办公电话:010-51684773 | 电子邮件: niuyong@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京交通大学电子信息工程学院 | 邮编:100044 |
本科:2007.9-2011.7 北京交通大学 电子信息工程学院 通信工程专业
博士:2011.9-2016.7 清华大学 电子工程系 信息与通信工程专业
访问学者: 2014.11-2015.04 佛罗里达大学电气和计算机工程系 导师:吴大鹏教授 (IEEE Fellow)
3. 2018/10-2019/10 赫尔辛基大学 计算机科学系 导师:PAN HUI (IEEE Fellow) 国家留学基金委 访问学者
本人团队依托电子信息工程学院、国家工程中心、国家“2011协同创新中心”、北京市工程技术研究中心等平台,科研经费充足,能够给予学生耐心细致的指导,手把手带领学生进入科研大门,开始时可直接给idea, 并不断深入,提升能力。https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7278-5527 IEEE主页:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/38231204900
2. 高速铁路车厢内毫米波宽带接入网络关键技术研究
3. 博士后科学基金一等资助
4. 面向轨道交通高速移动复杂场景的 5G 理论与关键技术
5. 博士后科学基金特别资助
6. 高速移动场景下高可靠传输与移动性资源管理技术研究
7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金
8. 智能波束管理研究
9. 面向轨道交通的毫米波应用基础理论研究
10. 基于毫米波车地通信的高速铁路场景资源管理研究
11. 面向智慧高铁场景与业务的全链接高可信专用无线通信理论与方法
12. 智能反射面增强的毫米波通信网络
13. 高铁场景车地通信组网高效传输调度研究
14. 毫米波高铁信道建模与SFN场景研究
15. 智能反射面辅助的移动通信理论与关键技术研究
16. 异构多网融合覆盖扩展技术
17. 超低时延超高可靠大规模无线传输理论基础
18. 智能反射面辅助的高铁车地通信系统高效鲁棒传输机制研究
19. 跨天线信道预测技术研究
20. 北京市自然基金“海淀联合-前沿”
陈亚丽(2篇TWC,3篇TVT, 一篇VTC,一篇ICC,一篇Globecom)16级 校级院级优秀博士学位论文
丁玮光(一篇IEEE ACCESS, 一篇TVT)16级 2017年国家奖学金;2017年交控奖学金;
2018年国家奖学金;2018年思诺奖学金;2017年校级三好学生 校优秀硕士论文
王一兵(一篇通信学报,一篇IEEE ACCESS, 3篇TVT,1篇JCN)17级
高美琳(一篇China Communications, 一篇WCNC,一篇ICC,一篇Globecom,一篇TVT,一篇VTC)16级
蒋海颜(一篇China Communications, 一篇IEEE ACCESS)18级
李静(一篇IEEE ACCESS,一篇IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,一篇TVT) 17级
王蕾(一篇TGCN,2篇TVT,一篇ICCC,一篇VTC) 19级
苏兰(一篇TVT) 19级
张翔飞(2篇TVT,1篇TITS)20级 获国家奖学金
马蕴涵(2篇TVT) 21级 国家奖学金
郭子琦(2篇TVT,1篇ICCT) 21级 国家奖学金 校优秀硕士学位论文
谯渊源(2篇TVT,1篇VTC) 21级
敖邵游(1篇TVT) 22级
[49] Zhangfeng Ma, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Gongpu Wang, Yong Niu, Zhangdui Zhong, “A Wideband Non-Stationary Air-to-Air Channel Model for UAV Communications”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[50] Yali Chen, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhangdui Zhong, Zhu Han, “Energy Efficient Resource Allocation and Computation Offloading in Millimeter-Wave based Fog”, ICC 2020
[51] Meilin Gao, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, “QoE-Aware Coordinated Caching for Adaptive Video Streaming in High-speed Railways”,IEEE VTC2020-Fall.
[52] Meilin Gao, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, et al, “Efficient Hybrid Beamforming with Anti-Blockage Design for High-Speed Railway Communications”,accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[53] Yali Chen, Bo Ai, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Ruisi He, Zhangdui Zhong, Guowei Shi, “Sub-Channel Allocation for Full-Duplex Access and Device-to-Device Links Underlaying Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Using Coalition Formation Games”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[54] Haiyan Jiang, Yong Niu, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, and Shiwen Mao, “QoS Aware Bandwidth Allocation and Concurrent Scheduling for Terahertz Wireless Backhaul Networks”, IEEE ACCESS.
[55] Lei Wang, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhangdui
Zhong, Qi Wang, Zhu Han, “A Fast Beam Training Method for 5G New Radio”, ICCC.
[56] Yali Chen, Bo Ai, Hongliang Zhang, Yong Niu, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, H. Vincent Poor, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted D2D Networks: Power and Discrete Phase Shift Design”, Globecom2020.
[57] Yibing Wang, Hao Wu, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, “Coalition Game Based Popular Content Distribution in mmWave Vehicular Networks”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[58] Zhangfeng Ma, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Gongpu Wang, Yong Niu, Junhong Wang, Yujian Li, Mi Yang, Zhangdui Zhong, “Impact of UAV Rotation on MIMO Channel Characterization for Air-to-Ground Communication Systems”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.[60] Meilin Gao, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, “IRS-Assisted High-Speed Train Communications: Outage Probability Minimization with Statistical CSI”, ICC, 2021.
[61] Xiangfei Zhang, Yong Niu*, Shiwen Mao, Yunlong Cai, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Yiru Liu, “Resource Allocation for Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Communications in High-Speed Railway Scenarios”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[62] Kaidi Xu, Yunlong Cai, Minjian Zhao, Yong Niu, Lajos Hanzo,“MIMO-Aided Nonlinear Hybrid Transceiver Design for Multiuser mmWave Systems Relying on Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding”,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[63] Chen Chen, Yong Niu, Shiwen Mao, Xiaodan Zhang, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Meilin Gao, Huahua Xiao, Ning Wang, “Coalition Game based User Association for mmWave Mobile Relay Systems in Rail Traffic Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[64] Yali Chen, Bo Ai*, Yong Niu*, Hongliang Zhang, Zhu Han, “Energy-Constrained Computation Offloading in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks using Distributionally Robust Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[65] Lan Su, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Yibing Wang, Ning Wang, Xiang Su, “Content Distribution based on Joint V2I and V2V Scheduling in mmWave Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[66] Yuan Yuan, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Zhangfeng Ma, Yang Miao, Yong Niu, Jiayi Zhang, Ruifeng Chen, Zhangdui Zhong, “A 3D Geometry-Based THz Channel Model for 6G Ultra Massive MIMO Systems”,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[67] Xutao Zhou, Xiangfei Zhang, Chen Chen, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, He Wang, Chengjun Sun, Bo Ai, Ning Wang, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Coordinated RX Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Train-ground Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[68] Guiqi Sun, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Zhangfeng Ma, Panpan Li, Yong Niu, Jianwen Ding, Dan Fei, Zhangdui Zhong, “A 3D Wideband Channel Model for RIS-Assisted MIMO Communications”,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[69] Yibing Wang, Hao Wu, Yong Niu*, Jianwen Ding*, Shiwen Mao, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Triple-Band Scheduling with Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Bands for Wireless Backhaul”, Journal of Communications and Networks.
[70] Jing Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Bo Ai, Sheng Chen, Zhiyong Feng, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Mobility Support for Millimeter Wave Communications: Opportunities and Challenges”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
[71] Yibing Wang, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Shiwen Mao, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Scheduling of UAV-assisted Millimeter Wave Communications for High-Speed Railway”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[72] Lei Wang, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Meilin Gao, Zhangdui Zhong, “Adaptive Beam Alignment Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for High Speed Railways”, VTC 2022.
[73] Linqian Li, Yong Niu*, Shiwen Mao, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, Yali Chen, “Resource Allocation and Computation Offloading in a Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Network”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.[74] Yunhan Ma, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Kai Li, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Robust Transmission Scheduling for UAV-assisted Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Communication System”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[75] Lei Wang, Bo Ai*, Yong Niu*, Zhangdui Zhong, Shiwen Mao, Ning Wang, Zhu Han, “Energy Efficient Train-Ground mmWave Mobile Relay System for High Speed Railways”,IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
[76] Panpan Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong,“RIS-assisted Scheduling for High-Speed Railway Secure Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[77] Ming-Min Zhao, Kaidi Xu, Yunlong Cai, Yong Niu, and Lajos Hanzo, “Secrecy Rate Maximization of RIS-assisted SWIPT Systems: A Two-timescale Beamforming Design Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
[78] Chen Chen, Yong Niu*, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, and Xiang Su, “Joint Design of Phase Shift and Transceiver Beamforming for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Millimeter-Wave High-speed Railway Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[79] Jing Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Ning Wang, Sheng Chen, “Joint Optimization of Relay Selection and Transmission Scheduling for UAV-Aided mmWave Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[80] Changzhu Liu, Ruisi He, Yong Niu, Bo Ai, Zhu Han, Zhangfeng Ma, Meilin Gao, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Coverage Probability Analysis of RIS-Assisted High-Speed Train Communications”, WCNC 2023.
[81] Yiru Liu, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, “An mmWave Hybrid Beamforming for Steady High-Speed Railway Communications", ICECC 2023.
[82] Yousef Emami, Kai Li, Yong Niu, Eduardo Tovar, “AoI Minimization using Multi-agent Proximal Policy Optimization in UAVs-assisted Sensor Networks”, ICC 2023.
[83] Yiru Liu, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, Yuanyuan Qiao, Ning Wang, Gordon L. Stüber, “Adaptive Non-Uniform Hybrid Beamforming for mmWave Train-to-Ground Communications in High-Speed Railway Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[84] Meilin Gao, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Qihao Li, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, and Ning Wang, “IRS Assisted High-Speed Train Communications: Performance Analysis and Optimal Configuration”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[85] Shaoyou Ao, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, Yuanyuan Qiao, “Resource Allocation for RIS-Assisted Device-to-Device Communications in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[86] Xiangfei Zhang, Yong Niu*, Tao Yang, Xian Xiao, Jianwen Ding, Sheng Chen, Bo Ai, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “QoS-aware User Association and Transmission Scheduling for Millimeter-Wave Train-ground Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
[87] Ziqi Guo, Yong Niu*, Shiwen Mao, Ruisi He, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, “Joint Design of Access and Backhaul in Densely Deployed MmWave Small Cells”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[88] Panpan Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Zhu Han, Guiqi Sun, Ning Wang, and Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, “RIS-assisted High-Speed Railway Integrated Sensing and Communication System”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[89] Guiqi Sun, Ruisi He, Yaxin Song, Bo Ai, Shuguang Cui,Yong Niu, Haoxiang Zhang, Zhangfeng Ma, Chau Yuen,“Analysis and Comparison of Narrowband Channels with Different Phase Shifts in RIS-Aided Communication System”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.
[90] Lei Wang, Bo Ai*, Yong Niu*, Haiyan Jiang, Shiwen Mao, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “Joint User Association and Transmission Scheduling in Integrated mmWave Access and Terahertz Backhaul Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[91] Yunhan Ma, Yong Niu, Shiwen Mao, Zhu Han, Ruisi He, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, and Bo Ai, “Robust Train-to-Train Transmission Scheduling in mmWave Band for High Speed Train Communication Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[92] Chen Chen, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, Bo Ai, “Robust Scheduling for IRS-assisted Mm-wave Train-ground Communications”, Globecom 2023.
[93] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Shiwen Mao, Ruisi He, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, “Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and User Association in Multi-Frequency Cellular Networks Assisted by RIS”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[94] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu, Xiangfei Zhang, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, “Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Train-Ground Beamforming Management for Multi-MRs Mm-wave Communication”, VTC2023-Fall.
[95] Ziqi Guo, Yong Niu, Shuxian Wen, Ying Fang, Zhu Han, Shiwen Mao, Shunji Guan, Ning Wang, Bo Ai, “Weighted AoI Minimization for RIS-Assisted Multi-User mmWave Communications”, ICCT 2023.
[96] Yuan Yuan, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Mi Yang, Gongpu Wang, Ruifeng Chen, Yujian Li, Jing Li, Jianwen Ding, and Zhangdui Zhong, “A 3D Geometry-Based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-Assisted MmWave Channel Model for High-Speed Train Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[97] Changzhu Liu, Ruisi He, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Bo Ai, Zhangfeng Ma, Meilin Gao, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted High-Speed Train Communications: Coverage Performance Analysis and Placement Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[98] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu*, Xiangfei Zhang, Sheng Chen, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, Bo Ai, “Intelligent Beam Management Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in High-Speed Railway Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[99] Ziqi Guo, Yong Niu*, Shiwen Mao, Changming Zhang, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, and Bo Ai, “Sum Rate Maximization under AoI Constraints for RIS-Assisted mmWave Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[100] Jing Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Bo Ai, Ruisi He, Ning Wang, Sheng Chen, “Throughput Maximization for Intelligent Refracting Surface Assisted mmWave High-Speed Train Communications”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[101] Lei Wang, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhangdui Zhong, Zhu Han, and Ning Wang, “Joint Reliability Optimization and Beamforming Design for STAR-RIS-Aided Multi-user MISO URLLC systems”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[102] Panpan Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Zhu Han, Yibing Wang, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, and Bo Ai, “Scheduling of Millimeter Wave Communications for Ultra-High-Speed Vacuum Tube Train”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[103] Xin Su, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Gongpu Wang, “Channel Estimation for RIS Assisted THz Systems with Beam Split”, IEEE Communications Letters.
[104] Weirong Liu, Dan Fei, Ke Guan, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Chen Chen, Wei Guo, Hui Ma,“Channel Measurements and Modeling of Forested and Mountainous Scenarios at Sub-1 GHz Band”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.
[105] Jing Li, Hao Wu, Yong Niu, Bo Ai, Ning Wang, and Tony Q. S. Quek, “Resource Allocation for Downlink URLLC in a Smart Factory”, IEEE ICC'24.
[106] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu, Shaoyou Ao, Ziqi Guo, Maoyuan Jin, Wang Ning, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, and Bo Ai, “Sounding Reference Signal Optimization for High-Speed Rail Train-Ground Predictive Antenna Communication System”, IEEE Communications Letters.
[107] Jing Li, Yong Niu*, Hao Wu, Bo Ai, Tony Q. S. Quek, Ning Wang, and Sheng Chen, “Effective Joint Scheduling and Power Allocation for URLLC-Oriented V2I Communications", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[108] Zhengyu Zhang, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Mi Yang, Yong Niu, Zhangdui Zhong, Yujian Li, Xuejian Zhang, Jing Li, “A Cluster-Based Statistical Channel Model for Integrated Sensing and Communication Channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
[109] 许晓东, 韩书君, 赵芸, 王静贤, 何睿斯, 王德胜, 侯延昭, 费泽松, 张雪菲, 侯利明, 郭婧, 艾渤, 牛勇, 熊轲, 王方刚, 章嘉懿, 沈霞, 杜滢, 刘玲, 杜清河, 王碧舳, 孙梦颖, 张静璇, 谭力, “6G 无线覆盖扩展技术”, 中国科学: 信息科学.
[110] Weirong Liu, Shun Zhou, Dan Fei, Jianhua Fan, Haoran Chen, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, “Quasi-Stationarity Regions Analysis for Maritime Mobile Communication Channel”, AP-S/URSI 2024
[111] Wenqing Li, Bo Ai,Yong Niu,Zhu Han,Ning Wang,Zhangdui Zhong,Ruisi He,“RIS-Assisted Transmission Scheduling for Train-to-Train Communication System,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[112] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu, Sheng Chen, Zhangdui Zhong, Changming Zhang, Ning Wang, Bo Ai, “Energy Efficiency Optimization of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication for High-speed Rail”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[113] Panpan Li, Yong Niu, Hao Wu, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, and Chau Yuen, "Secure High-Speed Train-to-Ground Communications through ISAC", IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[114] Shaoyou Ao, Yong Niu, Ziqi Guo, Maoyuan Jin, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, Bo Ai, “Joint Optimization of Time-Frequency Resources for Multi-Predictor Antennas Sounding Reference Signal in High Speed Railway”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[115] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu, Lan Su, Shiwen Mao, Ning Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, Bo Ai, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based Beam Alignment for mmWave Vehicular Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking.
[116] Guiqi Sun, Ruisi He, Jiancheng An, Bo Ai, Yaxin Song, Yong Niu, Gongpu Wang, Chau Yuen, “Geometric-Based Channel Modeling and Analysis for Double-RIS Aided Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Systems”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[117] Lei Liu, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, “QoS-Aware Scheduling of Airship-Assisted Millimeter Wave Communications for High-Speed Railway”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[118] Changzhu Liu,Ruisi He*, Yong Niu*, Shiwen Mao, Bo Ai, Ruifeng Chen, “Refracting Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted URLLC for Millimeter Wave High-Speed Train Communication Coverage Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[119] Lei Liu, Bo Ai*, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, Lei Xiong, Ruisi He, “Transmission Scheduling of Millimeter Wave Communication for High-Speed Railway in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[120] Yuanyuan Qiao, Yong Niu*, Zhu Han, Lei Xiong, Ning Wang, Tony Q. S. Quek, and Bo Ai*, “Resource Allocation for ISAC and HRLLC in UAV-assisted HSR System with a Hybrid PSO-Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[121] Wenqing Li, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Zhangdui Zhong, Ning Wang, “High Altitude Platform Beam Switching and Time-Slot Allocation in High-Speed Railway Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[122] Yao Wei, Yunhan Ma, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Xu Zhao, Bin Lu, Mingyang Dong, Ke Guan, Shaoyou Ao, “Robust Transmission Scheduling Mechanism for Millimeter Wave T2T System with Priority Weighting”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[123] Yunwei Jin, Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Yuan Yuan, Yong Niu, and Haoxiang Zhang, “Geometry-Based Stochastic MIMO Channel Model for Near-Field and Far-Field Scenarios of Integrated Sensing and Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[124] Lei Liu, Bo Ai, Yong Niu, Zhu Han, Ning Wang, Lei Xiong, Yuanyuan Qiao, “QoS-Aware Scheduling of Airship-Assisted Train-to-Ground Millimeter-Wave Communication for HSR Scenario," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[125] Shaoyou Ao, Yong Niu, Lei Xiong, Zhu Han, and Bo Ai, “QoS aware User Association and Transmission Scheduling in Heterogeneous Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks”, ICC 2025.
牛勇,毫米波无线网络MAC 层关键问题研究,清华大学出版社,2019年10月。
[1] 牛勇, 肖振宇, 金德鹏等. 多径信道环境下的定时跟踪方法. 授权日期:2016年04月20日,授权号:CN 103269324 B. (已授权)专利号:ZL201310211241.6
[2] 牛勇, 陈晨, 艾渤, 何睿斯. 高铁毫米波通信系统的通信控制方法及控制系统. 公开号:CN115361043A 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0825072.4
[3] 何睿斯,刘昌柱,牛勇等. 基于反射面辅助的高速列车通信覆盖概率增强方法及系统. 公开号: CN115209376A
[4] 牛勇, 郭子琦, 艾渤, 钟章队. 基于信息年龄感知的智能反射表面辅助毫米波通信方法. 申请日: 2023-05-10
[5] 牛勇, 谯渊源, 艾渤. 一种高速铁路的超可靠低时延通信的能效优化方法. 申请日: 2023-05-10
[6] 牛勇,马蕴涵, 何睿斯, 艾渤, 钟章队. 一种基于毫米波的数据传输方法及系统. 申请日: 2023-05-12
[7] 牛勇,李盼盼, 吴昊, 艾渤, 钟章队. 一种高铁毫米波通信系统的通信控制方法及系统. 申请日: 2023-04-03
[8] 牛勇, 李静, 吴昊, 艾渤, 钟章队, 何睿斯. 智能透射表面辅助的高铁毫米波通信方法及系统. 申请日: 2023-01-12
[9] 牛勇,李盼盼,吴昊,艾渤,钟章队,一种真空管超高速列车的毫米波通信调度方法. 申请日: 2023-08-01
[10] 牛勇,李文清,艾渤,一种智能反射表面辅助的高速列车毫米波车车通信方法. 申请日: 2023-08-14[12] 牛勇,李文清,艾渤, 一种高空通信平台高铁通信的波束切换及时隙分配方法. 申请日:2023-12-21
[13] 牛勇,刘磊,艾渤,一种基于QoS感知的飞艇辅助高铁毫米波通信调度方法. 申请日:2024-02-19
[14] 牛勇,谯渊源,敖邵游,艾渤,高铁车地系统通信的预测天线 SRS 资源优化方法及系统.申请日:2024-02-20
[15] 牛勇,刘磊,艾渤,空中网络辅助的车地毫米波通信系统的传输调度方法. 申请日: 2024-05-24
IEEE Senior Member
ISCT Workshop Chair(Intelligent UAV-assisted Wireless Data Networks)
Lead Guest Editor for [Electronics] Special Issue "Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies for Wireless Communications"(2023)
Session chair for AT-RASC 2018.
Invited speaker for ICECC 2024
TPC member and Session chair for IWCMC 2017
TPC member for IWCMC-Wireless Networks 2018, ICC 2018, ICCC 2018,WCNC 2019,ICC2019, IWCMC-Wireless Networks 2019,TPC Member for ICC 2019, IEEE MENACOMM'19, Globecom2019等.
TPC member for INFOCOM18 WKSHPS KCN 2018.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Transactions on Communications、IEEE Communications Letters、ICCCN 2015、IEEE PIMRC 2015、ICC2016、Globecom'16等知名国际期刊和会议审稿人