


办公电话:010-51684105 电子邮件: shtjin@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学自动化与智能学院 邮编:100044






2017年至今, 北京交通大学, 电子信息工程学院自动控制系副教授;




  • 人工智能
  • 控制工程
  • 控制理论与控制工程
  • 交通智能控制与优化
  • 新一代电子信息技术


  • 人工智能硕士
  • 控制工程硕士
  • 控制科学与工程博士
  • 控制科学与工程硕士
  • 交通信息工程及控制硕士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士


  1. 国家自然科学基金:数据驱动的高速列车学习自适应容错控制理论与应用,2021-01-2024-12,主持

  2. 北京市自然科学基金:客流数据驱动的城市轨道交通列车运行计划动态调整方法研究,2021-01-2023-12,主持

  3. 红果园省部级"企事业",水下仿生机器人无模型控制技术研究,2018-12-06—2019-06-31,主持

  4. 红果园横向项目,基于数据驱动的飞行控制技术研究,2017-12-11—2018-12-31,主持

  5. 北京市自然科学基金,移动装配机器人控制方法研究,2018-07-01—2020-12-31,主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金:城市交通系统数据驱动的预测控制与预测迭代学习控制,2016-01-01--2019-12-31,主持

  7. 基本科研业务费:迭代预测控制及其在高速列车节能运行中的应用,2014-01-01--2015-12-31,主持

  8. 红果园():快速路入口匝道控制系统开发,2012-12-21--2013-11-26,主持

  9. 基本科研业务费:数据驱动控制理论及其在列车运行控制中的应用,2011-07-01--2013-07-01,主持

  10. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,数据驱动的地铁无人智能驾驶基础理论与技术,2019-01-01--2023-12-31,参加

  11. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,大数据环境下的复杂城市交通系统预测与控制,2015-01-01—2019-12-31,参加




1. 自动化系统综合专题研究

2. 自动化系统综合试验


1. 线性系统理论


1. 学习控制


  1. P. Zhu, S. Jin, X. Bu and Z. Hou, "Distributed Data-Driven Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for a Connected Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon With Sensor Faults," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3335227.
  2. P. Zhu, S. Jin, X. Bu and Z. Hou, "Distributed Data-Driven Control for a Connected Autonomous Vehicle Platoon Subjected to False Data Injection Attacks," in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3345369.
  3. P. Zhu, S. Jin, X. Bu and Z. Hou, "Distributed Data-Driven Control for a Connected Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Under Quantized and Switching Topologies Communication," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3257126.
  4. Q. Wang, S. Jin and Z. Hou, "Event-Triggered Cooperative Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Multiple Subway Trains With Actuator Faults," in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2023.3246096.
  5. Yang Z, Jin S, Hou Z. Robust model-free adaptive longitudinal flight control for a flapping wing micro air vehicle with wind disturbances. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2022; doi: 10.1002/rnc.6527
  6. Wang Q, Jin S, Hou Z, Gao G. Model-free adaptive and iterative learning composite control for subway train under actuator faults. Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2022; doi: 10.1002/rnc.6447
  7. P. Zhu, S. Jin, X. Bu and Z. Hou, "Improved Model-Free Adaptive Control for MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Event-Triggered Transmission Scheme and Quantization," in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3203036.
  8. P. Zhu, S. Jin, X. Bu, Z. Hou and C. Yin, "Model-Free Adaptive Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Cyber-Physical Systems Under False Data Injection Attacks," in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCNS.2022.3203354.
  9. Q. Wang, S. Jin and Z. Hou, "Compensation-Based Cooperative MFAILC for Multiple Subway Trains Under Asynchronous Data Dropouts," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3202911.
  10. Q. Wang, S. Jin(*) and Z. Hou, "Cooperative MFAILC for Multiple Subway Trains with Actuator Faults and Actuator Saturation," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3174864.
  11. Li, Z., Jin, S.(*) & Mei, J. MFAILC Based Density Balance Control for Freeway and Auxiliary Road System. Int. J. Control Autom. Syst. 20, 1772–1784 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12555-020-0850-6
  12. Q. Wang, S. Jin(*) and Z. Hou, "Data-Driven Event-Triggered Cooperative Control for Multiple Subway Trains With Switching Topologies," 2021, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3131997.
  13.  Yu Hui, Ronghu Chi, Biao Huang, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Observer-Based Sampled-Data Model-Free Adaptive Control for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Nonaffine Systems With Input Rate Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.2982491.
  14. 金尚泰,李澈,任叶,侯忠生,未知异构非线性多智能体系统的无模型自适应编队控制,控制与决策,2020,35(6):1519-1524.
  15.   Xian Yu, Shangtai Jin, Genfeng Liu, Ting Lei, Ye Ren. A Data-Driven Distributed Adaptive Control Approach for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 207884-207893.
  16.  Jun yang, Xuchen Dong, Shangtai Jin, Metro Passenger Flow Prediction Model Using Attention Based Neural Network, IEEE Access, 2020, vol.8, 30953-30959.
  17.  Ziwei Zhang, Shangtai Jin, Genfeng Liu, Zhongsheng Hou, Jianmin Zheng, Model Free Adaptive Control for the Speed Regulation of Asynchronous Motors, Processes, 2020, vol.8 no.3, https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8030333.
  18. Zhenxuan Li, Shangtai Jin, Chunye Xu, Jing Li, Model-Free Adaptive Predictive Control for an Urban Road Traffic Network via Perimeter Control, IEEE Access, 2019, 7, 172489-172495.
  19. Yuan Guo, Zhongsheng Hou, Shida Liu, Shangtai Jin, Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Predictive Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems With Stability Analysis, IEEE Access, 2019,7, 102852-102866.
  20.  Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Biao Huang, An improved data-driven point-to-point ILC using additional on-line control inputs with experimental verification, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2019, 49 (4), 687-696.
  21.  Li Duan, Zhongsheng Hou, Xian Yu, Shangtai Jin, Kunfeng Lu, Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Attitude Control Approach for Launch Vehicle With Virtual Reference Feedback Parameters Tuning Method, IEEE Access, 2019, 7, 54106-54116.
  22. 金尚泰,丁莹,殷辰堃,侯忠生,城市交通区域的迭代学习边界控制,控制与决策,2018,33 (4), 633-638.
  23. Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Biao Huang, Computationally efficient data-driven higher order optimal iterative learning control, IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2018, 29 (12), 5971-5980.
  24. Ronghu Chi, Biao Huang, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Data‐driven high‐order terminal iterative learning control with a faster convergence speed, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28 (1), 103-119.
  25. Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Biao Huang, Computationally‐Light Non‐Lifted Data‐Driven Norm‐Optimal Iterative Learning Control, Asian Journal of Control, 2018, 20 (1), 115-124.
  26. Yu Wang, Danwei Wang, Shangtai Jin, Nan Xiao, Yitong Li, E. Frazzoli, Iterative tuning with reactive compensation for urban traffic signal control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2016, 25 (6), 2047-2059.
  27. Yu Wang, Danwei Wang, Shangtai Jin, Nan Xiao, Yitong Li, E. Frazzoli, Iterative tuning strategy for setting phase splits with anticipation of traffic demand in urban traffic network, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016, 10 (12), 1469-1479.
  28. Xuhui Bu, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Ronghu Chi, An iterative learning control design approach for networked control systems with data dropouts, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2016, 26 (1), 91-109.
  29. Shangtai Jin, Zhongsheng Hou, Ronghu Chi, Optimal terminal iterative learning control for the automatic train stop system, Asian Journal of Control, 2015, 17 (5), 1992-1999.
  30. Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Danwei Wang, CJ Chien, Enhanced data-driven optimal terminal ILC using current iteration control knowledge, IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 26 (11), 2939-2948.
  31. Ronghu Chi, Yu Liu, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, High‐order data‐driven optimal TILC approach for fed‐batch processes, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 93 (8), 1455-1461
  32. Ronghu Chi, Zhongzheng Hou, Biao Huang, Shangtai Jin, A unified data-driven design framework of optimality-based generalized iterative learning control, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 77, 10-23.
  33. Ronghu Chi, Zhongzheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, A data-driven adaptive ILC for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems with random initial states and iteration-varying target trajectory, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352 (6), 2407-2424.
  34. Ronghu Chi, Danwei Wang, FL Lewis, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Adaptive terminal ILC for iteration‐varying target points, Asian Journal of Control , 17 (3), 952-962.
  35. Ronghu Chi, Yu Liu, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Data-driven terminal iterative learning control with high-order learning law for a class of non-linear discrete-time multiple-input–multiple output systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2015, 9 (7), 1075-1082.
  36. 侯忠生,董航瑞,金尚泰,基于坐标补偿的自动泊车系统无模型自适应控制, 自动化学报,2015,41 (4), 823-831.
  37. 程志辉,金尚泰基于 MFAC 的快速路主辅路的均衡控制铁路计算机应用,2015, 24 (7), 12-16.
  38. 郭代银,鲁兴举,金尚泰快速路入口匝道无模型自适应控制及 ARM 实现森林工程, 2015, 31 (1), 97-102.
  39. Hou, Zhongsheng,Jin, Shangtai,Data-Driven Model Free Adaptive Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,2011,22(12):2173-2188。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  40. Hou, Zhongsheng,Jin, Shangtai,A novel data-driven control approach for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2011,19(6):1549-1558。12,EI,SCI 期刊论文
  41. Jin, Shangtai(*),Hou, Zhongsheng,Chi, Ronghu,Optimal Terminal Iterative Learning Control for the Automatic Train Stop System,Asian Journal of Control,2014。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  42. Jin, Shangtai(*),Hou, Zhongsheng,Chi, Ronghu,A Novel Higher-Order Model-Free Adaptive Control for a Class of Discrete-Time SISO Nonlinear Systems,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME,2013,135(00):501-505。SCI 期刊论文
  43. Shangtai Jin(*),Zhongsheng Hou,Ronghu Chi,Jiangen Hao,A Data-driven Control Design Approach for Freeway Traffic Ramp Metering with Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,http://dx.doi.org/10(1):1-9。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  44. Shangtai Jin(*),Zhongsheng Hou,Ronghu Chi,A Novel Data-Driven Terminal Iterative Learning Control with Iteration Prediction Algorithm for a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems,Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,2014:1-9。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  45. 金尚泰(#),侯忠生,池荣虎,柳向斌,离散时间非线性系统的数据驱动无模型自适应迭代学习控制(英文),控制理论与应用,2012,(08):1001-1009。EI 期刊论文
  46. Chi, Ronghu,Hou, Zhongsheng,Jin, Shangtai,Wang, Danwei,A Data-Driven Iterative Feedback Tuning Approach of Alinea for Freeway Traffic Ramp Metering with Paramics Simulations,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(00):2310-2317。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  47. Ronghu Chi(#),Zhongsheng Hou,Shangtai Jin,Danwei Wang,Improved data-driven optimal TILC using time-varying input signals,Journal of Process Control,2014,24(12):78-85。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  48. Ronghu Chi(#),Danwei Wang,Zhongsheng Hou,Shangtai Jin,Data-driven optimal terminal iterative learning control,Journal of Process Control,2012,22(10):2026-2037。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  49. Chi, R.*, D. Wang, F. L. Lewis, Z. Hou,,S. Jin,Adaptive Terminal ILC for Iteration-varying Target Points,Asian Journal of Control,2014,DOI: 10.1002/asjc.94(1):1-11。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  50. Chi, Ronghu,Hou, Zhongsheng,Jin, Shangtai,Wang, Danwei,Discrete-Time Adaptive ILC for Non-Parametric Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Iteration-Varying Trajectory and Random Initial Condition,Asian Journal of Control,2013,15(2):562-570。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  51. Chi, Ronghu,Hou, Zhongsheng,Jin, Shangtai,Data-weighting based discrete-time adaptive iterative learning control for nonsector nonlinear systems with iteration-varying trajectory and random initial condition,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME,2012,134(2)。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  52. Ronghu Chi(*),Zhongsheng Hou,Shangtai Jin,Data-Weighting Periodic RLS Based Adaptive Control Design,Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,article ID 191256(1):1-10。EI,SCI 期刊论文
  53. 池荣虎(#),张德霞,刘喜梅,侯忠生,金尚泰,超前终端迭代学习控制方法及其在受限间歇过程中的应用(英文),Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2013,(03):271-275。EI 期刊论文
  54. 池荣虎(#),侯忠生,金尚泰,王郸维,秦浩华,快速路交通密度的自抗扰控制器设计及不同扰动情况下的性能评价(英文),控制理论与应用,2014,(04):525-530。EI 期刊论文
  55. 池荣虎(#),侯忠生,王郸维,金尚泰,非线性离散时间系统的最优终端迭代学习控制(英文),控制理论与应用,2012,(08):1025-1030。EI 期刊论文
  56. 卜旭辉(#),侯忠生,金尚泰,扰动抑制无模型自适应控制的鲁棒性分析,控制理论与应用,2011,(03):358-362。EI 期刊论文
  57. 王卫红(#),侯忠生,霍海波,金尚泰,基于数据驱动方法的控制器设计及其参数整定,系统科学与数学,2010,(06):792-805。 期刊论文
  58. 侯忠生,王卫红,金尚泰一类非线性离散系统自适应准滑模控制, 控制理论与应用, 2009, 26 (5), 505-509.
  59. 金尚泰, 侯忠生, 一类非线性大滞后系统的改进无模型自适应控制,控制理论与应用2008, 25 (4), 623-626.
  60. 侯忠生,金尚泰,赵明, 宏观交通流模型参数的迭代学习辨识方法,自动化学报, 2008, 34 (1), 64-71.


1. 侯忠生 金尚泰,“无模型自适应控制——理论与应用,科学出版社,2013"

2. Zhongsheng Hou and Shangtai Jin, “Model Free Adaptive Control: Theory and Applications. CRC Press, 2013”



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IEEE T-NNLS,IEEE T-SMC,自动化学报,控制理论与应用等国内外期刊审稿人。
