办公电话:010-51688642 | 电子邮件: shwang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京交通大学信息所 | 邮编:100044 |
研究生课程:信息论 智能计算数学基础
1. Liu Lu, HaiBo Yu, Shenghui
Wang, et al. Learning shape and texture progression for young child face
aging[J]. Signal Processing Image Communication, 2021, 93(11):116-127.
2. Yuejiao Wang, Shenghui Wang, Lu Liu.
Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation using Deep Learning for D2D
Communication in Heterogeneous Network[J]. IET Communications,14(18), 17
November 2020, p. 3095 – 3101
3. Henan Li, Lili Wan, Shenghui
Wang, Zhaopeng Cui. Photo2Silhouette: Transferring silhouette photo style for
images, Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 110, February 2019: 30-35
4. Jingjing Yang, Lili Wan, Wanru
Xu, Shenghui Wang. 3D human pose estimation from a single image via exemplar
augmentation, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume
59, February 2019: 371-379
5. Tingting Chai, Shitala Prasad, Shenghui Wang. Boosting Palm-print Identification with Gender
Information Using DeepNet[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 99:
6. Lu Liu, Shenghui Wang,
Lili Wan. Component Semantic Prior Guided Generative Adversarial Network for
Face Super-Resolution[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:77027-77036.
7. Tingting Chai, Shenghui
Wang and Dongmei Sun. Towards Contactless Palm Region Extraction in Complex
Environment. International Journal of Biometrics[J], 2018, 10 (3): 232-254.
8. 王升辉,刘振兆,裘正定,无线多跳网络中编码及干扰感知的路由机制研究[J],铁道学报,2013,3(35):62-68.
9. 张煜, 裘正定, 熊轲,王升辉. 基于差分脉码调制的随钻测量数据压缩编码算法[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2010, 37(6):748~755.
10. Zhang, Yu; Wang, Sheng-Hui;
Xiong, Ke; Qiu, Zheng-Ding; Sun, Dong-Mei. DPCM compression for real-time
logging while drilling data. Journal of Software[J], v 5, n 3, p 280-287, March
11. 张煜, 熊轲, 裘正定,王升辉. 基于压缩感知的随钻测井编码传输方法[J].地球物理学报(2010)
12. 颜希超,王升辉,随钻测井实时决策系统研究,石油钻采工艺,3(32),2010
13. 王升辉,裘正定,结合多重分形的网络流量非线性预测,通信学报,2007,28(2),45-50。
14. 潘光玮,王升辉,丁晓明,随钻测井系统井下传感器的低功耗设计,单片机与嵌入式系统应用,9(9),2009
15. 刘乐光,王升辉,李进,基于SoPC的1553B-PCI桥接通信模块设计,电子技术应用,7(35),2009
16. 王升辉,裘正定,基于空间更新过程的MPEG-4视频流建模方法[J]。信号处理, 23(4),2007-12,
17. 王升辉,裘正定,MPEG-4视频流量多重分形建模[J],通信学报,2006,27(10),44-50.
18. 王升辉,裘正定,MPEG-4视频流量多重分形建模,通信学报,2006,27(10):44-50
1. Lu Liu, Shenghui Wang, Lili Wan, and Dongmei Sun. A L1-constrained DNN Acceleration Algorithm with
ADMM. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Progress in
Informatics and Computing, PIC 2018[C]. Suzhou, China: IEEE, Inc., 2018:44-48.
2. Sixue Shi, Sheng-hui Wang*,
Optimal Secure Transmission with Artificial Noise Aided Beamforming in
Multi-cell Networks. The 7th IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile
& Multimedia Networks(ICWMMN2017), Beijing, P.R. China, 2017.11
3. Tingting Chai, Shenghui
Wang and Dongmei Sun. A Palmprint ROI Extract-ion Method for Mobile Devices
in Complex Environment[C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing
(ICSP), Chengdu, China, November 6-10, 2016, 1343-1347.
4. Zhengmao Yuan, Sheng-hui
Wang*, Game Theoretic Jamming Control for the Gaussion Interference Wiretap
Channel, ICSP 2014, Hangzhou China, Oct. 2014
5. Hongbai Dong, Sheng-hui
Wang*, Ke Xiong, The Ergodic Secrecy Rate ofthe Multiuser MISO Downlink
Wiretap Channel ,ICSP 2014, Hangzhou China, Oct. 2014
6. Shenghui Wang, Zhenzhao Liu, Interference Known Network Coding Aware Routing
Metric in Wireless Network, WiCOM 2011, Wuhan, China
7. Shenghui Wang, Xiuhua Fu, Power Allocation and Non-dedicated Relay Selection
Scheme for Cellular Systems with Cooperative Network Coding, ICWMMN 2011,
Beijing China
8. Bingbing Cheng, Shenghui
Wang, Xiaoming Ding, Chenchen Bing Passenger Real-name Train Ticket
Check-in System and its Realization Based on Biometrics of Palm Vein,
9. Li Huang, Shenghui Wang,
Zhengding Qiu ,A Load-balanced Cooperation Stimulation Mechanism for Selfish
behavior of nodes in Wireless Network Coding , ICWMMN 2011, Beijing China
10. Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zheng-ding Qiu, Sheng-Hui Wang, Dong-Mei Sun, Maximum E2E Delay of Multimedia Traffic in QTNPOSS Network, the 2nd International Symposium on Information Processing, the 2nd ISIP 2009, August, 21-23, 2009, pp. 334-337.
11. Wang Shenghui, Qiu Zhengding. A Link Type Aware Routing Metric for Wireless Mesh Networks [C], 7th International Conference on Signal processing, ICSP’06, Beijing, China, November 2006
12. Wang Shenghui, Qiu Zhengding. Multifractal Analysis and Prediction of VBR Video Traffic[C],6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications Proceedings, ITST’06, Chengdu, China, June, 2006.
13. Wang Shenghui, Qiu Zhengding. Multifractal Analysis and Prediction of VBR Video Traffic[C],6th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications Proceedings, ITST’06, Chengdu, China, June, 2006.
14. Wang Shenghui, Qiu Zhengding. A Novel Multifractal Model of MPEG-4 Video Traffic[C], International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT’05, Beijing, China, October, 2005.