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1. 2024-03-19 网侧变流器谐振抑制自适应控制技术研究,国铁集团科技项目
2. 2024-03-07 新能源接入铁路关键技术研究,中铁电气工业有限公司
3. 2023-11-27 基于超级电容器的变电站直流应急电源技术研究与应用,国网冀北唐山供电公司
4. 2023-09-28 基于动态稳定性评估指标的构网型混合储能的自适应控制及优化配置研究,中国电科院
5. 2022-03-14 川藏铁路工程全生命周期资源环境成本及绿色效益研究,国家重点研发计划课题2
6. 2020-12-08 长大隧道中牵引网电气参数及其对供电性能影响研究,铁路总公司
7. 2020-09-03 CRH5、CRH380B系列动车组全寿命周期可靠性评估项目动车组牵引辅助设备服役安全规律研究,中车长春轨道客车
8. 2020-07-13 分布式储能优化配置调度策略及控制器研究,国网冀北唐山供电公司
9. 2020-06-18 宁启一期自然灾害监测系统SPD因工频感应电压过高而频繁烧毁事故原因分析,中铁上海设计院
10. 2020-01-15 京沪高铁谐波综合治理现场测试与分析,中铁电气化勘测设计研究院
11. 2019-10-30 多模智能感知终端自主协同技术,国家重点研发计划-任务
12. 2018-10-15 国网冀北唐山供电公司18年配电网新型故障定位及测距装置的研制,国网冀北唐山供电公司
13. 2018-03-13 超高速真空管道航行器供电系统研究,航天三院
14. 2017-10-16 基于压缩感知的智能配电网单相接地保护装置研究,基本科研业务费
15. 2017-08-23 基于激光雷达的无人机电力巡线系统,北京博电新力电气
16.2017-06-05 电气化铁路不停电过分相系统研究, 基本科研业务费
17. 2016-12-06 动车组电气主回路性能优化研究,中车青岛四方
18. 2015-12-02 牵引供电系统安全运用技术研究—牵引网阻抗频率特性测试技术研究,铁路总公司(原铁道部)
19. 2015-01-01 热波雷达红外成像新技术的研究与应用,国家自然科学基金"青年基金"
[1] 李腾,侯凤娟,马永刚,等.基于储能型MMC-RPC的弱牵引网电压越限抑制方案[J].电气化铁道,2025,36(01):9-16.
[2] Li,T.;Liang,Z.Voltage Support Capability in Weak-Bus System of Energy Storage Type Intelligent Soft Open Point. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology(2025).(已收录)
[4] 李 腾,马永刚,侯凤娟,梁泽镕. 基于储能型铁路功率调节器的弱牵引网电压越限抑制措施研究. 电气工程学报, 2024, 19(03):115-127.
[5] 黄国胜,刘 彻,张 硕,伏松平,吴命利,李 腾. 直流融冰装置对轨道电路和牵引网补偿装置的影响. 电气化铁道,2024.(已录用)
[6] 勾永直,李 腾,陈海锋,吴命利,司靖怡. 高速铁路10 kV变配电所馈线保护方式优化研究[J]. 电气化铁道,2024,35(1):45-50.
[7] Li, T., Liang, Z., Ma, Y., & Hou, F. (2025). Research on Optimal Scheme for Voltage Over-limit Suppression in Weak Network. In L. Jia, Y. Li, X. Xu, Y. Zang, L. Zhang, & C. Rong (Eds.), The Proceedings of 2024 International Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Networked Energy Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1318. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-2046-3_43
[8] Yan, T., Li, T., & Liang, Z. Research on the Weak Grid Voltage Support Effect of Energy Storage Type Intelligent Soft Open Point. In Q. Yang, Z. Bie, & X. Yang (Eds.), The Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1313. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-96-1395-3_33
[9] Liu J , Li T. Multi-step power forecasting for regional photovoltaic plants based on ITDE-GAT model[J]. Energy, 2024, vol.293, issue C.
[10] Lu, S.; Li, T.; Yan, X.; Yang, S. Evaluation of Photovoltaic Consumption Potential of Residential Temperature-Control Load Based on ANP-Fuzzy and Research on Optimal Incentive Strategy. Energies 2022, 15, 8640.
[11] Li, T.; Shi, Y. Application of MMC-RPC in High-Speed Railway Traction Power Supply System Based on Energy Storage. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 10009.
[12] Li, T.; Shi, Y. Power Quality Management Strategy for High-Speed Railway Traction Power Supply System Based on MMC-RPC. Energies 2022, 15, 5205.
[13] Li, T.; Hao, T. Damage Detection of Insulators in Catenary Based on Deep Learning and Zernike Moment Algorithms. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5004.
[14] 刘勇,李腾,赵丹阳,等.混合储能系统的能量管理及VDCM-MPC联合控制[J].供用电,2022,39(9):68- 75,82.
[15] 李 腾,汪熠辉,刘 勇,穆 勇,王长谊.积分点火电路在GIS局部放电采集与重构中的应用[J].高压电器,2022,12.
[16] 李腾, 李立峰, 马春莲,等. 重载铁路牵引回流对过分相感应装置的影响研究[J]. 电气化铁道, 2022(004):033.
[17] Teng Li, Yongjun Zhou, Mingli Wu, Tingting He. A new low-frequency oscillation suppression method based on EMU on-board energy storage device. IEEE Access, 2021 vol. 9, 22304-22316.
[18] Tingting He, Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu, Mingli Wu, Qinyao Yang, Teng Li, and Qiujiang Liu. Four-Quadrant operation of bidirection chargers for electric vehicles in smart car parks: G2V, V2G, and V4G. Energies, 2021, 14, 181.
[19] Li T , Jiao Z , Wang L , et al. A Method of DC Arc Detection in All-Electric Aircraft[J]. Energies, 2020, 13(16):4190.
[20] T. Li, YJ. Z, ML. Wu, XJ. You. A New Method for Fault Location of Metro Traction Network Based on Transient Ratio Method. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 1876-1100, pp.23-32.
[21] 基于卷积神经网络的光伏系统直流串联电弧故障检测。焦治杰,李腾,王莉娜,牟龙华,Alexandra Khalyasmaa,电工电能新技术, Vol.38, No.7, 2019.
[22]. 基于双目视觉的接触网磨耗在线检测研究,王延华; 李腾,计算机工程与应用, 2017.
[23]. 结合HSV与局部Hough变换的指针式仪表识别算法, 王延华; 李腾 ,电子设计工程 , v(2): pp.110-113, 2017.[25]. Mathematical Model and Simulation of an Improved Magnetically Controlled Reactor, 李亚坤、李腾,Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail, 2015-10-17 至2015-10-19. EI.
[26] Shi, Dan, Mingli Wu, Honghe Zhang, Teng Li, Hui Wang and Kejian Song. Measurement and Simulation of the Electromagnetic Transients of Lifting Pantograph for an Electric Multiple Units Train[C]//2014.
[27]. 张功泽, 吴命利, 李腾. 静电除尘用LCC谐振变换器的设计与仿真[J]. 电源技术, 2013, 37(6):1040-1041.
[28].Calculations of Leakage Impedance of Rail to Earth in Ballastless Track by Finite Element Method, Teng Li*; Mingli Wu; Fan He,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering- Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, 2(288): 223-232二、会议论文:
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[38] Hongdong, Xiong; Teng, Li. Joint Control Based On Virtual DC Machine And Predictive Model For Hybrid Energy Storage System[C]. 5th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration: Energy Internet for Carbon Neutrality, EI2 2021, 639-644.--------"Best student paper" award
[39] Yihui Wang, Teng Li, Tian Hao. Acquisition Strategy of GIS Partial Discharge Signal Based on Compressed Sensing[C]. Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference, CIEEC 2021.
[40] Li, Teng, Han, Yuzhen, Jiao, Zhijie.Fault Location of Hybrid Three-terminal HVDC Transmission Line Based on Neural Network. Proceedings of CIEEC, 2019.
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[42]. Research on Simulated Inertia Coordination Control Strategy of VSG Based on Energy Storage, Zong LIU , Teng LI , Yong MU, DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering , 2018/5/15, EI[44]. Application of Triboelectric Nanogenerator in the Railway System,Laixin Geng; Teng Li,The 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation 2017(EITRT 2017), 2017-10-20至2017-10-22. EI.
[46]. Near-infrared photoacoustic imaging for detection of early-stage dental diseases , Teng Li*; Richard Dewhurst , Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference 2016.
[47].基于磁控电抗器的牵引变电所无功补偿研究,李腾,中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第30届学术年会, 2014-8-21至2014-8-22
[48].静电除尘电源用移相串并联谐振变换器的设计与仿真,李腾,中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第30届学术年会, 2014-8-21至2014-8-22
[49] *T. Li, B. Weekes, D.P.Almond and D.A.S.Rees, Crack Imaging By Scanning Laser Line Thermography [C], The review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 30, vol 1335, pp. 407-414, 2011
[50].*T. Li, S. G. Pickering, D.A.S.Rees and D.P.Almond, Pulsed Laser Spot Imaging Thermography, Modeling,and Experimental Data[C], The review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 29, vol. 1211, pp. 435-442, 2010
[51]. *T. Li and R. J. Dewhurst, Photoacoustic Nondestructive Evaluation and Imaging of Caries in Dental Samples[C], The review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 29, vol. 1211, pp.1574-1581, 2010