


办公电话:010-51687189 电子邮件: wangzj@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:思源东楼806 邮编:


2014年9月—2018年12月, 上海交通大学,博士学位(直博)




2021年12月——至今, 北京交通大学,副教授



  • 绿色建筑与可持续发展
  • 安全工程管理
  • 项目管理
  • 信息系统工程
  • 风险管理与保险
  • 工业与系统工程
  • 土木工程管理
  • 信息工程管理
  • 物流工程管理
  • 项目管理与服务工程管理


  • 工程与项目管理硕士
  • 工业工程与管理硕士
  • 工程管理硕士


  1. 装配式建筑供应链多源干扰作用机理与鲁棒性强化理论(71901020),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2020.01—2022.12. (负责人)
  2. 首都装配式建筑供应链韧性强化机制研究(20GLC049),北京市社科基金,2020.07-2023.06. (负责人)
  3. 复杂艰险山区超大型工程建设环境及管理体系研究(71941013),国家自然科学基金应急项目,2019.06—2020.05.(任务负责人)
  4. 装配式住宅预制构件供应链关键干扰因素管理研究(2019M650475),国家博士后面上项目,2019.04—2020.03. (负责人)
  5. 装配式建筑预制构件生产调度优化研究(B19RC00020),北京交通大学人才基金,2019.01——2021.01.(负责人)
  6. 复杂艰险地区超大型铁路工程建设风险识别与综合防控技术(SQ2021YFB2300038),国家重点研发计划,2021.11-2024.10.(任务负责人)
  7. 适应工程建设与科技创新的川藏铁路韧性管理机制研究(B21SK00390),社会科学横向项目,2021.08—— 2023.12. (负责人)
  8. 川藏铁路工程建设与科技创新融合管理(71942006),国家自然科学基金重大专项,2020.01-2023.12. (主要参与人)
  9. 大型主题乐园复杂项目集群的项目管理模式创新研究(14DZ1207100),上海市科学技术委员会,2014.09—2016.10.(主要参与人)
  10. 高原藏区装配式建筑技术调研、开发与规划,西藏自治区住房和城乡建设厅, 2017.07—2017.09. (主要参与人)





  1. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Wei Zhou. RFID enabled knowledge-based precast construction supply chain. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 32(6): 499-514. (SCI, JCR三个分区排名第一, IF= 11.775, 中科院一区);
  2. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu, Mengyang Guo and Jie Gong*. Optimization of temporary debris management site selection and site service regions for enhancing postdisaster debris removal operations. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019, 34(3): 230-247. (SCI, JCR三个分区排名第一,IF= 11.775, 中科院一区);
  3. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Jie Gong. Framework for modeling operational uncertainty to optimize offsite production scheduling of precast components. Automation in Construction, 2018, 86: 69-80. (SCI, JCR排名前5%, IF=  7.700, 中科院一区);
  4. Zhaojing Wang, Tengyu Wang, Hao Hu, Jie Gong, Xu Ren* and Qiying Xiao. Blockchain-based framework for improving supply chain traceability and information sharing in precast construction. Automation in Construction, 2020, 111: 103063. (SCI, JCR排名前5%, IF= 7.700, 中科院一区,高被引论文);
  5. Zhaojing Wang, Yi Yu, Cecilia Feeley, Samantha Herrick, Hao Hu and Jie Gong*. A route optimization model based on building semantics, human factors, and user constraints to enable personalized travel in complex public facilities. Automation in Construction, 2022, 133: 103984. (SCI, JCR排名前5%, IF= 7.700, 中科院一区);
  6. Zhaojing Wang, Limin Jia, Xiaoping Ma*, Xuehui Sun, Qianxue Tang and Sina Qian. Accessibility-oriented performance evaluation of high-speed railways using a three-layer network model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022, 222: 108411. (SCI, JCR排名前5%, IF= 6.188, 中科院一区);
  7. Zhaojing Wang and Hao Hu*. Dynamic response to demand variability for precast production rescheduling with multiple lines. International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(16): 5386-5401. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 8.568, 中科院二区);
  8. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Jie Gong. Modeling worker competence to advance precast production scheduling optimization. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(ASCE), 2018, 144(11): 0401809. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 3.951, 中科院三区, ASCE期刊);
  9.  Zhaojing Wang, Yisheng Liu, Hao Hu and Lei Dai*. Hybrid rescheduling optimization model under disruptions in precast production considering real-world environment. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(ASCE), 2021, 147(4): 04021012. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 3.951, 中科院三区,ASCE期刊);
  10. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu*, Jie Gong and Xiaoping Ma. Synchronizing production scheduling with resources allocation for precast components in a multi-agent system environment. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2018, 49: 131-142. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 8.633, 中科院二区);
  11. Zhaojing Wang* and Hao Hu. Improved precast production scheduling model considering the whole supply chain. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2017, 31(4): 04017013. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 4.640,中科院三区,ASCE期刊);
  12. Lei Dai, Hao Hu and Zhaojing Wang*. Is shore side electricity greener? An environmental analysis and policy implications. Energy Policy, 2020, 137:111144. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 6.142, 中科院二区);
  13. Zhaojing Wang, Qingzhe Jiang, Kangyin Dong*, Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik and Xiucheng Dong. Decomposition of the US CO2 emissions and its mitigation potential: An aggregate and sectoral analysis. Energy Policy, 2020, 147: 111925. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 6.142, 中科院二区);
  14. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Jie Gong. Precast supply chain management in sustainable off-site construction: A Critical Literature Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232: 1204-1217. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 9.297, 中科院一区);
  15. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Jie Gong. Simulation based multiple disturbances evaluation in the precast supply chain for improved disturbance prevention. Journal of Cleaner production, 2018, 177: 232-244. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF= 9.297, 中科院一区);
  16. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu*, Qingcheng Zeng and Xiaobing Li. Profit sharing and the stability of shipping alliances based on game theory. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP), 2016, 50(3): 245-261. (SSCI);
  17. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Qingcheng Zeng. Profit Distribution and Stability of the P3 Network Alliance Based on Game Theory. Transportation Research Board 94th annual meeting, 2014. (交通领域顶级国际会议TRB);
  18. Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu* and Jie Gong. Competence Based Worker Assignment and Impacts on Production Scheduling in Precast Construction. IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society Conference (TEMSCON), 2018. (EI国际会议);
  19. Wuyue Xiong, Jian Yang*, Zhaojing Wang, Hao Hu, Feng Xu, and Jingbo Zhang. Improving Supply Chain Communications for Off-site Construction using Process Specification Language. 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 2018. (EI国际会议);
  20. Xiaoping Ma, Yong Qin, Honghui Dong, Limin Jia*, Peng Li, Zhaojing Wang, and Zhiwei Teng. Two-Hierarchy Communication / Computation Hybrid Optimization Protocol for Railway Wireless Monitoring Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Online. (SCI, JCRQ1, IF=7.377);
  21. Qingxue Liang, Hao Hu*, Zhaojing Wang, and FengHou. A game theory approach for the renegotiation of Public-Private Partnership projects in Chinese environmental and urban governance industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 238: 117952. (SCI, JCRQ1, IF=6.395);
  22. Lei Dai*, Hao Hu, Zhaojing Wang. An environmental and techno-economic analysis of shore side electricity. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 75: 223-235. (SCI, JCRQ1, IF= 4.051).



1. 面向机器故障的装配式建筑预制构件生产再调度优化方法, 2021-12-28, 中国, CN,202010326104.7      ( 专利)
2. 一种装配式建筑预制供应链多主体信息协同方法, 2020-4-14, 中国, CN202010291509.1      ( 专利)












