


办公电话:010-51684511 电子邮件: jiangyc@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区北京交通大学光波楼317室 邮编:100044


2013.09-2018.06 北京交通大学 通信与信息系统专业 工学博士

2009.09-2013.06 北京交通大学 通信工程专业 工学学


2024-01 至 今, 北京交通大学, 电子信息工程学院, 副教授

2022-12 至 2023-12, 英国南安普顿大学(访问学者), 光电子研究中心, 无

2021-12 至 2022-11, 北京交通大学, 电子信息工程学院, 副教授

2018-09 至 2021-11, 北京交通大学, 电子信息工程学院, 讲


  • 新型特种光纤、光电器件及光纤传感
  • 通信工程
  • 人工智能


  • 信息与通信工程硕士
  • 通信工程(含宽带网络、移动通信等)硕士
  • 人工智能硕士


  • 红果园(横): 激光探测信息传输模拟模块, 2023-2024
  • 基础研究项目: 大尺度涡旋光探测技术研究, 2023-2026
  • 基础研究项目: 基于双横模振荡的特种光束光纤激光器研究, 2021-2023
  • 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 基于微波光子的海洋浮标光纤磁场探测技术研究, 2021-2024
  • 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 基于腔内双横模振荡及相位控制的特种光束光纤激光器研究, 2021-2023
  • 基础研究项目: 面向工频电场探测的微波光子技术研究, 2020-2022
  • 其它: 基于光纤中标量模式分解的涡旋光的产生与调控, 2020-2020
  • 自然科学类人才基金项目: 基于表面等离子体平面内波带片的涡旋光束探测器件的研究, 2020-2022
  • 北京市自然基金“面上”: 太赫兹波段系列化、集成化、多功能化偏振保持波导光栅, 2019-2021
  • 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 面向高速模分复用传输的多模空芯光纤研制, 2019-2021
  • 自然科学类人才基金项目: 基于光纤的轨道角动量模式转换器, 2018-2021


主讲课程《电磁场与电磁波》、 探索光电世界》




  • 黄秋玉,延凤平,冯亭,杨丹丹,谭浩宇,李挺,蔡月芝,彭思雨,姜有超.Stable narrow linewidth single-longitudinal-mode Tm3*-doped fiber laser with compound cavity filter and self-injection feedback.Optical Fiber Technology,2024,无(90)
  • 谭浩宇,延凤平,冯亭,李挺,秦齐,杨丹丹,郭浩,王向东,武桂芳,蔡月芝,索玉平,白燕,姜有超.Highly stable single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber laser using dual-ring compound cavity filter and saturable absorber.Optical Fiber Technology,2024,无(83)
  • 杨丹丹,延凤平,郭颖,秦齐,李挺,于晨昊,王向东,郭浩,蔡月芝,纪文杰,姜有超,黄秋玉,彭思雨,冯亭.Suppression of intensity noise and phase noise for thulium-holmium co-doped fiber laser by self-injection locking.optics express,2024,32(19)
  • 杨丹丹,李挺,延凤平,冯亭,于晨昊,秦齐,王向东,郭浩,姜有超,蔡月芝,纪文杰,谭浩宇,黄秋玉,彭思雨.Demonstration of an ultra-wideband wavelength self-adaptive and high-precision single-frequency laser linewidth measurement system.optics express,2024,32(23)
  • 苏永富,姜有超,赵玉贞,王子潇,肖世莹.A distributed reception based method for identifying vortex beams.OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS,2024,None(570)
  • 李挺,秦齐,延凤平,冯亭,孙威威,杨丹丹,王向东,于晨昊,王鹏飞,韩文国,程丹,郭颖,杜雪梅,刘艳,姜有超,熊本和夫,周虹,索玉萍.Demonstration of the First Outdoor 2-μm-Band Real-Time Video Transmission Free-Space Optical Communication System Using a Self-Designed Single-Frequency Fiber Laser.JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,2023,None(41)
  • 郭英豪,姜有超,高娇,刘文倩,任文华,任国斌.All-fiber mode-locked fiber laser with flat-top beam output based on mode superposition.Journal of Lightwave Technology,2024,无(无)
  • 关彪,延凤平,秦齐,刘艳,杨丹丹,谭浩宇,李挺,于晨昊,王向东,姜有超,Kazuo,索玉平.Thulium-doped fiber laser with switchable single-wavelength output using polarization-dependent loss.FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS,2023,None(11)
  • 秦齐,李挺,延凤平,冯亭,孙威威,韩文国,杨丹丹,王向东,于晨昊,王鹏飞,程丹,郭颖,杜雪梅,刘艳,姜有超,Kumamoto,Zhou,Suo.Demonstration of the First Outdoor 2-μm-Band Real-Time Video Transmission Free-Space Optical Communication System Using a Self-Designed Single-Frequency Fiber Laser.Journal of Lightwave Technology,2023,None(41)
  • 杨丹丹,延凤平,冯亭,秦齐,李挺,于晨昊,王向东,姜有超,Kumamoto,索玉萍.Stable narrow-linewidth single-longitudinal-mode thulium-doped fiber laser by exploiting double-coupler-based double-ring filter.Infrared Physics and Technology,2023,None(129)
  • 薛宇勃,李海粟,刘亚静,揭璐,张宇,姜有超,任国斌,裴丽.支持10个模式的空气孔辅助型偏振保持少模光纤.中国激光,2022,49(17)
  • Huaiqing,姜有超,Maosheng,Xiancun,Yao.Tunable terahertz plasmonic planar lens based on InSb micro-slit array.OPTICAL REVIEW,2021,4(28)
  • Huaiqing,Mengya,Xue,姜有超,Xiancun,Maosheng.Active control of terahertz wave assisted by dielectric loaded plasmonic waveguide.OPTICA APPLICATA,2022,1(52)
  • 赵玉贞,姜有超,肖世莹,李海粟,王子潇.The influence of refractive index disturbance of ring-core fiber with central air hole on modes separating.Optical Fiber Technology,2023,None(79)
  • 刘怀清,Feng,姜有超,Maosheng,Yao,Yijiao,Xiancun.Giant Enhanced Optical Force in Silicon Elliptical Nanopillars Assisted by Quasi-BIC.IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2023,None(35)
  • 薛宇勃,李海粟,刘亚静,王伟,姜有超,任国斌,裴丽.Polarization-Maintaining Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Optical Fibers [偏振保持反谐振空芯光纤].Laser and Optoelectronics Progress,2021,23(58)
  • 杨丹丹,延凤平,冯亭,秦齐,程丹,李挺,于晨昊,王向东,姜有超,白燕,索玉萍,Kumamoto.Three-wavelength-switchable narrow linewidth thulium-doped fiber laser enabled by a compound-cavity filter and a sampled fiber Bragg grating.Applied Optics,2022,35(61)
  • 杨丹丹,延凤平,冯亭,秦齐,李挺,于晨昊,王向东,姜有超,Kumamoto,Kumamoto,索玉萍.Highly stable and wavelength-switchable single-longitudinal-mode Tm3+-doped fiber laser with a specially-designed tri-coupler dual-ring filter.Optik,2022,无(272)
  • 秦齐,延凤平,刘艳,程丹,于晨昊,杨丹丹,王向东,姜有超,索玉萍,Kumamoto,Kumamoto,冯亭.Thulium-doped fiber laser with bidirectional output in a ring laser cavity.Optics & Laser Technology,2022,无(155)
  • 王子潇,孙春然,肖世莹,武蓓蕾,姜有超.On-chip orbital angular momentum sorter for demultiplexing based on arc-shaped waveguide grating.Optics and Laser Technology,2022,无(156)
  • 郭英豪,程毓丹,姜有超,曹敏,汤敏,任文华,任国斌.Machine learning aided inverse design for flattop beam fiber.Optics Communications,2022,12(524)
  • 程毓丹,郭英豪,曹敏,姜有超,任文华,任国斌.Few-mode fiber design for multiple-inputmultiple-output-less mode division multiplexing by machine learning.Journal of the Optical Society of America B,2022,9(39)
  • 肖世莹,武蓓蕾,孙春然,王子潇,姜有超.Strain and Temperature Discrimination Based on a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer With Cascaded Single Mode Fibers.Photonic Sensors,2022,1(13)
  • 闫宝瑞,张建勇,王目光,姜有超,密术超.Degenerated mode decomposition with convolutional neural network for few-mode fibers.Optics & Laser Technology,2022,无(154)
  • 肖世莹,武蓓蕾,王子潇,姜有超.A peanut taper based Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor for strain and temperature discrimination.Optical Fiber Technology,2022,无(70)
  • 姜有超,汤敏,姚树智,曹敏,芈月安,任文华,任国斌.Switchable single-longitudinal-mode narrow linewidth fiber laser with cylindrical vector beam output.Optics and Laser Technology,2022,--(153)
  • 薛宇勃,李海粟,刘亚静,王伟,姜有超,任国斌,裴丽.偏振保持反谐振空芯光纤.激光与光电子学进展,2021,23(58)
  • 汤敏,姜有超,李海粟,赵琦,曹敏,芈月安,简伟,任文华,任国斌.Multi-Wavelength Fiber Laser Based on Dual-Sagnac Comb Filter for LP11 Modes Output.JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,2020,14(38)
  • 汤敏,姜有超,李海粟,赵琦,曹敏,芈月安,吴良英,简伟,任文华,任国斌.Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with tunable orbital angular momentum mode output.JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,2020,3(37)
  • 闫婷婷,姜有超,任文华,姚树智,任国斌.Switchable dual-transverse-mode all-fiber laser with a mode selective filter.JOURNAL OF OPTICS,2019,7(21)
  • 姜有超,任国斌,廉玉东,刘昱,刘怀清,李海粟,任文华,简伟,简水生.Multilayer-core fiber with a large mode area and a low bending loss.中国光学快报:英文版,2016,12(14)
  • 闫婷婷,任文华,姜有超.Asymmetric Wavelength-Selective Directional Couplers as Fractional-Order Optical Differentiators.IEEE ACCESS,2019,None(7)
  • 谌亚,杨宇光,姜有超,姚树智,肖世莹,简水生.Radially polarized cylindrical vector beam generation in all-fibre narrow linewidth single-longitudinal-mode laser.LASER PHYSICS LETTERS,2019,5(16)
  • 董常彬,姜有超,叶燊,邢睿,吴越,简水生.Liquid refractive index and temperature sensor using multimode interference-based corroded polarization-maintaining fiber.JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS,2019,1(13)
  • 苏永富,姜有超,赵玉贞,王子潇,肖世莹.A distributed reception-based method for identifying vortex beams.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,2024
  • 赵玉贞,姜有超,王子潇,肖世莹.The Influence of Refractive Index Disturbance of Ring-core Fiber with Central Air Hole on Modes Separating.2022 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE, ACP,2023
  • 肖世莹,武蓓蕾,冯晶琳,马绍阳,王子潇,姜有超.Polarimetric Fiber Laser Sensor with Enhanced Sensitivity by Utilizing a Hi-Bi EDF.2023 IEEE 8th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC),2023
  • 肖世莹,武蓓蕾,王子潇,姜有超,孙春然.Strain and Temperature Discrimination by Fourier Analyzing Transmission Spectrum of an In-fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.2022 IEEE 7th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC),2022
  • 姜有超.Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum Generation from the Evolution of a Vector Mode.2019 ASIA COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (ACP),2019
  • 姜有超.Tunable orbital angular momentum generation from the evolution of a vector mode.Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP,2019
  • 闫婷婷,姜有超,李海粟,任文华.Switchable dual-mode all-fiber laser by using LPG and FBG.2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP 2018,2018
  • 闫婷婷,姜有超,李海粟,任文华.Switchable dual-mode all-fiber laser by using LPG and FBG.None,2018



吴睿涵,姜有超, 一种基于无线通信及二维码的考勤方法,2020.04.07,中国,CN111028375A



2018 北京市优秀毕业生

2018 北京交通大学优秀毕业生

2018 北京交通大学优秀博士毕业论文

2018 北京交通大学知行奖学金提名奖

2017 北京交通大学华为奖学金

2016 北京交通大学三好研究生

2016 博士研究生国家奖学金

2015 北京交通大学三好研究生


Optics Letters、Optics Express、Photonics Research、Nanophotonics等期刊审稿人