办公电话: | 电子邮件: ckwei@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区西直门外上园村3号北京交通大学7201 | 邮编:100044 |
2023.12-至今 北京交通大学,数学与统计学院,副教授
2022.01-2023.12 北京交通大学,数学与统计学院,讲师
2021.01-2021.12 Seoul National University, Research Institute of Mathematics, Researcher(合作导师:Dongwoo Sheen)
2019.07-2020.12 Hanbat National University, Institute for Applied Mathematics and Optics, Postdoc(合作导师:Jaemin Shin)主持的项目
1. T. Zhu, C. Wei* and J. Yang, The time-harmonic electromagnetic wave scattering by a biperiodic elastic body, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 47, 6354-6381, 2024. [Journal]
2. Y. Cui, F. Qu and C. Wei, On recovery of an unbounded bi-periodic interface for the inverse fluid-solid interaction scattering problem, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 31(3), 431-440, 2023. [Journal]
3. C. Wei, J. Yang and B. Zhang, Time domain PML analysis of fluid-solid interaction problem above a rough surface, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47, 13164-13181, 2024. [Journal]
4. C. Wei, J. Yang and B. Zhang, Convergence of the uniaxial PML method for time-domain electromagnetic scattering problems, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55 (5), 2421-2443, 2021. [Journal]
5. C. Wei, J. Yang and B. Zhang, Convergence analysis of the PML method for time-domain electromagnetic scattering problems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (3), 1918-1940, 2020. [Journal] [AMSS科研进展]
6. C. Wei, J. Yang and B. Zhang, A Time-dependent interaction problem between an electromagnetic field and an elastic body, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 36 (1), 95-118, 2020. [Journal]
7. C. Wei and J. Yang, Analysis of a time-dependent fluid-solid interaction problem above a local rough surface, Science China Mathematics 63 (5), 887-906, 2020. [Journal]
China-Korea Joint Workshop on PDEs, Numerical Analysis, and Applications, Seoul National University, Nov. 12-13, 2021
第十二届全国反问题,成像及其应用会议,南方科技大学,深圳,2023.05.26 - 2023.05.29(分组报告)
模型数据混合驱动的石油勘探反演方法专题研讨班,国家天元数学西北中心“偏微分方程与油气勘探”主题年活动之一,2020.12.19 - 2020.12.22,线上(特邀报告)
2020 韩国数学会年会,云会议,2020.10.23 - 2020.10.24 (分组报告)
2019 韩国数学会年会,弘益大学,首尔,2019.10.25 - 2019.10.27 (分组报告)
第十一届反问题、成像及其应用会议,兰州大学,兰州,2019.06.22 - 2019.06.24 (分组报告)
烟台大学学术报告: An introduction to the PML method for time-domain scattering problems, 2022.11.1.
北京航空航天大学学术报告: Time-domain PML method for wave scattering problem from rough surfaces, 2022.9.14.
长沙理工大学学术报告: The PML method for time-domain electromagnetic scattering problems, 2021.11.25.
Mathematical Reviews 评论员
期刊审稿人:Inverse Problems、Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences