


办公电话: 电子邮件: amyu@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学理学院数学系 邮编:100044



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1996/09-2000/07   华中师范大学数学系                              学士


2014/08-2015/08      美国西弗吉尼亚大学    访问学者

2014/01-2014/02      韩国岭南大学数学系    访问学者

2009/10-至今          北京交通大学数学系     副教授

2005/07-2009/09     北京交通大学数学系     讲师


  • 运筹学与控制论


  • 数学硕士


  • 2020.1--2023.12 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目一项
  • 2018.1--2021.12  参加国家自然科学基金面上项目一项
  • 2014.1--2017.12  参加国家自然科学基金面上项目一项
  • 2012.1--2014.12 主持国家自然科学“青年科学基金”项目一项
  • 2011.1--2013.12 参加国家自然科学基金“面上”项目一项
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  • 2009.1--2011.12 主持博士点新教师基金项目一项
  • 2007.1--2009.12 参加国家自然科学基金“面上”项目一项  







32. Nannan Xu, Aimei Yu, On the distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of bicyclic graphs, Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 43(3) (2023), 289-302.

31. Pengfei Li, Aimei Yu, Rongxia Hao, On the $D_\alpha$-spectral radius of cacti and bicyclic graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 346(1)(2023),113134.

30. Nannan Xu, Aimei Yu, Rong-xia Hao, On the distance Laplacian spectral radius of bicyclic graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70(19)(2022), 4654-4674. 

29. Aimei Yu, Ping Li, Yang Wu, Hong-Jian Lai, On the s-hamiltonianicity of an hourglass-free line graph, Discrete Mathematics, 345(2022),112897.

28. Rensen Ma, Aimei Yu, Keke Wang, Hong-Jian Lai, Multigraphic degree sequences and hamiltonian-connected line graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, (37)(4)2021, 800-806. 

27. Aimei Yu, Kun Peng, Rong-Xia Hao, Jiahao Fu, Yingsheng Wang, On the revised Szeged index of unicyclic graphs with given diameter, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., (43)(1)2020, 651-672. 

26. Aimei Yu, Rensen Ma, Keke Wang, Jiangxu Kong, Strongly spanning trailable graphs in graph family $C_2(4; k)$, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, (39)2018, 51-60.

     (中文版:余爱梅,马仁森,王可可,孔将旭, $C_2(4; k)$中的强支撑可迹图, 中国数学年刊A辑,39(2018),53-62.)

25. Jianping Liu, Aimei Yu, Keke Wang, Hong-Jian Lai, Degree sum and hamiltonian-connected line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018), 1363-1379.

24. Yan Liu, Aimei Yu, Mei Lu, Rong-Xia Hao, On the Szeged index of unicyclic graphs with given diameter, Discrete Apllied Mathematics, 233(2017), 118-130.

23. Wenjing Zhang, Aimei Yu, On the rank of weighted graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(2017), 635-652.

22. Aimei Yu, Rensen Ma, Keke Wang, Jiangxu Kong, Strongly spanning trailable graphs in graph family $C_2(4; k)$, Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Series C), accepted.

21. Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Yan-Quan Feng and Ai-Mei Yu, The 3-extra connectivity and faulty diagnosability, The Computer Journal, 2017,https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxx089.

20. Aimei Yu, Jianping Liu, Miaomiao Han, Hong-Jian Lai, On dense strongly $Z_{2s+1}$-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 339(2016), 850-856.

19. Rong-Xia Hao, Meimei Gu, Huan Luo and Aimei Yu, A Note on the pessimistic diagnosability of augmented cubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 16 (2016), 1671001 (8 pages).

18. Guojun Li, Aimei Yu, A characterization of bicyclic signed graphs with nullity n-7, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 1(2015), 1-10.

17. Aimei Yu ,Ordering trees by their spectral radii, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 30-4(2014), 1107-1112.

16. Aimei Yu , Mei Lu, Lower Bounds on the (Laplacian) spectral radius of weighted graphs, Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Series B),35B(4)(2014), 669-678.

15. Aimei Yu , A New Upper Bound for the Laplacian Spectral Radius of a Graph, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,20(2010), 730-738.

14. Xuezheng Lv, Yan Yan, Aimei Yu and Jingjing Zhang , Ordering trees with given pendent vertices with respect to Merrifield-Simmons indices and Hosoya indices, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry ,47(2010),11-20.

13. A.M. Yu , On Graphs with Second Largest Eigenvalue Less Than 1, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 31(2008), 624-629 (in chinese).

12. A.M. Yu  and M. Lu, Laplacian spectral radius of trees with given maximum degree,  Linear Algebra and its Applications,429(8-9)(2008), 1962-1969.

11. A.M. Yu and X.Z. Lv, The Merrifield-Simmons Indices and Hosoya Indices of trees with $k$ pendant vertices, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry,41(2007), 33-43.

10. A.M. Yu  and F. Tian, A kind of graphs with minimal Hosoya indices and maximal Merrifield-Simmons indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 55(2006), 103-118.

9. A.M. Yu and X.Z. Lv, Minimum energy on trees with $k$ pendant vertices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(2006), 625-633.

8. X.Z. Lv and A.M. Yu, The Merrifield-Simmons Indices and Hosoya Indices of trees with a given maximum degree, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 56(2006), 605-616.

7. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, Characterization on graphs which achieve a Das' upper bound for Laplacian spectral radius, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 400(2005), 271-277.

6. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, New upper bounds for the energy of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math.  Comput. Chem., 53(2005), 441-448.

5. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, Ordering trees by their Laplacian radii, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 405(2005), 45-59.

4. A.M. Yu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 51(2004), 97-109.


3. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of graphs,  Linear Algebra and its Applications, 387(2004), 41-49. 

2. A.M. Yu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 52(2004), 91-101. 

1. AChang, F. Tian and  A.M. Yu, On the index of bicyclic graphs with perfect matchings, Dis. Math., 283(2004), 51-59.




