办公电话:010-51687082-812 | 电子邮件: leiwang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区西直门外北京交通大学电气楼210 | 邮编:100044 |
1. 《信号与系统B》,本科课程;
2. 《嵌入式系统》,本科课程;
3. 《Embedded System》(全英文),新能源国际班本科课程;
4. 《Signals and Systems》(全英文),新能源国际班本科课程;
5. 《电力电子电路与系统》,研究生课程;
1. Online Fatigue Estimation and Prediction of Switching Device in Urban Railway Traction Converter Based on Current Recognition and Gray Model [J], IEEE Access, 2019
2. Fault Prediction Model of High-Power Switching Device in Urban Railway Traction Converter with Bi-Directional Fatigue Data and Weighted LSM [J], Applied Sciences, 2019
3. Online Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis for Rail Transit Traction Converter Based on Object-Oriented Colored Petri Net Topology Reasoning [J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
4. Service Life Prediction of Electrolytic Capacitors in Urban Rail Transit Based on Analytical Iteration and GM(2,1) Model [J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
5. Distributed Auxiliary Inverter of Urban Rail Train—Load Sharing Control Strategy under Complicated Operation Condition [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.31, pp.1745 – 1756, 2016.
6. AI-HM Based Zero Portion Effects and Phase-Shift Optimization for Railway Auxiliary Inverter With Pulsating DC-Link [J] , IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp.7444-7453, 2017.
7. Taking Traction Control to Task: High-Adhesion-Point Tracking Based on a Disturbance Observer in Railway Vehicles [J], IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol.11, no.1, pp.51-62, 2017.
1. Analysis of Fault Characteristics After the Breakdown of Power Switches in Voltage-Source PWM Rectifiers [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.7, pp.108-116, 2010.
2. Fault Diagnosis Based on OOCPN Topology Analysis Model and
Backward Reasoning for Supply System in Urban Mass Transit
[J], China Railway Science, vol.33, no.4, pp.52-59, 2012.
3. State estimation for electrolytic capacitor with parameter fitting [J], Telkomnika, vol.11, no.8, pp.4461-4469, 2014.
4. Whole-cycle Adaptive and Parameter Inconsistency Parallel Droop Control Strategy [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.33, no.30, pp.50-57, 2013.
5. The Auxiliary Parallel Control strategy Based on Complicated Load Characteristics [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.35, no.S1, pp.213-219, 2015.
6. Parallel Technologies of Power Module for Traction Power Supply With Energy Feedback [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.6, pp.77-82, 2010.
7. Estimate Approach for Fatigue Damage of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Based on Accumulated Damage Theory [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.26, no.4, pp.13-18, 2010.
8. Research on Feasibility of CANopen Working as Rail Transit Vehicle Bus [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 33, no.2, pp.38-44, 2011.
9. An Approach to Converter Faults Diagnosis Based on Vector Control[J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.3, pp.177-182, 2010.
10. Research on Wireless Parallel Method under Inconsistent Parameter of Converter [J], JOURNAL OF THE CHINA RAILWAY SOCIETY, vol.38, no.1, pp.12-17, 2016.
11. Loss Analysis and Optimization of Three-Level Boost Type High Frequency Link Inverters [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.35, no.24, pp.6475-6486, 2015.
International Conference Proceedings
1. A Novel Traction Supply System for Urban Rail Transportation with Bidirectional Power Flow and Based on PWM Rectifier[C], Proceedings of ICEET2009, pp.40-43, 2009.
2. A Multi-channel Distributed Monitoring Platform Based on Ethernet and Virtual Instrument Technology [C], Proceedings of ICEET2009, pp.4579-4584, 2009.
3. A Novel Traction Power Supply System for Urban Rail Transportation[C], Proceedings of VPPC2008, Harbin, China, pp.1-5, 2008.
4. Topology Analysis and Fault Diagnosis Scheme with OOCPN Model for Supply System in Urban Mass Transit [C], Proceedings of ISKE2011, Xian, China, vol.124, pp.157-165, 2011.
5. An Optimized PWM Modulation Scheme for High Power Three-Level Converters[C], Proceedings of ICMA2009, Changchun, China, pp.5008-5013, 2009.
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2) 基于列车网络的城轨列车牵引变流器损伤评估与状态检测软件,2013SRBJ0686.