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北京交通大学软件学院 逸夫楼西 712室

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  • 软件工程理论与技术
  • 人工智能与大数据
  • 软件服务工程
  • 智能交通领域软件工程
  • 软件工程
  • 人工智能(软件学院导师组)


  • 软件工程硕士
  • 软件工程博士
  • 人工智能硕士


1.  国家自然科学基金“面上“:多源异构数据处理及智能交通流量预测研究,                      2019-01-01--2022-12-31, 65万元 ,主持

2   国家自然科学基金面上:资源导向型对等网络下服务发现与服务组合的研究,       2013-01-01--2016-12-3180万元,主持

3.  国家自然科学基金海外:数据密集型系统中软件的错误检测、故障恢复和优化  2015-01-01--2017-07-2620万元,主持




国家级软件工程二类特色专业点的建设项目 建设经费:80万元

国家级人才培养模式创新实验区的建设项目 建设经费:50万元

国家级软件工程专业优秀教学团队建设项目 建设经费:30万元

教育部高等学校特色项目---国际化人才培养 建设经费:60万元

北京市精品课程《软件系统分析与设计技术》建设经费: 5万元

北京市软件工程二类特色专业点的建设项目 建设经费:30万元

北京市服务外包实验教学示范中心建设项目 建设经费:60万元

北京市软件工程专业优秀教学团队建设项目 建设经费:30万元


  1. 期 刊-> Wei Lu, Lei Chen, Liqiang Wang, Haitao Yuan, Weiwei Xing, Yong Yang. NPIY: A Novel Partitioner for Improving MapReduce Performance. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing. (SCI, Accepted, will be online in May, 2018)
  2. 期 刊->  Lei Chen, Wei Lu, Ergude Bao, Liqiang Wang, Weiwei Xing, Yuanyuan Cai. Naive Bayes Classifier Based Partitioner for MapReduce, IEICE Transaction on fundamentals of electronics communications and computer sciences. (SCI, Accepted, will be online in May, 2018)
  3. 期 刊->  Wei X, Lu W, Bao P, et al. MGA for feature weight learning in SVM—a novel optimization method in pedestrian detection[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(7): 9021-9037.
  4. 期 刊->  Lu W, Yang Y, Wang L, et al. A fault tolerant election-based deadlock detection algorithm in distributed systems[J]. Software Quality Journal, 2017: 1-23.
  5. 期 刊->  卢苇,杨永(研);邢薇薇;车啸平;蔡园媛(外);王利强(外).A HYBRID SEMANTIC SIMILARITY MEASURING APPROACH FOR ANNOTATING WSDL DOCUMENTS WITH ONTOLOGY CONCEPTS[J]。International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),2017-03,13(4),1221:1242
  6. 期 刊->  魏翔(研),卢苇,邢薇薇.A rapid multi-source shortest path algorithm for interactive image segmentation[J]。MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2017-10,20(76),21547:21563
  7. 期 刊->  卢苇,杨永(研);邢薇薇;车啸平;王利强(外);蔡园媛(外).MFSMA: Multi-Feature Similarity Measuring Algorithm for Semantic Annotation of WSDL Documents[J]。ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications,2017-03,3(8),655:663
  8. 期 刊->  Li Z, Lu W, Sun Z, et al. Improving multi-label classification using scene cues[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2017(3):1-16.
  9. 期 刊->  卢苇,魏翔(研);邢薇薇;刘渭滨.Trajectory-based motion pattern analysis of crowds[J]。Neurocomputing,2017-07,247,213:223
  10. 期 刊->  杨永(研),卢苇,邢薇薇,王力强(外),车啸平,陈磊(研).Detecting and resolving deadlocks in mobile agent systems[J]。Journal of Visual Languages and Computing,2017-10,10(42),23:30
  11. 期 刊->  卢苇,邢薇薇,车啸平,蔡圆媛(研),卢宇勋(本).Joint semantic similarity assessment with raw corpus and structured ontology for semantic-oriented service discovery[J]。PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING,2016-06,3(20),311:323
  12. 期 刊->  Li Z, Lu W, Sun Z, et al. A parallel feature selection method study for text classification[J]. Neural Computing & Applications, 2016, 28(S1):1-12.
  13. 期 刊->  卢苇,车啸平,蔡圆媛(研),施凯伦(研).Semantic Similarity Measurement Using Knowledge-Augmented Multiple-prototype Distributed Word Vector[J]。International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking,2016-04,2(8),45:57
  14. 期 刊->  李钊(研), 卢苇, 邢薇薇,等. CNN视觉特征的图像检索[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2015, 38(s1):103-106.
  15. 期 刊->  卢苇.An improved flooding based search mechanism in unstructured P2P network[J]。Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University,2015-04,2(33),342:350
  16. 期 刊->  卢苇,赵祥宇(研),包尔固德,邢薇薇.An efficient matrix inversion algorithm on Spark[J]。ICIC Express Letter, Part B:Applications--An International Journal of Research and Surveys,2016-09,9(7),1963:1968
  17. 期 刊->  卢苇,曹鹏(研).Clustering large scale data set based on Distributed Local Affinity Propagation on Spark[J]。International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing,2016-10,1:10
  18. 期 刊->  蔡圆媛(研), 卢苇. 基于低维语义向量模型的语义相似度度量[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2016 (9): 719-726.
  19. 期 刊->  卢苇,包尔固德.FAQS: Fast Web Service Composition Algorithm Based on QoS-Aware Sampling[J]。IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences,2016-04,2016(E99.A),826:834
  20. 期 刊-> 卢苇.Semantic Similarity Assessment Using Differential Evolution Algorithm in Continuous Vector Space[J]。Journal of Visual Languages and Computing,2015-11,4(31),246:251
  21. 期 刊-> 蔡圆媛(研),卢苇.Cloud Computing Research Analysis Using Bibliometric Method[J]。International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,2015-04,3(25),551:571
  22. 期 刊-> Xing W, Wei X, Lu W. Weighted time-based global hierarchical path planning in dynamic environment[J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2014, 20(3): 223-231.
  23. 期 刊-> 卢苇,蔡圆媛,邢薇薇.国际化软件人才培养模式改革与创新[J]。高等工程教育研究,2013-01,23(2013年01期),76:83
  24. 期 刊-> 邢薇薇,卢苇.国际化软件工程人才培养的探索与实践[J]。中国高等教育,2012-04,2012(8),34:36
  25. 期 刊-> 邢薇薇,卢苇.建立留学生招生机制 提高留学生管理服务水平[J]。计算机教育,2012-09,2012(17),7:9
  26. 期 刊-> 李红梅,张红延,卢苇.面向能力培养的软件工程实践教学体系[J]。高等工程教育研究,2009-12,2009年2月(115),
  27. 期 刊-> 李红梅,卢苇,张红延.提高软件人才培养质量 产学合作机制的探索与实践[J]。南京大学学报,2009-12,45(增刊),
  28. 期 刊-> 卢苇,周成祖,陈旭东.基于Java语言的GIS系统在电信网管系统中的开发应用[J]。航空计算技术,2007-12,37(3),
  29. 期 刊-> 卢苇,关林涛.一种采用组内分级策略的P2P搜索模型[J]。西安电子科技大学学报,2007-12,34(3),
  30. 期 刊-> 卢苇,邵逊.一种基于免疫-蚁群算法的Ad hoc网络QoS路由算法[J]。厦门大学学报,2007-12,46(4),
  31. 期 刊-> 卢苇,彭雅.几种常用文本分类算法性能比较与分析[J]。湖南大学学报,2007-12,34(6),
  32. 期 刊-> 卢苇,白淑霞.对等网络平台搜索模型[J]。航空计算技术,2006-12,36(5),
  33. 期 刊-> 杨晖(研),卢苇.RMI技术研究及其在EJB中的应用[J]。四川大学学报,2003-12,40(1),
  34. 期 刊-> 覃文浩(研),卢苇.在IP Qos机制下建立园区分布式Dos防御方案的研究[J]。四川大学学报,2002-12,39(6),
  35. 期 刊-> 卢苇,覃文浩.热备份路由协议HSRP在校园网维护中的应用[J]。计算机应用,2002-12,22(4),
  36. 期 刊-> 卢苇,覃文浩.基于多层交换的校园以太网解决方案[J]。四川大学学报,2002-12,39(2),
  37. 会议论文->Wei, X., Gong, B., Liu, Z., Lu, W., & Wang, L. Improving the Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs: A Consistency Term and Its Dual Effect[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01541, 2018.
  38. 会议论文->Chen L, Lu W, Wang L, et al. Optimizing MapReduce Partitioner Using Naive Bayes Classifier[C]// IEEE, Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress. IEEE, 2017:812-819.
  39. 会议论文->Lu W, Chen L, Yuan H, et al. Improving MapReduce Performance by Using a New Partitioner in YARN[C]//The 23rd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visual Languages and Sentient Systems. 2017: 24-33.
  40. 会议论文->Chen L, Lu W, Che X, et al. MRSIM: Mitigating Reducer Skew In MapReduce[C]//Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2017 31st International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 379-384.
  41. 会议论文->Lu W, Yang Y, Wang L, et al. A Novel Priority-based Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm in Mobile Agent Systems[J].
  42. 会议论文->卢苇,邢薇薇,车啸平,杨永(研). A leader election based deadlock detection algorithm in distributed systems,Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Specification, Comprehension, Testing, and Debugging of Concurrent Programs, 新加坡,2016-09,
  43. 会议论文->Cai Y, Lu W, Che X, et al. Differential Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Multiple Vector Metrics for Semantic Similarity Assessment in Continuous Vector Space[C]//DMS. 2015: 241-249.
  44. 会议论文->Cai Y, Lu W, Che X, et al. Knowledge-Enhanced Multi-semantic Fusion for Concept Similarity Measurement in Continuous Vector Space[C]//Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom), 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on. IEEE, 2015: 415-423.
  45. 会议论文-> 王伟东(研),卢苇,王利强,邢薇薇,李钊.A Ranking-Based Approach for Service Composition with Multiple QoS Constraints。Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering,北京,185:185,2013-01,
  46. 会议论文-> 卢苇,谭克聿.MI-Based Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity Using Singularity Function Analysis。International Conference on Signal Processing,桂林,2006-12
  47. 会议论文-> 卢苇,孟宪宇.QoS Based Peer-to-Peer Network Search Model。International Conference on Signal Processing,桂林,2006-12



动态时变环境下寻求全局时间最优路径的方法。邢薇薇魏翔卢苇刘渭滨。2014-05-23,2014 1 0222902.X,14-

一种非结构化P2P网络的资源搜索方法。卢苇周韬邢薇薇车啸平。2015-02-26,2015 1 0088791.2,15-091

一种基于车尾文字识别的车型鉴定方法及系统。刘渭滨尹瑞雪邢薇薇卢苇。 2015-07-16,2015 1 0419100.2,15-302

一种基于边追踪的分布式系统死锁检测方法。卢苇虞程凯蔡圆媛车啸平邢薇薇杨永。 2016-10-26,2016 1 0949911.8,16-393

用于高校教学服务器故障诊断的方法及专家系统。卢苇王伟东邢薇薇。 2016-11-08,2016 1 0979319.2,16-486

一种基于多源路径最短距离的交互式图像分割方法。魏翔(研),卢苇,邢薇薇,杨宇翔,张顺利。2016.11.21,2016 1 1039325.6

一种基于支持向量机的行人检测方法及系统。邢薇薇,魏翔,卢苇,杨宇翔,张顺利。2016.12.26,2016 1 1221282.3


卢苇;杨永(研);车啸平;邢薇薇;蔡圆媛(研);陈磊(研). 分布式系统死锁检测软件.
