办公电话:010-51688483 | 电子邮件: ygguo@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区西直门外上园村3号北京交通大学 | 邮编:100044 |
2013.9 - 2018.7 北京大学 力学(先进材料与力学) 理学博士 (导师:王前教授)
2009.9 - 2013.6 武汉大学 物理学 理学学士
2011.9 - 2013.6 武汉大学 商学 经济学学士(双学位)
2016.3 - 2016.6 匹兹堡大学 访问学者
2021.3 - 今 北京交通大学 副教授 物理系副系主任
2018.7 - 2021.2 北京大学 博雅博士后
2) 2023.6 辛嘉琪同学的论文“Screening two-dimensional pyroelectric materials based on pentagonal chains with large shift current” 被 Physical Review Materials 接收!Congratulations!
1)2022.3 Large piezoelectricity and BPVE have been found in pure pentagon based ternary monolayers. See our paper: NPJ Computational Materials, 8, 40 (2022)
4) 2024.10 辛嘉琪同学获23-24年度研究生国家奖学金、研究生小米特等奖学金!
3) 2023.10 李彦霖同学获22-23年度一等学业奖学金、一数奖学金、北京交通大学优秀学生干部、社会实践优秀个人!
2)2023.5 辛嘉琪同学负责的2022年度大学生创新创业训练项目获评“国家级”!
1)2022.10 李彦霖同学获22-23年度北京交通大学优秀共青团干部
2022.9 Welcome Yanlin Li (李彦霖) join our group!His research will focus on the photo-electric conversion in polar materials by using first-principles calculations.
2022.9 Welcome Jiaqi Xin (辛嘉琪) join our group! His research will focus on the design of low-dimensional polar materials with high-through techniques and their applications in energy conversion.
2023.9 Welcome Wanyu Zhang (张婉玉) join our group! Her research will focus on vdW heterojunctions and their applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices.
2022.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目 基于二维Janus材料肖特基异质结太阳能电池的设计与模拟 30万
2019.06-2020.06 中国博士后科学基金面上资助 二维GaN-石墨烯范德华异质结在半导体器件中的性质模拟 8万
2017.01-2019.12 国家重点研发计划(政府间合作) 应用于能源与环境的氮掺杂碳材料的设计与合成 300万
2018.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 包含二聚物的二维过渡金属化合物的结构设计与性质模拟 87万
2015.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于轻质非金属元素的新型金属材料的设计与模拟研究 84万
2011.01-2015.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2p电子磁性材料的设计与模拟研究 60万
大学物理A I/II
44)Jiaqi Xin, Yaguang Guo*
Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Elemental Blue Phosphorous-based Polar Homojunction and Heterojunction
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128, 23, 9705 (2024)
43) A Hassan, Yaguang Guo, U Younis, A Mehmood, X Tian, Q Wang*
Contact evaluation of the penta-PdPSe/graphene vdW heterojunction: tuning the Schottky barrier and optical properties
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26 (14), 11014-11022, (2024)
42)Changsheng Hou, Yiheng Shen, Jiaqi Xin, Yaguang Guo,* Qian Wang*
"Three-dimensional porous borocarbonitride composed of pentagonal motifs as a high-performance pyroelectric material"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,25, 28965-28973 (2023)
41) Jiaqi Xin, Yaguang Guo,* and Qian Wang
"Screening two-dimensional pyroelectric materials based on pentagonal chains with large shift current"
Phys. Rev. Materials, 7, 074001, (2023)
40)Zhichao Hao, Li-juan Ma,* Yaguang Guo, Jianfeng Jia, and Hai-shun Wu
"Immobilized triatomic CuB2 clusters on 2D carbon nitride: highly selective conversion of CO to ethanol at low potentials"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 11501-11512 (2023)
39)Yaguang Guo, Jian Zhou, Huanhuan Xie, Yanyan Chen, and Qian Wang*
"Screening Transition Metal-Based Polar Pentagonal Monolayers with Large Piezoelectricity and Shift Current"
NPJ Computational Materials, 8, 40 (2022)
38) Arzoo Hassan, Muhammad Azhar Nazir, Yiheng Shen, Yaguang Guo,* Wei Kang, and Qian Wang*
"First-Principles Study of the Structural, Electronic, and Enhanced Optical Properties of SnS/TaS2 Heterojunction"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 1, 2177–2184 (2022)
37)Ling Bai, Yu Qie, Yaguang Guo, C Zhang, S Yang, Q Li, Qiang Sun*
"Effect of grain boundaries on the work function of hafnium: A first-principles investigation"
Journal of Applied Physics 130 (15), 155103 (2021)
36) Wei Sun, Yiheng Shen, Yaguang Guo, Yanyan Chen, Qian Wang*
"1, 2, 4-Azadiphosphole-based piezoelectric penta-CNP sheet with high spontaneous polarization"
Applied Surface Science 554, 149499 (2021)
35) Dongyuan Ni, Yaguang Guo, Yiheng Shen, Qian Wang*
"A New Porous Metallic Carbon Allotrope with Interlocking Pentagons for Sodium‐Ion Battery Anode Material"
Advanced Theory and Simulations 4 (6), 2100025 (2021)
34) Dongyuan Ni, Wei Wu, Yaguang Guo, Sheng Gong, Qian Wang*
"Identifying key parameters for predicting materials with low defect generation efficiency by machine learning"
Computational Materials Science 191, 110306 (2021)
33) Wenyang Zhou, Yaguang Guo, Yiheng Shen, Qian Wang*, Puru Jena
"Imidazole-graphyne: a new 2D carbon nitride with a direct bandgap and strong IR refraction"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (17), 10274-10280 (2021)
Before 2021
32) Yaguang Guo, Cunzhi Zhang, Jian Zhou, Qian Wang*, and Puru Jena
“Lattice Dynamic and Instability in Penta-silicene: A Light Single-Element Ferroelectric Material with High Curie Temperature”北京交通大学第十五届青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖 2024
北京大学优秀毕业生 2018
北京大学学术创新奖(两次) 2016 & 2017
北京大学优秀科研奖(两次) 2015 & 2017
计算材料科学与技术全国博士后论坛“优秀报告奖” 2020