办公电话: | 电子邮件: zhezhang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村3号 第九教学楼东202B | 邮编:100044 |
国家自然科学基金"青年":基于纳米多孔金属膜增敏的SPR-荧光双模态传感技术研究, 主持
国家自然科学基金“面上”:面向肿瘤转移早期检测的代谢参数荧光分子深度网络成像方法研究, 参与
国家重点研发计划:众智科学基本原理及其进化, 项目骨干
国家重点研发计划:SKDX实时监测与预警系统应用及维护管理规范研究, 参与
教育部:纳米多孔金属膜增强的SPR与荧光检测双模态技术研究, 主持
红果园国家级"四总部": 基于纳米孔测序与CRISPR的生物XXXX研究, 参与
中央高校基本科研业务费:基于体素的组织特异性FMT重建方法研究, 主持
中央高校基本科研业务费:基于表面共振的高光谱检测方法研究, 主持
人才基金:面向肿瘤早期检测的新型分子影像探针技术研究, 主持
北京交通大学:人工智能与精准医学实验室合作项目, 参与
北京交通大学:北京交大-苏州异格硬件+AI信创联合实验室, 参与
1. 成像及图像处理研究方向
Antaris,Chen,Diao,Ma,张喆,Zhu,Wang,Lozano,Fan,Chew,Zhu,Cheng,Hong,Dai,Cheng.A high quantum yield molecule-protein complex fluorophore for near-infrared II Imaging.Nature Communications,2017,8(15269) (SCI, IF: 12.123)
K,H,CH,G,W,张喆,F,J,M,Y,L,Z.Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications of a Targeted Dual-Modal Near-Infrared-II Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Imaging Nanoprobe.ACS nano,2017,12(11) (SCI,IF:13.709)
孙耀,张喆. Recyclable Cu(I)/Melanin Dots for Cycloadditions, Bioconjugation and Cell Labeling .Chemical Science,2016,9(7) (SCI, IF: 9.144)
孙耀,张喆.A Preclinical Study on GRPR-Targeted 68Ga-Probes for PET Imaging of Prostate Cancer.Bioconjugate Chemistry,2016,8(27) (SCI, IF: 4.500)
2. 传感技术研究方向
Xiaoyu Cui, Zhe Zhang*, Bo Zhao, Xi-yu Cheng, and Zhi-mei Qi. Structural Characterization and Optical Properties of Perovskite Crystals based on Micro-Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(1): 806-813. (SCI, IF: 4.3)
Zhe Zhang*, Ru-meng Yi, Shanshan He, Lin Liu, Xiangdong Guo, Ran Gao, Zhi-mei Qi. SPR signal ampilification based on dynamic field enhancement at the sensor surface. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021,21(7): 9523-9529. (SCI, IF: 3.076)
Ru-meng Yi, Zhe Zhang*, Chun-xiu Liu, Zhi-mei Qi. Gold-silver alloy film based surfance plasmon resonance sensor for biomarker detection. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2020,116 (11): 111126-8. (SCI, IF: 7.328)
Ying Xu, Zhe Zhang*, Ru-meng Yi, Xiang-dong Guo, Zhi-mei Qi. Single-layer graphene-based surface plasmon resonance sensor with dynamic evanescent field enhancement for biomarker study. Journal of Modern Optics, 2020, 67 (8): 671-681. (SCI)
Zhe Zhang, Jie Liu, Dan-feng Lu, Zhi-mei Qi. In situ study of self-assembled nanocomposite films by spectral SPR sensor. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2015, 6 (51): 242-247. (SCI, IF: 4.959)
Zhe Zhang, Dan-feng Lu, Zhi-mei Qi. Application of porous TiO2 thin films as wavelength-interrogated waveguide resonance sensors for bio/chemical detection, Journal of Physical Chemistry: C, 2012, 116 (5): 3342-3348. (SCI, IF: 4.805)
Zhe Zhang, Dan-feng Lu, Qian Liu, Zhi-mei Qi, Liangbao Yang, Jinhuai Liu. Wavelength-interrogated surface plasmon resonance sensor with mesoporous silica-film-enhanced sensitivity to small molecules, Analyst, 2012, 137(18): 4822-4828. (SCI, IF: 4.230)
Zhi-mei Qi, Zhe Zhang, Dan-feng Lu, Qian Liu. Spectral characteristics of near-infrared surface plasmon resonance, Plasmonics, 2013, 8(3): 1401-1409. (SCI, IF: 2.989)
Jinyang Li, Dan-feng Lu, Zhe Zhang, Qian Liu, Zhi-mei Qi. Hierarchical mesoporous silica film modified near infrared SPR sensor with high sensitivities to small and large molecules, Sensors and Actuators: B, 2014, 203, 690-696. (SCI, IF: 4.097)
1. 成像及图像处理研究方向
Xiaoyu Cui, Zhe Zhang*, Xi-yu Cheng, Zhi-mei Qi. Micro-hyperspectral Imaging Methodology for Characterization of Lung Cancer Cell. 第六届高光谱技术及其应用研讨会, SPIE/CSOE, 2022, GGP2022-10-016.
Qian Zhou#, Bo Zhao#, Run Tan, Shanshan He, Lin Liu, Zhe Zhang*. Study of perovskite mono-crystals growth based on micro-hyperspectral imaging. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VIII, 2021, 1189709.
Run Tan, Zhe Zhang*, Bo Zhao, Qian Zhou, Lin Liu, Shanshan He, Qiuhong Cui. Image processing of fluorescent molecules based on microscopic hyperspectral with transmission mode. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VIII, 2021, 118970A.
张喆,孙耀,程震*.X-Ray Activated Platinum Nanoparticles for Imaging-guided Anticancer Therapy,WMIC,USA,2018
程凯,张喆.Dual-Modal NIR-II Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Imaging of Thyroid Carcinoma Using EGFR-targeted Donor-Acceptor Chromophore Based Nanoprobes.The Journal of Nuclear Medicine,2016,S2(57)
张喆,安羽,刘杰,胡熠昉,李雅倩,田捷.Gold Nanoparticles-enhanced Bioluminescence Tomography for Human Breast Cancer Detection.world molecular imaging congress, WMIC,USA,2014
2. 传感技术研究方向
张喆*,伊茹梦,徐颖,祁志美.Dynamic light enhancement-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for biomarker detection. Pacifichem 2021, online.
张喆*,伊茹梦,徐颖,祁志美.Dynamic light enhancement-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for biomarker detection. The 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference.(APOS 2019) Auckland, New Zealand, 2019
徐颖,庄润涛,张喆*,伊茹梦,郭向东,祁志美.Single-layer graphene-based surface plasmon resonance biosensors for immunization study. SPIE/AOPC 8th Applied Optics and Photonics China, Beijing, China, 2019 (EI)
伊茹梦,张喆*,刘春秀,祁志美.Gold nanoparticles-enhanced gold-silver alloy surface plasmon resonance sensor for the detection of C-reactive protein.SPIE/OSA European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany,2019 (EI)
伊茹梦,张喆*,刘春秀,祁志美.Gold-silver alloy film based surface plasmon resonance sensor for biomarker detection.SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Beijing, China,2018 (EI)
张喆,刘杰,祁志美,逯丹凤.Kinetic Study of Self-Assembly of Multilayer Films using a Wavelength-Interrogation Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor.2014 Photonics Asia (SPIE/OSA),2014 (EI)
祁志美, 张喆. 衰减全反射光学测量平台. 专利号: CN201110276756.5
祁志美, 张喆, 逯丹凤, 柳倩. 表面等离子体共振芯片及应用该芯片的传感器. 专利号: CN201210114149.3
学术活动:2019,APOS2019,Session Chair; 2021,Pacifichem2021,Invited Speaker。