彭琬茹,陈后金,李艳凤,孙嘉.Multi‑source domain generalization peron re‑identifcation with knowledge accumulation and distribution enhancement.Applied Intelligence,2024,54(无)
毛沄涛,陈紫微,刘思源,李艳凤.Unveiling the potential: Exploring the predictability of complex exchange rate trends.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2024,2024(Volume 133)
彭琬茹,陈后金,李艳凤,孙嘉.Invariance Learning Under Uncertainty for Single Domain Generalization Person Re-Identification.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024,无(73)
李艳凤,程展艺,孙嘉,陈后金,潘盼,任怡涵.Multi-domain consistency constraint model for semi-supervised lesion segmentation in automatic breast ultrasound (ABUS).Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2024,98(无)
李晓玲,李艳凤,陈后金,孙嘉,王敏鋆,陈卢一夫.WTFusion: Wavelet-Assisted Transformer Network for Multisensor Image Fusion.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2024,24(22)
潘盼,陈后金,李艳凤,彭琬茹,程林.Attention decoupled contrastive learning for semi-supervised segmentation method based on data augmentation.Physics in Medicine & Biology,2024,69(无)
姚旭,陈后金,李艳凤,孙嘉,韦佳宇.Lightweight image super‑resolution based on stepwise feedback mechanism and multi‑feature maps fusion.Multimedia Systems,2024,30(39)
李艳凤,任怡涵,程展艺,孙嘉,潘盼,陈后金.Automatic breast ultrasound (ABUS) tumor segmentation based on global and local feature fusion.Physics in Medicine & Biology,2024,69(11)
潘盼,李艳凤,陈后金,孙嘉,李晓玲,程林.ABUS tumor segmentation via decouple contrastive knowledge distillation.Physics in Medicine & Biology,2024,69(1)
邬雯倩,陈后金,李艳凤,陈紫微,孙嘉.ESFFM: An Electromagnetic Scattering Feature Fusion Model for SAR Automatic Target Recognition.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2024,无(无)
周姿能,张钊,陈泽贤,李艳凤.Improving Person Re-identification by Rich Feature Discovery with Self-guided Network.Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies,2022,None(80)
潘盼,陈后金,李艳凤,李家忻,程展艺,王舒.Dual Teacher Model for Semi-supervised ABUS Tumor Segmentation.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2024,87(105514)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈卢一夫,陈后金,彭琬茹.Multiple integration model for single-source domain generalizable person re-identificatior.Journal of Visual Communication and lmage Representation,2023,98(104037)
李晓玲,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉,陈卢一夫,王敏鋆.RITFusion: Reinforced Interactive Transformer Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2023,无(无)
李晓玲,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.Multi-focus image fusion via adaptive fractional differential and guided filtering.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2023,无(无)
周沛,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉.Coco-Attention for Tumor Segmentation in Weakly Paired Multimodal MRI Images.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2023,None(27)
彭琬茹,陈后金,李艳凤,孙嘉.MCFR: multi-confidence contrastive learning with feature refined for unsupervised person re-identification.VISUAL COMPUTER,2023,None(None)
李艳凤,张子璐,程展艺,程琳,陈新.Semi-supervised learning for ABUS tumor detection using deep learning method.IET IMAGE PROCESSING,2023,None(None)
李晓玲,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉,潘盼.CCAFusion: Cross-modal Coordinate Attention Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2023,无(无)
李艳凤,朱晓迪,孙嘉,陈后金,李致远.Unsupervised person re-identification based on high-quality pseudo labels.Applied Intelligence,2023,12(53)
蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,Guo.Registration on DCE-MRI images via multi-domain image-to-image translation.Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,2023,无(104)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉,朱锦雷.Visible-infrared person re-identification model based on feature consistency and modal indistinguishability.Machine Vision and Applications,2023,1(34)
张又,陈后金,李艳凤,周俊琦.ImDeeplabV3plus with instance selective whitening loss in domain generalization semantic segmentation.IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2022,2022(无)
薛盼,陈后金,李艳凤,李居朋.Multi-scale pedestrian detection with global–local attention and multi-scale receptive field context.IET Computer Vision,2022,无(无)
周沛,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.Unpaired multi-modal tumor segmentation with structure adaptation.Applied Intelligence,2022,3(32)
王鑫慧,李新春,陈后金,彭亚辉,李艳凤.Pulmonary MRI Radiomics and Machine Learning: Effect of Intralesional Heterogeneity on Classification of Lesion.Academic Radiology,2022,2(29)
曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,周悦,程琳,Liu,沈定刚.Auto-DenseUNet: Searchable neural network architecture for mass segmentation in 3D automated breast ultrasound.Medical Image Analysis,2022,无(82)
周悦,陈后金,李艳凤,曹旭阳,王舒,沈定刚.Cross-model attention-guided tumor segmentation for 3D automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) images.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2022,1(26)
李晓玲,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.MAFusion: Multiscale Attention Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,2022,无(71)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,朱晓迪,彭亚辉.Inter-cluster and intra-cluster joint optimization for unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification.Knowledge-Based Systems,2022,无(251)
程展艺,李艳凤,陈后金,张子璐,潘盼,程琳.DSGMFFN: Deepest semantically guided multi-scale feature fusion network for automated lesion segmentation in ABUS images.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2022,2022(221)
张林林,李艳凤,陈后金,吴文,Chen,Wang.Anchor-free YOLOv3 for mass detection in mammogram.Expert Systems With Applications,2022,无(191)
李家忻,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,孙嘉,潘盼.Cross-modality synthesis aiding lung tumor segmentation on multi-modal MRI images.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2022,无(76)
周悦,陈后金,李艳凤,王舒,程琳,李居朋.3D multi-view tumor detection in automated whole breast ultrasound using deep convolutional neural network.EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2021,None(168)
潘盼,陈后金,李艳凤,蔡纳新,程琳,王舒.Tumor segmentation in automated whole breast ultrasound using bidirectional LSTM neural network and attention mechanism.ULTRASONICS,2021,None(110)
周悦,陈后金,李艳凤,Liu,Xu,Wang,Yap,Shen.Multi-task learning for segmentation and classification of tumors in 3D automated breast ultrasound images.Medical Image Analysis,2021,None(70)
李家忻,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,蔡纳新,曹旭阳.AMRSegNet: adaptive modality recalibration network for lung tumor segmentation on multi-modal MR images.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2021,None(None)
蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋.Reducing non-realistic deformations in registration using precise and reliable landmark correspondences.Computers in Biology and Medicine,2019,115(115)
李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋,李艳凤.Sitting or Standing Data Acquisition Based Breast Ultrasound Computed Tomography.Chinese Journal of Electronics,2021,5(30)
王敏鋆,陈后金,李艳凤,游宇豪,朱锦雷.Multi-scale pedestrian detection based on self-attention and adaptively spatial feature fusion.IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2021,6(15)
朱晓迪,李艳凤,孙嘉,陈后金,朱锦雷.Learning with noisy labels method for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification.Neurocomputing,2021,无(452)
张子璐,李艳凤,吴文,陈后金,程琳,王舒.Tumor detection using deep learning method in automated breast ultrasound.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2021,无(68)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,张斌,朱锦雷.MEMF: Multi-level-attention emb e dding and multi-layer-feature fusion model for person re-identification.Pattern Recognition,2021,无(116)
曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,王舒,程琳.Dilated densely connected U-Net with uncertainty focus loss for 3D ABUS mass segmentation.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2021,0(209)
李艳凤,张斌,孙嘉,陈后金,朱晓迪,朱锦雷.Person re-identification based on activation guided identity and attribute classification model.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2021,无(80)
朱晓迪,李艳凤,孙嘉,陈后金,朱锦雷.Unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification via camera penalty learning.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2021,无(80)
张林林,李艳凤,吴文,陈后金,彭亚辉.Salient detection network for lung nodule detection in 3D Thoracic MRI Images.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2021,无(66)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉,朱晓迪,朱锦雷.Visible-infrared cross-modality person re-identification based on whole-individual training.Neurocomputing,2021,无(440)
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉,朱锦雷.Unsupervised Cross Domain Person Re-Identification by Multi-Loss Optimization Learning.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING,2021,无(30)
李艳凤,吴文,陈后金,程琳,王舒.3D tumor detection in automated breast ultrasound using deep convolutional neural network.MEDICAL PHYSICS,2020,11(47)
王鑫慧,陈后金,万齐,李艳凤,蔡纳新,李新春,彭亚辉.Motion correction and noise removing in lung diffusion-weighted MRI using low-rank decomposition.Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing,2020,9(58)
李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋,李艳凤.Ultrasound Computed Tomography of Knee Joint.Chinese Journal of Electronics,2020,4(29)
蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李家忻.Adaptive Weighting Landmark-based Group-wise Registration On Lung DCE-MRI Images.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2020,0(0)
曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,王舒,程琳.Uncertainty Aware Temporal-Ensembling Model for Semi-supervised ABUS Mass Segmentation.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2021,1(40)
王鑫慧,万齐,陈后金,李艳凤,李新春.Classification of pulmonary lesion based on multiparametric MRI: utility of radiomics and comparison of machine learning methods.EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY,2020,8(30)
李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,程琳.Mass detection in mammograms by bilateral analysis using convolution neural network.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2020,无(195)
于翠如,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,杨帆.Correction to: Breast cancer classification in pathological images based on hybrid features (Multimedia Tools and Applications, (2019), 78, 15, (21325-21345), 10.1007/s11042-019-7468-9).Multimedia Tools and Applications,2019,15(78)
吕文超,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,陈后金.Multimodal Registration of Chest MRI Images Based on Structure Compensation.Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,2019,3(31)
于翠如,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,杨帆.Breast cancer classification in pathological images based on hybrid features.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2019,15(78)
李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,杨娜.Lung Nodule Detection With Deep Learning in 3D Thoracic MR Images.IEEE Access,2019,无(7)
李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,杨娜.Lung Nodule Detection With Deep Learning in 3D Thoracic MR Images.IEEE Access,2019,-(7)
于翠如,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,杨帆.Breast cancer classification in pathological images based on hybrid features.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2019,1(1)
吕文超,陈后金,彭亚辉,李艳凤,李居朋.An atlas-based multimodal registration method for 2D images with discrepancy structures.Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing,2018,56(11)
李艳凤,陈后金,曹霖,马津源.A Survey of Computer-aided Detection of Breast Cancer with Mammography.Journal of Health & Medical Informatics,2016,4(7)
李艳凤,陈后金,魏学业,彭亚辉,程琳.Mass classification inmammograms based on two-concentricmasks and discriminating texton.PatternRecognition,2016,60(2016)
李艳凤,陈后金,Rohde,姚畅,程琳.Texton analysis for mass classification in mammograms.Pattern Recognition Letters,2015,无(52)
李艳凤,陈后金,Yang,程琳,曹霖.A bilateral analysis scheme for false positive reduction in mammogram mass detection.Computers in Biology and Medicine,2015,2015(57)
郝超凡,李艳凤,孙嘉,陈后金.MFEN: Multi-scale Feature Expansion Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification.2024 International Conference on Computer Vision and Deep Learning,2024
潘盼,李艳凤,陈后金,赵旭之,陈卢一夫,张翀.Gaussian_Transformer_and_CNN_Segmentation_Method_Based_on_Contrastive_Learning_of_Boundary.International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing,2023
周俊琦,李艳凤,陈后金.Learning Spatial and Geometric Information for Robust Features.2023 3rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Computer Engineering, ICCECE 2023,2023
游宇豪,陈后金,李艳凤,王敏鋆,朱锦雷.Small-scale pedestrian detection method based on attention mechanism and adaptive feature fusion.Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2021
王燕磊,陈后金,李艳凤.DM-YOLOv5 for ABUS Detection.2022 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning (ICICML),2023
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,彭亚辉.A sample diversity and identity consistency based cross-modality model for visible-infrared person reidentification.Fourteenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2022),2022
游宇豪,陈后金,李艳凤,王敏鋆,朱锦雷.Small-scale Pedestrian Detection Method based on Attention Mechanism and Adaptive Feature Fusion.2021 International Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Signal Image Processing(AASIP 2021),2021
李家忻,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.A Novel Network Based on Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks for Segmentation of Lung Tumors on Multi-Modal MR Images.2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing,2019
孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,李居朋,李峰.Pedestrian Detection Based on Depth Information.12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing,2020
曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,周悦,程琳.Boundary Loss with Non-Euclidean Distance Constraint for ABUS Mass Segmentation.2020 13th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI),2020
王鑫慧,陈后金,李艳凤,晏晨,彭亚辉,李新春.Improving the diagnosis of lung cancer based on multiparametric MRI.ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING (ICGIP 2019),2020
张林林,李艳凤,陈后金,程琳.Mammographic Mass Detection by Bilateral Analysis Based on Convolution Neural Network.ICIP,2019
蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.Intrusion Detection and Tracking at Railway Crossing.Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing,2019
李艳凤,陈后金,张林林,程琳.Mammographic mass detection based on convolution neural network.2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018
王传刚,李富强,李艳凤,陈后金,曹旭阳.A Defect Status Detecting Method for External Gear in Railway.2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC),2018
王传刚,李富强,李艳凤,陈后金,曹旭阳.A Defect Status Detecting Method for External Gear in Railway.2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC),2018
李艳凤,陈后金,魏学业.An Automated Lung Parenchyma Segmentation Method for 3D Thoracic MR Images. International Conference on Software Engineering and Information System (SEIS),2015