办公电话: | 电子邮件: xdjin@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:交大科技大厦1105 | 邮编:100044 |
2024.01-今 北京交通大学 副教授
2022.07-2023.12 北京交通大学 讲师
2020.07-2022.06 北京交通大学 师资博士后
[1] 主持 国家自然科学基金“青年基金”:"多闭环并联操作手的构型综合与性能分析研究",2023-2025
[2] 主持 红果园省部级"企事业"(新):“基于伺服连杆机构的海况模拟平台研制”,2024-2025
[3] 主持 红果园(横): “稳固机构伺服传动系统研制”,2023-2024
[4] 主持 北京交通大学自然科学类人才基金项目:“基于并联机构的航天装备抓锁捕获装置的设计理论研究”, 2023-2025
[5] 主持 红果园(横): “网系回收模拟试验样机伺服传动及缓冲系统设计”,2022-2023
[6] 主持 红果园(横): “伺服驱动防风减载装置研制”,2022-2022
[7] 主持 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目:“双层结构冗余并联机械腿的构型综合及运动机理研究”, 2021-2023
[8] 主持 红果园(横): “XXXX优化与仿真”,2021-2022
[9] 主持 北京交通大学-校企合作项目:“并联分拣机械手交互控制技术研究”,2021-2022
[10] 主持 红果园(横): “伺服驱动无人值守防风装置的设计与虚拟仿真测试研究”,2021-2022
[11] 参与 红果园(横): “驱动与测试装置”,2021
[12] 主持 中国博士后科学基金“面上”资助项目一等:“基于并联手指结构的全驱动机械手的设计理论与操作特性研究”,2020-2022
[13] 主持 红果园(横): 机械臂运动规划仿真, 2020-2021
[14] 主持 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(研究生创新类):“基于并联手指结构的多功能灵巧手的设计与研究”, 2017-2018
[15] 参与 国家自然科学基金“面上”资助项目:“广义并联机构构型设计理论与性能评价方法研究”
[16] 参与 国家自然科学基金“面上”资助项目:“基于并联机构的机器人灵巧手设计与分析研究”
[17] 参与 自然科学基金“面上青年”资助项目:“基于冗余结构的自适应容错并联机器人设计理论研究
[1] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Haibo Qu, and Sheng Guo. A class of novel 2T2R and 3T2R parallel mechanisms with large decoupled output rotational angles[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017, 114: 156-169.
[2] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Haibo Qu, and Sheng Guo. A class of novel 4-DOF and 5-DOF generalized parallel mechanisms with high performance[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 120: 57-72.
[3] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Sheng Guo, and Haibo Qu. Structural synthesis of parallel mechanisms with high rotational capability[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 31(1): 61.
[4] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, and Dan Zhang. Design of a class of generalized parallel mechanisms with large rotational angles and integrated end-effectors[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019, 134: 117-134.
[5] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Dan Zhang, and Haiqiang Zhang. Synthesis of 3-[P][S] parallel mechanism-inspired multimode dexterous hands with parallel finger structure[J]. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2020, 142(8): 083301.
[6] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Dan Zhang, Xueling Luo. Design and analysis of a class of redundant collaborative manipulators with 2-dimension large rotational angles[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 15(1): 66-80.
[7] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, Dan Zhang, Junshan Gong. Design of dexterous hands based on parallel finger structures[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2020, 152: 103952.
[8] 龚峻山, 方跃法, 靳晓东.基于并联手指结构的多功能灵巧手的设计与研究[J].中国机械工程, 2019.
[9] Fuqun Zhao, Xiaodong Jin*, Mukun Wu, Sheng Guo, and Yuefa Fang. Design and analysis of high-performance parallel dexterous hand based on controllable five-bar linkage[J]. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2023, 38(5), 383-395.
[10] Fuqun Zhao, Donglai Xu, Xiaodong Jin*, Xilun Ding, Sheng Guo, Kun Xu*, Yuefa Fang. In-hand manipulation using a 3-PRS-finger-based parallel dexterous hand with bidirectional pinching capability[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 192(2024): 105553.
[1] Fuqun Zhao, Donglai Xu, Xiaodong Jin*, Sheng Guo, Kun Xu. Design and workspace evalution of a novel parallel grasping manipulator with configurable platform[C]//. In 16th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 05–07, 2023, pp 348-360.
[2] Xiaodong Jin, Yuefa Fang, and Fuqun Zhao. A class of double-Delta-vased 6-DOF pick-and-place robots with integrated grippers[C]//. In 14th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2021, Yantai, China, October 22–25, 2021, pp 236-245.
[3] Xueling Luo, Dan Zhang, and Xiaodong Jin. A real-time moving target following mobile robot system with depth camera[C]. //In 2018 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ICMAE 2018), 491 (2019): 012004.
[4] Dan Zhang, Xueling Luo, Xiaodong Jin, et al. Vision-based control approach for generalized planar parallel robots[C]//In 2020 5th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE), CACRE2020-193.
2021-2022 第32届北京博士后联谊会理事,联谊会科技部副部长
中国智能测试学会 智能感知与认知计量专业委员会,委员(2023.12-2026.12)