办公电话:010-51685212-604 | 电子邮件: fqtian@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址: | 邮编:100044 |
2002-2006 北京交通大学电气工程学院电气工程及其自动化专业获工学学士学位;
2006-2012 北京交通大学电气工程学院高电压与绝缘技术专业获工学博士学位;
2008-2012 哈尔滨理工大学工程电介质国家重点实验室雷清泉院士研究室研究学习;
2012.09-2013.09 日本早稻田大学大学院先进理工学研究科博士后、助理研究员
2012.07-2014.12 北京交通大学讲师,高聘副教授,硕士生导师
2015.01-2017.08 北京交通大学副教授,硕士生导师
2017.09-至今 北京交通大学副教授,博士生导师
高电压与电气绝缘课题组主要研究方向包括:高电压与绝缘技术、电力系统、牵引供电系统。课题组现有博士硕士研究生10人,聘请雷清泉院士兼职指导,毕业研究生就业方向包括国家电网各电力公司、电力科学研究院、铁路局、铁道科学研究院。与国家电网中国电力科学研究院、国家电网全球能源互联网研究院、铁路总公司、铁道科学研究院、西电集团西安变压器厂、苏州巨峰电气绝缘系统股份有限公司、清华大学、早稻田大学、北京市电力公司等单位有密切合作关系。 具体科学研究方向:
1. 电力设备绝缘材料:干式电力设备和微电子器件封装用高导热环氧树脂、高压柔性直流输电用高压直流电缆绝缘、电力电容器薄膜介质等新型绝缘材料的应用基础研究与开发;
马**:国网北京市电力公司; 王**:中国航天科技集团五院北京卫星制造厂有限公司; 侯**:北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司; 张*:北京京东世纪贸易有限公司;
高***:中国建筑材料科学研究总院(北京); 王**:国网吉林省电网公司;
李**:国网北京市电力公司; 李**:国网吉林省电力公司; 郭*:国网河北省电力公司; 熊**:成都市知识产权局;
王**:国网安徽省电力公司; 吴**:国网黑龙江省电力公司;陈**:南网深圳市电力公司;李**:中国航天科工集团第十研究院
1. 智能雷电防护在线监测技术研究项目,国家能源集团,2024-2025,652万,主持,在研;
2. 增容型高效高压三相异步电动机系列产品研发,太原市科学技术局,40万,2024-2025,在研;
3. 高压电气设备在线监测系统研究与开发,横向课题,京仪集团,2023-2024,100万,主持,在研;
4. 云南电科院电力复合脂抗老化性能研究,横向课题,南方电网,2023-2024,125万,主持,在研;
5. 发电机电应力仿真计算服务项目,横向课题,金风科技,2023-2024,55.6万,主持,在研;
6. 包神铁路设备监测站供电智能运维系统建设规范编制咨询服务,横向课题,国能集团,2022-2023,主持,78万,在研;
7. 电压互感器在高次谐波下的电场分析,横向课题,中车集团,2022-2023,25万,主持,在研;
8. 电力机车高压绝缘防护优化技术研究,国家重点实验室开放课题,2019-2024,60万,主持,在研;
9. 新型电磁材料的传感技术研究及电流电压传感设备试制技术开发,横向课题,南方电网,2023-2024,参与,143万,在研;
10. 高压电缆测试,横向课题,航天五院,2021-2022,13万,主持,结题;
11. 铁路牵引变计量问题技术研究,内蒙古电科院,2019-2020,23.8万,主持,结题;
12. 高压电力电缆附件局部放电在线监测,横向课题,2019-2020,30万,主持,结题;
13. 避雷器泄露电流在线监测与老化状态评估,横向课题,唐山供电公司,2018-2019,21万,主持,结题;
14. 电热耦合场下直流输电换流阀厅用电容器聚丙烯薄膜电气绝缘性能及其机理研究,国家电网全球能源互联网研究院,2019-2023,40万,主持,在研;
15. 朔黄铁路重载铁路机车过分相涌流特性与智能相控合分闸关键技术研究,横向课题,国能集团,2022-2024,297万,参与,在研;
16. 基于EPR的聚乙烯基纳米复合电介质电荷陷阱机制及陷阱特性的研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2016-2018,23万,主持,结题;
17. 高性能微纳米复合绝缘材料的开发与应用研究,横向课题,2018-2021,40万,主持,结题;
18. 基于有轨电车供电系统的优化技术方案综合研究,横向课题,2014-2015,主持,结题;
19. 高压直流电缆电热耦合场及电荷输运仿真研究,教育部基本科研业务费,2019-2022,25万,主持,结题;
20. 高性能纳米复合绝缘材料的研究,教育部基本科研业务费专题项目,2014-2017,50万,主持;
21. 电力能源新材料一期建设-电介质材料实验室,北京交通大学学科建设项目,2014-2017,50万,主持;
22. 轨道交通搭载国铁大胜关桥过长江电磁感应影响研究,2016-2018,80万,参与;
23. 时速350km中国标准动车组高压系统及接地系统优化设计研究,2015-2017,150万,参与;
24. 未来科技城地铁负荷需求特性辨识研究,北京电力公司,参与;
25. 高性能聚合物基纳米复合绝缘材料的研究,日本早稻田大学-日本中央电力研究院合作项目,2012/8-2014/8;
26. 电力机车与牵引供电系统匹配技术研究,横向课题,参与。
[1] 李旭斌,田付强*,郭亦可. 新型电力系统中电力设备健康管理和智能运维关键技术探究[J]. 电网技术,2023,in press(EI收录)
[2] Tian Fuqiang* and Cao Jinmei and Ma Wanli. Enhanced thermal conductivity and rheological performance of epoxy and liquid crystal epoxy composites with filled Al2O3 compound[J]. Polymer Testing, 2023, in press (SCI收录)
[3] Tian Fuqiang, Tong Yonghuan and Wang Jiabao. Study on the Frequency and Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity of Zinc Oxide Valve Plate[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2023, in press. (SCI 收录)
[4] Tian Fuqiang* and Cao Jinmei and Li Yiming. Enhanced Mechanic Strength and Thermal Conductivities of Mica Composites with Mimicking Shell Nacre Structure[J]. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(13): 2155-2165.
[5] Xing Zhaoliang, Tian Fuqiang*, Guo Shaowei etal. Charging and Discharging Current Characteristics of Polypropylene Film under Varied Electric Fields[J]. Energies, 2022, 15(14): 5107-5117. (SCI 收录)
[6] Tian, Fuqiang*, Jinmei Cao, and Shuting Zhang. Effect of Temperature on the Charge Transport Behavior of Epoxy/Nano-SiO2/Micro-BN Composite[J]. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(10): 1617-1627. (SCI 收录)
[7] Tian Fuqiang*, Zhang Shuting, Hou Chunyi . Effects of trapping characteristics on space charge and e1ectric fie1d distributions in hvdc cab1e under e1ectrothenna1 stress[J]. Energies, 2021, 14(5):1313. (SCI 收录)
[8] Tian Fuqiang* and Hou Chunyi, A Trap Regulated Space Charge Suppression Model for LDPE Based Nanocomposites by Simulation and Experiment[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2018, 25(6): 2169 - 2177. (SCI 收录)
[9] Tian Fuqiang*, Zhang Lin, Zhang Junliang, Peng Xiao. Space charge and dielectric behavior of epoxy composite with SiO2-Al2O3 nano-micro fillers at varied temperatures[J], Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017, 114: 93-100. (SCI 收录)
[10] Tian Fuqiang*, Zhang Junliang, Peng Xiao, Hou Chunyi. Interface Trapping Effects on the Charge Transport Characteristics of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposites[J], IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(3):1888-1895. (SCI 收录)
[11] Fuqiang Tian*; Jiangyi Yao; Peng Li; Yi Wang; Mingli Wu, “Stepwise Electric Field Induced Charging Current and Its Correlation with Space Charge Formation in LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(2): 1232 - 1239. (SCI 收录)
[12] Fuqiang Tian* and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Charge transport and electrode polarization in epoxy resin at high temperatures”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014, 47(4): 045311.1-045311.9. (SCI 收录)
[13] Fuqiang Tian* and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Electric modulus powerful tool for analyzing dielectric behavior”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(3):929-931. (SCI 收录)
[14] Fuqiang T.*, Qingquan L., Xuan W., et al. Investigation on the Electrical Properties of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite Dielectrics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2012, 19(3): 763-769. (SCI 收录)
[15] Fuqiang T.*, Qingquan L., Xuan W., et al. Effect of Deep Trapping States on Space Charge Suppression in Polyethylene/ZnO Nanocomposite[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(14):96140. (SCI 收录)
[16] Tian F.*, Bu W., Shi L., et al. Theory of modified thermally stimulated current and direct determination of trap level distribution[J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 2010, 69(1):7-10. (SCI 收录)
[17] Tian F.Q.*, Wang Y., Shi H.S., et al. Bipolar high-repetition-rate high-voltage nanosecond pulser[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2008, 79(6):63503. (SCI 收录)
[18] Dai X , Tian F* , Li F , et al. Investigation on Charge Transport in Polypropylene Film under High Electric Field by Experiments and Simulation[J]. Energies, 2021, 14, 4722. (SCI 收录)
[19] Peng Yang, Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Dielectric Properties of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate)”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(5): 2310 - 2317. (SCI收录)
[20] Qingquan L., Fuqiang T.*, Chun Y., et al. Modified isothermal discharge current theory and its application in the determination of trap level distribution in polyimide films[J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 2010, 68(3):243-248. (SCI 收录)
[21] 田付强,马万里. 挤塑高压直流电缆绝缘中空间电荷问题研究进展[J]. 高电压技术,2018,44(5): 1-9. (EI 收录)
[22] 田付强,彭潇. 耐电晕耐电痕化绝缘材料研究进展[J]. 电工技术学报,2017, 32(16) :3-13. (EI 收录)
[23] 田付强, 卜文斌, 杨春等. TSC测量技术中存在的若干问题的探讨[J]. 电工技术学报, 2010, 25(11): 21-28. (EI 收录)
[24] 田付强, 杨春, 何丽娟等. 聚合物/无机纳米复合电介质介电性能及其机理最新研究进展[J]. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(3): 1-12. (EI 收录)
[25] 曹金梅, 田付强*, 雷清泉. 高导热聚合物复合绝缘材料研究进展[J]. 科学通报, 2022, 67: 640–654. (EI 收录)
[26] Liu S, Wang Y, Tian F. Prognosis of Underground Cable via Online Data-Driven Method With Field Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015, 62(12):1-1. (SCI收录)
[27] Bu W., Yin J., Tian F., et al. Effect of Corona Ageing on the Structure Changes of Polyimide and Polyimide/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Films[J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 69: 141-145, 2011. (SCI 收录)
[28] He L.J., Dai L., Yang C., Tian F.Q., et al. Study on Deep Trap States in Polymers by Photo-Stimulated Discharge Based on the Opo Laser[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2010, 24(18):1933-1941. (SCI 收录)
[29] Yang Yang, Di Yin, Rui Xiong, Jing Shi, Fuqiang Tian, et al. “FTIR and Dielectric Studies of Electrical Aging in Polyimide under AC Voltage”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2012, 19(2): 574-781. (SCI 收录)
[30] 田付强,王志晓. 高导热绝缘材料及其在电动汽车中的应用[J]. 绝缘材料,2018,11:25-33.
[31] 田付强,熊雯雯,杨春,夏宇. 高导热环氧树脂基复合绝缘材料及其在金属基覆铜板中的应用[J]. 绝缘材料,2020, 1: 1-8.
[32] 马万里,田付强*,熊雯雯,姚江艺. 环氧树脂/氮化硼微纳米复合材料的导热与电气绝缘性能研究[J]. 绝缘材料,2019,52(7):36-42.
[33] 刘松, 田付强*, 王毅, 李鹏. 聚酰亚胺基BN微纳米复合材料的电气绝缘性能研究[J]. 绝缘材料, 2017, 2: 24-29.
[34] Tian F.*, Bu W., Yang C., et al. Study on physical and chemical structure changes of polyimide caused by corona ageing[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Harbin, China, 2009:1076-1079. (ISTP收录)
[35] Tian F., Bu W., Yang C., et al. A new method for direct determination of trap level distribution from TSC measurement[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials,Harbin,China, 2009:980-983. (ISTP收录)
[36] Fuqiang Tian and Yoshimichi Ohki, “Charge Transport Characteristics in Epoxy Resin at High Temperatures Based on Electrode Polarization Analysis”, IEEE CEIDP, Oct. 23th, 1318-1321, 2013. (ISTP收录)
[37] Fuqiang Tian, Yuichi Hirose, Naoshi Hirai, Yoshimichi Ohki, Masahiro Kozako, “Investigation on the Dielectric and Electrical Conduction Characteristics of Epoxy Composites with SiO2-Al2O3 Nano-micro Fillers under Varied Temperatures”, IEED Japan Annual Meeting, 2012, D36: 79-84.(日本放电学会优秀论文奖)
[38] Fuqiang Tian, Naoshi Hirai, Yuichi Hirose, Yoshimichi Ohki, Masahiro Kozako, “Exfoliation of Layered BN Fillers in Epoxy-based Composite Dielectrics to Enhance the Thermal Conductivity”, IEED Japan Annual Meeting, 2012, P16: 117-118.
[39] Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Dielectric Behavior Analysis of Epoxy Resin Using Complex Electric Modulus”, IEEJ Japan Annual Meeting, 1-2, 2013.
[40] Xiuting Li, Yuki Masuzaki, Fuqiang Tian, Yoshimichi Ohki, “Space Charge Formation and Charge Transport in Epoxy Resin at Varied Temperatures”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 2015, 135(2): 88-93. (EI收录)
[41] Yuki Masuzaki, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, Masahiro Kozako, Nobuhito Kamei, “Comparison of Dielectric Properties Olefin Thermosetting Polydicyclopentadiene and Epoxy Resin”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 2015, 135(2): 82-87. (EI收录)
[42] 雷清泉, 石林爽, 田付强等. 电晕老化前后 100HN 和 100CR 聚酰亚胺薄膜的电导电流特性实验研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2010, 30(13): 109-114. (EI 收录)
[43] 何丽娟, 杨春, 田付强等. 聚合物电介质深陷阱能态研究[J]. 中国激光, 2010, 37(1): 74-77. (EI 收录)
[44] Bu W., Yin J., Tian F., et al. Numerical analysis of space charge electric field and its effect on TSDC measurement in thin polymer films[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials,Harbin,China, 2009:938-941. (ISTP收录)
[45] Yin Jinghua, Bu Wenbin, Tian Fuqiang, et al. Structure characteristics and dielectric properties of PI/MMT nanocomposite films, IEEE 10th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Bangalore, India, 2012: 1-4. (ISTP收录)
[46] Han B., Sun Z., Chen Y., Tian F., et al. Space charge distribution in low-density polyethylene (LDPE)/pumice composite[C]. IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials,Harbin,China, 2009:969-972. (ISTP收录)
[47] 任辉, 杨春, 田付强等. 纳米聚酰亚胺复合材料的热刺激电流研究[J]. 绝缘材料, 2011, 2: 71-75.
[48] Li Xiuting, Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Space Charge Formation and Charge Transport in Epoxy Resin at Varied Temperatures” IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials, 135-140, 2013.
[49] Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Electric Modulus Spectrum as a Powerful Tool for Dielectric Property Analysis”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials, 159-163, 2013.
[50] Peng Yang, Yoshimichi Ohki and Fuqiang Tian, “Electric Modulus Spectra of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polyethylene Naphthalate”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials, MVP-23:247-250, 2013.
[51] Yuki Masuzaki, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, Masahiro Kozako, Nobuhito Kamei, “Comparison of Dielectric Properties of Olefin Thermosetting Polydicyclopentadiene and Epoxy Resin”, IEEJ Conference on Electrical and Electronic Insulation materials, MVP-18:231-234, 2013.
[52] Peng Yang, Yoshimichi Ohki, Fuqiang Tian, “Analysis on Thermally Stimulated Currents in Polyethylene-terephthalate and Polyethylene-naphthalate”, ISEM, 2014, VB11:1-4.
[53] 姚江艺, 王毅, 田付强. 串联补偿用火花间隙触发装置的设计与实验研究[A]. 中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第30届学术年会, 2014.
[54] 姚江艺, 王毅, 田付强. 换流变压器绕组端部电场仿真分析[A]. 中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第30届学术年会, 2014.
[55] 李鹏, 王毅, 田付强. 大型电机定子线棒端部电场的研究[A]. 中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第30届学术年会, 2014.
[56] 张祥龙,王毅,胡小吐,田付强. 废水处理用等离子体窄脉冲电源的研制[J]. 北京交通大学学报,2010,(05):69-73. (EI收录)
[57] 张祥龙,王毅,田付强, 施洪生. 双极性与单极性ns级高压脉冲电源设计及特性比较[J]. 高电压技术, 2012, (04): 963-970. (EI收录)
[58] 侯淳议,田付强. 陷阱特性对空间电荷调控的数值仿真与实验研究[C]. 第十三届全国绝缘材料与绝缘技术学术会议论文集, 中国许昌, 2017:416-421.
[59] Zhang Y, Tian F.. Study on Leakage Current Detection System of the Roof Insulators on the Electric Multiple Unit[C]. 2017 2nd International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP 2017) , Shanghai, China, 2017:356-361.(ISTP收录)
[60] Wang Z., Tian F.. Investigation on Power Supply Capability and Power Quality of Dazhun Railway[C].2017 2nd International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP 2017) , Shanghai, China, 2017:264-269.(ISTP收录)
[61] Wang M.H, Tian F.. Research on Failure Detection Method of High Voltage Cable Terminals[C]. 2017 2nd International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP 2017) , Shanghai, China, 2017:438-443.(ISTP收录)
[62] Tian Fuqiang and Li Wanru. Research on the teaching mode and method of "engineering dielectric and electrical insulation"[C]. Guilin, China, 2019. (教改论文)
[1] 田付强,曹金梅.一种基于冰模板法制备高导热云母纸的方法[P]. 发明专利,已授权,CN114214864 B,2023.
[2] 田付强,李玉诗. 动车组用集成式固体绝缘高压电器箱[P].发明专利,已授权,CN 114122984 B, 2023.
[3] 田付强,吴金波. 基于电导电流的空间电荷评估方法[P].发明专利,已授权,CN 114137281 B, 2023.
[4] 田付强, 张顺. 一种电力机车车顶高压设备外绝缘防护的优化结构[P]. 实用新型专利,已授权,CN215220393U, 2021.
[5] 田付强, 王毅, 雷清泉. 用于高压脉冲电源的多电极旋转火花隙开关[P].发明专利, 已授权, ZL1 0118084.3, 2008.
[6] 田付强, 刘艳婷, 夏宇. 高导热微纳氮化硼粒子及其制备方法与应用[P].发明专利, 授权号: CN112029151A, 2020.
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