


办公电话: 电子邮件: shlzhou@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区北下关北京交通大学科技大厦10B11 邮编:100044


  • 最优化理论、算法及其应用:包括稀疏低秩、阶跃优化、分布式优化,以及人工智能、大数据分析、机器学习、信号处理中的相关优化问题
  • 详见个人主页:https://shenglongzhou.github.io/


  • 运筹学与控制论博士、硕士
  • 数学博士、硕士


  • 2014-10 至 2018-12,博士,英国南安普顿大学,运筹学 
  • 2011-09 至 2014-03,硕士,北京交通大学,运筹学与控制论 
  • 2007-09 至 2011-06,学士,北京交通大学, 信息与计算科学 


  • 2023-03 至今,           北京交通大学,数学与统计学院,教授
  • 2021-06 至 2023-03,伦敦帝国理工学院,工程学院,副研究员
  • 2020-02 至 2021-02,英国南安普顿大学,数学学院,讲师
  • 2017-10 至 2020-01,英国南安普顿大学,数学学院,副研究员


部分发表文章 (全部发表文章可参考 Publications 或者 Google Scholar):

[13] Shenglong Zhou, Lili Pan, Naihua Xiu, and Geoffrey Ye Li, 0/1 constrained optimization solving sample average approximation for chance constrained programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2024. RGArXivCode

[12] Shenglong Zhou and Geoffrey Ye Li, Federated learning via inexact ADMM, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45, 9699-9708, 2023. RGArXivCode

[11] Shenglong Zhou and Geoffrey Ye Li, FedGiA: An efficient hybrid algorithm for federated learning, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71, 1493-1508, 2023. RGArXivCode

[10] Shenglong Zhou, Sparse SVM for sufficient data reduction, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44, 5560-5571, 2022. RGArXivCode

[9]  Shenglong Zhou, Gradient projection newton pursuit for sparsity constrained optimization,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 61, 75-100, 2022. RGArXivCode

[8]  Shenglong Zhou, Ziyan Luo, Naihua Xiu, and Geoffrey Ye Li, Computing one-bit compressive sensing via double-sparsity constrained optimization,  IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70, 1593-1608, 2022. RGArXivCode

[7]  Shenglong Zhou, Lili Pan, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Quadratic convergence of smoothing Newton's method for 0/1 loss optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31, 3184-3211, 2021. RGArXivCode

[6]  Shenglong Zhou, Lili Pan, Mu Li, and Meijuan Shang, Newton hard-thresholding pursuit for sparse LCP via a new merit function, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43, A772-A799, 2021. RGArXivCode

[5]  Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Global and quadratic convergence of Newton hard-thresholding pursuit, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22, 1-45, 2021. RGArXivCode

[4]  Shenglong Zhou, Lili Pan, and Naihua Xiu, Newton method for L0-regularized, Numerical Algorithms, 88, 1541-1570, 2021. RGArXivCode

[3]  Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, Robust Euclidean embedding via EDM optimization, Mathematical Programming Computation, 12, 337-387, 2019. Code

[2]  Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, and Houduo Qi, A fast matrix majorization-projection method for penalized stress minimization with box constraints, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66, 4331-4346, 2018. Code

[1]  Shenglong Zhou, Naihua Xiu, Yingnan Wang, Lingchen Kong, and Houduo Qi, A Null-space-based weighted l1 minimization approach to compressed sensing, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA , 5, 76-102, 2016. RGCode


[6]  Shenglong Zhou, Ouya Wang, Ziyan Luo, Yongxu Zhu, and Geoffrey Ye Li, Preconditioned inexact stochastic ADMM for deep models, 2025. RG, ArXiv

[5]  Shan Sha, Shenglong Zhou, Lingchen Kong, and Geoffrey Ye Li, Sparse decentralized federated learning, 2025. RG

[4]  Ouya Wang, Shenglong Zhou, and Geoffrey Ye Li, BADM: Batch ADMM for deep learning, 2024. RGArXiv

[3]  Jun Fan, Jie Sun, Ailin Yan, and Shenglong Zhou, An oracle gradient regularized Newton method for quadratic measurements regression, Revised by Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2024. RGArXiv

[2]  Ouya Wang, Shenglong Zhou, and Geoffrey Ye Li, New environment adaptation with few shots for OFDM receiver and mmWave beamforming, Revised by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023. RGArXiv

[1]  Shenglong Zhou, Xianchao Xiu, Yingnan Wang, and Dingtao Peng, Revisiting Lq (0<=q<1) norm regularized optimization, 2023. RGArXivCode


  • 2023-2028,主持,300万元,国家重点研发计划,海量数据分析中的阶跃稀疏优化理论与方法
  • 2023-2026,主持,100万元,其他部市,机器学习中的0/1损失优化理论与二阶算法研究
  • 2023-2026,主持,100万元,自然科学类人才基金项目, 联邦学习中的最优化算法理论与应用


  • 2023年,IEEE MLSP 杰出论文奖
  • 2022年,入选国家级青年人才计划
  • 2019年,新世界数学奖博士论文优胜奖 (世界华人数学家大会颁发)


部分软件与程序包(全部软件与程序可参考 Software 或者 Github


  • 2024 IEEE 34th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2024), Publicity Chair
  • 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), Workshop Chair