姓 名: |
陈后金 |
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职 务: |
职 称: |
教授 |
学 历: |
研究生 |
学 位: |
博士 |
通信地址: |
北京交通大学电子信息工程学院 |
邮 编: |
100044 |
办公电话: |
10-51685343 |
电子邮箱: |
2000.10—至今, 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院教授 2008.11—2018.3, 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院院长 1995.10—2000.9, 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院副教授 1997.9—1998.9, 美国RICE大学ECE系国家公派访问学者 2000.9—2001.9, 美国TEXAS大学生物医学系客座教授
主讲本科生"信号与系统"课程,主持建设的该MOOC课程获评“国家精品在线课程” 主讲本科生"数字信号处理"课程,主持建设的该MOOC课程获评“国家精品在线课程” 主讲硕士生"近代数字信号处理" 主讲硕士生"数字图像处理"课程 主讲博士生“高等数字信号处理”课程
[1] 曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,王舒,程琳.Uncertainty Aware Temporal-Ensembling Model for Semi-supervised ABUS Mass Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2021,1(40) [2] 周悦,陈后金,李艳凤等,Multi-task learning for segmentation and classification of tumors in 3D automated breast ultrasound images,Medical Image Analysis,vol.70, pp.101918, 2021. [3] 周悦,陈后金,李艳凤等,3D multi-view tumor detection in automated whole breast ultrasound using deep convolutional neural network, Expert Systems With Applications,vol.168, pp.114410, 2021. [4] 蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李家忻. Adaptive Weighting Landmark-based Group-wise Registration On Lung DCE-MRI Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2020 [5] 王鑫慧,陈后金,万齐,李艳凤,蔡纳新,李新春,彭亚辉.Motion correction and noise removing in lung diffusion-weighted MRI using low-rank decomposition. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing,2020,9(58) [6] 潘盼,陈后金,李艳凤等. Tumor Segmentation in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Bidirectional LSTM Neural Network and Attention Mechanism. Ultrasonics, 2020 [7] 孙嘉,李艳凤,陈后金,李居朋,李峰.Pedestrian Detection Based on Depth Information.12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing,2020 [8] 李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉.Density Reconstruction Algorithm in Ultrasound Computed Tomography using Full Waveform Inversion with Source Encoding.2020 Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC), IEEE,2020 [9] 李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋,李艳凤.Ultrasound Computed Tomography of Knee Joint. Chinese Journal of Electronics,2020,4(29) [10] 曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,周悦,程琳.Boundary Loss with Non-Euclidean Distance Constraint for ABUS Mass Segmentation.2020 13th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI),2020 [11] 王鑫慧,万齐,陈后金,李艳凤,李新春.Classification of pulmonary lesion based on multiparametric MRI: utility of radiomics and comparison of machine learning methods. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY,2020,8(30) [12] 叶阳阳,陈后金,张弛,郝晓莉,张兆翔.SARPNET: Shape attention regional proposal network for liDAR-based 3D object detection.NEUROCOMPUTING,2020 [13] 李艳凤,张斌,孙嘉,陈后金,朱锦雷.基于多池化融合与背景消除网络的跨数据集行人再识别方法.通信学报,2020,10(41) [14] 王鑫慧,陈后金,李艳凤,晏晨,彭亚辉,李新春.Improving the diagnosis of lung cancer based on multiparametric MRI.ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING (ICGIP 2019),2020 [15] 李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,程琳.Mass detection in mammograms by bilateral analysis using convolution neural network. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2020,无(195) [16] 李家忻,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.A Novel Network Based on Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks for Segmentation of Lung Tumors on Multi-Modal MR Images.2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing,2019 [17] 李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋.Numerical Study of Square Border Ultrasonic Transducer Element Arrays for Breast Imaging in Ultrasound Computed Tomography with Waveform Inversion Method. Chinese Journal of lectronics,2019,5(28) [18] 吕文超,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,陈后金.Multimodal Registration of Chest MRI Images Based on Structure Compensation. Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2019,3(31) [19] 李艳凤,黄琳琳,陈后金,胡健.数字信号处理“听音识曲系统”综合实验设计.信息通信,2019 [20] 蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋.Reducing non-realistic deformations in registration using precise and reliable landmark correspondences. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2019,115(103515) [21] 于翠如,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,杨帆.Breast cancer classification in pathological images based on hybrid features. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 2019,15(78) [22] 蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.Intrusion Detection and Tracking at Railway Crossing. Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing, 2019 [23] 蔡纳新,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋.Reducing non-realistic deformations in registration using precise and reliable landmark correspondences. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2019,115(115) [24] 李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋.Numerical Study of Square Border Ultrasonic Transducer Element Arrays for Breast Imaging in Ultrasound Computed Tomography with Waveform Inversion Method. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(5) [25] 李瑞菁,陈后金,彭亚辉,李居朋.Comparison of Four Forward Models for Breast Imaging in Ultrasound Computed Tomography. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 2019,4(28) [26] 吴峰,陈后金,姚畅,郝晓莉.基于网格搜索的 PCA-SVM 道路交通标志识别.铁道学报,2014,11(36) [27] 李艳凤,黄琳琳,陈后金,胡健.数字信号处理“听音识曲系统”综合实验设计.信息通信,2019,11(无) [28] 李艳凤,陈后金,黄琳琳.新时代背景下的数字信号处理课程改革.教育教学论坛,2020,22(无) [29] 周沛,陈后金,于泽宽,彭亚辉,李艳凤,杨帆.跨模态医学图像预测综述.电子学报,2019,1(47) [30] 陈新,陈后金,陶丹,谢晶晶,李欣然.Ultrasonic section locating method based on Hough transform.2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2019 [31] 高天磊,陈后金,李居朋,陈新,彭亚辉.Bandwidth analysis of IEEE 802.11AC protocol on ARM platforms: Potential influencing factors.2017 [32] 陈新,陈后金,彭亚辉,陶丹.Probe Sector Matching for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction.Sensors, 2020,20(11) [33] 陶丹,黄琳琳,胡健,薛健,陈紫微,陈后金.基于BOPPPS模型的“多速率数字信号处理”课堂教学设计.实验技术与管理,2020,7(37) [34] 彭亚辉,曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤,李居朋,王贤刚.三结构各向同性包覆燃料颗粒相衬CT图像的噪声和伪像抑制方法初探.电子学报,2019,2(47) [35] 陶丹,胡健,李艳凤,薛健,黄琳琳,陈后金.信号处理系列课程新形态教材建设.教育教学论坛,2019,49(0) [36] 张林林,李艳凤,陈后金,程琳.Mammographic Mass Detection by Bilateral Analysis Based on Convolution Neural Network.ICIP, 2019 [37] 李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,杨娜.Lung Nodule Detection With Deep Learning in 3D Thoracic MR Images. IEEE Access,2019,无(7) [38] 吕文超,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,陈后金.胸部多模MRI图像的结构补偿配准方法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2019,3(31) [39] 于翠如,陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉,李居朋,杨帆.Breast cancer classification in pathological images based on hybrid features. Multimedia Tools and Applications,2019,1(1) [40] 杨帆,陈后金,李居朋,李丰,王磊,闫小苗.Single Shot Multibox Detector With Kalman Filter for Online Pedestrian Detection in Video. IEEE ACCESS, 2019 [41] 李艳凤,曹旭阳,陈后金,张林林,杨娜.基于机器视觉的列车外齿轮磨损状态检测方法.铁道学报,2019,12(40) [42] 侯亚丽,郝晓莉,陈后金.A Cognitively Motivated Method for Classification of Occluded Traffic Signs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2017,47(2) [43] 陈后金,胡健,陶丹,薛健,周航.“信号与系统”网络课程教学的改革与探索.电气电子教学学报,2013,3(35) [44] 陶丹,胡健,陈后金.高校青年教师如何协调教学与科研的关系.电气电子教学学报,2012,5(34) [45] 李艳凤,张林林,陈后金,杨娜.Lung Nodule Detection With Deep Learning in 3D Thoracic MR Images. IEEE Access,2019,-(7) [46] 曹霖,陈后金,李居朋,李艳凤,程琳.对比双侧视图信息的致密型乳腺X线图像肿块检测.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2018,10(30) [47] 李居朋,胡健,钱满义,陈后金,高卓.研究性教学载体设计与教学实施探讨.电气电子教学学报,2018,5(40) [48] 吕文超,陈后金,彭亚辉,李艳凤,李居朋.An atlas-based multimodal registration method for 2D images with discrepancy structures. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing,2018,56(11) [49] 李艳凤,陈后金,张林林,程琳.Mammographic mass detection based on convolution neural network.2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2018 [50] 李艳凤,陈后金.IIR数字滤波器设计中频率转换探究.电气电子教学学报,2018,3(40) [51] 李艳凤,陈后金,胡健.浅析FFT算法中对称关系.电气电子教学学报,2017,5(39) [52] 陈后金,胡健,陶丹,薛健,黄琳琳.“信号与系统”慕课建设实践.电气电子教学学报,2018,1(40) [53] 胡健,陈后金,张菁,黄伟.依托虚拟教研室 提升课程教学质量.北京教育:高教版,2018 [54] 叶阳阳,郝晓莉,陈后金.Lane detection method based on lane structural analysis and CNNs. IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2018,6(12) [55] 陶丹,胡健,黄琳琳,陈后金.基于OBE理念的电子信息类课程改革与实践.教育教学论坛,2018 [56] 陶丹,陈后金,刘颖,黄琳琳,马庆龙,赵文山,陈美娥,余晶晶.基于工程教育认证的电子科学与技术专业建设与实践. 教育教学论坛,2018,16(1) [57] 叶阳阳,陈后金,郝晓莉.Lane marking detection based on waveform analysis and CNN. Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition,2017 [58] 袁雪,苏帅,陈后金.A Graph-Based Vehicle Proposal Location and Detection Algorithm. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2017,18(12) [59] 魏杰,曹旭阳,陈后金,李艳凤.乳腺X线图像肿块分类方法研究.北京交通大学学报,2017,5(41卷) [60] 袁雪,曹晓明,郝晓莉,陈后金,魏学业.Vehicle Detection by a Context-Aware Multichannel Feature Pyramid. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics Systems,2017,47(7) [61] 陶丹,黄琳琳,胡健,陈后金.“信号与系统”课程教案设计探讨——以连续周期信号的频谱分析为例. 教育教学论坛,2017,4(1) [62] 曹霖,陈后金,李居朋,程琳.基于生理特征的乳腺X线图像多视图分析坐标系.电子与信息学报,2017,1(39) [63] 李艳凤,陈后金,曹霖,韩振中,程琳.基于哈希理论和LNP反馈的乳腺X线图像肿块检索方法. 物理学报,2014,20(63) [64] 张晋芳,陈后金,曲孔宁.自互一体式电容触摸屏检测电路设计.北京交通大学学报,2016,2(40) [65] 张晋芳,陈后金,张利达.投射式电容触摸屏高精度驱动与检测方法.电子科技大学学报,2016,5(45) [66] 纪效存,陈后金,李居朋.Iris eyelid detection based on adaptive sectional line fitting. Joint International Mechanical, Electronic and Information Technology Conference (JIMET),2015 [67] 姜一娇,陈后金,李居朋,张占松.A homology sound-based algorithm for speech signal interference. 6th International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE),2015 [68] 翁文迪,陈后金.Detecting Pit Defects on Rail Surface Using A Fast Detection Algorithm. 1st International Conference on Information Science and Electronic Technology (ISET),2015 [69] 侯亚丽,郝晓莉,陈后金.A Cognitively Motivated Method for Classification of Occluded Traffic Signs. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics Systems,2016 [70] 李艳凤,陈后金,曹霖,马津源.A Survey of Computer-aided Detection of Breast Cancer with Mammography. Journal of Health & Medical Informatics, 2016,4(7) [71] 陈后金,李艳凤,彭亚辉.多视角乳腺!线图像匹配方法综述.数据采集与处理,2016,5(31) [72] 李艳凤,陈后金,魏学业,彭亚辉,程琳.Mass classification inmammograms based on two-concentricmasks and discriminating texton.PatternRecognition,2016,60(2016) [73] 李艳凤,陈后金,魏学业.An Automated Lung Parenchyma Segmentation Method for 3D Thoracic MR Images. International Conference on Software Engineering and Information System (SEIS),2015 [74] 陶丹,陈后金.移动无线传感网络中基于Sink协助的数据采集算法研究.北京交通大学学报,2013,6(37) [75] 陶丹,杨光伟,陈后金,吴昊.Efficient Image Transmission Schemes over Zigbee-Based Image Sensor Networks. Chinese Journal of Electronics,2016,2(25) [76] 陈后金,许文达,郝晓莉.基于灰度-梯度共生矩阵的钢轨表面缺陷检测算法研究.北京交通大学学报,2015,2(39) [77] 陶丹,胡健,陈后金.“信号与系统”课程案例教学探讨.电气电子教学学报,2015,5(37) [78] 曹霖,陈后金,李居朋,韩振中,程琳.A coordinate system for multi-view analysis of mammograms. The 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE2014),2015 [79] 袁雪,郭嘉琦,郝晓莉,陈后金.Traffic Sign Detection via Graph-Based Ranking and Segmentation Algorithms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS,2015,45(12) [80] 李艳凤,陈后金,Rohde,姚畅,程琳.Texton analysis for mass classification in mammograms. Pattern Recognition Letters,2015,无(52) [81] 李艳凤,陈后金,Yang,程琳.A bilateral analysis scheme for false positive reduction in mammogram mass detection. Computers in Biology and Medicine,2015,2015(57) [82] 韩振中,陈后金,李艳凤,李居朋,姚畅,程琳.基于SPCNN与改进型矢量CV模型的乳腺X射线肿块分割方法. 物理学报,2014,7(63) [83] 张胜君,陈后金,李艳凤,姚畅,程琳.乳腺X线图像结构扭曲检测的研究.自动化学报,2014,8(40) [84] 刘留,陶成,孙溶辰,陈后金,林子怀.Markov Chain Based Channel Characterization for High Speed Railway in Viaduct Scenarios. The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC ‘2014),2014 [85] 李艳凤,陈后金.Mammographic Mass Detection Based on Extended Concentric.5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP),2014 [86] 李艳凤,陈后金,曹霖,韩振中,程琳.基于哈希理论和线性近邻传递反馈的乳腺X线图像肿块检索方法. 物理学报,2014,20(63) [87] 姚畅,陈后金,Yi,李艳凤,韩振中,张胜君.基于自适应核学习相关向量机的乳腺X线图像微钙化点簇处理 方法研究.物理学报,2013,8(62) [88] 杨娜,陈后金,李艳凤,郝晓莉,姚畅.基于改进的脉冲耦合神经网络模型的图像分割. 吉林大学学报(工学版),2013,3(43) [89] 韩振中,陈后金,李居朋,姚畅,程琳.基于标记脉冲耦合神经网络的乳腺肿块分层检测方法. 电子与信息学报,2013,7(35) [90] 韩振中,陈后金,李居朋,姚畅,程琳.乳腺X线图像肿块建模与分割.北京理工大学学报,2013,5(33) [91] 陈后金,苏海楠,姚畅,李艳凤.基于自动随机游走的涎腺肿瘤超声图像分割方法.数据采集与处理,2013,5(28) [92] 李居朋,谈振辉,陈后金.基于加权多特征参数模型的动态频谱接入方法.北京邮电大学学报,2012,6(35) [93] 陶丹,陈后金.数字信号处理中的最小相位系统初探.电气电子教学学报,2013,5(35) [94] 陶丹,陈后金. "信号与系统"课程中信号抽样教案设计.电气电子教学学报,2013,4(35) [95] 袁雪,郝晓莉,陈后金,魏学业.Traffic sign recognition based on a context-aware scale-invariant feature transform approach. Journal of Electronic Imaging,2013,22(4) [96] 李艳凤,陈后金,杨娜,张胜君.基于解剖学特征的乳腺X 线图像胸肌分割.自动化学报,2013,8(39) [97] 李艳凤,陈后金,杨娜.Pectoral Muscle Segmentation in Mammograms Based on Homogenous Texture and Intensity Deviation. Pattern Recognition,2013,3(46) [98] 袁雪,郝晓莉,陈后金,魏学业.Background Modeling Method based on 3D Shape Reconstruction Technology. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering,2013,11(4) [99] 张胜君,陈后金.乳腺X线图像结构扭曲检测的一种新方法.系统工程理论与实践,2013,3(33) [100] 陶丹,胡健,陈后金.浅析电工电子教学基地青年教师如何协调教学与科研关系.电气电子教学学报,2012,36(5) [101] 苏海楠,陈后金,李居朋,李艳凤.Segmentation of Salivary Gland Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Based on Anisotropic Diffusion and RandomWalk.11th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’12),2012 [102] 姚畅,陈后金,荆涛,郝晓莉.A mammographic mass detection method based on pulse coupled neural network and concentric morphology model.2012 International Conference on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering,2012 [103] 姚畅,杨永义,陈后金,荆涛,郝晓莉,毕红军.ADAPTIVE KERNEL LEARNING FOR DETECTION OF CLUSTERED MICROCALCIFICATIONS IN MAMMOGRAMS.2012 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation,2012 [104] 杨娜,陈后金,郝晓莉,李艳凤.Coupled Parameter Optimization of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks Model and Vehicle Image Segmentation. JIAOTONG YUNSHU XITONG GONGCHENG YU XINXI,2012,1(12) [105] 杨娜,陈后金,李居朋,姚畅,李艳凤.基于改进PCNN模型的车辆阴影消除方法.铁道学报,2012,7(34) [106] 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,陈后金,余立,董伟辉,袁尧.Position-Based Modeling for Wireless Channel on High-Speed Railway under a Viaduct at 2.35 GHz.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,2012,4(30) [107] 周航,陈后金.Robust Trajectory Traces to Human Hand Based on Uncalibrated Vision. 2011 International Conference on System Design and Data Proceesing ,2012 [108] 薛健,陈后金,胡健.线性相位FIR滤波器频域特性的教学探索.电气电子教学学报 ,2012,2012-1(34) [109] 张胜君,陈后金,李居朋.Segmentation of Microcalcifications in Mammograms Based on Multi-Resolution Region Growth and Image Difference.The 4th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing,2011 [110] 申艳,陈后金,郝晓莉.Shen Yan, Chen Houjin, Hao Xiaoli. 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(1) 全国教材建设先进个人,国家教材委员会,2021 (2) 全国优秀教材奖,《数字信号处理》第3版,国家教材委员会,2021 (3) 国家级课程思政示范课程,信号与系统,教育部,2021 (4) 国家级课程思政教学名师和团队,教育部,2021 (5) 北京高校优秀育人团队,北京市,2021 (6) 国家级一流本科课程,信号与系统,教育部,2020 (7) 国家级一流本科课程,数字信号处理,教育部,2020 (8) 北京高校本科优质教材(重点),《数字信号处理》(第3版),北京市,2020 (9) 北京高校本科优质课程(重点),信号与系统,北京市,2019 (10) 国家教学成果二等奖,教育部,2018 (11) 国家级人才计划 ,中组部,2014 (12) 科技进步一等奖,铁道学会, 2015 (13) 科技进步三等奖,北京市,2012 (14) 宝钢优秀教师特等奖,宝钢教育基金会,2010 (15) 科技进步二等奖,中国武警部队,2010 (16) 国家教学成果二等奖,教育部,2009 (17) 国家级精品教材奖,教育部,2009 (18) 政府特殊津贴,国务院,2008 (19) 国家级教学名师,教育部,2007 (20) 北京市教学名师,北京市,2006 (21) 教育部新世纪优秀人才,教育部,2005 (22) 全国优秀教师,教育部,2004 (23) 北京市教育创新标兵,北京市,2003 (24) 北京市高等院校青年骨干教师,北京市,1994 (25) 铁道部青年科技拔尖人才,铁道部,1999 (26) 北京市教学成果一等奖,北京市,2004 (27) 北京市教学成果二等奖,北京市,2001 (28) 卫生部科技进步三等奖,卫生部,1999 (29) 全国高校青年教师霍英东奖,霍英东教育基金会,1993
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