办公电话: | 电子邮件: liuxiaolong@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号 | 邮编:100044 |
2006年9月-2010年7月 武汉大学 本科
2010年9月-2015年7月 中国科学院力学研究所 博士
2015年7月-2017年6月 中国科学院力学研究所 博士后
2017年6月-2019年12月 北京交通大学 硕士生导师
2020年1月至今 北京交通大学 博士生导师
1. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 滚动接触载荷下车轮钢超高周疲劳实验研究和寿命预测, 2019-2021,主持
2. 国铁集团科技研发计划:高速铁路道岔轨件损伤容限和剩余寿命研究,2021-2025,主持
3. 北京交通大学: 背衬轴承滚道面剥离失效分析,2023-2024,主持
4. 北京交通大学: 表明强化刚高温滚动接触疲劳,2022-2023,主持
5. 北京交通大学:道岔R350HT钢轨疲劳性能测试,2021-2022,主持
6. 北京交通大学:金属材料磨损和疲劳竞争关系研究,2022-2023,主持
7. 北京交通大学:典型工况下车轮辋裂裂纹扩展研究,2022-2023,主持
8. 北京交通大学:车轮辐板和轮辋位置材料疲劳性能试验研究-马钢, 2020-2021,主持
9. 北京交通大学: 车轮辐板和轮辋位置材料疲劳性能试验研究-太重, 2020-2021,主持
10. 北京交通大学: 车轮辐板和轮辋位置材料疲劳性能试验研究-Bvv, 2020-2021,主持
11. 北京交通大学: 车轮辐板和轮辋位置材料疲劳性能试验研究-智奇, 2020-2021,主持
12. 北京交通大学: 车轮辐板和轮辋位置材料疲劳性能试验研究-Caf, 2020-2021,主持
13. 北京交通大学: 注塑模具热疲劳行为及设计方法改进研究, 2017-2019,主持
14. 北京交通大学: 和谐电力机车用车轮材料抗RCF性能评价方法研究, 2020-2021,主持
15. 基本科研业务费:铁路车轮辋裂锯齿形裂纹特征和扩展阻滞研究,2022-2024,主持
16. 基本科研业务费人才基金: 车轮滚动接触疲劳裂纹萌生及扩展机理研究, 2017-2019,主持
17. 基本科研业务费: 高速列车制动盘表面裂纹萌生和扩展机制研究, 2017-2018,主持
18. 国家重点研发计划-任务: 轴承材料成分和性能仿真研究, 2019-2021,参与
19. 国家重点研发计划-任务: 高可靠性轴承材料热处理技术研究及仿真研究探索, 2019-2021,参与
20. 国家自然科学基金“联合基金项目”: 高速列车齿轮箱轴承服役性能演化与疲劳可靠性研究, 2019-2022,参与
本科生课程:《计算方法》32学时,《Engineering Mechanics》(国际班英文课) 64学时
发表SCI论文20余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者16篇,包括Scripta Materialia, Int J Fatigue等,论文总引用800余次。获得专利4项。 (*-corresponding author)
1. Xiaolong Liu, Kelian Luo, Pengcheng Gao,Tao Cong, Xi Wang, Wenjing Wang;Formation mechanism of zig-zag crack region on the shattered rim of railway wheel, Engineering Fracture Mechanic, 2024, 295, 109739.(SCI, AN2)
2. Xiaolong Liu, Siyuan Zhang, Tao Cong, Xi Wang, Wenjing Wang; Very high cycle fatigue life prediction of high strength steel based on machine learning, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2023, 1-12. (SCI, AN2)
3. Qiang Yi, Xiaolong Liu*, Shuguo Wang, Wei Zhao, Zhuopeng Jiang, Wenjing Wang, Bo Yuan; Failure mechanism and damage tolerance of turnout point rail in high-speed railway, 2024, 157, 107936. (SCI, AN2)
4. Xiaolong Liu; Pengcheng Gao; Si Wu; Guanzhen Zhang; Tao Cong ; Interior crack initiation during the very‐high‐cycle fatigue of railway wheel steel under axial loading and rolling contact loading, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2022, 45(7): 2127-2138. (SCI, AN2)
5. Xiaolong Liu; Wei Zhao; Tao Cong; Shuguo Wang; Xi Wang; Wenjing Wang ; The
effects of hardness on the spalling property of railway wheel steel, Wear,
2022, 504: 204429. (SCI, AN1)
6. Xiaolong Liu; Pengcheng Gao; Tao Cong; Shuguo Wang; Xi Wang; Wenjing Wang ;
Effects of thermal cracks on friction and wear properties of forged steel used
in railway brake discs, Wear, 2023, 520: 204650. (SCI, AN1)
7. Tao Cong; Xiaolong Liu*; Si Wu; Guanzhen Zhang; Erqing Chen; Guian Qian; Filippo
Berto, Study on damage tolerance and remain fatigue life of shattered rim of
railway wheels, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 123: 105322. (SCI,
8. Tao Cong; Guian Qian; Guanzhen Zhang; Si Wu; Xiangnan Pan; Leiming Du;
Xiaolong Liu*, Effects of inclusion size and stress ratio on the very-high-cycle
fatigue behavior of pearlitic steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2021,
142: 105958. (SCI, AN1)
9. Rui‐Guo Yan; Wenjing Wang; Yu‐Tong Guo; Xiao‐Long Liu; Sheng-Chuan Wu;
Zhen‐Xian Zhang ; Influence of wheel out‐of‐roundness on the remaining life of
railway wheels under mixed‐mode fatigue loading, Fatigue & Fracture of
Engineering Materials & Structures, 2022, 45(7): 2072-2085
10. Xiaolong Liu, Fuping Yuan, Yuntian. Zhu, Xiaolei Wu*, Extraordinary
Bauschinger effect in gradient structured copper, Scripta Mater, 150 (2018)
57-60. (SCI, AN1)
11. Xiaolong Liu, Chengqi Sun, Youshi Hong*, Effects of stress ratio on high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue behavior of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy, Mater Sci and Eng A, 622 (2015) 228-235. (SCI, AN1)
12. Xiaolong Liu*, Erqing Chen, Fan Zeng, Tao Cong, Joseph P Domblesky.
Mechanisms of interior crack initiation in very-high-cycle fatigue of
high-strength alloys, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 212 (2019), 153-163.
(SCI, AN2)
13. Xiaolong Liu, Chengqi Sun, Youshi Hong, Faceted crack initiation
characteristics for high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue of a titanium alloy
under different stress ratios, Int J Fatigue, 92 (2016) 434-441. (SCI, AN1)
14. Xiaolong Liu, Chengqi Sun, Yantian Zhou, Youshi Hong, Effects of
microstructure and stress ratio on high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue of
Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Acta Metall Sinica, 52 (2016) 923-930. (SCI, AN4)
15. H. Su, Xiaolong Liu#, Chengqi Sun, Youshi Hong, Microstructure characterizations
of interior crack initiation region for very-high-cycle fatigue of a Ti-6Al-4V
alloy, Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct, 40 (2017) 979-993. (SCI, AN3)
16. Xiaolong Liu, Chengqi Sun, Youshi Hong, Crack initiation characteristics
and fatigue property of a high-strength steel in VHCF regime under different
stress ratios, Frattura Ed Integritá Strutturale, 35 (2016) 88-97. (EI, AN5)
17. Tao Cong, Jianmin Han, Youshi Hong, Joseph P Domblesky, Xiaolong Liu* ,
Shattered rim and shelling of high-speed railway wheels in the very-high-cycle
fatigue regime under rolling contact loading, Engineering Failure Analysis, 97
(2019), 556-567. (SCI, AN3)
18. Zhizhong Wang, Jianmin Han, Joseph P Domblesky, Zhiqiang Li, Xinguang Fan,
Xiaolong Liu*. Crack propagation and microstructural transformation on the
friction surface of a high-speed railway brake disc, Wear, 428-429 (2019)
45-54. (SCI, AN2)
19. Zhizhong Wang, Jianmin Han, Xiaolong Liu*, Zhiqiang Li, Zhiyong Yang,
Erqing Chen, Temperature evolution of the train brake disc during high-speed
braking, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 11 (2019) 1-9. (SCI, AN4)
20. Xiaolong Liu, Qiqi Xue, Wei Wang, Lingling Zhou, Ping Jiang, Hansong Ma,
Yueguang Wei, Xiaolei Wu, Back-stress-induced strengthening and strain hardening
in dual-phase steel, Materialia, 7(2019) 100376.11.
21. Youshi Hong*, Xiaolong Liu, Zhengqiang Lei, Chengqi Sun, The formation
mechanism of characteristic region at crack initiation for very-high-cycle
fatigue of high-strength steels, Int J Fatigue, 89 (2016) 108-118. (SCI, AN1)
22. Qingqing Jiang, Chengqi Sun, Xiaolong Liu, Youshi Hong*, Very-high-cycle
fatigue behavior of a structural steel with and without induced surface
defects, Int J Fatigue, 93 (2016) 352-362. (SCI, AN1)
23. Chengqi Sun, Xiaolong Liu, Youshi Hong*, A two-parameter model to predict
fatigue life of high-strength steels in a very high cycle fatigue regime, Acta
Mech Sinica, 31 (2015) 383-391. (SCI, AN4)
24. Chengqi Sun, Xiaole Zhang, Xiaolong Liu, Youshi Hong*, Effects of specimen
size on fatigue life of metallic materials in high-cycle and very-high-cycle
fatigue regimes, Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct, 39 (2016) 770-779. (SCI, AN3)
25. Yingxin Zhao, Zhiyong Yang, Joseph P. Domblesky, Jianmin Han, Zhiqiang Li,
Xiaolong Liu,Investigation
of through thickness microstructure and mechanical properties in friction stir
welded 7N01 aluminum alloy plate,Materials Science & Engineering A,760(2019)316-327. (SCI, AN1)
26. Yingxin Zhao, Jianmin Han, Joseph P. Domblesky, Zhiyong Yang, Zhiqiang Li,
Xiaolong Liu,Investigation
of void formation in friction stir welding of 7N01 aluminum alloy,Journal of Manufacturing Processes,37(2019)139-149 (SCI,
27. Youshi Hong, Chengqi Sun, XiaoLong Liu. A review on mechanisms and models
for very-high-cycle fatigue of metallic materials. Advances in Mechanics, 2018,
48: 201801. (EI, AN5)
《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》期刊 Top Reviewer Award