办公电话:+86-10-51688343 | 电子邮件: ylniu@bjtu.edu.cn |
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1999.09-2003.07 东北师范大学物理系 学士
2004.09-2007.07 吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所 硕士
2007.09-2010.07 中国科学院化学研究所 博士
2010.11-2012.12 台湾交通大学 博士后
2012.12-2014.12 中国科学院化学研究所 访问学者
2014.12-2017.07 国家纳米科学中心 博士后
2017.07-2021.12 北京交通大学 讲师
2021.12-至今 北京交通大学 副教授
2020, Xue-Lian Zheng, Ling Yang, Bo Shang, Ming-Qian Wang, Yingli Niu*, Wei-Qi Li* and Wei Quan Tian*, Two-dimensional two-photon absorptions and third-order nonlinear optical properties of Ih fullerenes and fullerene onions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(25), 14225-14235.
2020, Ping-An Yin, Qing Wan, Yingli Niu, Qian Peng, Zhiming Wang, Yuxuan Li, Anjun Qin, Zhigang Shuai and Ben Zhong Tang, Theoretical and Experimetal Investigations on the Aggregation-Emission from Dark State: Vibronic Coupling Effect, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(7), 2000255.
2019, Haoke Zhang, Junkai Liu, Lili Du, Chao Ma, Nelson L. C. Leung, Yingli Niu, Anjun Qin, Jingzhi Sun, Qian Peng, Herman H. Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams, Ryan T. K. Kwok, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Kam Sing Wong, David Lee Phillips and Ben Zhong Tang, drawing a clear mechanistic pic ture for the aggregation-induced emission process, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 3(6), 1143-1150.
2019, Liping Guo, Yingli Niu, Shumaila Razzaque, Bien Tan and Shangbin Jin, Design of D-A1-A1 Covalent Trazine Frameworks via Copolymerization for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Catalysis, 9(10), 9438-9445.
2018, Yingli Niu, Wenqiang Li, Qian Peng, Hua Geng, Yuanping Yi, Linjun Wang, Guangjun Nan, Dong Wang, Zhigang Shuai. Molecular Physics, 116(7-8), 1078-1090.
2018, Liping Guo, Yingli Niu, Haitao Xu, Qingwei Li, Shumaila Razzaque, Qi Huang, Shangbin Jin and Bien Tan, Engineering Heteroatom with Atomic Precision in Donor-Acceptor Covalent Triazine Frameworks to Boost Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(40), 19775-19781.
2017, Qian Peng, Di Fan, Ruihong Duan, Yuanping Yi, Yingli Niu, Dong Wang, Zhigang Shuai, Theoretical Study of Conversion and Decay Processes of Excited Triplet and Singlet States in a Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecule, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(25), 13448-13456.
2016, Meng Qiu, Dangqiang Zhu, Linyin Yan, Ning Wang, Liangliang Han, Xichang Bao, Zurong Du, Yingli Niu* and Renqiang Yang*, Strategy to Manipulate Molecular Orientation and Charge Mobility in D-A Type Conjugated Polymer through Rational Fluorination for Improvements of Photovoltaic Performances. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(40), 22757-22765.
2016, Yang Li, Guiying He, Xian Wang, Qianjin Guo, Yingli Niu,* and Andong Xia*, A Study of Excitation Delocalization/Localization in Multibranched Chromophores by Using Fluorescence Excitation Anisotropy Spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem, 17(3), 406-411.
2016, Qian Peng, Qinghua Shi, Yingli Niu, Yuanping Yi,* Shaorui Sun, Wenqiang Li and Zhigang Shuai, Understanding the efficiency drooping of the deep blue organometallic phosphors: a computational study of radiative and non-radiative decay rates for triplets, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(28), 6829-6838.
2016, Tian Zhang,a Qian Peng,* Changyun Quan, Han Nie, Yingli Niu, Yujun Xie, Zujin Zhao,c Ben Zhong Tangc and Zhigang Shuai, Using the isotope effect to probe an aggregation induced emission mechanism: theoretical prediction and experimental validation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(28), 18567-18576.
2015, Meng Qiu, Rasmus G. Brandt, Yingli Niu, Xichang Bao, Donghong Yu, Ning Wang, Liangliang Han, Liangmin Yu, Shuwei Xia, and Renqiang Yang, Theoretical Study on the Rational Design of Cyano-Substituted P3HT Materials for OSCs: Substitution Effect on the Improvement of Photovoltaic Performance, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (16), 8501–8511.
2015, Tian Zhang, Yuqian Jiang, Yingli Niu, Dong Wang, Qian Peng,* and Zhigang Shuai*, Aggregation Effects on the Optical Emission of 1,1,2,3,4,5-Hexaphenylsilole (HPS): A QM/MM Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118(39), 9094-9104.
2015, Tian Zhang, Huili Ma, Yingli Niu, Wenqiang Li, Dong Wang, Qian Peng*, Zhigang Shuai* and WanZhen Liang, Spectroscopic Signature of the Aggregation-Induced Emission Phenomena Caused by Restricted Nonradiative Decay: A Theoretical Proposal, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(9), 5040–5047.
2015, Saran Long, Meng Zhou, Yingli Niu, Qianjin Guo, Andong Xia, Kun Tang, Xiaoli Zeng, Kaihong Zhao, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Femtosecond Transient Absorption Studies on Excitation Energy Transfer Process in ApcE(1-240) Dimer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 13387-13396.
2015, Meng Li, Yingli Niu, Hai-Yan Lu,* and Chuan-Feng Chen, Tetrahydro[5]helicene-based dye with remarkable and reversible acid/base stimulated fluorescence switching properties in solution and solid state, Dyes and Pigments 120, 184-189.
2014, Meng Li, Yingli Niu, Xiaozhang Zhu, Qian Peng, Haiyan Lu, Andong Xia, Chuan-Feng Chen, Tetrahydro helicene-based imide dyes with intense fluorescence in both solution and solid state, Chemical Communications, 50(23), 2993-2995.
2013, Qian Peng, Yingli Niu, Qinghua Shi, Xing Gao, Zhigang Shuai, Correlation Function Formalism for Triplet Excited State Decay: Combined Spin-orbit and Non-adiabatic Couplings, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9(2), 1132-1143.
2012, Niu YingLi; Lin ChihKai; Zhu ChaoYuan; Mineo Hirobumi; Chao ShengDer; Fujimura, Yuichi; Hayashi Michitoshi, Lin ShengHsien, Application of Density Matrix Method to Ultrafast Processes, Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 26, 79-108.
2012, Niu YingLi; Lin ChihKai; Yang Ling; Yu JianGuo; He RongXing; Pang Ran; Zhu ChaoYuan; Hayashi Michitoshi; Lin, ShengHsien, Recent Developments in Radiationless Transitions, Progress in Chemistry, 2012, 24(6), 928-949.
2012, Niu, YingLi; Lin, ChihKai; Zhu, ChaoYuan; Mineo, Hirobumi; Chao, ShengDer; Fujimura, Yuichi; Hayashi, Michitoshi; Lin, ShengHsien, Density matrix method and ultrafast processes, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 55(4), 579-593.
2012, Niu, Yingli; Yamaki, Masahiro; Zhu, Chaoyuan; Hayashi Michitoshi; Fujimura, Yuichi; Lin, Sheng Hsien, Recent Developments in Theoretical Chemistry, Journal of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies. 22(1), 12-16.
2011, Lin, Chih-Kai; Niu, Yingli; Zhu, Chaoyuan; Shuai, Zhigang; Lin, Sheng Hsien, The Role of the nπ* 1Au State in the Photoabsorption and Relaxation of Pyrazine, Chem. Asian J., 6(11), 2977-2985.
2011, Geng, Hua; Niu, Yingli; Peng, Qian; Shuai, Zhigang; Coropceanu, Veaceslav; Brédas, Jean-Luc, Theoretical study of substitution effects on molecular reorganization energy in organic semiconductors, J. Chem. Phys., 135(10), 104703.
2011, Peng, Qian; Niu, Yingli, Wang, Zhaohui; Jiang, Yuqian; Li, Yan; Liu Yajun and Shuai, Zhigang, Theoretical predictions of red and near-infrared strongly emitting X-annulated rylenes, J. Chem. Phys., 134(7), 074510.
2010, Yingli Niu, Qian Peng, Chunmei Deng, Zhigang Shuai, Theory of Excited State Decays and Optical Spectra: Application to Polyatomic Molecules, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114, 7817-7831.
2010, Qian Peng, Yingli Niu, Chunmei Deng and Zhigang Shuai, Vibration correlation function formalism of radiative and nonradiative rates for complex molecules, Chemical Physics, 370, 215-222.
2010, Chunmei Deng, Yingli Niu, Qian Peng, Zhigang Shuai, Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Group-14 Metalloles MPh6 (M=Si, Ge, Sn), Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 26(4), 1051-1058.
2008, Qian Peng, Yingli Niu, Zhigang Shuai Effect of Polyene Chain Length on the Photophysical Properties in Diphenpolyenes, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 29 (12), 2435-2439.
2008, Yingli Niu, Qian Peng, Zhigang shuai, Promoting-mode free formalism for excited state radiationless decay process with Duschinsky rotation effect, Science in China Series B-Chemistry, 51(12) 1153-1158. Peng
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