Zhifei Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Performance Study of the Multiplexing Model of Packets with Different Priority Policies, Proceedings of APCC/OECC’99:139-142;
Zhang Zhifei, Qiu Zhengding, A Novel Multiplexing Model in H.323 Terminal, Proceedings of IFIP 16th, WCC’2000- ICCT:384-387; (ISTP检索IDS No:BR27Y)
Zhang Zhifei, Qiu Zhengding, A Novel Approach For Real-time Equivalent Bandwidth Estimation, Proceedings of IFIP 16th, WCC’2000-ICCT:1470-1474; (ISTP检索IDS No:BR27Y)
Liu Yanyu, Zhang Zhifei, Tu Pinghui, Equivalent Bandwidth Estimation, under Delay Constrains, Proceedings of IFIP 16th, WCC’2000-ICCT:1465-1469;(ISTP检索IDS No:BR27Y)
Zhang Zhifei, Qiu Zhengding, A Real-Time Schedule Strategy with QoS Constraints, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2001,10(2, April):282-284; (EI: 01256553291)
Ke Xiong, Yu zhang, Shenghui Wang, Zhifei zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Worst Case Performance Bounds for Multimedia Flows in QoS-enhanced TNPOSS Network, Computer Science and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 889-908, 2011; (SCI index, IDS: 823MX)
Zhifei Zhang, Xiaofei Di, Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong,Fountain Coded Transmission Strategy with Network Coding for Wireless Butterfly Networks, 5th, IET, ICWMMN2013:128-131; (EI)
Ke LI, Zhifei ZHANG, Dynamic Transmit Power Control Algorithm in Centralized Wireless Local Area Network, 3rd, CECNET2013:304-307; (EI )
Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, Shenghui Wang, Zhangdui Zhong, PA-NEMO: Proxy Mobile IPv6-Aided Network Mobility Management Scheme for 6LoWPAN, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, vol 20, no. 3, 2014, PP. 98-103;