
博士、教授、数据科学与智能决策研究院 院长


办公电话: 电子邮件: yangy1@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:科创大厦939 邮编:


2013 美国 Texas Tech Univ.(德克萨斯理工大学), Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences (信息系统与数量科学) 博士 ; 

2009 北京航空航天大学 信息管理 博士


2019- 北京交通大学 

信息管理系 教授(卓越百人计划

2013-2019 Rochester Institute of Technology (罗切斯特理工大学)

MIS (管理信息系统系)

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), 助理教授

Associate Professor (Tenured),副教授,终身教职

2009-2013 Texas Tech Univ.(德克萨斯理工大学)

Research Assistant (助研)

2007-2009 Texas Tech Univ.(德克萨斯理工大学)

CAABI (商务智能中心), 国家高水平公派研究生


  • 信息系统工程
  • 工业与系统工程
  • 土木工程管理
  • 信息工程管理
  • 安全工程管理
  • 物流工程管理
  • 大数据驱动的现代决策理论与科学管理
  • 大数据理论与应用
  • 企业信息化与数字化转型
  • 项目管理与服务工程管理
  • 大数据驱动的现代管理与决策


  • 信息管理硕士
  • 工业工程与管理硕士
  • 工程管理硕士
  • 管理科学博士
  • 信息管理博士



       1.工信部2019年工业互联网创新发展工程,TC19084DV,面向特定离散行业工业机理模型库,2019.07-2022.06, 2.7亿,在研,机理模型算法库子项目负责人;
5.中国铁路成都局集团有限公司2019年科研计划项目,ZX1902,钢轨探伤数据智能分析终端与管理系统, 2019.01-2019.07,50万,结题,参加;
12.美国农业部德克萨斯棉花种植研究中心,CERI-TR09-02,The Cotton Wizard: A Cotton/Cottonseed Variety Selection Application,20万美元,2009.06-2012,结题,参加;
13.罗切斯特理工,16090472,OVPR-EWOM Emotions and Consumer Information Search Behavior on Purchase Decision Making: A Text Analtics Approach ,5000美元,20 16.01-2017.01,结题,主持;


信息化与社会变革 (本科


数据科学和行业应用(本科)Data Science and Applications

Data Management for Business Analytics(硕士)

大数据与人工智能 (博士)


Guanzhou Ke, Yang Yu*, Guoqing Cao, Xiaoli Wang, Chenyang Xu, Shengfeng He, Disentangling Multi-view Representations Beyond Inductive Bias, ACM MM 2023 (CCF A, Accepted).

G. Ke, G. Chao, X. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Zhu and Y. Yu*, "A Clustering-guided Contrastive Fusion for Multi-view Representation Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3300319.

G. Ke, Y. Zhu and Y. Yu*, "MORI-RAN: Multi-view Robust Representation Learning via Hybrid Contrastive Fusion," in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), Orlando, FL, USA, 2022 pp. 467-474. (CCF B)

Guo, Jun; Yu, Yang,"CSR committees, politicians and CSR efforts",Asian Review of Accounting(SSCI) ,2022, 30(3), 297-313. 

Guo, Jun; Kim, Sungsoo; Yu, Yang; Kim, Jung Yeun (June) “Does CFO Accounting Expertise Matter to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in 10-Ks?Journal of Applied Accounting Research(SSCI)2021, 22(5):800-822.

Ghitulescu, Brenda; Khazanchi, Shalini; Tang, Zhi; Yu, Yang "One size does not fit all: The role of mentoring context in proactive individuals’ scholarly impact." Career Development International (SSCI), 2021(7):26.

Wang, X., & Yu, Y. (2021). The impact of moral framing in the 2016 US presidential debates on moral judgments and self-transcendent emotions in tweets. Journal of Information Technology & Politics,Jul-Sep2022, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p316-330.

Liu, M., Wu, K., Yang, R., & Yu, Y. (2020). Textual Analysis for Risk Profiles from 10-K Filings: Evidence from Audit Opinions. The CPA Journal90(6), 36-41.

Wang, Xiao, Yang Yu, and Lin Lin. "Tweeting the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21): An analysis of a social network and factors determining the network influence." Online Social Networks and Media 15 (2020)

Yang, Rong, Yang Yu, Manlu Liu, and Kean Wu. "Corporate risk disclosure and audit fee: a text mining approach." European Accounting Review 27, no. 3 (2018): 583-594. IF:2.322, Google Scholar Cited:11 (SSCI)

Yu, Yang, Wenjing Duan, and Qing Cao. "The impact of social and conventional media on firm equity value: A sentiment analysis approach." Decision Support Systems 55.4 (2013): 919-926. IF:3.847, Google Scholar Cited:291 (SCI)


Yu, Yang, and Xiao Wang. "World Cup 2014 in the Twitter World: A big data analysis of sentiments in US sports fans’ tweets." Computers in Human Behavior 48 (2015): 392-400. IF:4.306, Google Scholar Cited:125 ( SSCI)


Safi, Roozmehr, and Yang Yu*. "Online product review as an indicator of users’ degree of innovativeness and product adoption time: a longitudinal analysis of text reviews." European Journal of Information Systems 26, no. 4 (2017): 414-431. IF:2.603, Google Scholar Cited:0 (SCI, SSCI)


Xu, Chenyan, Yang Yu*, and Chun-Keung Hoi. "Hidden in-game intelligence in NBA players' tweets." Communications of the ACM 58, no. 11 (2015): 80-89 IF:5.41, Google Scholar Cited:5 (SCI)


Duan, Wenjing, Yang Yu*, Qing Cao, and Stuart Levy. "Exploring the impact of social media on hotel service performance: A sentimental analysis approach." Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 57, no. 3 (2016): 282-296. IF:3.847, Google Scholar Cited:35 (SSCI)


Zhang, Xianfeng, Yang Yu, Hongxiu Li, and Zhangxi Lin. "Sentimental interplay between structured and unstructured user-generated contents: an empirical study on online hotel reviews." Online Information Review 40, no. 1 (2016): 119-145. IF:2.492, Google Scholar Cited:23 (SSCI)


Liang, Fan, Yang Yu, Haizhong Wang, and Xiaofeng Meng. "Heart motion prediction in robotic-assisted beating heart surgery: A nonlinear fast adaptive approach." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10, no. 1 (2013): 82. IF:1.223, Google Scholar Cited:8 (SCI)


Yu, Yang, Ray Qing Cao, and Dara Schniederjans. "Cloud computing and its impact on service level: a multi-agent simulation model." International Journal of Production Research 55, no. 15 (2017): 4341-4353. IF:3.199, Google Scholar Cited:6 (SCI)


Jing, Ranzhe, Yang Yu*, and Zhangxi Lin. "How service-related factors affect the survival of B2T providers: A sentiment analysis approach." Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 25, no. 3 (2015): 316-336. IF:1.4, Google Scholar Cited:6 (SCI)


Liang, Fan, Xiaofeng Meng, and Yang Yu. "Multivariate autoregressive model based heart motion prediction approach for beating heart surgery." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10, no. 2 (2013): 129. IF:1.223, Google Scholar Cited:6 (SCI)


Gan, Qiwei, Bo H. Ferns, Yang Yu, and Lei Jin. "A text mining and multidimensional sentiment analysis of online restaurant reviews." Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 18, no. 4 (2017): 465-492. IF:1.04, Google Scholar Cited:19


Liang, Fan, Yang Yu, Shigang Cui, Li Zhao, and Xingli Wu. "Heart Motion Uncertainty Compensation Prediction Method for Robot Assisted Beating Heart Surgery–Master–slave Kalman Filters Approach." Journal of medical systems 38, no. 5 (2014): 52. IF:2.415, Google Scholar Cited:4 (SCI)




1.      一种基于物联网的手机外壳高度检测系统,实用新型,中国,201820309463X,2018-9-11

2.      一种基于物联网的手机外壳标识检测系统,实用新型,中国,2018203071568,2019-4-2

3.      一种基于物联网的手机壳外长外宽检测装置, 实用新型,中国,2018203067717,2018-9-18

4.      一种用于断刀检测的新型智能刀柄, 实用新型,中国,2018203071572,2019-3-1



1.      一种基于 FP-Growth 算法的手机贴标检测数据分析方法,发明专利,中国,20181017432112018-3-2

2.      一种基于机器视觉的手机壳孔位检测装置,发明专利,中国,20181017426852018-3-2

3.      小型精密结构件外观在线自动检测系统,发明专利,中国,20181017428102018-3-2

4.  一种基于数据挖掘的多周期钢轨伤损趋势预测方法,发明专利,中国,20191046672332019-5-31

5. 一种基于数据挖掘的探伤管理系统, 发明专利, 中国, 2019104675297, 2019-5-31

6. 一种基于数据挖掘的多周期钢轨伤损数据对齐方法,发明专利,中国,20191046667962019-5-31

7. 一种基于图像识别的钢轨廓形检测方法,发明专利,中国,20191051855622019-6-15

8. 一种基于信息融合的钢轨里程估计方法,发明专利,中国,201910895650X,2019-9-21


1.      机器人智能调光控制软件 V1.0, 软著,中国,2017SR3310602017-6-30

2.      机器人智能语音识别系统 V1.0, 软著,中国,2017SR3310512017-6-30



北京交通大学五四奖章 2021.

全国30位新生代数字经济领军人才 2020.


Cloud Computing: Supply Chain Applications and Implementation issues - An Agent Based Simulation Approach, Best Interdisciplinary Research Paper Award, 全球决策专业年会, 美国, 2012.

 Advertisement Ranking for Targeted Banner Advertising - A Numeric Study. Best Paper, 中国信息系统专业年会, 中国,2008.
