办公电话:13691092543 |
电子邮件: wangdong@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京交通大学信息科学研究所9教北615 |
邮编:100044 |
■ 负责校企联合实验室:
-- 北京交通大学-英特尔公司(Intel) 人工智能与物联网技术联合实验室
-- 北京交通大学-美国德州仪器公司(TI) 物联网工程与信息技术联合实验室
-- 北京交通大学-美国赛灵思(Xilinx)公司 可重构片上多核系统设计联合实验室
2025 博士后、博士生招生已经开始,请加王老师微信咨询 !!!
1) 从事人工智能算法、计算机视觉、异构计算领域最前沿的科研工作,参与大厂和大所产学研项目、接触最新技术、开拓视野;
4) 使用业界最新FPGA平台,Intel Arria-10/Stratix-10, Xilinx UltraScale/Zynq 等,参加联合实验室技术培训、和同学组队参加大赛夺取优异成绩,找工作如虎添翼;
■ 研究方向:
■ 招生专业:
注意:计算机科学/微电子方向同学如果希望从事人工智能算法和处理器设计相关研究,可报考我们实验室,我们的优势:分数线略低、名额更多、能够学到工业界急需的知识和技能,我们只做有实用价值的研究 !!!
For International Students who are interested in applying for the CSC scholarship, please send me
your CV and Master's Thesis to my email (wangdong@bjtu.edu.cn). You MUST have a solid background in CS/EE, particularly FPGA/GPU, circuits
and systems, machine learning and a strong interest in integrative
cross-disciplinary projects.
- 新一代电子信息技术
- 软件工程
- 人工智能
- 大数据技术与工程
- 先进计算与高性能计算
- 智能感知与具身智能
- 计算机技术
- 人工智能硕士
- 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
- 软件工程硕士
- 大数据技术与工程硕士
- 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)博士
- 人工智能博士
- 计算机科学与技术硕士
- 计算机技术硕士
- 计算机技术博士
- 计算机科学与技术博士
- 软件工程博士
• 实验室新生培训网站:https://github.com/doonny/basic_knowledge
• “基于FPGA的深度卷积神经网络硬件加速器”,github上开源FPGA硬件加速器项目最高星、已在英特尔云、腾讯、浪潮云上部署;项目地址:https://github.com/doonny/PipeCNN;英特尔公司宣传网址https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/pipecnn-on-intel-fpga-acceleration-of-machine-learning-workloads.html
• “深度卷积神经网络推理运算硬件加速设计关键技术研究”,北京市自然科学基金面上项目,2020-2022
• “面向大规模MIMO的可重构计算方法关键技术研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016-2019
• “低功耗神经网络处理器设计与研究”,校企联合项目,2019-2020;
• “基于FPGA的深度卷积神经网络硬件加速器设计”,校企联合项目,2018-2019
• “基于稀疏卷积的深度神经网络处理器设计与优化”,校企联合项目,2016-2018
• “面向下一代无线通信系统应用的粗粒度可重构计算关键技术研究”,北京市自然科学基金面上项目,2013-2014
• “基于可重构处理器的弹性云计算关键技术研究”,教育部重点项目,2012-2015
• “嵌入式可重构移动媒体处理核心技术”,国家863重点项目,2009-2015
• “新型复数算术运算单元设计与VLSI实现”, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2012-2015
• “新型复数算术运算单元设计关键技术研究”,中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2010-2012
■ 授课情况:
[1] 大学计算机基础(本科生)
[2] 硬件系统综合实验(本科生和研究生)
[3] VHDL设计与应用(本科生)
[4] 物联网中间件技术(本科生)
[5] 异构计算与编程(研究生)
[6] FPGA与异构计算(联合实验室课程)
[7] 智能计算系统(本科生)
■ 指导研究生情况:
• 待转博:
Han Zhengpeng,Zhang Yikai
• 2024级:
Pen Jin(博士),Xia Yicheng(詹天佑直博),Xu Xinhan,Liu Zhengyang, Wang Zhaoyang, Zhang Dishuang, Cai Shuxiang
• 2023级:
Wei Mingrun(博士),Cao Yuan(博士),Yan Zhihong(博士),Kan Yiwen,Yang Huan, Ma Aoxin, Yu Guodong, Liang Zehan, Duan JunKun
• 2022级:
Wan Rui(博士),Yan Zhihong,Ding Zhelai,Zhang Bingqian,Cen Rui
• 2019级:
Zhang DeZheng(博士)
• 2020级:
Pu Han(天津理工)
• 2016级:
Xu Ke(安徽大学),An JianJing
• 2021级:
Wang Aibin,Zhang Zihao,Wang Guojun,Wang Yang,Luo Yuan
• 2020级:
Cao Jiayuan,Han Yuzhen(OPPO), Zhang Bo,Mo Ruchan(广州移动)
• 2019级:
Lv Junhuan(移动研究院),Feng QianTai,Wu ShuaiXiao,Xu Jia(有道云异构计算)
• 2018级:
Wang ZiXiao(电信研究院),Guo JingNing(中国通号),Wu Fan(寒武纪科技)
• 2017级:
Fu ShiHang(同方微视),Bai ZhiHong(郑商所),Fan HaoXin(航天一院)
• 2016级:
Wang XiaoYun(英特尔北京),Jia Qun(xx银行),Jiang DianKun(英特尔上海),Wu Jin(北京铁路局)
• 2015级:
Wu ZhiJia(长春光机所),Zhang HuiPeng(北京茵沃汽车科技)
• 2014级:
Ma HuaiChong,Zhang Bo(中科视拓),Zhang XingJi(乐视视频),Li JinQuan(华为海思)
• 2013级:
Zhou ZhiChao(大唐研究院),Ma YaFeng(大唐电信),Xu FengYang(美团上海),Wang Yin(搜狗)
普菡,张德正,许柯,莫茹蝉,阎之泓,王东.BNN-SAM: Improving generalization of binary object detector by Seeking Flat Minima.Applied Intelligence,2024,1(54)
万睿,岑瑞,张德正,王东.LDF-BNN: A Real-Time and High-Accuracy Binary Neural Network Accelerator Based on the Improved BNext.Micromachines,2024,10(15)
阎之泓,张冰倩,王东.An FPGA-Based YOLOv5 Accelerator for Real-Time Industrial Vision Applications.Micromachines,2024,9(15)
普菡,朱正文,胡齐,王东.Ulit-BiDet: An Ultralightweight Object Detector for SAR Images Based on Binary Neural Networks.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2024,1(62)
许嘉,普菡,王东.Ponte: Represent Totally Binary Neural Network Toward Efficiency.Sensors,2024,20(24)
张德正,王爱斌,莫茹蝉,王东.End-to-end acceleration of the YOLO object detection framework on FPGA-only devices.Neural Computing and Applications,2023,无(无)
吕君环,许柯,王东.Low-Bit Quantization of Neural Network Based on Exponential Moving Average Knowledge Distillation.Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2021,12(34)
Li,Gong,王东,Zhang,Baker,Zhou,Lu.ABM-SpConv-SIMD: Accelerating Convolutional Neural Network Inference for Industrial IoT Applications on Edge Devices.IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,2022,无(无)
普菡,许可,张德正,刘理,刘凌志,王东.TA-BiDet: Task-aligned binary object detector.Neurocomputing,2022,无(511)
安建京,张德正,许柯,王东.An OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator for Faster R-CNN.Entropy,2022,10(24)
许柯,张德正,安建京,刘理,刘凌志,王东.GenExp: Multi-objective pruning for deep neural network based on genetic algorithm.Neurocomputing,2021,2021(451)
郎磊,许柯,张前,王东.Fast and Accurate Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Lightweight Deep Neural Network.Sensors,2021,16(21)
王东,许柯,郭静宁.DSP-Efficient Hardware Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network Inference on FPGAs.IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,2020,无(无)
王东,许嘉,许柯.An FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Block-Matching and 3D Filtering.IEEE Access,2020,无(8)
王子潇,许柯,吴帅校,刘理,刘凌志,王东.Sparse-YOLO: Hardware/Software Co-Design of an FPGA Accelerator for YOLOv2.IEEE Access,2020,无(8)
许柯,王晓芸,Liu,Cao,Li,Peng,王东.A dedicated hardware accelerator for real‑time acceleration of YOLOv2.Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,2020,无(无)
周志超,肖扬,王东.Cells grouping scheme against pilot contamination in large scale antennas system.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2016,3(0)
周志超,肖扬,王东.Stability analysis of wireless network with improved fluid model.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2015,6(0)
刘雷波,王东,Min,Yansheng,Shouyi,Peng,Jun,Shaojun.Erratum: An Energy-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processing Unit for Multiple-Standard Video Decoding (IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2015) 17:10 (1706-1720)).IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2015,12(17)
寇金锋,王东,Jie,扬.Performance Analysis of a RTS/CTS-Based Channel Accessing Mechanism for MU-MIMO WLANs.WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS,2016,2(95)
刘雷波,王东,Yingjie,Min,Shouyi,Shaojun.An Implementation of Multiple-Standard Video Decoder on a Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Computing Platform.IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS,2016,5(E99D)
周志超,王东.Massive MIMO多小区系统中导频污染减轻方法.系统工程与电子技术,2016,2(38)
方敬,王东.小波-Contourlet与迭代Cycle Spinning相结合的SAR图像去噪.应用科学学报,2014,6(32)
周志超,王东.Constraints of nonresponding flows based on cross layers in the networks.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2016,7(27)
周志超,王东.Cells grouping scheme against pilot contamination in large scale antennas system.Journal of System Engineering and Electronics,2016,3(27)
刘雷波,王东,朱敏,王延升,尹首一,杨军,魏少军.An Energy-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processing Unit for Multiple-Standard Video Decoding.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2015,10(17)
寇金锋,王东.An Economic User-Centric WiFi offloading Algorithm for Heterogeneous Network.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015,341292(2015)
周志超,王东.Design of Controlled Model for Wireless Network Based on Cross Layers.Journal of Computational Information Systems,2015,14(11)
周志超,王东.Stability analysis of wireless network with improved fluid model.Jounal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2015,6(26)
王东,肖扬.Reduced-Error Constant Correction Truncated Multiplier.IEICE Electronics Express,2014,13(11)
周志超,王东,肖扬.Design of Wireless TCP Fluid Model Based on Cross Layers.IEICE Communications Express,2014,11(3)
安永丽,王东,肖扬.Design and Study of Cognitive Network Physical Layer Simulation Platform.Abstract and Applied Analysis,2014,408032(2014)
刘雷波,王东.Implementation of multi-standard video decoder on a heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable processor.Science China, Information Sciences,2014,8(57)
王东.(M,p,k)-Friendly Points: A Table-Based Method to Evaluate Trigonometric Function.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II,2014,9(61)
刘雷波,王东.SimRPU: A Simulation Environment for Reconfigurable Architecture Exploration.IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,2014,12(22)
王东,肖扬.A parallel arithmetic array for accelerating compute-intensive applications.IEICE Electronics Express,2014,4(11)
王东.A Radix-16 Combined Complex Division/Square Root Unit with Operand Prescaling.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,2013,9(61)
王东,肖扬.Complex Function Approximation Using Two-Dimensional Interpolation.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS,2013,99(99)
刘雷波,王东.ReSSIM: a mixed-level simulator for dynamic coarse-grained reconfigurable processor.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences,2013,6(56)
王东.A high-throughput fixed-point complex divider for FPGAs.IEICE Electronics Express,2013,4(10)
岑瑞,张德正,康艺文,王东.HA-BNN: Hardware-Aware Binary Neural Networks for Efficient Inference.IEEE 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS,2024
丁哲铼,张德正,王东.A Hardware Architecture for Shared Residuals and Simplified Symmetric-PWL-Based GELU.IEEE 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS,2024
张冰倩,阎之泓,王东.Fully Neural Network Low-Bit Quantization and Adjustment of Activation Distributions.IEEE 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS,2024
王爱斌,叶有时,彭宇,张德正,阎之泓,王东.A Low-Latency Hardware Accelerator for YOLO Object Detection Algorithms.International Symposium on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies,2023
许可,冯乾泰,张兴义,王东.MultiQuant: Training Once for Multi-Bit Quantization of Neural Networks.International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization,2022
莫茹蝉,许可,刘理,刘凌志,王东.Adaptive Linear Unit for Accurate Binary Neural Networks.IEEE Internatinal Conference on Signal Processing,2022
冯乾泰,许柯,李宇海,孙裕鑫,王东.Edge-Wise One-Level Global Pruning on?NAS Generated Networks.Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV,2021
冯乾泰,许柯,Li,Sun,王东.Edge-Wise One-Level Global Pruning on NAS Generated Networks.Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV),2021
王东,许柯,贾群.ABM-SpConv: A Novel Approach to FPGA-Based Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network Inference.Design Automation Conference 2019,2019
许柯,王晓芸,王东.A Scalable OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator For YOLOv2.IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM),2019
范浩鑫,安建京,王东.Training Low Bitwidth Model with Weight Normalization for Convolutional Neural Networks.PRCV: Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV),2019
白志鸿,范浩鑫,Lingzhi,li,王东.An OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator with the Winograd's Minimal Filtering Algorithm for Convolution Neuron Networks.2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC),2019
许柯,王晓芸,王东.A Scalable OpenCL-Based FPGA Accelerator For YOLOv2.IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM),2019
李榆林,Shouyi,Leibo,Shaojun,王东.Battery-aware MAC analytical modeling for extending lifetime of low duty-cycled wireless sensor network.2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage, NAS 2013,2013
汪霖,Wanxu,王东,Bo.Unsupervised image segmentation based on multidimensional particle swarm optimization.6th International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Multi-Media, ICWMMN 2015,2015
周志超,王东.Pilot Scheduling based on Water-filling Algorithm in Massive MIMO.None,2016
周志超,王东,王振超.Asynchronous Pilots Scheduling in Massive MIMO Systems.None,2017
安建京,王东.Efficient one-sided Jacobi SVD computation on AMD GPU using OpenCL.13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2016,2017
马亚峰,王东.Accelerating SVD computation on FPGAs for DSP systems.13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2016,2017
许柯,王晓芸,付世航,王东.A Scalable FPGA Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks.12th Conference on Advanced Computer Architecture, ACA 2018,2018
王东,许柯,贾群,Ghiasi.ABM-SpConv: A Novel Approach to FPGA-Based Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network Inference.PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 56TH ACM/EDAC/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC),2019
安建京,王东.Efficient One-Sided Jacobi SVD Computation on AMD GPU using OpenCL.PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICSP 2016),2016
张星基,王东.An efficient motion adaptive deinterlacing algorithm using improved edge-based line average interpolation.PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICSP 2016),2016
张波,王东,Yaxin.An Improved FRUC Algorithm based on Unilateral and Bidirectional Motion Estimation.PROCEEDINGS OF 2016 IEEE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICSP 2016),2016
王晓芸,许柯,王东.Accelerating block-matching and 3D filtering-based image denoising algorithm on FPGAs.PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 14TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICSP),2018
张波,王东,Yaxin.Frame Rate Up-Conversion Based on Improved Dual Motion Estimation.PROCEEDINGS OF 2018 14TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICSP),2018
张星基,王东.An efficient motion adaptive deinterlacing algorithm using improved edge-based line average interpolation.13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2016,2017
王晓懿,刘铭,王东.Pilot Contamination Attack Detection Using Random Symbols for Massive MIMO Systems.2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring),2017
周志超,王东.Asynchronous Pilots Scheduling in Massive MIMO Systems.2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),2017
王东,许柯,姜典坤.PipeCNN: An OpenCL-Based Open-Source FPGA Accelerator for Convolution Neural Networks.2017 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT),2017
肖扬,寇金锋,王东.The diffserv cognitive network node with Controlled-UDP.2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2014),2014
肖扬,兰朋朋,王东.A novel secure MIMO cognitive network.2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2014),2014
徐凤阳,王东,肖扬.ADAPTIVE SEMI-BLIND CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR MASSIVE MIMO SYSTEMS.The 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing ,2014
付启沐,王东,肖扬.Multi-Mode CORDIC Processor on a Dynamically Reconfigurable Array.The 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing,2014
方敬,王东,肖扬.DE-NOISING OF SAR IMAGES BASED ON WAVELET-CONTOURLET DOMAIN AND PCA.The 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing,2014
兰朋朋,肖扬,王东.Unsymmetrical Spatial Coding Algorithms for Overlay Cognitive Radio Network.The IET 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2013) ,2013
乔艳茹,王东,肖扬.Spatial Coding for MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks.The IET 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2013) ,2013
周志超,肖扬,王东.MAC Frame Control on Wireless LAN to Guarantee QoS of High Priority Traffics.The IET 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2013) ,2013
安永丽,肖扬,王东.Distributed Interference Alignment in High-speed Railway Wireless Access System.The IET 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2013) ,2013
肖扬,王东.Spread Spectrum LDPC for Cognitive Systems Working in TV Frequency Band.IETInternational Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks,2013
肖扬,王东.Secure MIMO Cognitive Networks Based on Spatial LDPC Codes.Proceeding of IETInternational Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks,2013
肖扬,寇金锋,王东.Secure MIMO Cognitive Networks Based on Spatial LDPC Codes.The IET 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2013) ,2013
刘雷波,王东.An energy-efficient coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable fabric for multiple-standard video decoding applications .2013 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC),2013
刘雷波,王东.Implementation of multi-standard video decoding algorithms on a coarse-grained reconfigurable multimedia processor.2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,2013
• 2015 微软亚洲研究院铸星计划青年访问科学家 Microsoft
Research Asia StarTrack Program
• 2007 国家科技发明二等奖
• 2019 Intel InovateFPGA 创新大赛,全球总决赛二等奖
• 2016 IBM CAPI异构计算应用大赛 二等奖
• 2016 全国高校物联网应用创新大赛 一等奖
• 2014 全国高校物联网应用创新大赛 二等奖 《物联网智能花盆》
• 2015 全国开源硬件与嵌入式计算大赛 一等奖 《基于Zynq的高清视频试试运动检测与识别》
IEEE Member, 计算机学会会员;
IEEE Trans. Computer, IEEE Trans. Circuit & Systems II, Microprocessor 等国际期刊审稿人。