-level Ridership Growth with Network Expansion[J]. Transportation Research Part D, 2018, 73(2018):391-402.

11)   Zhang Y, Yao E*, Zhang J, et al. Estimating Metro Passengers' Path Choices by Combining Self-reported Revealed Preference and Smart Card Data[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2018, 92(2018):76-89.

12)   Yang Yang, Enjian Yao*, Zhiqiang Yang, Rui Zhang. Modeling the charging and route choice behavior of BEV drivers[J]. Transportation Research Part C,2016,65(2016):190-204.

13)   高虹,刘锴,姚恩建. 站点需求响应的电动模块公交车重组调度优化, 中国公路学报

14)   Huan N, Yao E*, Xiao Y. Roles of accessibility and air-rail intermodality in shaping mobility patterns in mega-city regions: Behavioural insights from China[J]. Cities, 2023, 143: 104591.

15)   于丁原, 姚恩建*, 刘莎莎, 等. 运营突发事件下城市轨道交通诱导信息发布策略研究[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2023, 23(5): 227.

16)   姚恩建*,季钰岷.基于出行行为分析的地铁通勤票价折扣研究[J].北京交通大学学报,2023,47(06):82-88.

17)   Jing D, Yao E*, Chen R. Moving characteristics analysis of mixed traffic flow of CAVs and HVs around accident zones[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 626: 129085.

18)   Wang Z, Zhang Y, Yao E, et al. Short-Term Inbound and Outbound Passenger Flow Prediction for New Metro Stations Based on Clustering and Deep Learning[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023, 2023.

19)   宋媛媛,姚恩建*,徐洪磊等.交通运输领域应对气候变化策略及路径[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版):1-12[2023-10-13].

20)   王月,姚恩建*,郝赫.低碳导向的多模式交通出行服务定价策略[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版):1-9[2023-10-13].

21)   李思奇,安正阳,孙迅,姚恩建.基于停车预约模式的差异化泊位定价优化[J].北京交通大学学报,2023,47(03):79-86.

22)   姚恩建*,白珂炎,张永生等.基于进出站双重选择的新线接入条件下城轨网络站间客流分布预测方法[J].北京交通大学学报,2023,47(04):12-18+109.

23)   Jing D, Yao E*, Chen R, et al. Optimal design method of public transit network considering transfer efficiency[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2023, 17(6): 1118-1136.

24)   Yang Y, Shao X, Zhu Y, Yao E, et al. Short-term forecasting of dockless bike-sharing demand with the built environment and weather[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023, 2023.

25)   Guo D, Yao E*, Liu S, et al. Exploring the role of passengers’ attitude in the integration of dockless bike-sharing and public transit: A hybrid choice modeling approach[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 384: 135627.

26)   郇宁, 姚恩建*. 城际组合出行行为建模及应用研究进展[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(7): 1112-1120.

27)   郭东博,姚恩建*,卢天伟,等.同台换乘场景下考虑不均匀发车间隔的地铁接驳市域铁路时刻优化[J].北京交通大学学报,2022,46(6):1-9.

28)   Zhang Y., Yao E. Exploring elderly people's daily time-use patterns in the living environment of Beijing, China[J], Cities, 2022,129,103828.

29)   Zhang T., Yang Y., Zhu Y., Yao E, Wu, K. Deploying Public Charging Stations for Battery Electric Vehicles on the Expressway Network Based on Dynamic Charging Demand[J], IEEE Transactions On Transportation Electrification, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 2531-2548, June 2022.

30)   杨扬,张天雨,朱宇婷,姚恩建.考虑建设时序和动态需求的城际公路充电设施优化布局[J/OL].清华大学学报(自然科学版):1-16[2022-05-19].

31)   Huan N., Yao E.*, Shen H. Providing Priority to Public Transit in the Absence of Dedicated Lanes: An Exploratory Experiment on the Automated Guideway Transit System[J], Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A-Systems, 148(7), 2022.

32)   Xue, F., Yao, E.*. Impact analysis of residential relocation on ownership, usage, and carbon-dioxide emissions of private cars[J], Energy, 2022,124110.

33)   Xue, F., Yao, E.*. Adopting a random forest approach to model household residential relocation behavior[J], Cities, 2022,125,103625.

34)   Lu T , Yao E* , Jin F, et al. Analysis of incentive policies for electric vehicle adoptions after the abolishment of purchase subsidy policy[J]. Energy, 2022, 239.

35)   Yao E*, Hong J, Pan L, et al. Forecasting Passenger Flow Distribution on Holidays for Urban Rail Transit Based on Destination Choice Behavior Analysis[J], Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021.

36)   Wang Z , Yang Y* , Yao E , et al. An analysis of commute mode choice behavior considering the impacts of built environment in Beijing[J]. Transportation Letters the International Journal of Transportation Research, 2021(5):1-7.

37)   李斌,姚恩建,贺正冰,杨敏,刘冬梅,张晓亮,郭宇奇,郭忠,于帅.京津冀城市群多模式客运枢纽一体化运行关键技术研究[J].中国基础科学,2021,23(02):24-33.

38)   陈琳,姚恩建*,杨扬,卢天伟.联程中转旅客的城市枢纽间换乘行为建模[J].北京交通大学学报:1-10.

39)   Huan N, Hess S, Yao E* and Liu W. Time-dependent pricing strategies for metro lines considering peak avoidance behaviour of commuters[J], Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2021.

40)   郇宁,姚恩建*,沈昊.新型导向运输系统路权优先策略及适应性[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,62(03):533-539.

41)   Shasha Liu, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Enjian Yao, Toshiyuki Nakamura. Examining Public Transport Usage of the Elderly with Smart Card Data: A Longitudinal Study in Japan[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2021.

42)   Zheng K, Yao E*, Zhang Y, A joint model of household time use and task assignment for elderly couples with multiple constraints,2021, PLoS ONE 16(3): e0247187.

43)   姚恩建*,马斯玮,向镇,高一迪.面向铁路夜间乘客疏散的定制公交线路优化[J].北京交通大学学报,2021,45(01):78-84.

44)   郇宁,姚恩建*,薛飞. 深度特征提取下城轨客流异常状态识别[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2021,53(3): 94-100

45)   张锐,姚恩建,张永生.电动汽车混入条件下多方式动态交通分配模型[J].汽车安全与节能学报,2021,12(04):540-550.

46)   卢天伟,姚恩建*,杨扬,郇宁,陈琳.考虑弹性需求的城市枢纽间多方式时刻表优化[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2021,21(01):16-22+35.

47)   Shasha Liu, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Enjian Yao, Toshiyuki Nakamura. Exploring Travel Pattern Variability of Public Transport Users through Smart Card Data: Role of Gender and Age [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.

48)   Yue Wang, Enjian Yao*, Long Pan, Electric Vehicle Drivers’ Charging Behavior Analysis Considering Heterogeneity and Satisfaction [J], Journal of Cleaner Production.286(2021):124982.

49)   Binbin Li, Enjian Yao*, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Ying Tang, Shasha Liu, Exploring behavioral heterogeneities of metro passenger’s travel plan choice under unplanned service disruption with uncertainty, Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice.2020,141(2020):294-306.

50)   姚恩建*,何媛媛,金方磊,卢天伟,潘龙.面向自组织平衡的共享电动汽车调度优化方法[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2020,20(05):135-141.

51)   .Enjian Yao*, Xiaowen Wang, Yang Yang, Long Pan, Yuanyuan Song. Traffic flow estimation based on toll ticket data considering multitype vehicle impact[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2021, 147(2): 04020158

52)   郇宁,张金萌,姚恩建*.考虑效率与公平的城轨网络客流协同控制优化模型[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2020,50(6):1148-1155.

53)   姚恩建*, 刘彤, 郇宁, 刘文峰 (2020). 常规公交线路发车间隔及车型配置优化[J].北京交通大学学报, 44(4):86-93.

54)   Xue, F., Yao, E.*, Jin, F. Exploring residential relocation behavior for families with workers and students; a study from Beijing, China. Journal of Transport Geography.2020,89, 102893

55)   Bai, K., Yao, E., Pan, L.*, Li, L., & Chen, W. Dynamic Crosswalk Signal Timing Optimization Model Considering Vehicle and Pedestrian Delays and Fuel Consumption Cost. Sustainability,2020,12(2), 689.

56)   Pan L., Yao E.*, Yang Y., et al. A location model for electric vehicle (EV) public charging stations based on drivers' existing activities[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 59(2020):102192.

57)   姚恩建*, 张金萌, 郇宁. 效率与公平导向下城轨大小交路开行方案优化[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 048(005):41-48,57.

58)   Lu T., Yao E.*, Jin F., Pan L. Alternative Incentive Policies against Purchase Subsidy Decrease for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) Adoption. Energies,2020,13,1645.

59)   卢天伟,姚恩建*,刘莎莎,周文华.城轨新线客流成长期进出站量短时预测研究[J]. 铁道学报, 2020, 42(05):19-28.

60)   姚恩建*,李翠萍,郇宁,杨扬,李斌斌.共享单车对通勤走廊出行结构的影响[J].华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(07):85-92+142.

61)   Xue F, Yao E*, Huan N, Li B, Liu S. Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Ridership under Rainfall Weather Conditions[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems,2020,146(7):04020061.

62)   Yao E*, Liu T, Lu T, et al. Optimization of Electric Vehicle Scheduling with Multiple Vehicle Types in Public Transport[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020,52(2020):101862.

63)   Li B, Yao E*, Yamamoto T, et al. Passenger Travel Behavior Analysis under Unplanned Metro Service Disruption: Using Stated Preference Data in Guangzhou, China[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2020, 146(2):04019069.1-04019069.8.

64)   Zhang Y, Yao E*, Zheng K , et al. Metro Passenger’s Path Choice Model Estimation with Travel Time Correlations Derived from Smart Card Data, Transportation Planning And Technology,2020, 43(2): 141-157.

65)   Jin F, Yao E*, An K. Analysis of the Potential Demand for Battery Electric Vehicle Sharing: Mode Share and Spatiotemporal Distribution[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2020, 82(2020):102630.

66)   Jin F, An K, Yao E*. Mode Choice Analysis in Urban Transport with Shared Battery Electric Vehicles: A stated-preference case study in Beijing, China[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020, 133(2020):95-108.

67)   Jin F, Yao E*, An K. Understanding Customers’ Battery Electric Vehicle Sharing Adoption Based on Hybrid Choice Model [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 258(2020), 120764.

68)   姚恩建*,陈伟迪,卢天伟,杨扬.考虑出行者选择偏好的出行方式选择模型[J].北京交通大学学报, 2020, 44(01):42-48.

69)   Zhang Y., Sun X., Xu H., Yao E. Tracking Multi-Vehicles With Reference Points Switches at the Intersection Using a Roadside LiDAR Sensor[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, PP(99):1-1.

70)   Huan N, Yao E*, Fan Y, et al. Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Bus Signal Priority at Intersections under Hybrid Energy Consumption Conditions[J]. Energies, 2019,12,4555.

71)   姚恩建*,闫峥,郇宁.考虑老年人出行行为的公交票价补贴政策研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2019,19(06):13-19.

72)   姚恩建,*卢沐阳,刘宇环,元凌. 考虑充电约束的电动公交区域行车计划编制[J].华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2019,47(09):68-73.

73)   姚恩建*,李斌斌,唐英,刘宇环,张锐,孙迅. 考虑服务水平的城市轨道交通牵引能耗研究[J].铁道学报,2019,41(06):16-23.

74)   Zhang R., Yao E.*. Mesoscopic Model Framework for Estimating Electric Vehicles' Energy Consumption[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 47(2019),101478.

75)   Zhang R, Yao E*, Pan L. Optimizing EV-based P&R subsidy policies for commuting corridor based on cross-nested logit model[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2019, 13(7): 461-478.

76)   郇宁, 姚恩建*, 杨扬,等. 电动汽车混入条件下随机动态用户均衡分配模型[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2019, 019(005):150-161.

77)   Liu Y, Yao E*, Lu M, et al. Regional Electric Bus Driving Plan Optimization Algorithm considering Charging Time Window[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 2019(8):1-9.

78)   Liu Y, Yao E*, Liu S. Energy Consumption Optimization Model of Multi-Type Bus Operating Organization Based on Time-Space Network[J]. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(16):3352.

79)   Pan L, Yao E*, MacKenzie D, et al. Environmental Effects of BEV Penetration Considering Traffic Status[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2019, 145(11): 04019048.

80)   Wang X, Yao E*, Liu S, et al. Simulation of Metro Congestion Propagation Based on Route Choice Behaviors Under Emergency-Caused Delays[J]. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(20):4210.

81)   Huan N, Yao E*, Li B. Early Warning Mechanism for the Surge of Passengers in Metro Systems Based on Automated Fare Collection Data: Case Study of Guangzhou, China[J]. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2019: 0361198119838847.

82)   Huan N, Yao E*, Yang Y, Lu T. Study on the Impact of Freeway Toll Rate on Drivers’ Route Choice Behavior[J]. Advances in Transportation Studies, 2019, 47: 21-34.

83)   Zhang Y, Yao E *, Zhang R, et al. Analysis of Elderly People's Travel Behaviours During the Morning Peak Hours in the Context of the Free Bus Programme in Beijing, China[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2019, 76(2019):191-199.

84)   Zheng K, Yao E*, Zhang J, et al. Traffic flow estimation on the expressway network using toll ticket data[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019,13(5):886-895

85)   Wang X, Yao E*, Liu S. Travel Choice Analysis under Metro Emergency Context: Utility? Regret? Or Both?[J]. Sustainability,2018,10(11):3852.

86)   郇宁,谢俏,叶红霞,姚恩建*.基于改进KNN算法的城轨进站客流实时预测[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2018,18(05):121-128.

87)   姚恩建*,李挺然,王雪然,鲁楠,代洪娜.考虑货车路径选择行为的高速公路拥挤路段收费研究[J].北京交通大学学报,2018,42(04):63-71.

88)   刘莎莎,姚恩建*,李斌斌,唐英.基于行为分析的突发事件下城轨站间客流分布预测[J]. 铁道学报,2018,40(09):22-29.

89)   刘宇环,姚恩建*,谷岩,李萌.基于小客车燃油核算模型的政策节能效果分析[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2018,18(04):209-214.

90)   Liu S, Yao E*, Yamamoto T. Does Urban Rail Transit Discourage People from Owning and Using Cars? Evidence from Beijing, China[J]. Journal of advanced transportation, 2018, 2018(PT.4):1-11.

91)   姚恩建*,邹萌,杨扬,潘龙.基于出行行为分析的停车换乘设施定价优化[J].系统工程理论与实践,2018,38(05):1277-1283.

92)   姚恩建*,周文华,张永生.城市轨道交通新站开通初期实时进出站客流量预测[J].中国铁道科学,2018,39(02):119-127.

93)   王兴川,姚恩建*,刘莎莎.基于AFC数据的大型活动期间城市轨道交通客流预测[J].北京交通大学学报,2018,42(01):87-93.

94)   姚恩建*,刘文婷,刘莎莎,杨扬.基于动态可达性的城轨末班车时刻表优化[J].华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46(01):58-65.

95)   姚恩建*,张茜,张锐.公共交通票价对通勤走廊出行结构的影响[J].交通运输工程学报,2017,17(06):104-114.

96)   张永生,姚恩建*,刘莎莎,蔡昌俊.城市轨道交通乘客半补偿路径选择建模与应用[J].铁道学报,2018,40(02):1-7.

97)   Fanglei Jin, Enjian Yao*, Yongsheng Zhang, Shasha Liu. Metro Passengers’ Route Choice Model and its Application Considering Perceived Transfer Threshold. Plos One, 2017,12(9): e0185349

98)   Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Heng Wei, Kangning Zheng. A constrained multinomial Probit route choice model in the metro network: formulation, estimation and application. Plos One,2017,6(12): e0178789

99)   姚恩建*, 金方磊, 胡倩雯等. 考虑换乘次数阈值的城轨乘客路径选择行为分析[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2017,52(3): 639-645

100)           Rui Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Yang Yang. Degradable Transportation Network with the Addition of Electric Vehicles: Network Equilibrium Analysis. Plos One, 2017, 12(9):e0184693.

101)           代洪娜,姚恩建*,刘莎莎,张锐,张博.基于基尼系数的高速公路网流量不均衡性研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2017,17(01):205-211.

102)           Rui Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Zhili Liu. School Travel Mode Choice in Beijing, China. Journal of Transport Geography,2017,62,98-110.

103)           姚恩建*,张正超,张嘉霖,薛飞,罗烨堃.居住区共享泊位资源优化配置模型及算法[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2017,17(02):160-167.

104)           Shasha Liu, Enjian Yao*. Holiday Passenger Flow Forecasting Based on the Modified Least Square Support Vector Machine for Metro System [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2017,143(2):1-8.

105)           谢俏,李斌斌,何建涛,姚恩建.基于非参数回归的城轨实时进出站客流预测[J].都市快轨交通,2017,30(02):32-36+41.

106)           邹萌,姚恩建*,潘龙,等. 基于微观能耗模型的电动汽车生态驾驶行为研究[EB/OL]. 北京:中国科技论文在线 [2016-09-27]. http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201609-237.

107)           刘文婷,姚恩建*,杨扬,等. 基于动态交通信息的电动汽车荷电状态估算研究[EB/OL]. 北京:中国科技论文在线 [2016-09-26]. http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201609-213.

108)           Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Xun Sun. Impact analysis of HSR fare discount strategy on HSR share in Beijing–Shanghai transportation corridor. Transportation Letters, 9(4), 215–227.

109)           张永生,姚恩建*,刘莎莎,李斌斌.地铁大线网条件下乘客SPSL路径选择模型[J].中国铁道科学,2016,37(05):138-144.

110)           张永生,姚恩建*,蔡昌俊,杨志强.城市轨道交通网络新线接入后的客流预测[J].城市交通,2016,14(03):29-34.

111)           Long Pan, Enjian Yao*, Yang Yang. Impact analysis of traffic-related air pollution based on real-time traffic and basic meteorological information[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 183:510-520.

112)           姚恩建*,程欣,刘莎莎,张锐.基于可达性的城轨既有站进出站客流预测[J].铁道学报,2016,38(01):1-7.

113)           Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Splitting Travel Time Based on AFC Data: Estimating walking, waiting, transfer and in-vehicle travel times in Metro System,2015,Volume 2015, Article ID 539756, 11 pages

114)           姚恩建*,李斌斌,刘莎莎,张永生.考虑土地利用性质匹配度的城轨客流分布预测[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2015,15(06):107-113.

115)           姚恩建*,鲁楠,郎志峰,钱越.考虑节能的城市物流配送方案优化[J].北京交通大学学报,2015,39(06):85-91.

116)           鲁楠,姚恩建*,潘龙,潘征.基于高斯扩散模型的北京市道路交通空气污染的敏感性分析[J].道路交通与安全,2015,15(02):55-60.

117)           Enjian Yao*, Zhifeng Lang, Yang Yang, Yongsheng Zhang. Vehicle routing problem solution considering minimising fuel consumption, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015, 9(5), 523–529.

118)           杨扬,姚恩建*,王梅英,潘龙.电动汽车混入条件下的随机用户均衡分配模型[J].中国公路学报,2015,28(09):91-97.

119)           Rui Zhang, Enjian Yao*. Electric vehicles’ energy consumption estimation with real driving condition data[J], Transportation Research Part D , 2015,41,177-187

120)           Rui Zhang, Enjian Yao*. Eco-driving at signalised intersections for electric vehicles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2015,9(5):488-497.

121)           代洪娜,姚恩建*,李月光,杨扬,张永生.考虑专家可信度的农村公路路政管理灰色综合评价方法[J].长安大学学报(自然科学版),2015,35(S1):188-192.

122)           Hongna Dai, Enjian Yao*, Rui Zhao, Research on Congestion Pricing in Multimode Traffic considering Delay and Emission, Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society, 2014, Volume 2015, Article ID 769251, 9 pages

123)           Changjun Cai, Enjian Yao, Sha-sha Liu, Yong-sheng Zhang, Jun Liu, Holiday Destination Choice Behavior Analysis Based on AFC Data of Urban Rail Transit, Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society, 2014, Volume 2015, Article ID 136010, 7 pages

124)           蔡昌俊,姚恩建*,张永生,刘莎莎.基于AFC数据的城轨站间客流量分布预测[J].中国铁道科学,2015,36(01):126-132.

125)           杨扬,姚恩建*,潘龙,赵楠.基于GPS数据的出租车路径选择行为研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2015,15(01):81-86.

126)           张锐,姚恩建*,杨扬.多方式条件下城市交通分配研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2014,14(06):107-112+170.

127)           刘莎莎,姚恩建*,张永生.轨道交通乘客个性化出行路径规划算法[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2014,14(05):100-104+132.

128)           Linghong Zou, Hongna Dai, Enjian Yao, Tian Jiang, Hongwei Guo, Research on Assessment Methods for Urban Public Transport Development in China, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2014, Article ID 941347, 8 pages, 2014.

129)           蔡昌俊,姚恩建,王梅英,张永生.基于乘积ARIMA模型的城市轨道交通进出站客流量预测[J].北京交通大学学报,2014,38(02):135-140.

130)           Enjian Yao, Meiying Wang, Yuanyuan Song, Yongsheng Zhang. Estimating Energy Consumption on the Basis of Microscopic Driving Parameters for Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2454(1), 84–91.

131)           Enjian Yao, Qirong Yang, Yongsheng Zhang, Xun Sun, A Study on High-Speed Rail Pricing Strategy in the Context of Modes Competition, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2013, Article ID 715256, 6 pages, 2013.

132)           Enjian Yao, Zhiqiang Yang, Yuanyuan Song, Ting Zuo, Comparison of Electric Vehicle’s Energy Consumption Factors for Different Road Types, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2013, Article ID 328757, 7 pages, 2013.

133)           Enjian Yao, Meiying Wang, Yuanyuan Song, Yang Yang, State of Charge Estimation Based on Microscopic Driving Parameters for Electric Vehicle's Battery, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, Article ID 946747, 6 pages, 2013.

134)           Enjian Yao, Zhifeng Lang, Yuanyuan Song, Yang Yang,Ting Zuo. Microscopic Driving Parameters-Based Energy Saving Effect Analysis under Different Electric Vehicle Penetration [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 435721, 2013

135)           张永生,姚恩建*,代洪娜.成网条件下地铁换乘量预测方法研究[J].铁道学报,2013,35(11):1-6.

136)           姚恩建*,张永生.城市快速路区间旅行时间短期预测算法[J].武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2013,37(06):1133-1137.

137)           姚恩建*,左婷.基于低频浮动车数据的实时地图匹配算法[J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2013, 39(06):909-913.

138)           杨扬,姚恩建*.实时补缺方法对交通信息融合精度的影响[J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2013, 39(04):587-593.

139)           Enjian Yao*, Yuanyuan Song. Study on Eco-Route Planning Algorithm and Environmental Impact Assessment, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013,17:1, 42-53.

140)           Yuanyuan Song, Enjian Yao*, Ting Zuo, Zhifeng Lang. Emissions and fuel consumption modeling for evaluating environmental effectiveness of ITS strategies [J], Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2013, Article ID 581945, 9 pages, 2013.

141)           Ting Zuo, Enjian Yao*, Yang Yang, Yuanyuan Song , Weisong Hu, Man Li. Study on Route Planning Algorithm for Electric Vehicle [J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Natural science edition),2012,21(2): 31-35.

142)           饶宗皓,姚恩建*.基于路段属性变量的浮动车覆盖率模型研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息, 2012, 12(02):62-66.

143)           王许涛,姚恩建*,邱奉翠,李建军.基于交通信息路网覆盖率的浮动车配置优化研究[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2012, 12:62-67.

144)           刘宇环,姚恩建*,李欣,李建军,钱越.浮动车系统地图的匹配精度[J].公路交通科技, 2011, 28(S1):86-90.

145)           杨扬,姚恩建*,岳昊,刘宇环.基于支持向量机的出行链活动类型识别研究[J].交通运输系统工程与信息, 2010, 10(06):70-75.

146)           YANG Yang, YAO Enjian*, YUE Hao, LIU Yuhuan, Trip Chain’s Activity Type Recognition Based on Support Vector Machine[J], Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2010,10(6),70-75

147)           Yao, E., Fujita, T., et al, (2009). ITS Research for low-carbon society, NEC Technical Journal (in Japanese), Vol.62 No.3 

148)           Maekawa, M., Fujita, T., Yao, E., Satou, A., (2009). Road traffic information service and technology, Electric Review Journal, (in Japanese), Vol94, No.537

149)           Yao, E., Satou, A. (2008). Development of the Probe Information Based System, NEC Technical Journal, Vol.3, No.1. (SCI, EI)

150)           Yao, E., Satou, A. (2008). The development of “PROROUTE” System based on probe-vehicle data, NEC Technical Journal, ITS Special Issue (in Japanese), Vol.61 No.1.

151)           Yao, E., Morikawa, T. (2005). A Study on Integrated Intercity Travel Demand Model, Transportation Research A, Vol. 39/4, pp. 367-381

152)           唐克双, 姚恩建,(2006) 日本ITS开发和运用的实例—名古屋基于浮动车信息的P-DRGS简介, 城市交通, Vol.4 No.3 P.74-76

153)           Yao, E., Morikawa, T., Sobue, S., The Induced Travel Analysis for a Non-existing  Intercity High Speed Rail System  with Accessibility Measure Approach,  The Journal of Eastern Asia Society for  Transportation Studies  (EASTS),  pp1502-1517, 2003.

154)           Yao, E., Morikawa, T., User's Benefit Analysis for an Intercity High Speed Rail Project Using Consumer Welfare Approach, The Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) , pp 3038-3056, 2003.


1)      Long Pan, Enjian Yao*, Linlin Zou. Investigating the Impact of Incentive and Heterogeneity on Parking Place Choice Behaviour of Bike-sharing Users[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103th Annual Meeting. 2024

2)      Yue Wang, Enjian Yao*, Yongsheng Zhang, et al. A Deep Learning Model for Short-Term Origin-Destination Distribution Prediction in Urban Rail Transit Network Considering Destination Choice Behavior[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103th Annual Meeting. 2024

3)      Zhaohui Wang, Enjian Yao*, Yang Yang, et al. Analysis on Electric Vehicles’ Intercity Charging Choice Behavior and Charging Demand[C]//29th ITS World CongressTransCoreITS

4)      Dian Jing, Enjian Yao*, Rongsheng Chen. Human-like Strategy in Multi-vehicle Interactions at Signal-free Intersections[C]//29th ITS World CongressTransCoreITS

5)      Yue Wang, Enjian Yao*, Yongsheng Zhang, el al. Urban rail transit short-term OD flow prediction considering temporal-spatial characteristics and probability[C]//29th ITS World CongressTransCoreITS

6)      高巍,姚恩建*,刘莎莎.市郊铁路接驳方式选择行为研究[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)

7)      姚恩建,周昕*,潘龙.考虑多车型综合通行成本的交叉口信号配时优化[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)论文集(下册).北京交通大学交通运输学院;,2023:8.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.019444.

8)      董艳莹,杨扬,宋媛媛,姚恩建.产业发展驱动下的而京津冀区域货运需求影响建模[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)

9)      Zhang Q ,Yao E* .Study on Optimization of Train Plan of Urban Rail Transit under Cross-line Operation Mode[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)论文集(下册).School of Traffic and Transportation,Beijing Jiaotong University;,2023:9.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.019430.

10)   Zou L ,Yao E*,Pan L .An Evaluation of Shared Bicycle Incentivizing Strategy Based on Self-Rebalancing[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)论文集(下册).School of Traffic and Transportation,Beijing Jiaotong University;Key Laboratory of Transport Industry ofBig Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport,Beijing Jiaotong University;,2023:9.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.019427.

11)   姚恩建*,季钰岷.高校电动代步工具停车收费定价研究[C]//中国科学技术协会,交通运输部,中国工程院,湖北省人民政府.2023世界交通运输大会(WTC2023)论文集(下册).北京交通大学交通运输学院;,2023:6.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.019426.

12)   Zhaohui Wang, Yang Yang, Enjian Yao. Understanding the Effects of Planning Ability and Risk Attitudes on EV Charging and Route Choice behavior in Long-distance Travel[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101th Annual Meeting. 2022

13)   李义罡,姚恩建*,杨扬,基于多源数据的枢纽间联运客流实时辨识,World Transport Convention (WTC), 2022

14)   王月,姚恩建*,张永生,基于时空神经网络的城轨短时 OD 预测,World Transport Convention (WTC), 2022

15)   于丁原,姚恩建*,张永生,吴兆斌,罗启祥,高巍,市域快线影响下既有城轨车站客流预测方法研究,World Transport Convention (WTC), 2022

16)   白珂炎,姚恩建,杨扬*,地铁建设对公共交通可达性的影响分析及度量,World Transport Convention (WTC), 2022

17)   陈琳,姚恩建*,杨扬,卢天伟. 联程中转旅客的城市枢纽间换乘行为建模,World Transport Convention (WTC), 2021

18)   郭东博,姚恩建*,公维强,晏秋. 市域铁路与地铁同台换乘站列车时刻协调优化, World Transport Convention (WTC), 2021

19)   高巍,姚恩建*,郇宁. 代洪娜基于流量加权的高速公路网络风险点辨识方法, World Transport Convention (WTC), 2021

20)   Fei Xue, Enjian Yao*, Examining the Effects of the Residential Relocation Choice on Car Ownership and Use and Its Carbon Dioxide Emissions: an Empirical Study in Beijing, China

21)   Yigang Li,Enjian Yao*, Yang Yang, Hekai Zhuang, . Modeling the Tourism Travel Mode and Route Choice Behaviour based on Nested Logit Model[C]// The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE2020)

22)   Yao E*., Chen C, Lu M. Short-term Passenger Flow Prediction for Urban Railway Transit Based on Change-point Model[C]//The 4rd International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System,2020

23)   Zhaohui Wang, Yang Yang, Enjian Yao, Hekai Zhuang, Yigang Li. Tourism travel mode identification based on cell phone signaling data[C]// The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE2020)

24)   Yao E*, Shen H, Huan N. Evaluating the Impact of Road Constructions on Oversaturated Intersections: A Simulated-Based Case Study[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2019, 688(4): 044060.

25)   Huan N, Yao E*, Li B. Understanding the Impact of Flow Control Strategies on Metro Passengers’ Commuting Behavior with Hybrid Choice Model[C]//The 6th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC2019).2019

26)   Shasha Liu, Enjian Yao*. Exploring Tour-based Commuting Mode Choice and Distance Considering Intra-household Interaction[C]//The 6th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC2019).2019

27)   Tianwei Lu, Enjian Yao*, Fanglei Jin. The Impact of Countermeasures after Subsidy Policy Abolishment on Electric Vehicle Adoption[C] // Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting. 2020

28)   Z Yan, E Yao*. Transit Signal Priority Control for Emission and Average Delay[C]//The 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2019), 2019.

29)   Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Hao Xu, Kangning Zheng, Jianqing Wu. Estimating Metro Passenger’s Path Choice Model with Correlations Using Smart Card Data[C] // Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting. 2019

30)   Tianwei Lu, Enjian Yao*, Fanglei Jin. The Effect of Substitutional Policies against Purchase Subsidy Decrease on AFV Purchase Intention, a Case Study of Beijing, China[C] // Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting. 2019

31)   Muyang Lu, Enjian Yao*. Optimization of Electric Bus Regional Operation Plan[C]//Transportation Research Board(TRB) 98th Annual Meeting. 2019

32)   Huan N, Yao E*, Li B. Early Warning Mechanism for the Surge of Passengers in Metro Systems Based on Automated Fare Collection Data: Case Study of Guangzhou[C]//Transportation Research Board(TRB) 98th Annual Meeting. 2019

33)   Kangning Zheng, Enjian Yao*, Yongsheng Zhang, Long Pan. Exploring Daily Travel Monetary and Time Frontiers Based on Stochastic Frontier Model in Beijing, China[C]//The 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals(CICTP2018), 2018.

34)   Dai W, Yao E*. Optimization Design of Public Bicycle Rental Point in Qujiang New District of Xi'an[C]//The 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals(CICTP2018), 2018.

35)   Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Kangning Zheng. A New Approach of Estimating Metro Passenger’s Route Choice Model Based on Smart Card Data[C] // Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting. 2018

36)   Long Pan, Enjian Yao*, Rui Zhang. A Location Model for Evaluating Demand-Fulfillment Effect of Public and Home Charging Network: A Case Study of Beijing[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting. 2018

37)   Huan N, Yao E*, Yang D. Travel Characteristics Extracting Method Based on Cellular Network Recording Data[C]//The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017), 2017.

38)   Xingchuan Wang, Enjian Yao*. Travel Behavior Analysis of Event-Related Urban Rail Transit Passengers during Large Special Event[C]//The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017), 2017.

39)   Jin F., Yao E.*, Wang X. Analysis on Transportation Multi-mode Choice Behavior: A Case Study of Suzhou, China[C]//The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017), 2017.

40)   Yao E*, Lu T. Research on Supply and Demand Non-Equilibrium Depth of Urban Agglomeration Transportation System[C]//The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017), 2017.

41)   Binbin Li, Enjian Yao*. Congestion Degree Classification for Urban Rail Transit System Based on Hierarchical Cluster Analysis[C]//The 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017), 2017.

42)   Lu Zhao, Enjian Yao*, Shasha Liu, Binbin Li. Passenger Flow Analysis for the Surrounding Subway Stations of Large Special Event Site during Dissipation[C]// 2017 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2017).2017

43)   Long Pan, Enjian Yao*, Rui Zhang. A Location Model of EV Public Charging Station Considering Drivers’ Daily Activities and Range Anxiety: A Case Study of Beijing[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting. 2017

44)   Shasha Liu, Enjian Yao*, Yongsheng Zhang, Binbin Li. Impacts of High Speed Rail Development on Metro Passenger Flow based on AFC data – a case study of Guangzhou, China[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting. 2017

45)   Yuyan Zhou, Enjian Yao*.  Effects Evaluation of Eco-driving Behaviors on Urban Intersection Based on Microscopic Simulation Model[C]//2015 2nd International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering.

46)   Dai H, Yao E*, Lu N. Freeway network connective reliability analysis based complex network approach[C]//The 6th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation System and Safety, 2016

47)   Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao*, Shasha Liu. Constrained Multinomial Probit Route Choice Modeling and Estimating for Metro Passengers [C].  14th world conference on transport research society (WCTRs), 2016

48)   Liu S, Yao E*, Cheng X, Zhang Y. Evaluating the impact of new lines on entrance/exit passenger flow of adjacent existing stations for urban rail transit system [C].  14th world conference on transport research society (WCTRs), 2016

49)   Pan L, Yao E*, Xia D, Yang Y. Forecasting Hourly Traffic-related Air Pollution Concentration in Beijing Based on Traffic and Basic Meteorological Information[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting. 2016

50)   Pan L, Yao E*, Zhang R, Wang M. Environmental Effect Analysis of EVs under various EV Penetrations: a Case Study of Beijing[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting. 2016

51)   Jin F, Yao E*, Zhang Y, Liu S. Route Choice Behavior Analysis Considering The Perception Transfer Threshold for Urban Rail Transit Passengers[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting. 2016

52)   Liu S, Yao E*. Forecasting Holiday Daily Passenger Flow with Modified Least Square Support Vector Machine for Metro[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting. 2016

53)    Li B,Yao E*,Liu S,Jin F. Impact Analysis of Station Surrounding Area’s Land Use on Urban Rail Passenger Flow Distribution Based on Fuzzy Clustering[C]//2015/4rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2015), 2015

54)   Tang Y, Yao E*, Zhang R, Sun X. Line-based Traction Energy Consumption Estimation of Urban Rail Transit[C]//2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation,EITRT2015, 2015

55)   Xia D, Yao E*, Zhang R, Pan L and Pan Z, Evaluating Traffic Air Pollution in Urban Area Based on Real-time Traffic and Meteorological Information[C]//The 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2015), 2015, pp: 3324-3335

56)   Zhang R, Yao E*, Qian Y. Impact Analysis of Personal Attributes on Estimating the Value of Travel Time Savings[C]//The 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2015), 2015, pp: 2631-2642"

57)   Zhang Y, Yao E*, Liu S. A Constrained PSL Route Choice Model for Metro Passengers[C]//14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), 2015

58)   Yang Y, Yao E*, Yang Z, Zhang R. BEV Drivers' Charging and Route Choice Behavior Analysis[C]// 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), 2015

59)   Yao E J, Yang W, Yang Y. Study on Passengers' Taxi-Pooling Willingness and Agreement-reaching Mechanism[C]//Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94rd Annual Meeting. 2015

60)   Zhang Y, Yao E*, Liu S, Zhang R. A Constrained Route Choice Model for Metro Passengers[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94rd Annual Meeting. 2015

61)   Yang Y, Yao E*, Yang Z, Wang M. Nested Logit Model Based EV Drivers’Charging and Route Choice Behavior Analysis[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94rd Annual Meeting. 2015

62)   Yao E, Yang Q, Yang Y, Zhang Y. Charging Demand-Based Electric Vehicles' Quick Charging Station Layout Planning[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94rd Annual Meeting. 2015

63)   鲁楠、姚恩建*、潘龙.基于高斯扩散模型的北京市道路交通空气污染的敏感性分析.2014年中国公路学会交通工程分会年会与北京交通工程年会暨学术交流大会.

64)   杨扬, 姚恩建*, 潘龙,基于GPS数据的出租车路径选择行为研究[C], 18届SESC年会学术论文集,2014.

65)   Zong W, Yao E*, Yang Y. Drivers’ Route Choice Behavior Analysis Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, 2014, 1030: 2231-2234.

66)   Lu N, Yao E*, Zhang Y, et al. A Method of Energy-Saving Optimization of Logistics Distribution Plan[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, 2014, 1030: 481-484.

67)   Lang Z, Yao E*, Hu W, et al. A vehicle routing problem solution considering alternative stop points[C]// Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 138: 584-591.

68)   Liu S, Yao E*, Zhang Y, et al. Study on Route Choice Behavior of Urban Rail Transit Passengers[C]// Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 587: 2252-2256.

69)   Yao E, Wang X, Yang Q, et al. An Improved Bin-Packing Approach under the Consideration of Fuel Consumption for Delivery Vehicle[C]//Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 953: 844-848.

70)   Yao E, Wang M, Song Y, Zhang Y. Estimating Energy Consumption Based on Microscopic Driving Parameters for Electric Vehicles[C]// Transportation Research Board (TRB) 93rd Annual Meeting,2013

71)   杨扬、姚恩建*、张永生(2013).基于改进Logit模型的路径选择模型研究.2013年全国博士生学术论坛(交通运输工程领域拔尖创新人才博士生学术论坛)论文集

72)   张永生、姚恩建*、刘莎莎(2013).基于Mixed Logit模型城轨乘客路径选择行为分析.2013年全国博士生学术论坛(交通运输工程领域拔尖创新人才博士生学术论坛)论文集

73)   Zhang Y, Yao E*, Yang Y. A route-planning algorithm based on subway passenger routes choice behavior analysis[C]//Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. Wuhan, China: American Society of Civil Engineers. 2013: 1972-1978.

74)   Yao E, Wang M, Song Y, et al. Estimating the cruising range of electric vehicle based on instantaneous speed and acceleration[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 361: 2104-2108.

75)   Yao E, Yang Q, Zhang Y, et al. A study on travel demand for high-speed train based on nested logit model[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 361: 2096-2099.

76)   Yao E, Yang Z, Dai H, et al. Estimation of Electric Vehicle's Crusing Range Based on Real-Time Links Average Speed[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 361: 2100-2103.

77)   Yao E, Pan L, Yang Y, et al. Taxi Driver's Route Choice Behavior Analysis Based on Floating Car Data[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 361: 2036-2039.

78)   Yao E, Lang Z, Song Y, et al. Microscopic Driving Parameters-Based Energy Consumption Rate Comparison between Electric Vehicle and Gasoline Vehicle[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 361: 2088-2091.

79)   Zhou Y, Yao E*. A review of evaluation methods of Visual Guiding Signage’s layout in Integrated Transportation Hub, The 2nd International Conference on Numbers, Intelligence, Manufacturing Technology, and Machinery Automation (MAMT2012), No. 77

80)   Wang D, Yao E*, Yang Y, Zhang Y. Modeling Passenger Flow Distribution Based on Disaggregate Model for Urban Rail Transit [C]. IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing, 2012.

81)   Zhao R, Yao E*, Li X, Song Y, Zuo T. Study on Data Storage Particle Size Optimization of Traffic Information Database for Floating Car Systems Based on Minimum Description Length Principle [C]//International Conference on Low-carbon Transportation and Logistics, and Green Buildings, 2012:259-265.

82)   Guang Z, Yao E*, Zhang Y. Prediction of urban railway station’s entrance and exit passenger flow based on fuzzy clustering analysis[C]//Proceedings of the International Conference on Railway Engineering. 2012: 70-75.

83)   Hu W, Yao E*, Yang Y, Zhang W, Yue H, Rao J (2011). Estimation of Urban Arterial Real-time Travel Speed Based on Multi-source Data Fusion. The 18th world congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSWC2011), No. 3082, CD-ROM.

84)   王许涛,姚恩建*,邱奉翠,李建军(2011).基于交通信息路网覆盖率的浮动车配置优化研究,第六届中国智能交通年会暨第七届国际节能与新能源汽车创新发展论坛优秀论文集.上册(智能交通): 282.

85)   李欣,姚恩建*,刘宇环,贾学力(2011).基于地图匹配准确度的浮动车系统数据采集周期优化,第六届中国智能交通年会暨第七届国际节能与新能源汽车创新发展论坛优秀论文集上册(智能交通): 198~208.

86)    刘宇环,姚恩建*,李欣,李建军,钱越,(2011). 浮动车系统地图的匹配精度, 2011年智能运输大会(ITSCC),No.S1008605.

87)   Yang Y., Yao E. *, Qu D., Zhang Y. (2011). Study on Travel Time Reliability of Probe Vehicle System based on Minimum Sample Size Analysis, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS2011), No. 2011-00399.

88)   Qiu F., Yao E. *, Yang Y., Zhang Y.(2011). Study on Data Fusion Model with Multi-Source Heterogeneous Traffic Data, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS2011), No. 2011-00334.

89)    Hu W., Rao Z., Yang Y., Yao E. (2010). Study on Traffic Information Coverage of Probe Vehicle System, The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2010), No. AA321665, CD-ROM.

90)   Yao, E., Sugisaki, Y., Satou, A., Fujita, T., (2008). The impact evaluation of link travel time accumulated database on travel time prediction, 15th World Congress on ITS. 

91)   Yao, E., Fujita, T., Satou, A. (2007). The minimum sample size for reliable link travel time information, 14th World Congress on ITS. 

92)   Fujita, T., Yao, E., et al (2006). Travel Time Prediction Using Probe-Car Data, 13th World Congress on ITS.

93)   Yao, E., Fujita, T., Satou, A. (2006). A study on the necessary minimum sample size for traffic information generation. the 5th ITS symposium 2006, (in Japanese).

94)Yao, E., Morikawa, T., A Study on Integrated Intercity Travel Demand Model, 10th International Conference on Travel Behavior (IATBR), Moving through nets: The physical and social dimensions of travel (Conference Proc. ), Lucerne, Switzerland, 2003. (ISTP)



1)     北京交通发展综合报告2019, 2019, 欧国立,毕颖… 姚恩建等,经济科学出版社

2)     Transport and Energy Research: A Behavioral Perspective(Chapter 8),Elsevier,Enjian Yao, Chunfu Shao, Fanglei Jin, Long Pan, Rui Zhang. 2019

3)     《城市道路工程》,姚恩建,北京交通大学出版社,北京,2015年10月

4)     《城市交通调查》,魏丽英主编、姚恩建参编,北京交通大学出版社,北京,2015年10月

5)     中国出租汽车发展问题理论研究,李刚,虞明远,刘美银… 姚恩建等,人民交通出版社,2013年4月

6)     国际大城市带综合交通体系研究,陈雪明,周江评,姚恩建,卓健,高松涛,中国建筑工业出版社,2013年6月


1)     姚恩建,郇宁,沈昊,高巍. 一种非侵入式导向运输车辆路权优先运行控制及仿真方法,专利号:ZL202011637009.5  

2)     姚恩建,郇宁,张金萌. 基于数据驱动的城市轨道交通车站突发大客流预警方法,专利号:ZL202011183674.1

3)     姚恩建,郇宁,沈昊. 多请求响应下导向运输车辆动态信号优先控制方法,专利号:ZL202011518717.7

4)     姚恩建,郇宁,张金萌. 基于需求演化与流量传播的地铁客流调控计划编制方法,专利号:ZL202011179802.5

5)     姚恩建,郇宁,程欣,唐英. 一种突发事件下城市轨道交通断面客流预测方法,专利号:ZL201710286016.7

6)     姚恩建,李斌斌,唐英,程欣. 一种突发事件下城市轨道交通客流预测方法,专利号:ZL201710285956.4

7)     姚恩建,刘莎莎,唐英,程欣. 一种突发事件下城市轨道交通乘客出行路径规划方法,专利号:ZL201710286016.7

8)     姚恩建,张锐,李斌斌,元凌. 基于公平性的出租车实时预约方法及系统,专利号:ZL201610304732.9

9)     姚恩建,潘龙,张锐,金方磊. 一种基于气象条件的交通空气污染物浓度预测方法与系统,专利号:ZL201611130174.5

10)   姚恩建,金方磊,杨蔚,张锐,李斌斌. 一种面向出租汽车动态合乘的智能调度方法和系统,专利号:ZL201610304707.0

11)   姚恩建,张嘉霖,张正超,罗烨堃,薛飞,李斌斌. 基于动态优化的停车位预约分配方法及系统,专利号:ZL201610461304.7

12)   姚恩建,杨扬,宋媛媛,王梅英. 一种电动汽车续驶里程估算方法,专利号:ZL201310151533.5

13)   姚恩建,杨扬,宋媛媛,杨志强. 电动汽车电量消耗因子模型建立及续驶里程估算方法,专利号:ZL 201310151290.5

14)   姚恩建,张永生,潘龙,杨扬. 一种城市轨道交通随机客流加载方法, 专利号:ZL201310093784.2

15)   姚恩建,张永生,光志瑞,杨扬. 一种成网条件下城市轨道交通新线接入进出站量预测方法,专利号:ZL201310094861.6

16)   姚恩建,杨扬,王大蕾,张永生. 一种轨道交通客流分布预测模型建立及预测方法, 专利号:ZL201310093691.X

17)   姚恩建,杨扬,张永生,左婷. 一种电动汽车备选充电设施选择方法,专利号:ZL201310079243.4

18)   姚恩建,张永生,杨扬. 一种成网条件下城市轨道交通新线接入客流预测方法,专利号:ZL201310093608.9


1)     2011SRBJ3699,浮动车系统配置优化软件 V1.0,李欣, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 王许涛, 邱奉翠, 张菁菁, 刘宇环;

2)     2011SRBJ2458,交通事件数据处理软件 V1.0,李欣, 姚恩建, 光志瑞;

3)     2011SRBJ1572,多源交通数据融合系统 V1.0,李欣, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 邱奉翠;

4)     2012SRBJ1265,备选路径集合构造系统 V1.0,张永生, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 宋媛媛,左婷, 王大蕾,光志瑞,赵蕊;

5)     2012SRBJ1271,电动汽车备选充电桩选择系统 V1.0,左婷, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 张永生,宋媛媛, 王大蕾,光志瑞,赵蕊;

6)     2012SRBJ1273,电动汽车排队系统 V1.0,王大蕾, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 张永生,宋媛媛, 左婷,光志瑞,赵蕊;

7)     2012SRBJ1275,电动汽车动态路径探索系统 V1.0,杨扬, 姚恩建, ,张永生,宋媛媛, 左婷,王大蕾,光志瑞;

8)     2013SRBJ0469,城轨断面流量及换乘量统计系统V1.0,潘龙, 姚恩建;

9)     2013SRBJ0064,Guralnik&Srivastava批处理算法分析软件V1.0,赵蕊, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 张永生, 宋媛媛, 左婷, 光志瑞;

10)   2018SRBJ0520,城市轨道交通突发事件客流组织决策支持系统V1.0       ,郇宁,姚恩建, 卢天伟, 卢沐阳, 方超, 李斌斌;

11)   2018SRBJ0521,城市轨道交通网络客流大数据智能可视化系统V1.0,郇宁,姚恩建, 卢天伟, 卢沐阳, 方超, 李斌斌;

12)   2018SRBJ0522,城市轨道交通网络客流分布实时预测与预警系统V1.0,郇宁,姚恩建, 卢天伟, 卢沐阳, 方超, 李斌斌;

13)   2021SRBJ0078,自动-手动驾驶车辆混行条件下交通流微观仿真软件,郇宁,姚恩建,郭东博;

14)   2021SRBJ0099,导向运输系统移动闭塞路权优先控制模拟软件,郇宁,姚恩建,沈昊;

15)   2020SRBJ0613,公路网流量实时推演系统V1.0,王朝辉,杨扬,姚恩建,张天雨,王晓雯;

16)   2020SRBJ0622,高速路网运行态势实时监测与分析系统,王晓雯,姚恩建,杨扬,张锐,宋媛媛;

17)   2020SRBJ0612,电动汽车混入条件下动态交通流分配系统,张天雨,杨扬,姚恩建,王朝辉,王晓雯;

18)   2021SRBJ0182,城市枢纽间多模式运力动态协同调度优化系统,卢天伟, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 郇宁, 李义罡, 陈琳;

19)   2021SRBJ0259,多模式客运枢纽间联程客流实时感知系统  李义罡, 姚恩建, 杨扬, 卢天伟, 郇宁, 陈琳



北京市优秀博士论文(提名奖)指导教师 (2023)

北京市优秀本科毕业设计指导教师 (2023)




第四届交通运输工程全国优秀博士论文指导教师 (2022)






北京交通大学优秀博士论文指导教师 (2022、2021、2019)

















中国“云上贵州”智慧交通大数据应用创新大赛 二等奖(2017)




Ÿ   2018.10至今 教育部高等学校交通工程教学指导分委员会 副主任委员;

Ÿ   2018.10至今 教育部高等学校交通运输类专业教学指导委员会委员 委员;

Ÿ   2019.10至今 交通运输部综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业重点实验室 主任;

Ÿ   2019.11至今 世界交通运输大会(WTC)运输规划学部 主席;

Ÿ   2020.11至今 中国公路学会城市交通分会 常务理事;

Ÿ   2018.11至今 中国公路学会运输与物流分会 常务理事;

Ÿ   2021.4至今 都市快轨交通编委会 副主任;

Ÿ   2021.1至今 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 特约编委;

Ÿ   2021.1至今 北京交通大学学报(社科版)编委;

Ÿ   2021.3至今 长安大学学报 编委;

Ÿ   2019.11-2020.12 “四部委”全国城市道路交通文明畅通提升行动计划专家组 成员等