


办公电话: 电子邮件: dyjia@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学电信学院 邮编:100044


郏东耀博士,北京交通大学教授,士生导师,大数据与智慧测控联合研究中心主任 2006年毕业于清华大学,获清华大学工学博士学位。主要科研方向为新型检测技术及数据处理、智能视觉检测技术、人工智能新理论、新方法及其应用。国内外相关领域发表论文近70篇,其中SCIEI检索期刊论文50篇。主持或参与国家863重大专项子课题、国家863重大项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家科技部科技支撑项目、地方铁路局、地铁公司、企业合作等多个工程科研项目。


美国IEEE高级会员(Senior Member)




Engineering Science and Technology 审稿人
IEEE Communications Letters.审稿人
IEEE Sensors Journal 审稿人
Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) 审稿人
International Journal of Sensors Network





  • 控制工程
  • 人工智能
  • 交通智能控制与优化
  • 人工智能与工业大数据系统
  • 无人系统与智能感知
  • 现代检测技术与智能仪器设计
  • 新一代电子信息技术
  • 交通系统感知与大数据
  • 网络与信息安全


  • 控制工程博士
  • 控制工程硕士
  • 人工智能硕士
  • 人工智能博士
  • 交通信息工程及控制硕士
  • 控制科学与工程硕士
  • 控制科学与工程博士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
  • 交通信息工程及控制博士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)博士
  • 网络与信息安全博士


  1. 北京交通大学:输液瓶异物新型视觉检测算法研究,2022-01-02--2025-01-02,主持
  2. 科技成果转化培育:面向时间序列特征的宫颈癌检测算法研究,2021-11-01--2024-10-31,主持
  3. 北京交通大学:基于私有云环境的大数据实训方案研究,2021-06-28--2023-06-28,主持
  4. 北京交通大学:先进视觉检测与弹力图测试系统,2019-12-30--2024-12-30,主持
  5. 北京交通大学:基于机器视觉的癌细胞形态学检测,2019-03-20--2024-03-20,主持
  6. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:数据驱动的地铁无人智能驾驶基础理论与技术2019-01-01--2023-12-31,参加
  7. 北京市科委轨道交通车辆关键设备故障诊断系统开发,2017-01-02--2020-04-30,参加
  8. 北京交通大学:火情检测及喷头控制技术,2016-11-20--2017-05-31,主持
  9. 北京交通大学:基于机器视觉的先进灭火控制,2016-11-20--2022-11-20,主持
  10. 北京交通大学:基于大数据分析的作物生长智慧监测,2014-12-31--2016-12-31,主持
  11. 北京交通大学:黑龙江季冻区冻土时空分布信息采集及数据分析研究,2014-12-31--2017-04-17,主持
  12. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:大数据环境下的复杂城市交通系统预测与控制 ,2015-01-01--2019-12-31, 参加
  13. 北京交通大学:基于类人感知的单轮及多轮运动控制装置,2014-05-01--2017-05-01,主持
  14. 北京交通大学:基于物联网的智能安防及清理系统,2014-03-20--2017-03-20,主持
  15. 国家发展改革委:基于物联网的农业智慧监测,2013-03-01--2014-09-01,主持
  16. 科技部“863”:动力系隐患挖掘与评估技术研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,参加
  17. 科技部“863”:列车走行部件监测技术研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,主持
  18. 科技部“863”:安防和乘客异动在途监测系统研制,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,参加
  19. 科技部“863”:隐患挖掘与评估预警系统研制,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,参加
  20. 国家自然科学基金“重大”:广义迭代学习控制理论及在高速列车运行控制中的应用,2012-01-01--2016-12-31,参加
  21. 国家重点实验室:城市轨道列车安全状态检测的车载传感网关键技术研究,2011-01-01--2012-12-31,参加
  22. 北京交大创新科技中心:苏家屯站移动作业无线网络跟踪系统,2010-09-01--2011-09-01,主持
  23. 北京交通大学:轨道交通信号多媒体综合维修系统研发,2010-01-01--2011-10-01,主持
  24. 科技部“863”:重载铁路桥梁和路基检测与强化技术----重载铁路路基静动力性能检测、连续检测、实时监测与状态评估技术研究,2009-06-01--2010-12-31,参加
  25. 科技部“863”:客运专线路基沉降全方位实时监测技术的研究,2007-12-15--2009-12-31,参加
  26. 科技部“科技支撑”:奥运地面公交应急联动系统研究,2006-12-01--2008-03-30,参加
  27. 校科技基金:多波长成像检测相似异物的方法与模型,2006-11-14--2008-11-30,主持


1. 人工智能与大数据



4.microcomputer principles and interface technology 双语课 

5. 微机与原理与接口技术 主干课 

6. 微机与原理与接口技术实验课程 实践课 

7.单片机原理及其应用 必修课 

8.图像识别技术 选修课


1. Jia D, Zhang C, Lv D. Evaluation of road condition based on BA-BP algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (Preprint): 1-18.

2. Jia D, Zhang C, Zhang B. Crowd density classification method based on pixels and texture features[J]. Machine Vision and Applications, 2021, 32(2): 1-22.

3. Jia D, Zhang C, Wu N, et al. Multi-layer segmentation framework for cell nuclei using improved GVF Snake model, Watershed, and ellipse fitting[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021, 67: 102516.

4. Jia D, Li Z, Zhang C. A parametric optimization oriented, afsa based random forest algorithm: Application to the detection of cervical epithelial cells[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 64891-64905.

5. Jia A D, Li B Z, Zhang C C. Detection of cervical cancer cells based on strong feature CNN-SVM network[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 411: 112-127.

6. Jia D, Wang Z, Liu J. Research on flame location based on adaptive window and weight stereo matching algorithm[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020, 79(11): 7875-7887.

7. JIa Dongyao, Zou Shengxiong, Adaptive multi-path routing based on an improved leapfrog algorithm Information Sciences 2016-07,367,2016,615-629 SCI  4.832 An1

8. Jia Dongyao, Huangke. Recognition method based on Green Associative Mechanism for weak contrast vehicle targets Neurocomputing  2016-05,203,45,1-11  SCIE 3.317 An2

9. JIa Dongyao, Zou Shengxiong, Dynamic cluster head selection method for wireless sensor network IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016-04,16,8,2746-2754 SCIE 2.512 An2

10. JIa Dongyao, Ai Yanke,Image Segmentation Method for Complex Vehicle Lights Based on Adaptive Significance Level Set Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,2014-12,103,6,411-427  SCIE 1.030 An3

11. Jia Dongyao, Huangke.Method of weak vehicle detection based on the multilevel knowledge base Journal of Electronic Imaging,2015-09,24,5,53002-53002  SCIE

12. Jia Dongyao, Hu bo. Reduction of Multidimensional Image Characteristics Based on Improved KICA JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS/1110-757X 2014-09,1155,10,1-6

13. JIa Dongyao, Zou Shengxiong, Layer-Cluster Topology Sensor Node Deployment for Large-Scale Multi-Nodes of WSN Wireless Personal Communications/ISSN: 09296212,  E-ISSN: 1572834X; 2016-10,16,10,1-22    SCIE 0.951 An4

14. 郏东耀,邹胜雄. 基于动态结果影响的轨道维修工评价方法, 系统工程理论与实践,2015-04,35,4,1005-1010

15.郏东耀,艾艳可,黄轲. 基于最优参数搜索的车辆中网识别方法研究, 电子与信息学报, 2014-06,36,6,1321-1326

16.郏东耀,湖泊。基于改进型局部保持投影的作物生长特征优化方法农业工程学报, 2014-08,16,6,206-214

17. 郏东耀*,陈曦,基于小波神经网络的自动调焦方法研究,电子测量与仪器学报,第26卷,第5期,398-403页,2012.
18. 郏东耀*,黄轲,铁路站场巡检人员多环节地图匹配算法,铁道学报, 第35卷,第17期,52-58页,2013.
19. 郏东耀*,艾艳可,基于双圆法区域划分的高精度GPS匹配算法,铁道学报,第35卷,第18期,67-72页,2013.
20. .Jia, Dongyao, Huang, Ke. Research on switching strategy of 3G/WiFi combined wireless data transmission, Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, MIC 2013, v 2, p 949-953,2012
21. Jia, Dongyao, Ai, Yanke; Chen, Xi New GPS data collecting method based on connection-control point correction. Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao/Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, v 34, n 6 SUPPL., p 78-84, June 2013
22. Jia Dongyao, Hu Po, Topological Structure Analysis Focusing on Riding Comfort Detection Network, 2013 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation. 2013,Changchun.China.
23. Jia Dongyao, Zou Shengxiong , Vocational skills comprehensive evaluation method of track maintenance workers, 2013 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation. 2013,11.Changchun.China.
24. Jia Dongyao, Hu Po, An Online Evaluation Method for Ride Comfort Based on Multivariate Physiological Indicators, The 2nd 2013 International Conference on Mechanical Design and Power Engineering. 2013,11.BeijingChina.
25. Jia Dongyao, Hu Po, A Novel Evaluation Method of Degree of Order for Passengers on Trains, The 10th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing. 2013.12.ChengduChina
26. Jia Dongyao, Chen Xi, Ai Yanke. Detection method of abnormal group aggregation based on SVM[C]. International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumention, 2012:85-91.
27. Jia Dongyao, Chen Xi. An improved moving target detection method and the analysis of influence factors[C]. The Third International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, 2012:323-332.
28. Jia Dongyao, Ai Yanke, Chen Xi. New GPS data collecting method based on connection-control point correction. International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumention, 2012:78-84.
29. Jia Dongyao, Ai Yanke. Assessment of Storage Reliability for Accelerometer Based on Pseudo-stable Data[C]. International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2012:2179-2186.
30. Dongyao Jia, Ke Huang. Research on switching strategy of 3G/WIFI combined wireless data transmission[C]. International conference on measurement, information and control. 2012.05:p949-951
31. Jia Dongyao, Wang Guan. A combined on-board diagnostic system for Automobile exhaust based on fuzzy inference[C]. International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Safety Engineering,2012.
32. Jia Dongyao,Li He. Research on Adjustable Vibration Controller for Body Massage[C]. International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, 2012:1011-1014.
33. Jia Dongyao, Wang Guan. Automobiles’ Exhaust Monitoring System in Large Cities Based on GPRSGPS Network[C]. International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Safety Engineering,2012.
34. Dongyao JIA, Zuo CHEN, Ke HUANG. Data Prediction of the High-speed Train Running Safety Based on Improved BP Neural Network[C]. 2012 Cross-Strait Conference onInformation Science and Technology and iCube,2012:284-288.
35. Dongyao JIA, Zuo CHEN. Traffic Signal Control Optimization Based on Fuzzy Neural Network[C]. International conference on measurement, information and control, 2012:1007-1010. 
36. Jia DY, Wang TT, Chen X. A Control System of Indoor Air Quality Based on Modified Smith Predictor[C]. Proceedings of 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology, Qinhuangdao, CHina, 2010,7. 1(2): 718-722,
37. Jia DongYao, Wang TingTing. A Dynamic Calibrating Method for non-Uniform of Multiple-lane Traffic Flow Parameter[C]. Proceedings of the third international symposium on test automation &.instrumentation Xiamen, China. 2010.5, 2(23):562-567.
38. Jia dongyao, Liu ze. Novel method for detection of similar foreign materials based on infrared multi-wavelength transmission refle.  Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 2008, 27(4): P261-265. SCI检索
39. Jia dongyao, Yang wenkao, Liu ze.Metamerism breakdown characteristic and its application in detection of foreign materials. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2008, 28(11): P2596-2600. SCI检索
40. Jia Dongyao, Liu Ze.Transmission Spectral Imaging Technology and Its Application in Detection of Similar Foreign Materials. Journal of electronic measurement and instruments. 2009. 13(07): P51-54.
41. Jia Dongyao, Chen Xi, Ai Yanke. Detection method of abnormal group aggregation based on SVM[C]. International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumention, 2012:85-91.
42. Jia Dongyao, Chen Xi. An improved moving target detection method and the analysis of influence factors[C]. The Third International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, 2012:323-332.
43. Jia Dongyao, Ai Yanke, Chen Xi. New GPS data collecting method based on connection-control point correction. International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumention, 2012:78-84

44. Jia Dongyao, Ai Yanke. Assessment of Storage Reliability for Accelerometer Based on Pseudo-stable Data[C]. International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2012:2179-2186.


郏东耀. 先进视觉检测网络及其应用[M],北京交通大学出版社,2019-06


1.    郏东耀,胡泊. 基于双目立体视觉的大棚作物生长态势监测系统及方法:中国发明专利,申请号CN201310724337.2

2.    郏东耀,邹胜雄. 一种面向智能大棚的网格化定位方法:中国发明专利,申请号CN201410003586.7




  1.  第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 三等奖,全国,2021
  2.  第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 一等奖,北京市,2021
  3. 北京交通大学“挑战杯”课外学术科技作品大赛 二等奖,2021
  4. 北京交通大学第三届知行杯大赛 二等奖,2020
  5.  加拿大CCCA国际创业大赛 第二名,2020
  6. “兆易创新杯”第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛 三等奖,2020



美国IEEE高级会员(Senior Member)




Engineering Science and Technology 审稿人
IEEE Communications Letters.审稿人
IEEE Sensors Journal 审稿人
Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) 审稿人
International Journal of Sensors Network
