
博士、教授、电信学院 副院长


办公电话:010-51683081 电子邮件: liuliu@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京市海淀区西直门外上园村3号 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院 宽带无线移动通信研究所 邮编:100044


1.   2017年12月至今,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,宽带无线移动通信研究所,教授;
2.    2012年6月— 2017年12月,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,宽带无线移动通信研究所,副教授;
3.   2010年7月— 2012年6月,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,交通信息工程及控制博士后流动站,博士后;
4.   2005年9月— 2010年6月,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,通信与信息系统,博士;
5.   2004年9月— 2005年6月,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,通信与信息系统,硕士;
6.   2000年9月— 2004年6月,北京交通大学电子信息工程学院,通信与信息系统,本科;



  • 宽带移动通信系统与专用移动通信
  • 信息处理与人工智能
  • 通信工程
  • 人工智能


  • 信息与通信工程硕士
  • 通信工程(含宽带网络、移动通信等)硕士
  • 信息与通信工程博士
  • 通信工程(含宽带网络、移动通信等)博士
  • 人工智能硕士


  • 北京市自然基金“面上”: 受限狭长管道电波覆盖与衰落特性研究, 2024-2026
  • 国家重点研发计划-课题: 复杂场景的快速感知与高动态环境的三维自动重建, 2023-2026
  • 基于低轨卫星技术的铁路星地数据通信关键技术研究
  • 北京交通大学: 面向异构网络融合的开放式网络研究技术服务项目, 2023-2023
  • 国家自然科学基金“专项基金项目”: 面向服务的天空地融合信息网络基础理论与技术, 2023-2024
  • 红果园国家级“科技委”: 基于人工智能的感知辅助信道预测和传输波形库研究, 2022-2023
  • 北京交通大学: 5G 车联网演进技术标准研究、产品研发以及应用示范项目, 2023-2024
  • 北京交通大学: 5G车路协同网络服务能力研发及验证项目, 2021-2024
  • 其它(科技处): 5G专网窄波束信道测量及建模研究, 2022-2024
  • 红果园-"其他部市": 动平台无线突发通信超快时间同步算 法研究, 2022-2024
  • 北京交通大学: 跨天线信道预测技术研究, 2022-2023
  • 北京交通大学: 车联网融合通信技术测试验证和标准化平台项目(车联网仿真场景构建及开发), 2022-2024
  • 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 基于低时延、高可靠通信的城市轨道交通自组网路由关键技术研究, 2021-2024
  • 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 面向城轨交通的低时延、大带宽和高可靠的无线自组织网络关键技术研究, 2021-2024
  • 北京交通大学: 城市轨道交通智能运维管理系统方案研究, 2020-2022
  • 北京交通大学: 5G通信技术应用于高铁无线网络传输的研究, 2021-2021
  • 北京交通大学: 车联网无线信道测量与建模技术服务项目, 2021-2022
  • 其它: 高速铁路大规模MIMO通信系统信道测量与建模, 2021-2022
  • 北京市自然基金“轨道交通联合”: 低真空管道超高速磁悬浮列车车地通信组网及关键技术研究, 2020-2023
  • 国家重点研发计划-任务: 非对称毫米波亚毫米波大规模MIMO信道仿真, 2020-2023
  • 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 面向智能高速铁路车地通信的窄波束信道测量与建模研究, 2021-2024
  • 其它: 特长隧道地形条件下宽带移动通信系统覆盖技术和方案研究, 2020-2021
  • 北京交通大学: 复杂电磁环境下变电站无线网络可靠性技术研究(总), 2020-2024
  • 北京市科委: 北京市科技新星交叉项目, 2019-2021
  • 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 面向未来移动通信的低功耗安全智慧物联网系统关键技术研究, 2020-2024
  • 北京交通大学: 移动基站共址高压输电铁塔的安全运检关键技术研究, 2019-2021
  • 后5G智慧物联中面向物理与链路层关键技术研究
  • 真空管道超高速列车宽带无线通信关键问题研究
  • 北京市自然基金“海淀联合-重点”: 高可靠、高效率、高精度的毫米波信道数据挖掘研究, 2017-2021
  • 基于机器学习的高速铁路无线信道特征分析
  • 国家重点实验室: 高速铁路协作MIMO通信系统信道特性分析与建模, 2018-2019
  • 北京市自然基金: 纵向预研基金-北京市自然科学基金- KWE314002531, 2017-2019
  • 其他部市(2020.10起仅限省部级科技计划\基金\专项): 非适宜传播环境下Massive MIMO系统传输容量研究, 2017-2018
  • 北京市自然基金: 高速铁路场景多链路传播信道模型研究, 2017-2018
  • 大规模多天线系统传输性能研究
  • 国家重点研发计划: 大型交通基础设施的灾害链机理、灾情评估及防灾减灾技术, 2016-2020
  • 其它: 车站防错办系统配置推广应用开发, 2016-2020
  • 北京市科委: 北京市科技新星, 2016-2018
  • 国家重大专项(民口): 5G低功耗深覆盖海量连接技术方案与试验系统研发, 2016-2019
  • 其它: 车站行车作业预警监控系统推广应用开发, 2016-2020
  • 高速铁路场景多链路无线信道测量与建模研究
  • 国家自然科学基金: 纵向预研基金-国家自然科学基金- KWA811011533, 2015-2018
  • 大规模多天线系统信道衰落相关性研究
  • 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 多用户大规模多天线系统无线信道测量与衰落相关性研究, 2015-2018
  • 其它: 大规模MIMO信道传播特性研究, 2014-2017
  • 科技部“863”: Massive MIMO无线信道测量研究, 2014-2016
  • Massive MIMO无线传播信道测量与建模研究
  • 北京市自然基金“面上”: 地铁隧道场景无线信道非平稳传播模型构建与LTE物理层信道估计优化, 2014-2016
  • 无线信道综合测试仪的研制
  • 高速铁路带状覆盖蜂窝传播特性研究1
  • 其他部市(2020.10起仅限省部级科技计划\基金\专项): 基于图论的无线信道建模研究, 2012-2014
  • 北京交通大学: 朔黄铁路TD-LTE宽带移动网络场强测试系统, 2012-2013
  • 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 面向地下轨道交通的无线信道模型构建与应用, 2012-2016
  • 北京市自然基金“面上”: 带状覆盖场景下快变多普勒无线信道测量与建模方法研究, 2012-2013
  • 基于几何随机分布理论的高铁无线信道建模
  • 北京交通大学: 信道测量(四期), 2011-2012
  • 国家重大专项(民口)-参加: 宽带无线专网总体技术及标准化研究, 2011-2013
  • 北京交通大学: 高铁宽带无线信道测量与建模方法研究, 2011-2013
  • 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 高速铁路宽带无线信道非平稳特性的研究, 2012-2014
  • 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 高速移动环境下快速动态无线资源优化的研究, 2012-2014
  • 国家重大专项(民口)-参加: 宽带多媒体集群系统技术验证(超宽带模式), 2011-2012
  • 高速条件下宽带无线接入Doppler消除新方法的研究
  • 北京交通大学: 支持TD-LTE高移动性的物理层关键技术研究(2011), 2011-2011
  • 其他部市(2020.10起仅限省部级科技计划\基金\专项): 基于3G网络的高速铁路宽带无线信道测量与建模, 2011-2011
  • 北京交通大学: LTE-A高铁环境下的信道实际测量和模型的建立 (2011), 2010-2011
  • 北京交通大学: LTE-A高铁环境下的信道实际测量和模型的建立, 2010-2011
  • 北京交通大学: 支持TD-LTE高移动性的物理层关键技术研究, 2011-2010
  • 国家自然科学基金“重点”: 地面超高移动性宽带无线通信关键问题, 2011-2014





  1. Zhang, J.; Chen, B.; Qiu, J.; Zhuang, L.; Wang, Z.; Liu, L. A Robust Timing Synchronization Algorithm Based on PSSS for LTE-V2X. Computers 202413, 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13010012

  2. 段相龙,刘留,周涛,等.一种低轨卫星通信的定时提前计算方法[J].太赫兹科学与电子信息学报,2024,22(03):278-284+344.

  3. 王致远,陈斌,邱佳慧,等.基于流量整形的NR-V2X非周期业务增强型半持续调度机制[J/OL].重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版):1-10[2024-04-13].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/50.1181.n.20240408.1915.004.html.

  4. 段相龙,刘留,周涛,等.基于传播图理论的真空管飞行列车的无线信道建模与容量分析[J/OL].电波科学学报:1-12[2024-04-13].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/41.1185.TN.20231205.1428.001.html.

  5. 苏昭阳,刘留,艾渤,周涛,韩紫杰,段相龙,张嘉驰. 面向低轨卫星的星地信道模型综述[J/OL]. 电子与信息学报:1-19  [2024-01-14].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.4494.TN.20240109.1122.020.html.

  6. 张嘉驰,刘留,王凯等.基于松弛时延的真空管高速飞车uRLLC贪心复用机制[J].铁道学报,2023,45(11):90-97.

  7. Cai, S.; Cai, Y.; Liu, L.; Han, H.; Bao, F. A Service-Driven Routing Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks in Urban Rail Transit. Computers 2023, 12, 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/computers12120252.

  8. Shiyuan Cai, Yuchen Cai, Wei Wang, Liu Liu, Ju Zhang, Zhaoyang Su and Qi Liu. A Link Prediction-Based Routing Maintenance Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks in Urban Rail Transit Scenarios[C]. 2023 8th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2023), 17-19 Nov. 2023,Chengdu, China.

  9. 王致远,张陶冶,郭志斌等.基于分布式反馈的C-V2X碰撞解除与重传机制[J].南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(05):41-50.DOI:10.14132/j.cnki.1673-5439.2023.05.006.

  10. Su Z, Xiao X, Han Z, Liu L. A Clustering Routing Algorithm Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization for an Urban Rail Transit Ad Hoc Network. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(21):11769. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111769

  11. Han, Z.; Liu, L.; Guo, Z.; Su, Z.; Suo, L.; Cai, S.; Han, H. A Dynamic Addressing Hybrid Routing Mechanism Based on Static Configuration in Urban Rail Transit Ad Hoc Network. Electronics 202312, 3571. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12173571

  12. 苏昭阳,刘留,张嘉驰等.面向低轨卫星的星地信道特性研究与仿真[J/OL].无线电通信技术:1-9[2023-10-10].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/13.1099.tn.20230727.1659.004.html.

  13. 苏昭阳,刘留,张嘉驰等.面向智能高铁的低轨卫星通信发展综述[J].天地一体化信息网络,2023,4(03):88-98.

  14. 刘美鹭,刘留,王凯等.真空管高速飞行列车通信业务建模[J].移动通信,2023,47(08):98-106.

  15. 张菊,王致远,林晓伯等.面对5G的车联网仿真平台设计与实现[J].移动通信,2023,47(09):121-128.

  16. Kai Wang, Liu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, Meilu Liu. A Novel Geometry-Based Semi-Deterministic Wideband Channel Model for Hyperloop Communications[C].  IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023 spring), 20-23 June 2023, Florence, Italy.

  17. Kai Wang,  Liu Liu,  Jiachi Zhang,  MeiLu Liu,  Tao Zhou,  Bo Ai, Channel characteristics analysis of millimetre-wave bands in Hyperloop scenarios based on ray-tracing. IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 1– 10 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1049/mia2.12380

  18. Suo, L.; Liu, L.; Su, Z.; Cai, S.; Han, Z.; Han, H.; Bao, F. A Reliable Low-Latency Multipath Routing Algorithm for Urban Rail Transit Ad Hoc Networks. Sensors 2023, 23, 5576. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23125576

  19. Zhang, J.; Wang, X.; Liu, L. A Location and Velocity Prediction-Assisted FANET Networking Scheme for Highly Mobile Scenarios. Electronics 2023, 12, 2731. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12122731

  20. 苏昭阳,刘留,蔡世源,索雷,基于低延时高可靠的城市轨道交通车地自组网关键技术,机车车辆工艺,2023, (01), pp.1-7.

  21. Wang, Kai, Liu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, and Meilu Liu. 2023. "Channel Fading Characteristics of Hyperloop Scenarios Based on Ray-Tracing Model" Symmetry 15, no. 3: 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15030567

  22. Jiachi Zhang; Liu Liu; Zhenhui Tan; Kai Wang; Tao Zhou, A 3-D Semi-Deterministic MIMO Beam Channel Model for Cellular-Assisted Millimeter-Wave Vehicular Communications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 10.1109/TAP.2023.3242114.

  23. 郑胜洁,刘留,胡祖翰,石先明,刘利平,徐余明.基于改进D-S证据理论的城市轨道交通设备预警方法[J].交通工程,2022,22(06):28-35+41. DOI:10.13986/j.cnki.jote.2022.06.005.

  24. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Zhenhui Tan, Kai Wang, Analysis on Millimeter-Wave Channel Dispersion over Nonreciprocal Beam Patterns Based on the Propagation-Graph Model [J]. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, doi.org/10.1142/S0218126623501153.

  25. 郑胜洁,徐余明,胡祖翰,刘留.基于随机森林的城市轨道交通桥梁故障预测模型[J/OL].北京交通大学学报:1-10[2022-11-28].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.5258.U.20221124.1741.016.html

  26. Zhaoyang Su, Liu Liu, Shiyuan Cai, Lei Suo, Feng Bao, "A Clustering Algorithm Based on Node Cost and Service Priority for Urban Rail In-Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network," 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall), London, United Kingdom, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/VTC2022-Fall57202.2022.10012727.

  27. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Jiuhong Ruan, Lu Li, Kai Wang, Rongchen Sun, A Service-Aware Latency Relaxation Strategy of Multiplexing uRLLC Within eMBB Traffics for Hyperloop Communications [J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, DOI: 10.1155/2022/6838376.

  28. Kai Wang, Liu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, Tao Zhou, Channel Characterization for Hyperloops Using the Non-stationary Geometry-based Model [J]. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, doi:10.1142/S0218126623500123.

  29. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Zhenhui Tan, Kai Wang, and Tao Zhou,  "Analysis of Joint Angular Distribution for Nonreciprocal Beams via the Mixture of Gaussian Distribution Based on Ray-Tracing," International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2022, Article ID 3505181, 11 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3505181.

  30. Fan Y, Feng Y, Liu Liu, et al. Measurements and Characterization for the Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Channel in Urban and Highway Scenarios at 5.92 GHz[J]. China Communications,2022,19(04):28-43.

  31. Kai Wang, Kewei Wang, Liu Liu*, Meilu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, Botao Han. Wireless Channel Characterization for the High-Speed Flying Trains in Vacuum Tube Scenario Based on Propagation Graph Modeling Theory[C]. The 13th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory(ISAPE 2021),2021,Zhuhai.

  32. 胡祖翰,石先明,刘利平,徐余明,郑胜洁,刘留,基于群智感知的轨道交通桥梁智能预警系统[J]. 轨道交通装备与技术,2022(4):53-56. DOI:10.13711/j.cnki.cn32-1836/u.2022.04.015.

  33. 郑胜洁,刘留,胡祖翰,石先明,刘利平,徐余明,基于改进D-S证据理论的城市轨道交通设备预警方法[J]. 交通工程,2022,22(6):28-35,41. DOI:10.13986/j.cnki.jote.2022.06.005.

  34. 苏昭阳,刘留,冯毅.基于典型无线场景库的LTE-V2X信道特性[J].中兴通讯技术,2021,27(06):53-57.

  35. Zhaoyang Su, Liu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, Yuanyuan Fan, Kai Wang, Lingfan Zhuang, Zhiyuan Wang, Shengjie Zheng. Analysis of Channel Non-Stationarity for V2V and V2I Communications at 5.9GHz in Urban Scenarios [C]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2022), 2022.

  36. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu*, Zhenhui Tan, Kai Wang. A Semi-Deterministic MIMO-based Beam Channel Model of Ray-Tracing and Propagation-Graph for mmWave Communications [C]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2022), 2022.

  37. 张嘉驰;刘留*;谈振辉;周涛;王凯. 基于3D几何信道模型非对称波束信道特性分析[J]. 北京邮电大学学报,2022.

  38. 苏昭阳,刘留,樊圆圆,庄凌凡,王凯,王致远,郑胜洁,程立志,任婷婷. C-V2X信道特性与建模方法研究[J]. 移动通信, 2021(06): 20-26.

  39. 王凯,刘留,于蒙,韩柏涛,周涛,刘盛尧.超高速列车车地无线通信系统性能分析[J].北京交通大学学报,2021,45(04):117-126.

  40. Botao Han, Liu Liu, Kai Wang, Jiachi Zhang, Tao Zhou, Zhaoyang Su. Performance Analysis of Train-Ground Communication System for Vacuum Tube High-speed Flying Train[C]. 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications, 2021, Chengdu. 

  41. Zhaoyang Su, Liu Liu, Measurements and Characteristics for Vehicle to Everything Channel in Tunnel Scenario at 5.9GHZ[C]. 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications, 2021, Chengdu. 

  42. Meilu Liu, Liu Liu, Lingfan Zhuang, Yuanyuan Fan, Zhaoyang Su, Kai Wang. Implementation and Verification of LTE-V2X Algorithm Based on Software Radio Platform[C]. 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications, 2021, Chengdu.

  43. Liu Liu, Lu Yanping, "Chapter 8: Advanced Technology in Channel Measurement for Massive MIMO Systems of 5G Wireless Communication," inAdvances in Measurements and Instrumentation: Reviews, Vol. 2, International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing, 2021.

  44. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Lu Li, Botao Han, Tao Zhou. Cache-Enabled Pre-Downloading and Post-Uploading Content Delivery Strategies for HSR Communications Using C-RAN [C]. 2021 IEEE 32nd Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2021.

  45. 王凯, 韩柏涛, 张嘉驰, 李铮, 周涛, 艾渤, 刘留*.真空管道超高速磁悬浮列车宽带无线通信关键问题研究[C]. 第九届中国磁悬浮技术学术会议, 2021, 成都.

  46. 裘陈成,刘留,王凯,韩柏涛,李铮,艾渤.真空管道高速飞行列车业务复用研究[J].北京交通大学学报,2021,45(02):95-104.

  47. 卢艳萍,刘留,付丽琴,邱佳慧,刘凯.大规模MIMO信道测量与建模综述[J].电信科学,2021,37(04):14-27.

  48. 樊圆圆,刘留,张嘉驰,李慧婷,周涛,唐盼.基于神经网络的无线信道场景识别[J].电波科学学报,2021,36(02):208-215.

  49. 刘留,张建华,樊圆圆,于力,张嘉驰.机器学习在信道建模中的应用综述[J].通信学报,2021,42(02):134-153.

  50. Liu, Qi; Liang, Peng; Xia, Junjie; Wang, Ti; Song, Meng; Xu, Xingrong; Zhang, Jiachi; Fan, Yuanyuan; Liu, Liu. 2021. "A Highly Accurate Positioning Solution for C-V2X Systems" Sensors 21, no. 4: 1175. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21041175

  51. Zhang, JLiu, LWang, KFan, YQiu, J. Measurements and statistical analyses of electromagnetic noise for industrial wireless communicationsInt J Intell Syst20201‐ 27https://doi.org/10.1002/int.22343

  52. 董朔朔,刘留,樊圆圆,庄凌凡,唐盼,邱佳慧,林晓伯,周志超.车联网信道特性综述[J/OL].电波科学学报:1-20[2020-12-16]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 41.1185.TN.20201215.1702.001.html.

  53. Yuanyuan Fan , Liu Liu , Shuoshuo Dong, Lingfan Zhuang, Jiahui Qiu , Chao Cai, and Meng Song,  "Network Performance Test and Analysis of LTE-V2X in Industrial Park Scenario", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article ID 8849610,https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8849610.

  54. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Kai Wang, Zheyan Piao, Dong Wang. Analysis of the Effective Scatters for Hyperloop Wireless Communications Using the Geometry-Based Model, The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security (ML4CS), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2020. 

  55. Lingfan Zhuang, Liu Liu, Shuoshuo Dong, Yuanyuan Fan, Jiachi Zhang. Research on High Reliable Wireless Channel Data Cleaning Method, The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security (ML4CS), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2020.

  56. Huiting Li, Liu Liu, Jiachi Zhang, Kai Wang, Yiqian Li, Tao Zhou, Jiahui Qiu. Channel Parameters Extraction Based on Back Propagation Neural Network, The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security (ML4CS), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2020.

  57. 裘陈成,刘留,张嘉驰,李铮,韩柏涛,周涛.基于漏波电磁透镜的高速飞行列车无线接入研究[J].电波科学学报,2020,35(05):776-784.

  58. 庄凌凡,刘留,张嘉驰,邱佳慧.基于5G蜂窝网络的城市列车高精度定位探讨[J].导航定位学报,2020,8(05):1-10.

  59. Zhang Jiachi, Liu Liu, Han Botao, Li Zheng, Zhou Tao, Wang Kai, Wang Dong, and Ai Bo. Concepts on Train-to-Ground Wireless Communication System for Hyperloop: Channel, Network Architecture, and Resource Management. Energies 2020, 13, 4309.

  60. 张嘉驰,刘留,韩柏涛,王栋,唐盼.高铁场景下基于缓存的无线云接入预下载机制研究[J].电子学报,2020,48(09):1748-1754.

  61. 邱佳慧,周志超,林晓伯,肖羽,蔡超,刘留.基于MEC的车联网技术研究及应用[J/OL].电信科学:1-17[2020-06-14].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2103.TN.20200604.1644.037.html.

  62. 刘留,胡健,李艳凤,薛健,陈后金.利用DFT在分析信号调制时频率泄漏的讨论[J].教育教学论坛,2020(21):116-117.

  63. 刘留,李慧婷,张嘉驰,李一倩,周涛.基于神经网络的时变无线信道仿真[J].北京交通大学学报,2020,44(02):74-82.

  64. 刘留,周涛,陶成.案例教学在无线通信专业的适用性研究——以无线电波传播特性教学为例[J].教育现代化,2020,7(09):115-117.

  65. Han, B., Zhang, J., Liu, L., & Tao, C. ( 2020). Position‐Based Wireless Channel Characterization for the High‐Speed Vactrains in Vacuum Tube Scenarios Using Propagation‐Graph Modeling Theory. Radio Science, 55, e2020RS007067. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020RS007067

  66. J. Zhang, L. Liu, Y. Fan, L. Zhuang, T. Zhou and Z. Piao, "Wireless Channel Propagation Scenarios Identification: A Perspective of Machine Learning," in IEEE Access.doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979220

  67. Qiu C, Liu L, Han B, Zhang J, Li Z, Zhou T. Broadband Wireless Communication Systems for Vacuum Tube High-Speed Flying Train. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(4):1379.

  68. 李一倩,刘留,李慧婷,张琨,袁泽.工业物联网无线信道特性研究[J].物联网学报,2019,3(04):34-47.

  69. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Kai Wang, Zheyan Piao, Tao Zhou, A Cache-Based Pre-Downloading Scheme for HSR Communication Using C-RAN, The 8th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN2019), Beijing, China, Nov., 2019.

  70. Guichao Chen, Kai Liu, Cheng Tao, Liu Liu, Tao Zhou, Jiachi Zhang, Kai Wang. Performance Analysis of Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO System with Low-Precision ADCs, IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC2019), Chengdu, China, Dec. 2019.

  71. Kai Wang, Liu Liu, Botao Han, Jiachi Zhang, Cheng TaoZheng Li. High-Speed Railway Communication Based On Dynamic Mapping of BBU-RRH Using Cloud Radio Access Network, IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC2019), Chengdu, China, Dec. 2019.

  72. 张嘉驰,刘留,周涛,王凯,朴哲岩.基于机器学习的无线信道簇的提取与轨迹追踪[J/OL].北京邮电大学学报:1-7[2019-09-6].https://doi.org/10.13190/j.jbupt.2018-298.
  73. Han Botao, Liu Liu, Zhang Jiachi, Tao Cheng, Qiu Chencheng, Zhou Tao, Li Zheng, Piao Zheyan, Research on Resource Migration Based on Novel RRH-BBU Mapping in Cloud Radio Access Network for HSR Scenarios, IEEE Access, Aug., 2019.
  74. Huiting Li, Liu Liu, Yiqian Li, Ze Yuan and Kun Zhang, Measurement and Characterization of Electromagnetic Noise in Edge Computing Networks for the Industrial Internet of Things, Sensors 2019, 19(14), 3104; https://doi.org/10.3390/s19143104 (registering DOI) - 13 July 2019. 
  75. 韩柏涛,刘留,裘陈成,李铮,陶成,真空管道高速飞行列车综合承载业务需求分析,铁道学报, 2019,41(7):1-11.
  76. 刘留,裘陈成,李铮,韩柏涛,刘叶,周涛.真空管道高速飞行列车车地宽带无线通信关键技术的思考.铁道学报,2019,41(01):65-73.
  77. 刘留,裘陈成,李铮,刘叶,周涛,真空管道高速飞行列车车地无线通信技术,北京交通大学学报(智慧交通专辑),Vol.43, No.1, 2019, pp. 146-156.
  78. 袁泽,刘留,张琨,工业场景电磁噪声测量及建模分析,北京邮电大学学报,2019(01):1-7.
  79. Yuan Ze, Liu Liu, Cheng Tao, Kun Zhang, Jianhua Zhang, Measurement Based Characterization of Electromagnetic Noise for Industrial Internet of Things at Typical Frequency Bands, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), 15-19 April 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
  80. Kun Zhang, Liu Liu, Cheng Tao, Ze Yuan, Jianhua Zhang, Channel Measurement and Characterization for Industrial Internet of Things, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019), 15-19 April 2019, Marrakech, Morocco.
  81. Kun Zhang, Liu Liu, Cheng Tao, Ze Yuan, Tao Zhou, Chencheng Qiu, Doppler Frequency Trajectories of the Mechanical Robot Arm and Automated Guided Vehicle in Industrial Scenarios, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2019 spring), 28 April – 1 May 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  82. Chencheng Qiu, Liu Liu, Ye Liu, Zheng Li, Jiachi Zhang, Tao Zhou, Key Technologies of Broadband Wireless Communication for Vacuum Tube High-speed Flying Train, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2019 spring), 28 April – 1 May 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  83. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Tao Zhou, Chencheng Qiu, Kai Wang, Zheyan Piao, Neural Network Based Denoising in the Wireless Channel Characterization, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2019 spring), 28 April – 1 May 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  84. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留.Measurements and Analysis of Short-Term Fading Behavior in High-Speed Railway Communication Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2019,1(68)
  85. 张琨,陶成,刘留,袁泽,张建华.工业物联网中的频谱占用及噪声特性分析.宁波大学学报(理工版),2019,1(32)
  86. Jiachi Zhang, Liu Liu, Zheng Li, Tao Zhou, Chencheng Qiu, Botao Han, Zheyan Piao, Dong Wang , Two Novel Structures of Broadband Wireless Communication for High-speed Flying Train in Vacuum Tube," 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Beijing, China, 2019, pp. 1-5.
  87. Yanping Lu, Cheng Tao, Liu Liu, Tao Zhou, Zhongliang Wei, Qichang Li, Capacity of Massive MIMO System Based on Indoor Measurement, The 12th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2018, Dec., Hangzhou, China.
  88. Qichang Li, Liu Liu, Cheng Ta, Cheng Tao, Yanping Lu, Tao Zhou, Zhongliang Wei, Performance Analysis of a Massive MIMO System in Indoor Scenario, The 12th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2018, Dec., Hangzhou, China.
  89. Kai Liu, Cheng Tao, Liu Liu, Yanping Lu ,Tao Zhou, Jiahui Qiu, Analysis of Downlink Channel Estimation Based on Parametric Model in Massive MIMO Systems, The 12th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2018, Dec., Hangzhou, China.
  90. Bang Wei, Zheng Li, Liu Liu, Junhong Wang, Field Distribution Characteristics of Leaky-Wave System in the Vacuum Tube for High-Speed Rail, The 12th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2018, Dec., Hangzhou, China.
  91. 刘凯,陶成,刘留,周涛,刘寅生.Asymptotic Analysis for Low-Resolution Massive MIMO Systems with MMSE Receiver.China Communications,2018,9(15)
  92. 张克,刘留,袁泽,张琨,张建华,刘志军.工业物联网无线信道与噪声特性.电信科学,2018,8(34)
  93. 周涛,陶成,刘留,刘凯.Investigation of Cross-Correlation Characteristics for Multi-Link Channels in High-Speed Railway Scenarios.China Communications,2018,8(15)
  94. 袁泽,刘留,张琨,张建华,刘志军.工业物联网电磁噪声测量与分析.电子测量与仪器学报,2018,7(32)
  95. 张琨,刘留,陶成,张克,袁泽,张建华.Wireless Channel Measurement and Modeling in Industrial Environments.Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal,2018,4(3)
  96. 周涛,陶成,刘留,文辉,张楠.Analysis of time-frequency-space dispersion and nonstationarity in narrow-strip-shaped networks.2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC),2018
  97. 吴钰浩,陶成,刘留,雷勇,刘妍.基于TDM的大规模多天线信道测量系统的射频切换模块设计.电子测量与仪器学报,2018,3(32)
  98. 刘留,刘妍,雷勇,吴钰浩.采用传播图论建模方法的Massive MIMO室内场景传播特性.北京交通大学学报,2018,2(42)
  99. 刘留,张克,陶成,张琨,袁泽,张建华.Channel Measurements and Characterizations for Automobile Factory Environments.2018 20th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT),2018
  100. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留.Measurements and analysis of angular characteristics and spatial correlation for high-speed railway channels.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2018,2(19)
  101. 卢艳萍,陶成,刘留,刘凯,李泳志,艾渤.基于测量的大规模多天线无线信道时间色散特性分析.北京交通大学学报,2017,2(41)
  102. 雷勇,刘留,陶成,吴钰浩,刘妍,周涛.基于测量的6GHz频段大规模多天线信道容量的研究.电波科学学报,2017,5(32)
  103. 孙溶辰,宋坤,陶成,刘留,谈振辉,汤斌.隧道环境下无线信道特性分析.铁道学报,2017,39(2)
  104. 孙溶辰,Matolak,陶成,刘留,谈振辉,周涛.Investigation of MIMO Channel Characteristics in a Two-Section Tunnel at 1.4725 GHz.International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2017,7(10)
  105. 周涛,陶成,刘留,文辉,张楠.Virtual SIMO measurement-based angular characterization in high-speed railway scenarios.IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring),2017
  106. 刘留,陶成,孙溶辰,陈后金.A modified Doppler frequency trajectory undergoing varying velocities in HSR communications.China Communications,2016,13(1)
  107. 刘留,Matolak,陶成,李泳志,艾渤,陈后金.Channel Capacity Investigation of a Linear Massive MIMO System using Spherical Wave Model in LOS Scenarios.Science China Information Sciences,2016,2(59)
  108. 刘留,陶成,孙溶辰,陈后金,林子怀.Non-stationary channel characterization for high-speed railway under viaduct scenarios.Chinese Science Bulletin,2014,35(59)
  109. 刘留,李泳志,陶成,陈后金.基于阵列域大尺度衰落模型的1-bit大规模MIMO系统性能的分析.电子与信息学报,2017,6(39)
  110. 李泳志,陶成,Granados,Mezghani,Swindlehurst,刘留.Channel Estimation and Performance Analysis of One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,2017,15(65)
  111. 刘凯,陶成,刘留,刘寅生,李泳志,卢艳萍.Analytical Approximation for Capacity in Massive MIMO Systems.Wireless Personal Communications,2017,xx(xx)
  112. 刘凯,陶成,刘留,李泳志.Performance Analysis in Cooperative Massive MIMO System With RZF Precoding.2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC),2016
  113. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,张令文.Energy-Efficiency-Aware Relay Selection in Distributed Full Duplex Relay Network with Massive MIMO.Science China Information Sciences,2017,2(60)
  114. 李泳志,陶成,Swindlehurst,Mezghani,刘留.Downlink Achievable Rate Analysis in Massive MIMO Systems With One-Bit DACs.IEEE Communications Letters,2017,7(21)
  115. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,Granados,Swindlehurst.Channel estimation and uplink achievable rates in one-bit massive MIMO systems.2016 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM),2016
  116. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,Mezghani,Swindlehurst.How Much Training Is Needed in One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems at Low SNR?.2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),2016
  117. 李其昌,刘留,陶成,卢艳萍,肖湘.无线信道测量设备系统响应消除问题研究.仪器仪表学报,2016,8(37)
  118. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留.Spatial Characterization for High-Speed Railway Channels Based on Moving Virtual Array Measurement Scheme.IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2017,1(16)
  119. 刘留,MATOLAK,陶成,李泳志.Analysis of an Upper Bound on the Effects of Large Scale Attenuation on Uplink Transmission Performance for Massive MIMO Systems.IEEE Access,2017,2017(5)
  120. 刘留,周涛,陶成,陈后金.高速铁路场景大尺度传播模型与时频色散特性研究.铁道学报,2017,4(39)
  121. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留,谈振辉.LTE-Based Channel Measurements for High-Speed Railway Scenarios.IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference ,2015
  122. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,张令文.Optimal Resource Allocation for Massive MIMO over Spatially Correlated Fading Channels.IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Spring),2016
  123. 张嘉驰,陶成,刘留,孙溶辰.A Study on Channel Modeling in Tunnel Scenario Based on Propagation-graph Theory.IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Spring),2016
  124. 刘留,Matolak,陶成,李泳志,陈后金.Sum-Rate Capacity Investigation of Multiuser Massive MIMO Uplink Systems in Semi-correlated Channels.2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring),2016
  125. 刘留,迟盛,刘凯,陶成.大规模MIMO系统中的双向搜索天线选择算法.北京交通大学学报,2016,5(40)
  126. 陶成,李亚鹏,刘留,李泳志.莱斯信道下大规模MIMO系统上行资源分配研究.北京交通大学学报,2016,5(40)
  127. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留,谈振辉.Channel characterization in high-speed railway station environments at 1.89GHz.Radio Science,2015,50(11)
  128. 周涛,陶成,Salous,谈振辉,刘留,Salous,田力.Graph-based stochastic model for high-speed railway cutting scenarios.IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation,2015,9(15)
  129. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留,谈振辉.Implementation of an LTE-Based Channel Measurement Method for High-Speed Railway Scenarios.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2016,65(1)
  130. 刘留,陶成,Matolak,周涛,陈后金.Investigation of Shadowing Effects in Typical Propagation Scenarios for High-Speed Railway at 2350 MHz.International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2016, 2016 ( 2016 )
  131. 陶成,由明昕,谈振辉,刘留,蓝燕锐,孙栋.基于射线跟踪法的隧道无线信道特性.北京交通大学学报,2016,40(2)
  132. 肖晶成,陶成,刘留,卢艳萍,李文娟,刘鹏宇.虚拟Massive MIMO 信道测量系统的研制.电子测量与仪器学报,2016,30(1)
  133. 刘留,Matolak,陶成,卢艳萍,艾渤,陈后金.Geometry Based Large Scale Attenuation over Linear Massive MIMO Systems.2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),2016
  134. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,张令文.Distributed Massive MIMO Full Duplex Relay Network over Rician Fading Channels.2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC),2015
  135. 朱芮,陶成,欧阳刚,刘留,周涛.一种多载波激励信号下信道多径参数估计方法.铁道学报,2015,37(7)
  136. 李泳志,陶成,刘留,卢艳萍,刘凯.莱斯信道下分布式大规模MIMO系统基站选择算法的研究.电子与信息学报,2016,38(4)
  137. 李文娟,刘留,陶成,肖晶成,卢艳萍,刘鹏宇.Channel measurements and Angle for Massive MIMO Systems in stadium Scenario.17th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (2015 ICACT),2015
  138. 卢艳萍,陶成,刘留,李文娟,肖晶成,刘鹏宇.Frequency Correlation Investigation of Massive MIMO Channels in stadium scenario at 4.45 GHz.17th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (2015 ICACT),2015
  139. 刘留,Matolak,陶成,卢艳萍,陈后金.Far Region Boundary Definition of Linear Massive MIMO Antenna Arrays.2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference,2015
  140. 刘留,Matolak,陶成,卢艳萍,陈后金.Stationarity Investigation of a LOS Massive MIMO Channel in Stadium Scenarios.2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference,2015
  141. 刘留,陶成,卢艳萍,艾渤.大规模多天线无线信道及容量特性研究.北京交通大学学报,2015,39(2)
  142. 周涛,陶成,Salous,刘留,谈振辉.Channel Sounding for High-Speed Railway Communication Systems. IEEE Communications Magazine,2015,10(53)
  143. 刘鹏宇,刘留,陶成,孙溶辰.THE STUDY OF C-RAN APPLICATION ON BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS FOR HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY.10th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2014),2014
  144. 孙溶辰,陶成,刘留,谈振辉,张令文,周涛.Nonisotropic scattering characteristic in an Alternant Tree-blocked Viaduct Scenario on High Speed Railway at 2.35GHz.International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2014,()
  145. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.Ricean K-Factor Measurements and Analysis for Wideband Radio Channels in High-Speed Railway U-shape Cutting Scenarios.Vehicular Technology Conference,2014
  146. 刘留,陶成,孙溶辰,陈后金,林子怀.Markov Chain Based Channel Characterization for High Speed Railway in Viaduct Scenarios.The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2014),2014
  147. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.A Semi-Empirical MIMO Channel Model for High-Speed Railway Viaduct Scenarios. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),2014
  148. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.Ricean K-Factor Measurements and Analysis for Wideband High-Speed Railway Channels at 2.35 GHz.RADIOENGINEERING,2014,2(23)
  149. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.A Semiempirical MIMO Channel Model in Obstructed Viaduct Scenarios on High-Speed Railway.International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2014,(Volume 2014)
  150. 刘留,陶成,陈后金,周涛,孙溶辰,邱佳慧.高速铁路无线传播信道测量与建模综述.通信学报,2014,1(35)
  151. 邱佳慧,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.U型槽无线信道多径传播特性测量与建模方法的研究.铁道学报,2014,1(36)
  152. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.A Study on a LTE-Based Channel Sounding Scheme for High-Speed Railway Scenarios.Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2013 IEEE 78th ,2013
  153. 孙溶辰,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.Channel Measurement and Characterization for HSR U-Shape Groove Scenarios at 2.35 GHz.2013 IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall),2013
  154. 孙溶辰,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.基于WINNER模型的高铁环境下极化分集与空间分集性能研究.北京交通大学学报,2013,2(37)
  155. 周涛,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.基于测量的高铁宽带无线信道莱斯K因子研究.铁道学报,2013,9(35)
  156. 张令文,刘留,章嘉懿.复合κ-μ/Gamma衰落信道下的平均信道容量.china communictions,2013,10(6)
  157. 张令文,刘留.Average channel capacity of composite κ-μ/Gamma fading channels.china communications,2013,10(6)
  158. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,周涛,孙溶辰,陈后金.The Dynamic Evolution of Multipath Components in High-Speed Railway in Viaduct Scenarios: From The Birth-Death Process Point of View.IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2012),2012
  159. 刘留,陶成,周涛,赵友平,尹学峰,陈后金.A Highly Efficient Channel Sounding Method Based on Cellular Communications for High-Speed Railway Scenarios.EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (EURASIP JWCN,2012,1687-1499(12)
  160. 邱佳慧,陶成,刘留,谈振辉.Broadband Channel Measurement for the High-Speed Railway Based on WCDMA.2012 IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring),2012
  161. 董超,李晓光,刘留,陶成.LTE中一种基于高速铁路场景的信道估计方法.电信科学,2011,11(27)
  162. 张令文,刘留,陶成,和雨佳.全球车载通信DSRC标准发展及应用.公路交通科技,2012,1(28)
  163. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,陈后金.高速铁路平原场景无线信道小尺度衰落特征的研究.铁道学报,2012,5(34)
  164. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,陈后金.Performance Analysis of Different Excitation Signals for Sounding Time-Varying Channels.IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS ,2012,6(E95-B)
  165. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,戚小玉.A Novel Comb-Pilot Transform Domain Frequency Diversity Channel Estimation for OFDM System.Radioengineering,2012,4(18)
  166. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,陈后金.An Performance Study for Sectorised Antenna based Doppler Diversity in High-Speed Railway Communication.Radioengineering,2012,4(20)
  167. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,陈后金,余立,董伟辉,袁尧.Position-Based Modeling for Wireless Channel on High-Speed Railway under a Viaduct at 2.35 GHz.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,2012,4(30)
  168. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧.刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,高速铁路宽带无线信道测量方法研究.铁道学报,2011,5(33)
  169. 刘留,陶成.高速铁路无线信道测量与信道模型探讨.电信科学,2011,5(27)
  170. 陶成,刘留,邱佳慧,张华晶,李承恕.Performance Analysis of Doppler Diversity Based on Sectorised Antenna in High-Speed Railway Communication.2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference,2010
  171. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧.双选择衰落信道下OFDM系统基于梳状导频的变换域频率分集式信道估计.铁道学报,2010,2(32)
  172. 陶成,刘留,邱佳慧,谈振辉.高速铁路宽带无线接入系统架构与关键技术.电信科学,2010,6(26)



[1]. 周涛,陶成,刘留,张楠,文辉,一种高速铁路场景下多链路信道探测系统与方法,专利号:CN201610810583,申请日:2016.09.08
[2]. 刘留,肖湘,陶成,卢艳萍,李其昌,张令文,艾渤,非整数倍多径时延的估计方法,发明专利,专利号:CN201610439972,申请日:2016.06.17
[3]. 刘留,李文娟,陶成,卢艳萍,肖晶成,刘鹏宇,张令文,艾渤,多天线系统的大尺度衰落模型的构建方法和装置,专利号:CN201510947348.6,申请日:2015.12.17.
[4]. 张令文,张鹏,刘留,杨文考,基于采集数据的无线信道传播模型的建立方法和系统,专利号:CN201510041414,申请日 : 2015.01.27
[5]. 刘留,陶成,朱芮,欧阳刚,卢艳萍,刘鹏宇,艾渤,虚拟连续存储方式的多天线信道测量数据采集方法和装置,发明专利,专利号:CN201410381710,申请日:2014.08.05.
[6]. 欧阳刚 ,陶成 ,刘留 ,朱芮 ,一种OFDM系统下无线信道多径参数估计的方法,申请号 : CN201410276031,申请日:2014.06.19.
[7]. 欧阳刚,陶成,刘留,朱芮,一种OFDM系统下定时误差估计的方法,申请号 : CN201410276231,申请日:2014.06.19.
[8]. 邱佳慧,林子怀,陶成,谈振辉,刘留 ,刘扬,一种高铁车载基站通信架构下的资源分配方法,申请号 : CN201410056627,申请日 : 2014.02.19.
[9]. 邱佳慧,林子怀,陶成,谈振辉,刘留,刘扬,一种高铁通信架构下的功率分配方法,申请号 : CN201410056605,申请日 : 2014.02.19.
[10]. 刘留 ;陶成 ;邱佳慧 ;周涛 ;孙溶辰,一种基于平稳随机过程的信道相关阴影衰落构建的方法,发明专利,专利号:CN201310397532,申请日:2013.09.04
[11]. 邱佳慧,陶成,刘留,一种高铁高架桥场景下基于测量数据的理论建模方法,发明专利,专利号:CN201310326865,申请日 : 2013.07.31
[12]. 邱佳慧,陶成,刘留,谈振辉,高铁高架桥场景下基于簇延迟线的分区混合信道建模方法,发明专利,专利号:CN201310325899 ,申请日 : 2013.07.30
[13]. 周涛,陶成,刘留,一种高速铁路高架桥场景下时变K因子模型构建方法,发明专利,专利号:CN201310181049,申请日 : 2013.05.16
[14]. 刘留,陶成,李坚,董岩磊,一种基站天线倾角测量方法及数据处理方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0304016.2,申请日:2012.8.23.
[15]. 刘留,陶成,李坚,董岩磊,新型铁路GSM-R 无线通信基站天线倾角组网测量系统,发明专利,申请号:ZL 2012 1 0303998.3,申请日:2012.8.23.
[16]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,周涛,孙溶辰,一种马尔科夫链的高铁平原无线信道模型构建方法和装置,发明专利,专利号:CN201210196004,申请日:2012.06.13
[17]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,一种高速铁路复合小尺度无线信道模型构建的方法和装置,发明专利,专利号:CN201110160719,申请日:2011.06.15
[18]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,一种高速铁路平原小尺度无线信道模型构建的方法和装置,发明专利,申请号:ZL 2011 1 0160719.8,申请日:2011.6.15.
[19]. 刘留,邱家慧,王海波,张学林,江海,秦洪峰,李萍,魏继东,一种多符号子载波干扰消除联合信道估计方法和装置,发明专利,专利号:CN201110121031,申请日 : 2011.05.11.
[20]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,一种用于信道探测的高速数据采集设备,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL 2010 2 0545838.6,申请日:2010.9.28.
[21]. 邱佳慧,陶成,刘留,一种基于3G蜂窝网的高铁信道探测方法,专利号:CN 201010279898.2,申请日:2010.09.14.
[22]. 袁伟,陶成,刘留,邱佳慧,张令文,张秀宁,孙溶辰,LTE在高速移动条件下初始小区搜索方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL 2012 1 0217080.8,申请日 : 2010.07.02.
[23]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,一种新型OFDM信道估计联合ICI自消除方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL 2010 1 0034346.5,申请日:2010.01.18.
[24]. 刘留,陶成,邱佳慧,一种OFDM系统基于梳状导频的分集式信道估计方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL 2009 1 0082201.X,申请日:2009.04.20.


[1]. 张嘉驰,刘留,谈振辉,王凯,周涛,一种基于角度联合概率的非对称波束信道多径演化方法,发明专利,申请号:202210138801.9,申请日期:2022.02.15

[2]. 刘留,张嘉驰,李铮,裘陈成,刘叶,周涛,基于C-RAN架构的真空管高速飞行列车车地通信方法,发明专利,专利号:201910122105.7,申请日:2019.2.19
[3]. 刘留,张嘉驰,李铮,裘陈成,刘叶,周涛,一种真空管道飞行列车通信系统(同名专利1,专利号不同),发明专利,申请号:201910031296.6,申请日:2019年1月14日.
[4]. 刘留,张嘉驰,李铮,裘陈成,刘叶,周涛,一种真空管道飞行列车通信系统(同名专利2,专利号不同),发明专利,申请号:201910031051.3,申请日:2019年1月14日.
[5]. 周涛,陶成,刘留,杨之峰,王英捷,高铁通信网络中无线信道多径分簇方法和装置,发明专利,申请号:201910015950.4,申请日:2019年1月8日.
[6]. 周涛,陶成,刘留,杨之峰,王英捷,一种高速铁路无线信道场景的分类方法及识别方法,发明专利,申请号:201811452875.X,申请日:2018年11月30日.
[7]. 周涛,陶成,刘留,杨之峰,王英捷,高速铁路无线信道数据库构建及数据预处理方法,发明专利,申请号:201811287153.3,申请日:2018年10月31日.
[8]. 刘留,刘叶,李铮,裘陈成,周涛,电磁介质直接覆盖漏波系统的真空管飞行列车通信系统,发明专利,申请号:201810994250.X,2018年8月29日.
[9]. 刘留,霍洁,徐明威,庞凯怡,杨浩东,肖逸然,马腾,基于智能手机的无线网络测试方法和系统,发明专利,专利申请号: CN201710769422,2017.08.31.
[10]. 周涛, 陶成, 刘留, 张楠, 文辉. 一种多链路多天线信道联合统计特性建模方法, 申请号:201710355425.8, 申请日: 2017.5.
[11]. 李泳志 ; 陶成 ; 刘留 ; 周涛 ; 卢艳萍 ; 刘凯 ;一种单比特量化MIMO系统信道估计方法及系统,CN201710110569,申请日 : 2017.02.28
[12]. 周涛, 陶成, 刘留. 一种基于移动虚拟阵列的全/半串行多天线信道测量方法, 申请号:CN201710031145, 申请日 : 2017.01.17.
[13]. 刘留,陶成,李坚,董岩磊,一种移动通信基站天线倾角测量装置,发明专利,申请号:CN201210303521,申请日 : 2012.08.23


[1]. 韩紫杰,刘留,苏昭阳,王凯,张嘉驰,樊圆圆,蔡超,高铁场景下低轨卫星星地链路传播损耗分析仿真系统,版本号V1.0,申请日期:2023.6.7,登记号:2023R11L0999601.

[2].  刘鹏宇,刘留,陶成,卢艳萍,肖晶成,李文娟,艾渤,Massive MIMO信道测量自动化控制软件,登记号:2015SRBJ0101,首次发表时间:2014年11月,登记时间:2015年3月.

[3]. 刘留,刘鹏宇,陶成,卢艳萍,肖晶成,李文娟,张令文,艾渤,时变信道测量控制软件V1.0,登记号:2015SRBJ0563,首次发表时间:2015年6月,登记时间:2015年8月.
[4]. 肖湘,陶成,刘留,卢艳萍,李其昌,张令文,艾渤,时变信道测量控制软件V2.0,登记号:2016SRBJ0925,申请日期:2016年7月.
[5]. 陶成,吴钰浩,刘留,雷勇,刘妍,射频切换软件V1.0,登记号:2017SRBJ1135, 申请日期:2017年6月.

[6].霍洁,杨浩东,肖逸然,刘留,基于智能手机的无线网络测试系统终端App软件[简称:信号检测系统] V1.0,登记号:2018SRBJ0758, 申请日期:2018年3月.

[7].  张嘉驰,刘留,王凯,李铮,周涛,基于传播图理论的真空管高速飞行列车车地宽带无线信道仿真软件,版本号V1.0,授权日期:2021.10.13,登记号:2021SR1499337

[8]. 张嘉驰,刘留,王凯,李铮,周涛,基于传播图理论的低真空高速磁浮飞车管壁散射区域分析软件,版本号V1.0,提交日期:2021.08.28,授权日期:2022.2.11,登记号:2022SRBJ0027

[9]. 庄凌凡,刘留,王致远,基于通用软件无线电的LTE-V2X扫频软件,版本号V1.0,授权日期:2021.8.27,登记号:2021SRBJ0701




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