


办公电话:15201346126 电子邮件: zhenyus@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号 邮编:100044


  1. 2014/09-2020/07, 北京交通大学,隧道与地下工程,博士
  2. 2010/09-2014/07, 北京交通大学,土木工程, 学士


2020/09-2023/12, 北京交通大学,土木建筑工程学院,讲师

2024/01-至今, 北京交通大学,土木建筑工程学院,副教授


  • 隧道与地下工程


  • 土木工程硕士


1. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 高地应力软岩大跨隧道锚固体系协同作用机理及评价方法, 2023-2025,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 隧道施工影响下地层与建筑物结构接触力学行为及动态作用机理, 2023-2026,参加
3. 铁路总公司(原铁道部): 基于变形主动控制的隧道围岩支护体系协同作用机理研究, 2019-2022,参加
4. 国家重点研发计划-项目: 超大埋深极高地应力隧道大变形演化机理及变形主动控制技术, 2021-2024,参加
5. 协同中心项目: 轨道交通运营隧道服役安全与智能维护, 2022-2026,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 富水地层隧道施工引起“桥桩-土体”力学响应机制及安全评价, 2022-2025,参加
7. 自然科学横向项目: 管幕结构法下穿明城墙仪凤门段建设关键技术研究, 2020-2024,参加




  1. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Wang, J., Hou, Y. Analytical approach for the design of composite linings in deep tunnels considering the blasting damaged zone. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2024,147, 105695.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  2. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Liu, D., Tai, Q., Hou, Y. Insights into the ground response characteristics of shallow tunnels with large cross-section using different pre-supports. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2024, 175, 105663.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 7.2)
  3. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Li, M., Guo, F. Large deformation characteristics and the countermeasures of a deep-buried tunnel in layered shale under groundwater.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2024, 144, 105575.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  4. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Wang, J., Chu, Z., Hou, Y. Analysis of interaction between tunnel support system and surrounding rock for underwater mined tunnels considering the combined effect of blasting damage and seepage pressure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023,141, 105314.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  5. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q. Technologies for large cross-section subsea tunnel construction using drilling and blasting method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023,141, 105161.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  6. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, H., Hong X. Generalized complex variable analysis of shallow tunneling through multi-layered ground. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024, 230-259.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 5.0)
  7. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Hou, Y., Huangfu, N., Li, M.Y., Guo, F.L., Support Countermeasures for Large Deformation in a Deep Tunnel in Layered Shale with High Geostresses. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 56, 4463–4484.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.2)
  8. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Huangfu, N., Chu, Z. Convergence-confinement analysis for tunnels with combined bolt–cable system considering the effects of intermediate principal stress. Acta Geotechnica. 2023, 18, 3323-3348.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 5.7)
  9. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Li, A., Lu, S., Tai, Q., Chu, Z. Model test and numerical analysis for the face failure mechanism of large cross-section tunnels under different ground conditions, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 130, 104735.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  10. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Dui, G., Chu, Z. Analytical solutions for deep tunnels in strain-softening rocks modeled by different elastic strain definitions with the unified strength theory. Science China Technological Sciences, 2022, 65, 2503-2519.(中科院二区,ESI高被引,IF = 4.6)
  11. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Liu, D., Dui, G. Displacement process analysis of deep tunnels with grouted rockbolts considering bolt installation time and bolt length. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 140, 104437.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 5.3)
  12. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Dui, G. Tai, Q., Sun, F. Analysis of the interaction between tunnel support and surrounding rock considering pre-reinforcement. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 115, 104074.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9)
  13. Sun, Z., Zhang, D., Fang, Q., Hou Y., Huangfu N., Analysis of the interaction between bolt-reinforced rock and surface support in tunnels based on convergence-confinement method. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 7.3)
  14. Sun, Z.Y., Zhang, D.L., Xu, T., Chen, X., Formation estimation and evolution mechanism of the pressure arch for non-circular tunnels under asymmetrical stress field. Science China Technological Sciences, 2024, 67, 2919-2938.(中科院二区,IF = 4.4)
  15. Luo, J., Zhang, D., Sun, Z.*, Fang, Q., Liu, D., Xu, T., Li, R. Numerical modelling and field monitoring study on large-span tunnelling using pretensioned bolt-cable combined support system. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 132, 104911.(中科院一区TOP,IF = 6.9,通讯作者)
  16. Sun, F.W., Sun, Z.Y.*, Zhang, D.L., Li, M.Y., Large-scale model test and numerical analysis of load-bearing arch characteristics of large cross-section tunnel under high geostress. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 163, 108600.(中科院一区,IF = 4.4,通讯作者)
  17. Hong, X., Zhang, D., Sun, Z.*. Mechanical responses of multi-layered ground due to shallow tunneling with arbitrary ground surface load. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 2023, 17(5): 745-762.(中科院二区,IF = 3,通讯作者)
  18. Zhang, D., Sun, Z.*, Fang, Q. Scientific problems and research proposals for Sichuan-Tibet railway tunnel construction. Underground Space, 2022, 7(3), 419-439.(中科院二区,ESI高被引,IF = 6.4,通讯作者)
  19. Lu, S., Sun, Z.*, Zhang, D., Liu, C., Wang, J., Huangfu, N., Numerical modelling and field observations on the failure mechanisms of deep tunnels in layered surrounding rock. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 153, 107598.(中科院二区,IF = 4,通讯作者)
  20. Hong, X., Zhang, D.*, Zhou, M., Fang, Q., Hou, Y., Fang, H., Sun, Z.*. Approximate analytical solution of tunneling-induced responses of a soil-foundation system using contact mechanics. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022, 46(18), 3442-3464. (中科院二区,IF = 4,通讯作者)
  21.  孙振宇,孟令赞,张顶立,等. 粘弹性围岩隧道纵向变形曲线与虚拟支护力解析 [J]. 工程科学与技术, 1-15. EI检索
  22.  孙振宇,张顶立,刘道平,等. 锚固体系作用下隧道围岩力学响应的全过程解析 [J]. 工程力学, 2022, 39 (07): 170-182. EI检索
  23. 孙振宇,张顶立.基于地层加固的海底隧道极限顶板厚度确定方法.土木工程学报,2020,53(9):115-128.(EI检索
  24. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩,粟威.浅埋小净距公路隧道围岩压力分布规律.中国公路学报,2018,31(9):84-94.(EI检索
  25. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩,台启民,于富才.基于超前加固的深埋隧道围岩力学特性研究.工程力学,2018,35(2):92-104.(EI检索)
  26. 孙振宇,张顶立,侯艳娟.隧道复合支护结构协同作用的力学特性研究.铁道学报,2019,41(8):131-142.(EI检索
  27. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩.隧道锚固系统的协同作用及设计方法.工程力学,2019,36(5):53-66.(EI检索
  28. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩,侯艳娟.隧道支护结构体系协同优化设计方法及其应用.岩土工程学报,2021,43(3):530-539.(EI检索
  29. 孙振宇,张顶立,侯艳娟,李奥.基于现场实测数据统计的隧道围岩全过程变形规律及稳定性判据确定.岩土工程学报,2021,43(7):1261-1270.(EI检索
  30. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩,台启民,于富才.隧道初期支护与围岩相互作用的时空演化特性.岩石力学与工程学报,2017,36(s2):3943-3956.(EI检索
  31. 张顶立,孙振宇,陈铁林.海底隧道复合注浆技术及其工程应用.岩石力学与工程学报,2019,38(6):1102-1116.(EI检索
  32. 张顶立,孙振宇,侯艳娟.隧道支护结构体系及其协同作用.力学学报,2018,51(02):577-593.(EI检索
  33. 张顶立,孙振宇.海底隧道主动控制式防排水系统及其设计方法.岩石力学与工程学报,2019,38(01):1-17.(EI检索
  34. 张顶立,孙振宇,宋浩然,方黄城.海底隧道突水演化机制与过程控制方法.岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(04):649-667.(EI检索
  35. 张顶立,方黄城,陈立平,孙振宇.隧道支护结构体系的刚度设计理论.岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(04):649-662.(EI检索
  36. 洪学飞,张顶立,方黄城,房倩,周墨臻,侯艳娟,孙振宇.隧道开挖影响下地层-基础体系的接触力学响应分析.力学学报,2021,53(8):2298-2311.(EI检索
  37. 彭鹏,张顶立,孙振宇.含软弱夹层隧道围岩变形特性与加固参数设计方法.岩石力学与工程学报,2021,11(40):2260-2272.(EI检索
  38. 李然,张顶立,房倩,刘道平,孙振宇,徐曈.深埋3孔小净距隧道围岩压力计算方法及其工程应用.中国铁道科学,2020,41(02):81-90.(EI检索
  39. 李奥,张顶立,房倩,孙振宇,曹利强,刘道平,闫文发.基于微震监测的高速铁路大跨度过渡段隧道开挖损伤区分布特性及演化规律.中国铁道科学,2020,41(02):53-62.(EI检索
  40. 于富才,张顶立,房倩,孙振宇,台启民,赵江涛.隧道围岩变形及支护刚度三维分析模型研究.西南交通大学学报,2017,52(4):738-745,763.(EI检索
  41. 张顶立,孙振宇.复杂隧道围岩结构稳定性及其控制.水力发电学报,2018,37(02):1-11.(中文核心
  42. 张顶立,孙振宇.高速铁路隧道关键科学问题及发展趋势.铁道建筑,2018,58(11):1-4.(中文核心



  1. 孙振宇,张顶立,侯艳娟,房倩. 一种基于安全储备系数的隧道二次衬砌设计方法及系统. (ZL201910710540.1)
  2. 孙振宇,张顶立,房倩,侯艳娟.一种用于海域段海底隧道的海床安全性管理方法及系统.(ZL201910822097.7)
  3. 张顶立,孙振宇.一种基于围岩结构性的隧道锚固体系设计方法及系统.(ZL201811036902.5)
  4. 张顶立,孙振宇,方东平.一种海底隧道主动控制式防排水体系设计方法及系统.(ZL201810845980.3)
  5. 张顶立,孙振宇.一种海底隧道复合注浆参数的确定方法及系统.(ZL201811423287.9)
  6. 张顶立,孙振宇.一种隧道支护结构体系协同设计方法及系统(ZL201810809880.5)




2017.10 中国岩石力学与工程学会科学技术进步奖一等奖(14/15)

2019.11 中国公路学会科技进步特等奖(13/25)

2022.07 城市轨道交通科技进步一等奖(10/20)













中国城市科学研究会地下空间专委会 委员