


办公电话: 电子邮件: cjzhang@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学信息科学研究所 邮编:100044


2011年博士毕业于中国科学院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室, 研究方向包括图像处理与理解、计算机视觉、多媒体数据处理与分析等方面;主持包括北京市杰出青年基金项目、国自然科面上项目等;共计发表论文80余篇,其中第一作者IEEE汇刊论文20篇;获2023年北京市科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖、2022年福建省科学技术奖科学技术进步奖二等奖、2018年度中国图象图形学学会科学技术奖二等奖,2020年度北京交通大学詹天佑专项奖(科技奖);中国计算机学会杰出会员、中国电子学会/中国图象图形学学会/中国人工智能学会高级会员、IEEE Senior Member


  • 招生要求:对科研工作真正怀有兴趣,具有较强的自我驱动能力和具备较好的编程能力和数学基础,有学术竞赛经验者优先。
  • 招生专业:根据学院学科调整,本人2025年开始招收计算机科学与技术专业的博士生与硕士生。详见学校研究生院导师在线系统:https://aa.bjtu.edu.cn/discipline/college_show/


2019~至今       北京交通大学  计算机与信息技术学院 教授

2017~2019    中国科学院自动化研究所  助理研究员、副研究员

2012~2017    中国科学院大学 计算机与控制学院 博士后、讲师

2011~2012    国家电网河南省电力公司电力科学研究院   工程师


  • 数字媒体信息处理与智能分析
  • 新一代电子信息技术
  • 软件工程
  • 人工智能
  • 大数据技术与工程
  • 机器学习与认知计算
  • 计算机技术


  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)博士
  • 人工智能博士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
  • 软件工程硕士
  • 人工智能硕士
  • 大数据技术与工程硕士
  • 计算机科学与技术硕士
  • 计算机技术硕士
  • 计算机技术博士
  • 计算机科学与技术博士
  • 软件工程博士






Yepeng Tang, Weining Wang, Chunjie Zhang, et. al., “Temporal Action Proposal Generation With Action Frequency Adaptive Network”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, DOI: 26:2340-2353, 2024.

Yepeng Tang, Weining Wang, Yanwu Yang, Chunjie Zhang*, et. al., “Anchor-free temporal action localization via Progressive Boundary-aware Boosting”, Inf. Process. Manag., 60(1): 103141 (2023).

Hongguang Zhu, Chunjie Zhang, Yunchao Wei, Shujuan Huang, and Yao Zhao, “ESA: External space attention aggregation for image-text retrieval”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33(10):6131-6143, 2023. 

Hongguang Zhu, Yunchao Wei, Yao Zhao, Chunjie Zhang, and Shujuan Huang, “AMC: Adaptive Multi-expert Collaborative Network for Text-guided Image Retrieval”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, accepted, DOI:10.1145/3584703, 2023.

Man Liu, Feng Li, Chunjie Zhang, Yunchao Wei, Huihui Bai, and Yao Zhao, “Progressive Semantic-Visual Mutual Adaption for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning”, CVPR, pp.15337-15346, 2023. (highlight paper)

Changkai Xu, Chunjie Zhang, et. al., “Accelerate adversarial training with loss guided propagation for robust image classification”, Inf. Process. Manag., 60(1): 103143 (2023).

Weijia Li, Saihui Hou, Chunjie Zhang, et. al., “An In-Depth Exploration of Person Re-Identification and Gait Recognition in Cloth-Changing Conditions” CVPR, pp.13824-13833, 2023. 

Shangrong Yang, Chunyu Lin, Kang Liao, Chunjie Zhang, Yao Zhao, “Progressively complementary network for fisheye image rectification using appearance flow”, CVPR, pp.6348-6357, 2021. 

Lingzhi He, Hongguang Zhu, Feng Li, Huihui Bai, Runmin Cong, Chunjie Zhang, Chunyu Lin, Meiqin Liu, Yao Zhao, “Towards fast and accurate real-world depth super-resolution: Benchmark dataset and baseline”, CVPR, pp.9229-9238, 2021. 

Chunjie Zhang, et al, “Fine-grained image classification by class and image-specific decomposition with multiple views”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.25, pp.6756-6766, 2023.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Exemplar-based, semantic guided zero-shot visual recognition,  IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.31, pp.3056-3065, 2022.

Man Liu, Chunjie Zhang, Huihui Bai, Riquan Zhang, Yao Zhao: Cross-Part Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 31: 748-758 (2022)

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Multi-view image classification with visual, semantic and view consistency, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 29(1):617-627, 2020.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Beyond explicit codebook generation: Visual representation using implicitly transferred codebooks, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24(12):5777-5788, Dec. 2015.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Fine-grained image classification via low-rank sparse coding with general and class-specific codebooks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 28(7):1550-1559, 2017.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Structured weak semantic space construction for visual categorization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 29(8):3442-3451, 2018. 

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Image-specific classification with local and global discriminations, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 29(9):4479-4486, 2018.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Object categorization using class-specific representation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 29(9):4528-4534, 2018. 

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Semantically modeling of object And context for categorization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems, 30(4):1013-1024, 2019.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Incremental codebook adaptation for visual representation and categorization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(7):2012-2023, 2018. 

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Multi-view, few-labeled object categorization by predicting labels with view consistency, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(11):3834-3843, 2019.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Multiview semantic representation for visual recognition, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 50(5): 2038-2049, 2020.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Multi-view label sharing for visual representations And Classifications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(4):903-913, 2018.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Unsupervised and semi-supervised image classification with weak semantic consistency, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21(10):2482-2491, 2019.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Contextual exemplar classifier-based image representation for classification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27(8):1691-1699, 2017.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Image class prediction by joint object, context and background modeling, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28(2):428-438, 2018. 

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Bundled local features for image representation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28(8):1719-1726, 2018.

Chunjie Zhang, et. al., Few-shot visual classification using image pairs with binary transformation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30(9): 2867-2871, 2020.

Congqi Cao, Yifan Zhang, Chunjie Zhang, and Hanqing Lu, Body Joint guided 3D Deep Convolutional Descriptors for Action Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(3):1095-1108, 2018.

Chenggang Yan, Liang, Li, Chunjie Zhang, Bingtao Liu, Yongdong Zhang, Qionghai Dai, Cross-modality bridging and knowledge transferring for image understanding, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 21(10):2675-2685, 2019.







  • 2023年北京市科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖

  • 2022年福建省科学技术奖科学技术进步奖二等奖

  • 2018年度中国图象图形学学会科学技术奖二等奖

  • 2020年度北京交通大学詹天佑专项奖(科技奖)


IEEE Senior Member

中国计算机学会  杰出会员

中国电子学会  高级会员

中国图象图形学学会  高级会员

中国人工智能学会   高级会员

中国科学院青年创新促进会 会员