


办公电话:010-5168 3826 电子邮件: gchqi@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号 邮编:100044


2008-2012    北京航空航天大学    工学学士

2012-2017    北京航空航天大学    工学博士(导师:杜善义 院士)


2017-2019      魏玛大学          结构力学研究所       Postdoc/DAAD fellow          (合作导师:Prof. Dr. -Ing Timon Rabczuk院士)

2019-2021      帝国理工学院    航空航天系             Research Associate             (合作导师:Prof. Emile S. Greenhalgh)                    

2021-             北京交通大学    力学系                    副教授/博导


  • 先进材料和结构的力学行为


  • 力学硕士
  • 力学博士


[1]国家自然科学基金: 考虑碳纤维/结构电解质界面的结构储电复合材料力-电多功能协同作用机理研究, 2024-2026,主持


[3]红果园国家级项目: 碳纤维构效关系理论研究, 2024-2025,主持

[4]红果园国家级项目: 基于复合材料粘弹性细观力学的舱段变形控制工艺理论研究, 2021-2022,主持


[6]自然科学类人才基金项目: 碳纤维复合材料结构超级电容器的多功能优化与设计, 2021-2024,主持

[7]红果园(): 材料形变测试及仿真,2024-2024,主持

[8]红果园(): 复合材料界面性能测试及细观力学模型化表达, 2023-2024,主持

[9]红果园(): XX复合材料旋翼桨叶结构设计与测试评价, 2023-2023,主持

[10]红果园(): 国产原材料稳定性的快速评价方法制定, 2023-2023,主持

[11]红果园(): 复合材料拉伸力学性能测试及失效模式分析, 2022-2022,主持

[12]红果园(): 复合材料界面细观力学性能测试, 2021-2022,主持

[13]国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目部门推荐”: 基于可移动X射线成像的材料超高温内部变形场与缺陷损伤在位测试仪器, 2021-2025,参与

[14]红果园国家级项目: ***测试技术及其实现技术研究, 2022-2027,参与

[15]红果园国家级项目: ******动力学应用研究, 2023-2025,参与

[16]红果园国家级项目: ******测试与表征技术, 2023-2025,参与


[18]英国ESPRC项目:结构储能复合材料(Beyond structural, 2019-2021,参与

[19]欧盟Horizon 2020项目: 未来飞行器结构储能复合材料(Socerer),2019-2021,参与







工程力学D、理论力学、工程力学A II、复合材料力学




[1]     Qi Guocheng*, Wu J, Yao B, Cui Q, Ren L, Zhang B, Du Shanyi. High modulus carbon fiber based composite structural supercapacitors towards reducing internal resistance and improving multifunctional performance. Composites Science and Technology. 2024, 110670. 1区)

[2]     Li Z, Liu M, Kumar P, Chang Z, Qi G, He P, Wei Y, Young R J., Novoselov K S. . Interfacial Stress Transfer and Fracture in van der Waals Heterostructures. Advanced Materials, 20241区)

[3]     Qi G*, et al. Multifunctional performances of structural battery composite full-cells based on carbon fiber anode and LiFePO4 loaded carbon fiber cathode. Polymer Testing. 2024, 137 1085232区)

[4]     张鹏,祁国成*,等.复合材料回转体网格结构热矫形机理及仿真模型研究[J/OL].复合材料学报,2024. https://doi.org/10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240708.001. (EI)

[5]     Nguyen S, Anthony D, Katafiasz T, Qi G, Razavi S, Senokos E, Greenhalgh E, Shaffer M, Kucernak A, Linde P. Manufacture and characterisation of a structural supercapacitor demonstrator. Composites Science and Technology. 2024;245,110339. 1区)

[6]     Li J, Sun Y, Zhang B, Qi G. Mechanical, Dielectric and Flame-Retardant Properties of GF/PP Modified with Different Flame Retardants. Polymers 2024, 16, 1681. 2区)

[7]     Li J, Sun Y, Zhang B, Qi G. Mechanical, Flame-Retardant and Dielectric Properties of Intumescent Flame Retardant/Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene through a Novel Dispersed Distribution Mode. Polymers 2024, 16,1341. 2区)

[8]     Qi G*, Cui Q, Zhang B, Du Shanyi. A carbon fiber lamina electrode based on macroporous epoxy with vertical ion channels for structural battery composites. Composite Structures, 2023;304, 116425. 1区)

[9]     祁国成.基于垂直微通道结构电解质的碳纤维复合材料结构电池设计与多功能特性//北京力学会.北京力学会第二十九届学术年会论文集.2023:2.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2023.016942.(会议)

[10]   Xu T, An Z, Qi G, Zhang R. A novel cost-effective and near-net-shape fabrication process for SiO2f/SiO2 composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2023;43 (9), 4095-41011区)

[11]   Ding Y, Qi G*, et al. High-performance multifunctional structural supercapacitors based on in-situ and ex-situ activated carbon coated carbon fiber electrodes. Energy & Fuels, 2022; 36(4), 2171–2178. 3Cover

[12]   Pernice F, Qi G, Senokos E, Anthony D, Nguyen S, Volkova M, Greenhalgh E*, Shaffer M, Kucernak A. Mechanical, electrochemical and multifunctional performance of a CFRP/carbon aerogel structural supercapacitor and its corresponding monofunctional equivalents, Multifunctional Materials, 2022;5,025002 (EI)

[13]   Yao X, Hou X, Qi G, et al. Preparation of superhydrophobic polyimide fibrous membranes with controllable surface structure for high efficient oil-water emulsion and heavy oil separation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022, 10(3), 107470. 2区)

[14]   Qi G, Nguyen S, Anthony D, Kucernak A, Shaffer M, Greenhalgh E*. The Influence of Fabrication Parameters on the Electrochemical Performance of Multifunctional Structural Supercapacitors. Multifunctional Materials. 2021; 4: 034001.  (EI)

[15]   丁颖慧, 祁国成*等.结构储电碳纤维复合材料研究进展,复合材料学报,2021, 38(1): 16-24. (EI)

[16]   Qi G, Rabczuk T. Ab initio investigation of lithium adsorption on short carbon nanotubes considering effects of the tube length. Carbon. 2019;155:727-733. 1区)

[17]   Greenhalgh E, Shaffer M, Kucernak A, Anthony D, Senokos E, Nguyen S, Pernice F, Zhang G, Qi G, et al. Future challenges and industrial adoption strategies for structural supercapacitors. 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-22), 2019, Melbourne, Australia. (EI)

[18]   Qi G, et alEstimation of interfacial toughness using bilayer fiber bundle compact tension (BFBCT) specimens. Composites Science and Technology. 2018;161:1-7. 1区)

[19]   Qi G, et alAssessment of F-III and F-12 aramid fiber/epoxy interfacial adhesions based on fiber bundle specimens. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.2018;112:549-557. 1区)

[20]   Qi G, et al. Estimation of aramid fiber/epoxy interfacial properties by fiber bundle tests and multiscale modelling considering the fiber skin/core structure. Composite Structures.2017;167:1-10. 1区)

[21]   Qi G, et al. Estimation of carbon fiber/epoxy interfacial normal strength and interfacial shear strength by fiber bundle tests. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), 2017, Xi’an, China. (EI)

[22]   Yu Y, Zhang B, Feng M, Qi G, et al. Multifunctional structural lithium ion batteries based on carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2017;147:62-70. 1区)

[23]   Qi G*, et al. A new approach to assessing carbon fiber/epoxy interfacial shear strength by tensile test of 45° fiber bundle composites: Experiment, modelling and applicability. Composite Science and Technology. 2016;129:214–221. 1区)

[24]   Qi G*, et al. Research on carbon fiber/epoxy interfacial bonding characterization of transverse fiber bundle composites fabricated by different preparation processes: Effect of fiber volume fraction. Polymer Testing. 2016;52:150-156. 1区)

[25]   Yu Y, Zhang B, Wang Y, Qi G, et al. Co-continuous structural electrolytes based on ionic liquid, epoxy resin and organoclay: Effects of organoclay content. Materials & Design. 2016; 104:126-133. 1区)

[26]   Qi G, et al. Assessment of interfacial adhesion between carbon fiber and epoxy by transverse fiber bundle and single fiber fragmentation tests. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-20), 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. (EI)

[27]   Yu Y, Zhang B, Tang Z, Qi G. Stress transfer analysis of unidirectional composites with randomly distributed fibers using finite element method. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015;69:278-285. 1区)

[28]   潘月秀, 于雅琳, 朱世鹏, 祁国成*等.基于三维载荷传递机制的单向复合材料纵向拉伸的多尺度模型. 玻璃钢/复合材料, 2015, (06): 5-11. (中文核心)

[29]   Qi Guocheng*, Du Shanyi, et al. Evaluation of carbon fiber/epoxy interfacial strength in transverse fiber bundle composite: Experiment and multiscale failure modelling. Composites Science and Technology. 2014;105:1-8. 1区)

[30]   Qi G, et al. Progressive damage and failure modelling of transverse fiber bundle composite (TFBC) using multiscale analytical method. 9th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-9), 2014, Suzhou, China (会议)

[31]   Yu Y, Ye J, Wang Y, Zhang B, Qi G. A mesoscale ultrasonic attenuation finite element model of composites with random-distributed voids. Composites Science and Technology. 2013;89:44-51. 1区)

[32]   祁国成,等.第十四届中国科协年会11分会场:低成本、高性能复合材料发展论坛论文集,2012:6. (会议)






