


办公电话:15120074546 电子邮件: xiajn@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区北京交通大学九教东202B 邮编:100044


研究兴趣包括人工智能与脑科学的结合及应用、类脑计算、复杂网络;欢迎感兴趣的小伙伴加入~ ~



2012/09 - 2017/07,北京交通大学,统计学,博士

2008/09 - 2012/07,北京交通大学,信息与计算科学,学士



2019/07 - 至今,  北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院,讲师

2017/09 - 2019/07,北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,博士后,合作导师:张占军

2015/09 - 2016/08,美国哈佛大学动态生医指标研究所,访问学者,合作导师:Chung-Kang Peng


  • 计算机技术
  • 软件工程
  • 人工智能
  • 大数据技术与工程
  • 机器学习与认知计算
  • 数据与知识工程
  • 新一代电子信息技术


  • 计算机科学与技术硕士
  • 计算机技术硕士
  • 软件工程硕士
  • 人工智能硕士
  • 大数据技术与工程硕士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士


国家重点研发计划课题: 慢阻肺多模态病证结合精准识别与预测模型创建及关键技术研究, 2023.10-至今,参与






国自然基金国际合作与交流项目:阿尔茨海默病早期不同证型的认知特点及脑网络连接模式研究,2019-2022,参与 (已结题)






  • 本科生课程:
  •     《医学成像原理》(秋季学期,32学时)



  • 研究生课程:
  •     《深度学习(暑期/秋季 学期,32学时)




    Li T, Zhou X, Xue J, Zeng L, Zhu Q, Wang R, Yu H, Xia J*, Cross-modal alignment and contrastive learning for enhanced cancer survival prediction, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2025, 108633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2025.108633.

    Xue J#, Feng Z#, Zeng L, Wang S, Zhou X*, Xia J*, Deng A*. Soul: An OCTA dataset based on Human Machine Collaborative Annotation Framework. Sci Data. 2024 Aug 2;11(1):838.
    Lin, Q, Zhao, J, Fan, R, Zhou, X, Xia, J*. Dynamic Feature Fusion Based on Consistency and Complementarity of Brain Atlases. In: Lin, Z., et al. Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision. PRCV 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15045. Springer, Singapore.

    Zheng Q#, Shen Q#, Shu Z, Chang K, Zhong K, Yan Y, Ke J, Huang J, Su R, Xia J*, Zhou X*, Deep representation learning from electronic medical records identifies distinct symptom based subtypes and progression patterns for COVID-19 prognosis, Int J Med Inform. 2024 Jul 20;191:105555.

    Wang S#, Yin N#, Li Y, Ma Z, Lin W, Zhang L, Cui Y, Xia J* and Geng L*.Molecular mechanism of the treatment of lung adenocarcinoma by Hedyotis Diffusa: an integrative study with real-world clinical data and experimental validation, Frontiers in Pharmacology 2024,15:1355531.

    林祺业,夏佳楠*,周雪忠.基于fMRI时变特征的大脑状态研究综述.计算机科学. 2024,51(4):182-192.

    Tian H#, He X#, Yang K#, Dai X, Liu Y, Zhang F, Shu Z, Zheng Q, Wang S, Xia J, Wen T, Liu B, Yu J, Zhou X*. DAPNet: multi-view graph contrastive network incorporating disease clinical and molecular associations for disease progression prediction. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2024 Nov 19;24(1):345.

    Wang X, Yang K*, Jia T, Gu F, Wang C, Xu K, Shu Z, Xia J, Zhu Q, Zhou X*. KDGene: knowledge graph completion for disease gene prediction using interactional tensor decomposition. Brief Bioinform. 2024 Mar 27;25(3):bbae161.

    Li, X#., Xia, J#., Li, Y., Xu, K., Chen, K., Zhang, J., Li, H., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Risk scores of incident mild cognitive impairment in a Beijing community-based older cohort. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 14, 976126. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2022.976126

    Dong, X., Zheng, Y., Shu, Z., Chang, K., Xia, J., Zhu, Q., Zhong, K., Wang, X., Yang, K., & Zhou, X. (2022). TCMPR: TCM Prescription Recommendation Based on Subnetwork Term Mapping and Deep Learning. BioMed research international, 2022, 4845726. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4845726

    Zou, Q., Yang, K., Shu, Z., Chang, K., Zheng, Q., Zheng, Y., Lu, K., Xu, N., Tian, H., Li, X., Yang, Y., Zhou, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, X., Xia, J., Zhu, Q., Poon, J., Poon, S., Zhang, R., Li, X., … Zhou, X. (2022). Phenonizer: A Fine-Grained Phenotypic Named Entity Recognizer for Chinese Clinical Texts. BioMed research international, 2022, 3524090. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3524090

    Shu, Z., Chang, K., Zhou, Y., Peng, C., Li, X., Cai, W., Wei, L., Zheng, Q., Tian, H., Xia, J., Yang, K., Wang, N., Liu, J., Min, X., Yan, D., Sun, J., Wu, H., Li, X., Zheng, Y., Yu, Z., … Li, X. (2021). Add-On Chinese Medicine for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (ACCORD): A Retrospective Cohort Study of Hospital Registries. The American journal of Chinese medicine49(3), 543–575.

    Heald, A. H., Chang, K., Jia, T., Sun, H., Zheng, Q., Wang, X., Xia, J., Stedman, M., Fachim, H., Gibson, M., Zhou, X., Anderson, S. G., Peng, Y., & Ollier, W. (2021). Longitudinal clinical trajectory analysis of individuals before and after diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) indicates that vascular problems start early. International journal of clinical practice75(11), e14695. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcp.14695

    Wu, Y., Shang, P. & Xia, J. Inverse sample entropy analysis for stock markets. Nonlinear Dyn 103, 741–758 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-020-06118-z

    Zeng, W., Chen, Y., Zhu, Z., Gao, S., Xia, J., Chen, X., Jia, J., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Severity of white matter hyperintensities: Lesion patterns, cognition, and microstructural changes. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. 40(12), 2454–2463. https://doi.org/10.1177/0271678X19893600

    X. Li#, J. Xia#, C. Ma#, K. Chen, K. Xu, J. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Li, D. Wei, Z. Zhang. Accelerating structural degeneration in temporal regions and their effects on cognition in aging of MCI patients. Cerebral cortex (2019).

    S. Gao, Y. Chen, S. Feng, Y. Yang, J. Xia, X. Li, J. Zhang, K. Chen, Z. Zhang. White matter microstructural change contributes to gradual cognitive decline in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Diabetes (2019).

    H. Xiong, P. Shang, J. Xia, J. Wang. Time irreversibility and intrinsics revealing of series with complex network approach, Physica A (2018) 499:241-249.

    Y. Zhang, P. Shang, H. Xiong, J. Xia. Multiscale Analysis of Time Irreversibility Based on Phase-Space Reconstruction and Horizontal Visibility Graph Approach. Fluctuation and Noise Letters. (2018) 17: 1850006.

    J. Xia, P. Shang, J. Wang, W. Shi. Permutation and weighted-permutation entropy analysis for the complexity of nonlinear time series. Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Num. Simu. (2016) 31: 60-68.

    J. Xia, P. Shang, D. Lu, Y. Yin. A comprehensive segmentation analysis of crude oil market based on time irreversibility. Physica A (2016) 450:104-114.

    W. Shi. P. Shang, J. Xia, C. H. Yeh. The coupling analysis between stock market indices based on permutation measures. Physica A (2016) 447: 222–231.

    H. Wang, P. Shang, J. Xia. Compositional segmentation and complexity measurement in stock indices. Physica A (2016) 442: 67-73.

    M. Xu, P. Shang, J. Xia. Traffic signals analysis using qSDiff and qHDiff with surrogate data. Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Num. Simu. (2015) 28: 98-108.

    Y. Yin, P. Shang, J. Xia. Compositional segmentation of time series in the financial markets. Applied Mathematics and Computation (2015) 268: 399-412.

    J. Wang, P. Shang, J. Xia, et al. EMD based refined composite multiscale entropy analysis of complex signals. Physica A (2015) 421: 583-593.

    J. Xia, P. Shang, J. Wang, W. Shi. Classifying of financial time series based on multiscale entropy and multiscale time irreversibility. Physica A (2014) 400: 151-158.

    J. Xia, P. Shang, J. Wang. Estimation of local scale exponents for heartbeat time series based on DFA. Nonlinear Dyn (2013) 74:1183–1190.

    J. Wang, P. Shang, X. Zhao, J. Xia. Multiscale entropy analysis of traffic time series, International Journal of Modern Physics C (2013) 24: 1350006.

    J. Xia, P. Shang. Multiscale entropy analysis of financial time series. FNL. (2012) 11: 1250033.






    2017级:王  宁(联合培养,博,铁科院),











    2021:李腾飞(校级优秀本科毕设 ,保研本校);李煊(理学院优秀本科毕设,保研复旦)





    【大创】融合领域知识的医学影像分割系统设计 (获评国家级)






