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2013/09-2018/03, 北京交通大学,机械与电子控制工程学院,博士
2011/09-2013/06, 北京交通大学,机械与电子控制工程学院,硕士
2007/09-2011/06, 北京交通大学,机械与电子控制工程学院,学士
1. 主持项目:
[1] 颗粒阻尼对磁性液体调谐质量阻尼器减振性能的作用机理,国家自然科学基金青年基金,24万,2021.01-2023.122. 参与项目:
[1] 基于原位表征的高精度多参数磁性液体全新流变仪研制 ,国家重大科研仪器研制项目,752.17万,2020.01-2024.12[1] Jie Yao, XinYu Zhao, Zhenkun Li , et al. Force Optimization and Damping Performance of a Novel Ferrofluid Inertial Damper Based on the Levitation Principle of Ferrofluids[J]. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies:1-13.
[2] Jie Yao, Jiameng Liu, Yang Hu, et al. The Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Ferrofluid Inertial Sensor [J]. IEEE Sensors of Journal, 2022, 22(1): 107-114. (SCI, IF=4.325 )
[3] Jie Yao, Yibiao Chen, Zhenkun Li, et al. A novel accelerometer based on the first kind of ferrofluid levitation principle [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25(9): 095016. (SCI, IF=3.543 )
[4] Jie Yao, Jianjun Chang, Decai Li, et al. The dynamics analysis of a ferrofluid shock absorber [J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 402: 28-33. (SCI, IF=2.683)
[5] Jie Yao, Chuan Huang, Decai Li. Research on a novel ferrofluid inertial sensor with levitating nonmagnetic rod [J]. IEEE Sensors of Journal, 2016, 16(5):1130-1135. (SCI, IF=3.076)
[6] Jie Yao, Decai Li. Research on the linearity of a magnetic fluid micro-pressure sensor [J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 229: 36-41. (SCI, IF=2.739)
[7] Jie Yao, Chuan Huang, Decai Li, et al. A novel ferrofluid inclinometer exploiting a hall element [J]. IEEE Sensors of Journal, 2016, 16(22): 7986-7991. (SCI, IF=3.076)
[8] Jie Yao, Decai Li, Xingzhao Chen, et al. Damping performance of a novel ferrofluid dynamic vibration absorber[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 90: 190-204. (SCI, IF=3.070 )
[9] Jie Yao, Decai Li. Research on a novel magnetic fluid micro-pressure sensor [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26(7): 075101. (SCI, IF=1.861)
[10] Jie Yao, Jianjun Chang, Decai Li. A novel magnetic fluid shock absorber with levitating magnets [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(1): 28-37. (SCI, IF=0.398)
[11] 赵心语,姚杰*,刘嘉盟,胡洋,李德才.一种高灵敏度磁性液体倾角传感器的研究[J].仪器仪表学报,2022,43(02):10-16.
[12] Jie Yao, Decai Li, Zhili Zhang, et al. Study on the Structure of the Magnetic Fluid Damper[C]//Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2012, 512: 1474-1478.
[13] Chuan Huang, Jie Yao, Tianqi Zhang, et al. Damping applications of ferrofluids: a review[J]. Journal of Magnetics, 2017, 22(1): 109-121. (SCI, IF=0.837)
[14] Zhenkun Li, Jie Yao, Decai Li. Research on the rheological properties of a perfluoropolyether based ferrofluid [J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2016, 424:33-38. (SCI, IF=2.683)
[15] Zhenkun Li, Decai Li, Yibiao Chen, Jie Yao, et al. Influence of Viscosity and Magnetoviscous Effect on the Performance of the Magnetic Fluid Seal in Water Environment[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2017:0-0. (SCI, IF=1.86)
[16] 常建军, 姚杰, 李德才*. 一种磁性液体阻尼减振器的试验研究[J]. 载人航天, 2017, 23(1):51-55.
[17] 李德才, 王忠忠, 姚杰. 新型磁性液体密封[J]. 北京交通大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014, 38(4): 1-6.
[1] 荣获2021年度重庆市科学技术奖技术进步类一等奖1项
[2] 荣获2020年中国机械工业科学技术奖技术发明类二等奖1项
[3] 荣获2017~2018年度北京交通大学优秀博士学位论文
[4] 荣获2015~2016年度博士研究生国家奖学金
[5] 荣获2014~2015年度博士研究生国家奖学金
[6] 荣获2015~2016年度北京交通大学智瑾奖学金