办公电话: |
电子邮件: lgchai@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:科技大厦501 |
邮编: |
2012.9 - 2018.8 北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,博士
2010.9 - 2012.6 北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,硕士
2006.9 - 2010.6 北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,学士
2018.8 - 2021.11,北京交通大学,电子信息工程学院,讲师
2016.5 - 2017.6 加州大学伯克利分校,访问学者
- 人工智能
- 控制工程
- 交通智能控制与优化
- 交通系统仿真与测试
- 新一代电子信息技术
- 人工智能硕士
- 控制工程硕士
- 交通信息工程及控制硕士
- 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
- 交通信息工程及控制博士
- 红果园-其他: 锐华嵌入式实时操作系统产教融合与推广应用研究, 2024-2025
- 北京市自然基金: 智能网联多车运输系统环境感知与风 险认知关键技术研究, 2024-2027
- 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 交通环境认知的人机混驾车队运行控制策略优化方法研究, 2022-2024
- 北京高校卓越青年科学家计划: 北京高等学校卓越青年科学家计划, 2024-2029
- 自然科学横向项目: 智能网联复杂环境下信控策略优化研究(一期), 2024-2024
- 红果园(横): 基于虚实交互的异构智能载具协同控制仿真技术开发, 2024-2024
- 其它(科技处): 河北省智慧高速建设后评估研究, 2024-2024
- 红果园(横): 锐华嵌入式实时操作系统教材编著及出版, 2024-2025
- 国铁集团科技开发计划课题: 铁路数字服务平台总体方案及关键技术研究, 2023-2025
- 红果园(横): 数据模型设计与开发, 2024-2025
- 自然科学横向项目: 青藏铁路格拉段扩能改造工程GPS测量、数据处理和验证补充协议, 2024-2025
- 北京市自然基金“丰台联合-重点”: 自主高速移动体编队运行及时安全管理与风险防控方法研究, 2023-2026
- 红果园(横): 异构卫星导航系统和柔性导航信号的设计与接收策略性能仿真和实验分析, 2023-2024
- 自然科学横向项目: 青藏铁路格拉段改造工程 ITCS关键数据测量、处理和验证 技术服务合同, 2023-2025
- 红果园国家级"四总部": 无人系统异构群体智能协同搜索与优化技术(JY), 2022-2024
- 红果园国家级"四总部": 无人系统异构群体智能协同搜索与优化技术(ZB), 2022-2024
- 自然科学横向项目: 新型ZPW-2000轨道电路在重载铁路创新应用及关键技术研究, 2022-2024
- 红果园国家级"四总部": 无人系统异构群体智能协同搜索与优化技术, 2022-2024
- 自然科学横向项目: 车路协同大数据应用服务, 2023-2024
- 红果园(横): 高性能信号处理自动对比验证工具研制, 2022-2024
- 红果园(横): 大规模智能载具协同仿真技术, 2022-2024
- 国家(工信部等)专项: 多频点高精度北斗导航芯片项目, 2022-2023
- 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 轨道交通信号系统的主动防御式智能运维理论与关键技术研究, 2021-2024
- 红果园省部级"四总部": 人机协同下自主功能的故障机理研究, 2021-2022
- 铁路总公司(原铁道部)(不再新立项): 基于闭塞时间理论的虚拟重联高速列车间隔控制技术研究, 2021-2024
- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 面向重载列车虚拟重联的协同控制理论与方法研究, 2022-2025
- 基础研究项目: 车路协同异构交通主体协同仿真方法研究, 2021-2024
- 红果园国家级科技委、后勤保障项目(不再立新项目): 面向XXX的XXX定位技术, 2020-2023
- 基本科研业务费研究生创新项目: 虚实交互的智能网联车辆平行测试方法研究, 2020-2022
- 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 基于全生命周期大数据的轨道交通列控系统可靠性评估与健康管理, 2019-2023
- 国家自然科学基金“联合基金项目”: 高速列车多源信息融合定位与测姿技术研究, 2020-2023
- 自然科学横向项目: 基于人脸识别的旅客导乘导航系统, 2019-2022
- 自然科学横向项目: 铁路信号联锁试验管理系统的研究, 2019-2020
- 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 车路协同异构交通主体多交叉口间隙耦合控制方法, 2020-2022
- 国家重点研发计划-任务: 旅客出行链构建及多交通方式换乘自助服务装备, 2019-2022
- 其它: 无人驾驶技术在首都机场客货运输中的应用研究与示范, 2019-2022
- 国家重点研发计划-任务: 车辆群体协同控制性能测试与评价方法, 2019-2021
- 国家重点研发计划-课题: 异构交通主体群体智能协同行为仿真分析与评估, 2019-2021
- 基本科研业务费研究生创新项目: 自主感知车辆的多障碍物冲突预测关键技术, 2019-2021
- 自然科学类人才基金项目: 车路协同中混合车辆在交叉口的间隙通行控制方法, 2018-2021
彭聪,上官伟,彭佳力,王宗耀,柴琳果,蔡伯根,邢玉龙.Multi-objective preventive maintenance strategy and optimization considering unavailability and cost: A case study on VOBC.Alexandria Engineering Journal,2024,1(105)
巴晓辉,刘太彬,姜维,王剑,蔡伯根,柴琳果,梁坤.Design of Universal Code Generator for Multi-Constellation Multi-Frequency GNSS Receiver.Electronics,2024,7(13)
彭佳力,上官伟,彭聪,柴琳果.Uncertainty modeling of connected and automated vehicle penetration rate under mixed traffic environment.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2024,2024(639)
王宗耀,上官伟,彭聪,孟月月,柴琳果,蔡伯根.A Predictive Maintenance Strategy for a Single Device Based on Remaining Useful Life Prediction Information: A Case Study on Railway Gyroscope.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024,2024(73)
查园园,上官伟,柴琳果,陈晶晶.Hierarchical Perception Enhancement for Different Levels of Autonomous Driving: A Review.IEEE Sensors Journal,2024,11(24)
冀柯维,柴琳果,李四辉,刘湘言,潘秀.Collision Risk Evaluation and Verification of GNSS-Based Train Integrity Detection.APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2021,16(11)
柴琳果,刘湘言,上官伟,王剑,蔡伯根.Parallel spatiotemporal slot-based heterogeneous vehicle hybrid coordinating method at intersections under intelligent network environment.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2023,628(628)
杜煜,上官伟,柴琳果.Traffic signal control in mixed traffic environment based on advance decision and reinforcement learning.TRANSPORTATION SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT,2022,4(4)
曹越,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果,邱威智.Predictive Trajectory Planning for On-Road Autonomous Vehicles Based on a Spatiotemporal Risk Field.IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE,2022,1(15)
彭佳力,上官伟,柴琳果.Strategy of lane-changing coupling process for connected and automated vehicles in mixed traffic environment.Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics,2022,1(11)
白正伟,上官伟,柴琳果,Peng,J.Hybrid Reinforcement Learning-Based Eco-Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2022,9(23)
邱威智,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果.Heterogeneous data-based spatiotemporal trajectory synchronization for virtual–real interactive testing.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,2023,1(38)
邱威智,上官伟,柴琳果,蔡伯根,陈俊杰.Parallel Hierarchical Control-based Efficiency Enhancement for Large-scale Virtual Reality Traffic Simulation.IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE,2022,4(14)
杜煜,上官伟,柴琳果.A Coupled Vehicle-Signal Control Method at Signalized Intersections in Mixed Traffic Environment.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2021,3(70)
柴琳果,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑,王化深.Connected and autonomous vehicles coordinating approach at intersection based on space–time slot.Transportmetrica A: Transport Science,2018,10(14)
上官伟,杜煜,柴琳果.Interactive Perception based Multiple Object Tracking via CVIS and AV.IEEE Access,2019,1(7)
上官伟,杜煜,柴琳果,刘丹,王韦舒.Survey of connected automated vehicle perception mode: from autonomy to interaction.IET Intelligent Transport Systems,2019,3(13)
柴琳果,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑,王化深.Basic Simulation Environment for Highly Customized Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Kinematic Scenarios.Sensors,2017,9(17)
查园园,上官伟,柴琳果.V2V Based Visual Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Far-Sight and See-Through.2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV),2024
曹越,上官伟,张璐,查园园,赵通,柴琳果.Operation Optimization and Simulation Test of Passenger Transport System in Airport Environment.2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),2023
赵通,上官伟,柴琳果,曹越.A Non-Cooperative Dynamic Game-Based Approach for Lane Changing Decision-Making in Mixed Traffic Diversion Scenarios.2023 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),2023
亢祁煊,李春明,柴琳果,上官伟,蔡伯根.Modeling and Analysis of Switching Process of Train Control System Based on UML and HTCPN.2023 China Automation Congress (CAC),2024
柴琳果,庞豪杰,上官伟,蔡伯根.Method of Multi-lane Vehicles Speed Continuously Perceiving Based on Single Roadside Camera.2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),2022
柴琳果,张景会,肖骁,李旭,聂敏.CBTC on-board signal fault diagnosis method based on LightGBM classification.2022 China Automation Congress (CAC),2023
柴琳果,刘湘言,上官伟,李旭,蔡伯根,曹越.Interpolation and simulation of autonomous driving camera data for vehicle position synchronization.2022 China Automation Congress,2023
刘湘言,柴琳果,上官伟,蔡伯根,彭佳力,聂敏.Radar point cloud synchronization and simulation method under multi-condition constraints.2022 China Automation Congress (CAC),2023
芮涛,柴琳果,上官伟,邓雨亭,庞豪杰,聂敏.Multi Mode Travel Recommendation Method for Passengers at Hub Airport under the Constraint of Public Transport Timetable.2021 China Automation Congress (CAC),2022
柴琳果,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑,聂敏,杨书详.Alterable channelization intersection coordinating method for connected and autonomous vehicles.2019 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2019,2019
庞晓宇,上官伟,曹越,柴琳果,邱威智.Dynamic Safe Area Detection Method for Autonomous Vehicles in Hub Airport.2021 Chinese Control Conference,2021
柴琳果,上官伟,王剑,蔡伯根,聂敏.Driver Reacting Time Evaluating Method Utilizing Interacting Information and Vehicle Braking Features.CICTP 2020,2020
付瑶,上官伟,柴琳果.Enhancement of V2X Communication Credibility Considering Vehicle State Optimization.CICTP 2020,2020
上官伟,尹溪琛,杨文慧,柴琳果.Airport Arrival Passengers Trip Chain Generating Method Based on Multiple Spatiotemporal Traveling Segments.CICTP 2020,2020
安若琳,上官伟,柴琳果,蔡伯根.Prediction and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow Based on Spatiotemporal Slices in Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System.第三届车路协同自动驾驶国际论坛,2020
孙崇珊,上官伟,柴琳果.Vehicle Behavior Recognition and Prediction Method for Intelligent Driving in Highway Scene.Chinese Automation Congress(CAC),2020
邓雨亭,Rong,上官伟,王鹏,柴琳果.Multi-objective Path Optimization Method in Terminal Building Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm.2020 Chinese Automation Congress,2020
邱威智,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果,陈俊杰.Advance Estimate-based Traffic State Synchronization for Parallel Testing.2020 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC),2020
杜煜,上官伟,荣鼎超,柴琳果.RA-TSC: Learning Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Strategy via Deep Reinforcement Learning.2019 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),2019
白正伟,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果.Deep Reinforcement Learning Based High-level Driving Behavior Decision-making Model in Heterogeneous Traffic.2019 Chinese Control Conference,2019
李秋艳,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果.Traffic Flow Guidance and Optimization of Connected Vehicles Based on Swarm Intelligence.2019 Chinese Control Conference,2019
邱威智,上官伟,蔡伯根,柴琳果.Research on Traffic Simulation Scenario Construction and Fidelity Evaluation Method under Environment of i-VICS.Chinese Control Conference (CCC),2019
白正伟,蔡伯根,上官伟,柴琳果.Deep Learning Based Motion Planning For Autonomous Vehicle Using Spatiotemporal LSTM Network.Chinese Automation Congress(CAC),2018
杜煜,上官伟,柴琳果.Particle Filter Based Object Tracking of 3D Sparse Point Clouds for Autopilot.Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),2018
柴琳果,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑.Simulation and testing method for evaluating the effects of position error, communication delay and penetration rate to connected vehicles safety.2017 Chinese Automation Congress & Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference (CAC),2017
柴琳果,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑.Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Coordinating Method at Intersection Utilizing Preassigned Slots.2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System,2017
柴琳果,上官伟,王剑,赵婷婷,尚宁.Test Sequence Generating Method of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System based on Support Index.2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies,2015
柴琳果,王化深,蔡伯根,上官伟,王剑.Design and Implementation of I-VICS Traffic Simulation Platform.2nd International Conference on Materials, Transportation and Environmental Engineering, CMTEE 2014,2015
蔡伯根,柴琳果,上官伟,王剑.Research on Car Following Model Based On Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System .The International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ,2012
[1] 柴琳果, 上官伟, 蔡伯根, 等. 基于间隙理论的全自主车辆交叉口协同控制方法. 发明专利, 201710299934.3.
[1] 柴琳果, 上官伟, 蔡伯根, 等. 智能车路协同多车协同运行控制仿真软件. 软件著作权, 2017SRBJ0622.
[2] 柴琳果, 上官伟, 蔡伯根, 等. 车路协同系统仿真交通量统计分析软件. 软件著作权, 2017SRBJ0625.