


办公电话: 电子邮件: hansu@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号北京交通大学土建学院605 邮编:100044





























  • 桥梁工程


  • 土木工程硕士


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目: 耐候钢-混凝土组合桥梁锈蚀栓钉连接件力学性能退化机理及预测方法研究, 2024.1-2026.12, 主持

2.  自然科学横向课题:跨交通繁忙路段耐候钢组合梁桥设计施工关键技术研究,2024.7-2025.5,主持

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助: 基于深度神经网络的耐候钢桥腐蚀等级实时评价方法研究, 2023.1-2026.3, 主持

4. 桥梁结构安全技术国家工程实验室开放课题: 基于深度神经网络的耐候钢桥腐蚀等级评价方法研究, 2021.12-2023.12, 主持

5. 国家重点研发计划: 高海拔深切峡谷区大跨度拱桥建造关键技术研究-复杂环境大跨度铁路拱桥施工全过程控制技术研究, 2023.4-2026.3, 课题骨干

6. 国家重点研发计划: 高海拔深切峡谷区千米级大跨度悬索桥建造及耐久性保持关键技术研究-基于性能的大跨度铁路悬索桥设计关键技术与标准研究, 2021.12-2024.11, 课题骨干

7. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划: 高速铁路混凝土板-钢桁架组合梁斜拉桥建造及性能保持关键技术研究, 2024.11-2026.12, 课题骨干

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:长期变形和界面疲劳损伤耦合影响下高铁组合桥梁动力性能的研究, 2025.1-2028.12, 参加

9. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划: 高速铁路钢混组合桥梁服役性能规律及运维技术研究, 2024.11-2026.6, 参加

10. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划: 铁路大跨度桥梁高性能缆索体系深化研究, 2023.7-2025.12, 参加

11. 自然科学横向项目:高耐久性吊索体系开发及吊索智能感知系统研究, 2023.02-2024.06, 参加

12. 自然科学横向项目:深厚软土区运营高铁站改建工程关键技术—桥梁拼宽及快速移梁技术研究, 2023.04-2024.03, 参加

13. 自然科学横向项目:湿热环境下节段预制拼装桥梁耐久性研究, 2021.11-2027.12, 参加

14. 自然科学横向项目:高性能耐候钢在海启高速公路的应用示范研究,2017.07-2020.12,参加

15. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科技研究开发计划:福厦高铁泉州湾跨海大桥建造关键技术研究, 2018.12-2021.12, 参加

16. 清华大学国强研究院先进建造领域研究项目:适应智能建造的新型工业化建筑结构体系研究,2021.09-2022.08,参加





  1. Liu L, Zhou M L, Su H*, Lu W L*, Zhang L. Mechanical properties of plug-in perfobond strip connector in ultra-high-performance concrete[J]. Structures, 2025, 72: 108282. (SCI)
  2. Lu S Q, Su H*, Xu J, Li Q, Hao H L, Wei L Y, Liu S, Du J S. Suspender apparent disease identification based on deep learning and voting strategy[J]. Structures, 2024, 70: 107919. (SCI)
  3. Su H, Li W T, Huang Z K, Liu S, Du J S*, Wang J*. Study on the performance of cast-in-situ concrete wet joints in PCSBs under cyclic loading[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 2024, 178(3): 296-311. (SCI)
  4. 杜进生, 李文涛, 石贺男, 黄振坤, 苏翰*.节段预制拼装桥梁合龙段湿接缝抗剪承载力及计算方法研究: 第33届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅰ册)[C]. 辽宁阜新, 2024.
  5. 苏翰.留学生《桥梁工程》教学改革与实践[J]. 中国科技期刊数据库 科研, 2024(5): 148-151.
  6. Wang J, Yuan Y Y, Song Y Y, Wang Z T, Du J S*, Su H*. Cracking characteristics and axial capacity degradation of precast segmental bridge piers connected with corroded tapered sleeve locking-type splicing[J]. Structures, 2024, 65:106740. (SCI)
  7. Liu S, Su H*, Xu J, Zhou Z B, Hao H L, Wei L Y, Du J S. Experimental study on tensile properties of HDPE sheath for parallel wire suspender after photo-oxidative aging[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 416: 135304. (SCI)
  8. Lu W L, Wang S L, Su H*, Sun Z L, Zhou Y Z. Research on fatigue damage correction coefficient of main truss members of railway suspension bridges[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2024, 89: 83-97. (SCI)
  9. Su H, Liu H B, Li W T, Huang Z K, Du J S*, Wang J*. Experimental and numerical research on the performance of cast-in-situ concrete wet joints in closure section in precast concrete segmental bridges under cyclic loading[J]. Structural Concrete, 2024, 25(4): 23362355. (SCI)
  10. He H F, Zeng B J, Zhou Y L, Song Y Y, Zhang T N, Su H*, Wang J*. Bridge Model Updating Based on Wavelet Neural Network and Wind-Driven Optimization[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23: 9185. (SCI)
  11. Liu S, Su H*, Li Q, Zhou Z B, Hao H L, Wei L Y, Du J S. Study on axial response of semi-parallel wire suspender with spherical plain bearings[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108315. (SCI)
  12. Li H T, Zhou Z B, Liu S, Wei L Y, Zhao J, Su H*. Study on Fatigue Performance of 2200 MPa High-Strength Wire of Main Cables Based on FE-SAFE[J]. Coatings, 2023, 13(3), 646. (SCI)
  13. Lu W L, Sun J L, Su H*, Chen L J, Zhou Y Z. Experimental research and numerical analysis of welding residual stress of butt welded joint of thick steel plate[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 18: e01991. (SCI)
  14. Lu W L, Sun J L, Su H*, Gao C, Zhang X B. Zhang. Experimental research of welding residual stress of butt welded joint of thick steel plate[J]. Metals, 2023, 13(1): 120. (SCI)
  15. Wang J, Su H, Du J S*. Corrosion depth of steel bars in recycled aggregate concrete beams under static load. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 2023, 177(6): 449-462. (SCI)
  16. Liu T, Nie X*, Zeng J H, Su H. Static and fatigue behaviors of corroded stud connectors in weathering steel-concrete composite beams[J]. Engineering Structures. 2022, 272: 115030. (SCI)
  17. Duan L L, Nie X, Su H*, Tan J K. Seismic response analysis of steel-concrete composite frame structures with URSP connectors[J]. Materials. 2022; 15(23):8655. (SCI)
  18. Su H, Wang J, Du J S*, Fatigue life assessment of key fatigue details of the corroded weathering-steel anchor boxes of a cable-stayed bridge [J]. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(11), 5379. (SCI)
  19. Wang J, Su H, Du J S*, Yu J. Corrosion-induced cracking of recycled aggregate concrete beams under static load[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 2022,176(10): 800-814. (SCI)
  20. Wang K, Wang Y H, Zhou X H, Su H, Tan J K*. Lateral behaviour and failure modes of buckling-restrained beam-only-connected steel plate shear walls[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 142:106833. (SCI)
  21. Tan J K, Zhou X H, Su H, Wang Y H *, Zhou T, Wang K. Interaction behaviour of buckling-restrained steel plate shear wall and boundary composite frame[J].Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 191: 107189. (SCI)
  22. Wang S Q, Du J S*, Su H. Low-Cost Assessment Method for Existing Adjacent Beam Bridges[J]. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(21): 11304. (SCI)
  23. 苏翰, 赵力国, 吴建明, 杜进生*. 腐蚀Q345qDNH耐候钢对接焊缝疲劳性能研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2021, 42(S2): 473-481. (EI)
  24. Wang S Q, Zhang L Y, Su H, Du J S*. Time-dependent robustness-based condition assessment of RC bridges subjected to corrosion[J]. Structures, 2021, 34: 4500-4510. (SCI)
  25. Wang J*, Ng P L*, Gong Y H, Su H, Du J S. Experimental Study of Low Temperature Performance of Porous Asphalt Mixture. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(9): 4029. (SCI)
  26. Su H, Wang J, Du J S*. Fatigue behavior of corroded non-load-carrying bridge weathering steel Q345qDNH fillet welded joints [J]. Structures, 2020, 26: 859-869. (SCI)
  27. Su H, Wang J, Du J S*. Fatigue behavior of uncorroded butt welded joints made of bridge weathering steel[J]. Structures, 2020, 24: 377-385. (SCI)
  28. Su H, Wang J, Du J S* Fatigue behavior of uncorroded non-load-carrying bridge weathering steel Q345qDNH fillet welded joints[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 164: 105789. (SCI)
  29. Wang J, Su H, Du J S*. Corrosion characteristics of steel bars embedded in recycled concrete beams under static loads [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(9):04020263. (SCI)
  30. Wang J, Ng P L, Su H, Du J S*. Influence of the coupled time and concrete stress effects on instantaneous chloride diffusion coefficient[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 237: 117645. (SCI)
  31. 王健, 严蕤, 苏翰, 杜进生*, 李雅娟, 牛宏. 静载与钢筋锈蚀共同作用对再生混凝土梁受弯性能影响[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2020, 41(S1): 64-73.(EI)
  32. Su H, Wang J, Du J S*. Experimental and numerical study of fatigue behavior of bridge weathering steel Q345qDNH[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 161: 86-97. (SCI)
  33. Wang J, Ng P L, Su H, Du J S*. Meso-scale modelling of stress effect on chloride diffusion in concrete using three-phase composite sphere model[J]. Materials and Structures, 2019, 52(3): 55. (SCI)
  34. Wang J, Ng P L, Su H, Chen J J, Du J S*. Effect of concrete stress states on carbonation depth of concrete[J]. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2019, 25(6): 518-530. (SCI)
  35. Wang J, Su H, Du J S*. Influence of coupled effects between flexural tensile stress and carbonation time on the carbonation depth of concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190: 439-451. (SCI)
  36. 王健, Ng P L, 苏翰, 杜进生*. 混凝土应力状态对碳化深度的影响[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2018, 39(S1): 397-404.(EI)


1. 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《公路耐候钢混凝土组合桥梁技术规程》T/CECS G: D60-31—2020, 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2021.(排名3/27)

2. 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《公路桥梁钢丝绳网片聚合物砂浆加固技术规程》(在编)

3. 山东公路学会《公路耐候钢桥梁技术规程》(在编)


苏翰, 赵阳, 舒晓峰, 朱辰, 王健, 杜进生. 一种耐候钢钢管混凝土盖梁(实用新型, 专利号ZL 2019 2 0520282.6)




担任Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS)、International Journal of Fatigue、Engineering structures、Journal of Constructional Steel Research、Structures、Scientific Reports、Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures等期刊审稿人,《市政技术》青年编委