办公电话:51688208 | 电子邮件: chchwang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:电气工程楼605,逸夫楼东807 | 邮编:100044 |
1. Kai Cui, Chenchen Wang*, Minglei Zhou, Shengquan Sun. Comprehensive Investigation of Space-Vector PWM Including Novel Switching Sequences for Dual Three-Phase Motor Drives. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2023, 9(1): 1350-1362.
2. Jian Jiao, Xizheng Guo*, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You, Kai Li. An improved time-domain analytical method for LLC resonant converters and dead time designs for zero-voltage switching. IET Power Electronics, 2023, 16: 1455–1471.
3. Jian Jiao, Xizheng Guo*, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You*. Time-Domain Analysis and Optimal Design of LLC-DC Transformers (LLC-DCXs) Considering Discontinuous Conduction Modes. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2023, 9(2): 2308-2323.
4. Jiawei Guo, Kai Li, Trillion Q. Zheng, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You, Research on Flexible Uninterrupted Neutral Section Passing System Based on V-clamp Multilevel Converter. Energy Reports, 2023, 9(S2): 519-528.
5. 周明磊,王震,董士帆,王琛琛,游小杰. 牵引逆变器直流电压二次脉动导致的永磁电机输出转矩脉动的抑制策略. 中国电机工程学报,2023,43(21):8468-8477.
Minglei Zhou, Zhen Wang, Shifan Dong, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You. Elimination Strategy of Torque Ripple of PMSM Caused by Secondary Pulsation of DC Voltage in Traction Inverter. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2023, 43(21): 8468-8477.
6. 王琛琛,苟立峰,周明磊,游小杰,董士帆. 基于改进的离散域二阶滑模观测器的内置式永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制. 电工技术学报,2023,38(2): 387-397.
Chenchen Wang, Lifeng Gou, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Shifan Dong. Sensorless Control of IPMSM Based on Improved Discrete Second-Order Sliding Mode Observer. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2023, 38(2): 387-397.
1. Qian Cheng, Chenchen Wang*, Zhuo Chen. Carrier Redistribution Pulsewidth Modulation for Five-level Stacked Multicell Converter. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022,10(6): 6797-6809.
2. Zhiqiang Dong, Chenchen Wang*, Qian Cheng. A Hybrid Modulation Method With the Maximum Controllable Range of the Neutral-Point Current for Three-Level NPC. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8(4): 4444-4455.
3. Qian Cheng, Chenchen Wang*, Xiaojie You, Zhuo Chen, Zhiqiang Dong. Voltage Balancing Control in Stacked Multicell Converter Based on Single Space-Vector Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022,37(1): 344 - 353.
4. Di Zhang, Minglei Zhou*, Chenchen Wang*, Xiaojie You. A Single Current Regulator Flux-Weakening Control for PMSM under Square-Wave Mode with Wider Operation Range. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8(1): 1063-1071.
5. Lifeng Gou, Chenchen Wang*, Xiaojie You*, Minglei Zhou, Shifan Dong. IPMSM Sensorless Control for Zero- and Low-Speed Regions under Low Switching Frequency Condition Based on Fundamental Model. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8(1): 1182-1193.
6. Chenchen Wang*, Lifeng Gou, Shifan Dong, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You. Sensorless Control of IPMSM Based on Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Observer with CVGI Considering Flying Start. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8(2): 2106-2117.
7. Shifan Dong; Minglei Zhou; Xiaojie You; Chenchen Wang. A Sensorless Control Strategy by Injecting HF Voltage into d-axis for IPMSM in Full Speed Range. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022,37(11):13587-13597.
8. Yao Xue, Chenchen Wang*, Jiawei Guo, Trillion Q Zheng, Xiaofeng Yang. A Flexible Reactive Power Injection Method for DC-Link Capacitors Voltage Balancing in Back-to-Back Multilevel Converters. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022, 10(5):5857-5869.
9. 薛尧,王琛琛*,杨晓峰,李凯,郑琼林. 一种用于V 形钳位多电平变换器的IGBT 吸收电路方案. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(14): 3608-3619.
Yao Xue, Chenchen Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Kai Li, Trillion Q Zheng. Research on an IGBT Snubber Circuit for the V-clamp Multilevel Converter. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2022, 37(14): 3608-3619.
10. 周明磊,王琛琛,游小杰,徐丛谦. 轨道交通牵引逆变器调制策略性能比较. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(10): 3763-3774.
Minglei Zhou, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You, Congqian Xu. Comparison of Pulse Width Modulation Strategies for Traction Inverters in Rail Transit. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2022, 42(10): 3763-3774.
11. 王震,周明磊,谢冰若,白龙,王琛琛. 一种基于单D轴电流调节器的PMSM在方波下的控制策略. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(3): 1154-1163.
Zhen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Bingruo Xie, Long Bai, Chenchen Wang. A Control Strategy of PMSM Based on D-axis Current Regulator Under Square Wave. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2022, 42(3): 1154-1163.
12. 褚艳红,周明磊,董士帆,王琛琛,王彬. 一种基于磁链偏差矢量的多模式调制切换策略. 中国电机工程学报. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(11): 4162-4169.
Yanhong Chu, Minglei Zhou, Shifan Dong, Chenchen Wang, Bin Wang. A General Switching Strategy of Multimode Modulation Based on Flux Deviation Vector. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2022, 42(11): 4162-4169.
1. Zhiqiang Dong, Chenchen Wang*, Kai Cui, Qian Cheng, Jian Wang. Neutral-Point Voltage-Balancing Strategies of NPC-Inverter Fed Dual Three-Phase AC Motors. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(3):3181-3191.
2. Caiwei Yang, Jian Wang*, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You, Xu Lei. Transient DC Bias Current Reducing for Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter by Modifying Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(11):13149-13161..
3. Qian Cheng, Chenchen Wang*, Zhuo Chen, Zhitong Li. A Capacitor Voltage Balancing Method Based on Optimal Zero Sequence Voltage Injection in Stacked Multicell Converter. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021, 9(4): 4700-4714.
4. Chenchen Wang*, Xin Wang, Zhiqiang Dong, Changbin Gu. DC Capacitor Voltage Balance Control Method for High-power Single-phase Cascaded H-bridge Rectifier to extend the regulation range. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2021,7(3): 1047-1057.
5. Qian Cheng, Chenchen Wang*, Zhuo Chen. A Dual Modulation Waveform PWM Combined with Phase-Shifted Carriers in Stacked Multicell Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021,36(12): 14456-14465.
6. Yao Xue, Chenchen Wang*, Jiawei Guo, Trillion Q. Zheng, Xiaofeng Yang. Voltage Balancing Strategy for V-Clamp Multilevel Converter Under High Modulation Index and High Power Factor Condition. IEEE Access, 9: 154640 – 154650.
7. 李颖川,王琛琛,董志强. 基于傅里叶级数拟合实现的三电平SHEPWM. 电源学报, 2021, 19(4) : 55-62.
Yingchuan Li, Chenchen Wang, Zhiqiang Dong. Realization of Three-level SHEPWM Based on Fourier Series Fitting. Journal of Power Supply, 2021, 19(4) : 55-62.
8. 王震,周明磊,王琛琛. 方波工况下PMSM单电流调节器控制策略的研究. 电源学报, 2021, 19(4) : 69-77.
Zhen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Chenchen Wang. Research on Control Strategy for PMSM with Single-current Regulator under the Condition of Square Wave. Journal of Power Supply, 2021, 19(4) : 69-77.
9. 原露恬,王琛琛,薛尧,杨晓峰,郑琼林*. 适用于中压领域的V形钳位多电平变换器. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(20): 4318-4328.
Lutian Yuan, Chenchen Wang, Yao Xue, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q Zheng. V-Clamp Multilevel Converters Suitable for Medium-Voltage Fields. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2021, 36(20): 4318-4328.
10. 陈琢,王琛琛,成前. 基于单一矢量的两电平逆变器快速模型预测控制. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(sup.2): 654-664.
Zhuo Chen, Chenchen Wang, Qian Cheng. Fast Model Predictive Control of Two-Level Inverter Based on Single Vector. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2021, 36(sup.2): 654-664.
11. 游小杰,杨才伟,王剑,王琛琛,原志强. 一种适用于机车PWM整流器的比例积分-谐振电流控制器设计. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(23): 4926-4936.
Xiaojie You, Caiwei Yang, Jian Wang, Chenchen Wang, Zhiqiang Yuan. A Tuning Method for Proportional Integral-Resonant Current Controller in Locomotive PWM Rectifiers. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2021, 36(23): 4926-4936.
12. 田鑫,王琛琛,周明磊,王剑. 多采样率牵引传动控制系统中的电流环建模. 导航与控制,2021,20(5): 121-127.
Xin Tian, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Jian Wang. Modeling of the Current Loop in Multi-rate Traction Drive Control System. Navigation and Control, 2021,20(5): 121-127.
1. Lifeng Gou, Chenchen Wang*, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You. Integral Sliding Mode Control for Starting Speed Sensorless Controlled Induction Motor in the Rotating Condition. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, 2020, 35(4): 4105-4116.
2. Zisui Zhang, Chenchen Wang*, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You. Parameters Compensation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in Flux-Weakening Region for Rail Transit. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, 2020, 35(11):12509-12521.
3. Kai Cui, Chenchen Wang*, Lifeng Gou, Zhikai An. Analysis and Design of Current Regulators for PMSM Drives Based on DRGA. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2020, 6(2):659-667.
4. Caiwei Yang, Jian Wang*, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You. Tuning Method of Resonant Current Controller with DC Elimination for PWM Rectifiers in Electric Multiple Units. IEEE Transaction on Transportation Electrification, 2020, 6(2):740-751.
5. Qian Cheng, Chenchen Wang*, Jian Wang. Analysis on Displacement Angle of Phase-Shifted Carrier PWM for Modular Multilevel Converter. Energies, 2020.
6. Xin Wang, Chenchen Wang*, Changbin Gu. DC-link voltage balance control method considering the wide regulation range in SOR for single-phase cascaded H-bridge rectifier. Journal of Power Electronics, 2020, 20(1):109-120.
7. Minglei Zhou, Long Jiang, Chenchen Wang. Real-Time Multiparameter Identification of a Salient-Pole PMSM Based on Two Steady States. Energies, 2020.
8. 韩松杉,周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛. 内埋式永磁同步电机初始位置检测方法的比较与改进. 铁道学报, 2020, 42(11): 68-74.
Songshan Han, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. Comparison and Improvements of Initial Rotor Position Estimation Methods for IPMSM. Tiedao Xuebao/Journal of the China Railway Society, 2020, 42(11): 68-74.
1. Zisui Zhang, Chenchen Wang*, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You. Flux-Weakening in PMSM Drives Analysis of Voltage Angle Control and the Single Current Controller Design. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019, 7(1): 437-445.
2. Chenchen Wang*, Zhitong Li, Hongliang Xin. Neutral-point Voltage Balancing Strategy for Three-level Converter based on Disassembly of Zero Level. Journal of Power Electronics, 2019, 19(1): 79-88.
3. 安志凯,王琛琛*,苟立峰. 基于动态相对增益阵列的永磁同步电机电流控制器解耦分析. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(6): 1161-1169.
Zhikai An, Chenchen Wang*, Lifeng Gou. Decoupling Analysis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Current Controller by Dynamic Relative Gain Array. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2019, 34(6): 1161-1169.
4. 王昕,王琛琛*,顾长彬. 级联 H 桥整流器稳定运行区域和直流侧电压平衡策略的调节能力分析. 电工技术学报,2019, 34(14): 2970-2979.
Xin Wang, Chenchen Wang*, Changbin Gu. Analysis about Steady-State Operating Region and Regulation Capacity of Voltage Balance Strategy for Cascaded H-Bridge Rectifier. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2019, 34(14): 2970-2979.
5. 顾长彬,王琛琛*,王堃,王昕. 单相 PWM 整流器虚拟矢量控制策略. 电工技术学报,2019, 34(Sup1):202-211.
Changbin Gu, Chenchen Wang*, Kun Wang, Xin Wang. Analysis on Virtual Vector Control Schemes for Single-Phase PWM Converter Based on Orthogonal Signals Generators. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2019, 34(Sup1):202-211.
6. 周明磊*,刘伟志,邱腾飞,王琛琛,游小杰. 适用于多模式脉宽调制的通用切换策略研究. 中国电机工程学报,2019, 39(7):2125-2132.
Minglei Zhou*, Weizhi Liu, Tengfei Qiu, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You. A General Switching Strategy for Multi-mode Pulse Width Modulation. Proceedings of the CSEE, 39(7):2125-2132.
7. 杨才伟,王剑*,游小杰,王琛琛,詹哲军. 二阶广义积分器锁频环数字实现准确性对比. 电工技术学报,2019, 34(12):2584-2596.
Caiwei Yang, Jian Wang*, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Zhejun Zhan. Accuracy Comparison of Digital Implementation on the Second-Order Generalized Integrator Frequency-Locked Loop. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2019, 34(12):2584-2596.
1. 王琛琛,王堃*,游小杰,周明磊. 低开关频率下双三相感应电机矢量控制策略. 电工技术学报,2018, 33(8): 1732-1741.
Chenchen Wang, Kun Wang*, Xiaojie You, Minglei Zhou. Vector Control Strategy for Dual Three-Phase Induction Machines under Low Switching Frequency. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2018, 33(8): 1732-1741.
2. 张梓绥,王琛琛*,游小杰,周明磊,王彬. 基于单 Q 轴电流调节器的永磁同步电机电流轨迹控制. 电工技术学报,2018, 33(24): 5779-5788.
Zisui Zhang, Chenchen Wang*, Xiaojie You, Minglei Zhou, Bin Wang. Current Locus Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Single Q-Axis Current Regulator Flux-Weakening Method. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2018, 33(24): 5779-5788.
3. 苟立峰,王琛琛*,游小杰,周明磊. 基于积分滑模的感应电机无速度传感器带速重投控制策略. 电工技术学报,2018, 33(24): 5700-5710.
Lifeng Gou, Chenchen Wang*, Xiaojie You, Minglei Zhou. A Restart Method Based on Integral Sliding Mode for Speed Sensorless Controlled Induction Motor. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2018, 33(24): 5700-5710.
4. Caiwei Yang, Jian Wang, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou. Comparison of discretization methods on the second-order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop. ECCE 2018.
5. Lifeng Gou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou. Integral sliding-mode method based on back-EMF for restarting speed sensorless controlled induction motor at Free running Status. ECCE 2018.
1. 王琛琛,王堃*,游小杰,周明磊. 低开关频率下双定子感应电机SVPWM同步调制策略研究. 中国电机工程学报,2017, 37(13): 3883-3891.
Chenchen Wang, Kun Wang*, Xiaojie You, Minglei Zhou. Research on the Synchronized SVPWM Strategies Under Low Switching Frequency for Dual Stator Induction Machines. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2017, 37(13): 3883-3891.
2. 王堃,游小杰,王琛琛. 基于矢量空间解耦的双定子感应电机改进型24扇区SVPWM调制策略.中国电机工程学报,2017, 37(10):3010-3018.
Kun Wang, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. A Modified 24-Sector SVPWM Strategy Based on
Vector Space Decomposition for Dual Stator Induction Machine. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2017, 37(10):3010-3018.
1. Chenchen Wang, Xiahe Si, Hongliang Xin. Control of neutral-point voltage in three-phase four-wire three-level NPC inverter based on the disassembly of zero level. ECCE 2016.
2. Kun Wang, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou. An equivalent dual three-phase SVPWM realization of the modified 24-sector SVPWM strategy for asymmetrical dual stator induction machine. ECCE 2016.
3. Chenchen Wang, Kun Wang*, Xiaojie You. Research on Synchronized SVPWM Strategies Under Low Switching Frequency for Six-Phase VSI-Fed Asymmetrical Dual Stator Induction Machine. IEEE Trans. on Ind. Electron. 2016, 63(11):6767-6776.
4. Kun Wang*, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. An Equivalent Carrier-based Implementation of a Modified 24-Sector SVPWM Strategy for Asymmetrical Dual Stator Induction Machines. Journal of Power Electronics, 2016, 16(4):1336-1345.
5. 周明磊*,王琛琛,游小杰. 基于交流电机定子磁链的CHMPWM切换策略. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(14): 3955-3963.
Minglei Zhou*, Chenchen Wang, Xiaojie You. A Switching Strategy of Current Harmonic Minimum PWM Based on the Stator Flux Trajectory of AC Traction Motors. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(14): 3955-3963.
6. 余世瑶,王琛琛,辛宏亮,李治佟. 考虑三电平中点钳位型变换器中点电压波动抑制的混合调制方法.电工技术学报,2016,31(sup.1):146-154.
Shiyao Yu, Chenchen Wang, Hongliang Xin, Zhitong Li. Hybrid PWM Strategy for Neutral Point Voltage Fluctuation Suppression of Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2016,31(sup.1):146-154.
7. 王琛琛,司夏河,杨超. 五电平有源中点钳位型变换器电容电压平衡控制策略. 北京交通大学学报,2016,40(3):25-31.
Chenchen Wang, Xiahe Si, Chao Yang. Capacitor voltage balancing control strategy of a five-level ANPC converter. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 40(3):25-31.
1. 王堃,游小杰,王琛琛,周明磊. 低开关频率下SVPWM同步调制策略比较研究.中国电机工程学报,2015, 35(16): 4175-4183.
Kun Wang, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou. Research on synchronized SVPWM Strategies under low switching frequency. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2015, 35(6) ): 4175-4183.
2. 王堃,游小杰,王琛琛,周明磊. 低开关频率下SHEPWM和SVPWM同步调制策略比较研究.电工技术学报,2015,30(14): 333-341.
Kun Wang, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou. Research on the Comparison of Synchronized Modulation of SHEPWM and SVPWM Under Low Switching Frequency. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2015,30(14): 333-341.
3. 王琛琛,管勃. 一种兼顾二极管钳位型三电平变换器中点电位平衡的窄脉冲处理方法.电工技术学报,2015, 30(19), 136-143.
Chenchen Wang, Bo Guan. A Narrow Pulse Processing Method Considering Neutral-point Potential Balance Problem of Diode-clamped Three-level Inverters. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2015, 30(19), 136-143.v
4. 王琛琛,齐龙,苟立峰,周明磊. 基于无速度传感器的异步电机并联加权矢量控制.电工技术学报,2015,30(10): 131-137.
Chenchen Wang, Long Qi, Lifeng Gou, Minglei Zhou. Speed-sensorless weighted vector control of parallel connected induction motors drive. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2015, 30(10) : 131-137.
1. 齐丽英,王琛琛,周明磊,王剑. 一种异步电机的电流环解耦控制方法.电工技术学报, 2014, 29(5): 174-180.
Liying Qi, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Jian Wang. A Decoupling Current Control Scheme for Induction Machine Controllers. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2014, 29(5): 174-180.
2. Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. The Influence of Mistuned Motor Parameters on Vector Control Performance and On Line Slip Frequency Correction Strategy for Induction Machine Operated under One-Pulse PWM Mode. IEEJ Transaction on electrical and electronic engineering, 2014, 9(6):675-684.
3. 周明磊,李强,游小杰,王琛琛,王剑. 基于SHEPWM的多模式调制切换策略研究. 铁道学报,2014, 36(1):34-39.
Minglei Zhou, Qiang Li, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Jian Wang. Research on SHEPWM-based switching strategy of multi-mode modulation. Journal of the China railway society, 2014, 36(1):34-39.
4. 周明磊,李强,游小杰,王琛琛,王剑. 方波工况下牵引电机参数不准对矢量控制性能的影响. 电机与控制学报,2014, 18(2):42-49.
Minglei Zhou, Qiang Li, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Jian Wang. Influence of incorrect traction machine parameters on vector control performance under pulse mode modulation. Electric Machines and Control, 2014, 18(2):42-49.
5. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛,王剑,李强. 电流谐波最小PWM开关角的计算及谐波特性分析. 中国电机工程学报,2014, 34(15):2362-2370.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Jian Wang, Qiang Li. Switching Angle Calculation and Harmonic Analysis of Current Harmonic Minimum PWM. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2014, 34(15):2362-2370.
1. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛,李强. 特定次谐波消除调制方式的谐波特性分析. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(9): 11-20.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang, Qiang Li. Harmonic Analysis of Selected Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2013, 28(9): 11-20.
2. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛. 电力机车牵引电机在方波下的控制策略. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(11): 155-162,169.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. Control Strategy of Locomotive Traction Motor Under Square Wave Condition. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2013, 28(11): 155-162,169.
1. Liying Qi, Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Jian Wang. Design and Analysis of a Decoupling Current Controller for Induction Machine, IPEMC2012.
2. 王琛琛,张灿,游小杰. 基于双调制波的中点电压平衡算法,电工技术学报,2012,27(3):164-170.
Chenchen Wang, Can Zhang, Xiaojie You. A neutral-point voltage balancing algorithm based on double signal PWM Method. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2012, 27(3):164-170.
3. 王琛琛,周明磊,游小杰. 大功率交流电力机车脉宽调制方法,电工技术学报, 2012,27(2):173-178.
Chenchen Wang, Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You. Research on the PWM Method of High Power AC Electrical Locomotive. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2012, 27(2):173-178.
4. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛. 方波工况下基于q轴电流误差的异步电机转子磁场定向误差校正策略. 中国电机工程学报,2012,32(33): 98-104.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. A Correction Strategy of Rotor Flux Orientation Based on q-axis Current Errors for Induction Machines Operated Under Square Waves. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2012, 32(33): 98-104.
5. 文晓燕,郑琼林,韦克康,王琛琛. 增量式编码器测速的典型问题分析及应对策略. 电工技术学报,2012,27(2):185-189,209.
Xiaoyan Wen, Qionglin Zheng, Kekang Wei, Chenchen Wang. Typical Issues Analysis and Corresponding Strategy for Incremental Encoder Speed Measurement. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2012, 27(2):185-189,209.
1. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛. 电力机车牵引传动系统矢量控制. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(9): 110-129.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. Vector control of driving system of locomotive. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2011, 26(9): 110-129.
2. 王琛琛,李瑞夫,周明磊. 基于TMS320F28335的SHEPWM数字实现. 北京交通大学学报, 2011,35(159):89-94.
Chenchen Wang, Ruifu Li, Minglei Zhou. Digital realization of SHEPWM based on TMS320F28335. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 2011, 35(159):89-94.
3. Chenchen Wang, Can Zhang, Xiaojie You. An Improved Voltage Balancing Compensator For Three-Level NPC Converters. ICEMS2011.
4. 多电平变换器拓扑关系及新型拓扑,电工技术学报,2011,26(1):92-99.
Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. Multilevel converter topologies and two novel topologies. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2011, 26(1):92-99.
5. 韦克康,周明磊,郑琼林,王琛琛. 基于复矢量的异步电机电流环数字控制. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(6):88-94.
Kekang Wei, Minglei Zhou, Trillion Q. Zheng, Chenchen Wang. Discrete-time current controller for induction motors based on complex vector. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2011, 26(6):88-94.
6. 韦克康,郑琼林,文晓燕,王琛琛. 基于线性插值的动车组牵引电机速度估计方法. 铁道学报,2011,33(10): 19-24.
Kekang Wei, Qionglin Zheng, Xiaoyan Wen, Chenchen Wang. Speed Estimation for induction motor of electric multiple unit based on linear interpolation. Journal of the China railway society, 2011, 33(10): 19-24.
7. 文晓燕,郑琼林,韦克康,王琛琛. 带零漂补偿的定子电阻自校正的磁链观测器. 中国电机工程学报,2011,31(12):102-107.
Xiaoyan Wen, Trillion Q. Zheng, Kekang Wei, Chenchen Wang. Flux observer with offset compensation and stator resistance self-correction. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(12):102-107.
1. 周明磊,游小杰,王琛琛. 低开关频率下PWM调制方法研究. 北京交通大学学报,2010, 34(5): 53-57.
Minglei Zhou, Xiaojie You, Chenchen Wang. Research on PWM method under low switching frequency. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 2010, 34(5): 53-57.
2. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. Analysis and Calculation of Zero-Sequence Voltage Considering Neutral-Point Potential Balancing in Three-Level NPC Converters, IEEE Trans. on Ind. Electron. 2010, 57(7):2262-2271.
3. X. Yuan, Y. Li, C. Wang. Objective optimisation for multilevel neutral-point-clamped converters with zero-sequence signal control. IET Power Electronics, 2010, 3(5): 755-763.
1. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. A Survey on Topologies of Multilevel Converters and Study of Two Novel Topologies, IPEMC2009.
2. 原熙博,李永东,王琛琛. 基于零序分量注入的三电平PWM 整流器目标优化控制. 电工技术学报,2009,24(3):116-121.
Xibo Yuan, Yongdong Li, Chenchen Wang. Object Oriented Optimal Control Method for Three-Level PWM Rectifier by Zero-Sequence Voltage Injection. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2009, 24(3):116-121.
3. 王琛琛,李永东. 基于EKF 的异步电机无速度传感器矢量控制. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2008,48(10): 1549-1552.
Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. Speed sensorless vector control of induction motors using extended Kalman filter. J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 2008, 48(10): 1549-1552.
4. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. A new balancing algorithm of neutral-point potential in the three-level NPC converters. IAS’08: 43rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, 2008.
5. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. A novel speed sensorless field-oriented control scheme of IM using extended Kalman filter with load torque observer. APEC’08: 23rd Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008.
6. 王琛琛,李永东,高跃. 基于通用多电平SVPWM算法的三电平无速度传感器矢量控制系统. 电工技术学报,2007, 22(9): 107-111.
Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li, Yue Gao. Speed sensorless vector control of induction motors fed by three-level NPC inverter based on a general SVPWM algorithm. Transactions of China electrotechnical society, 2007, 22(9): 107-111.
7. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li. An auto-tuning method of vector controlled induction motor considering efficiency optimization. ICEMS’06, 2006.
8. Chenchen Wang, Yongdong Li, Xi Xiao. A unified SVM algorithm for multilevel converter and analysis of zero sequence voltage components. IECON’06, 2006.
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