


办公电话: 电子邮件: wbliu@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学信息科学研究所9教北304A 邮编:100044






·2011.12~至今, 北京交通大学信息科学研究所,教授、博导





·2009.8~2010.8,美国宾夕法尼亚大学计算机与信息科学系(CIS),Visiting Researcher

·2002.10~2002.12,日本富士通研究所IT Media Lab,Researcher



  • 数字媒体信息处理与智能分析
  • 模式识别与智能系统
  • 人工智能与智能融合
  • 人工智能
  • 软件工程
  • 软件工程理论
  • 新一代电子信息技术
  • 大数据技术与工程
  • 物联网与边缘计算


  • 信息与通信工程博士
  • 软件工程博士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)博士
  • 人工智能博士
  • 信息与通信工程硕士
  • 控制科学与工程硕士
  • 人工智能硕士
  • 软件工程硕士
  • 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)硕士
  • 大数据技术与工程硕士



  1. 国家重点研发计划: 仿真软件平台架构设计与异构并行计算优化, 2021-2025
  2. 企业横向项目: 城轨轨旁关键设施智能化巡检算法研究,2023-2025
  3. 企业横向项目: 行业知识语义库与智能问答组件研发,2022-2024
  4. 企业横向项目: 智能云PLM系统关键技术研究,2022-2023
  5. 北京市自然基金“面上”: 面向视频运动人体分割与解析的时空图卷积神经网络研究, 2021-2023
  6. 企业横向项目: 基于国产基础软件的应用验证与改造关键技术, 2021-2022
  7. 企业横向项目: 交通车辆运行障碍物检测方法与系统, 2021-2022
  8. 企业横向项目: 医疗行为检测识别深度算法平台, 2020-2021
  9. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 复杂天气条件下的目标跟踪和步态识别研究, 2020-2023
  10. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于深度学习的智能交通视频目标检测识别和跟踪方法, 2019-2022
  11. 企业横向项目基于生物多模信息的移动终端认证系统开发, 2019-2021
  12. 企业横向项目: 铁路电务轨旁设备图像采集及故障识别关键模块开发, 2018-2021
  13. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 多目标跟踪中的注意模型研究, 2015-2018
  14. 企业横向项目铁路GPRS网络主动监测系统, 2014-2015
  15. 高校科研业务费: 基于多模态感知计算融合的自然和谐人机交互环境研究, 2014-2017
  16. 红果园(横): 省市级XX视频综合应用联网核心软件, 2014-2015
  17. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 自主虚拟人智能感知决策与真实感交互表现研究, 2014-2017
  18. 高校科研业务费: 基于视听觉的虚拟人行为感知与交互系统研究, 2011-2013
  19. 国家自然科学基金“青年”: AVR 虚拟人几何与运动重建的研究, 2009-2011
  20. 北京市自然基金“面上”: 真实感虚拟人重建及在网络虚拟环境中的实现, 2008-2010
  21. 高校博士点基金: 基于非接触式运动捕捉的AVR虚拟人真实感运动合成, 2008-2010
  22. 科技部“973”: 可视媒体的交互与融合处理, 2006-2011
  23. 红果园: 分布式遥测数据处理设备, 2006-2007
  24. 科技部“973”: 多源数字内容的感知,集成与理解研究, 2005-2009
  25. 北京交通大学: 三维模型检索中的形状分析与特征计算, 2005-2007







[1] Zhiyuan Zou, Weibin Liu*, et al. Minimum volume simplex-based scene representation and attribute recognition with feature fusion. Applied Intelligence, 2023, 53(8):8959-8977.

[2] Zhiyuan Zou, Weibin Liu*, et al. NMEAS: Neuro-MaxEnt architecture search, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 14(9):2963-2977.

[3] Jia Xu, Weibin Liu*, et al. MSPENet: Multi-scale adaptive fusion and position enhancement network for human pose estimation[J]. The Visual Computer, 2023, 39(5):2005-2019.

[4] Dandan Cao, Weibin Liu*, et al. Human pose estimation based on feature enhancement and multi-scale feature fusion[J]. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2023, 17(3):643-650.

[5] Xiukun Zhang, Weibin Liu*, et al. GCAENet: global-class context with advanced edge network for single human parsing. The Visual Computer, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00371-022-02735-4.

[6] Huaqing Hao, Weibin Liu*, et al. Multilabel Learning based Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for Human Parsing[J]. Pattern Recognition, July 2022, 127:108593.

[7] Zhiyuan Zou, Weibin Liu*, et al. AdaNFF: A new method for adaptive nonnegative multi-feature fusion to scene classification[J]. Pattern Recognition, March 2022, 123: 108402.

[8] Hui Wang, Weibin Liu*, et alVideo segmentation via target objectness constraint and multi-head soft aggregation. Neurocomputing, 2022, 510:24-36.

[9] Haitao Xu, Weibin Liu*, et al. Motion-aware future frame prediction for video anomaly detection based on saliency perception[J]. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2022, 16(8):2121-2129.

[10] Huaqing Hao, Weibin Liu*, et al. Context prior based semantic-spatial graph network for human parsing[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 457:13-25

[11] Hui Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. A temporal attention based appearance model for video object segmentation[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2021, 52(2):2290-2300.

[12] Hui Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Video object segmentation via random walks on two-frame graphs comprising superpixels[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021, 80:103293.

[13] Yuxing Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Balanced-RetinaNet: solving the imbalanced problems in object detection[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021, 30(3):1-14.

[14] Yanhao Cheng, Weibin Liu*, et al. Weighted feature fusion and attention mechanism for object detection[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2021, 30(2):1-12.

[15] Yanhao Cheng, Weibin Liu*, et al. Complementary Feature Pyramid Network for Human Pose Estimation[C]. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), 2021.

[16] Jun Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Attention shake Siamese network with auxiliary relocation branch for visual object tracking[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 400:53-72.

[17] Bin Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Motion capture data segmentation using Riemannian manifold learning[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2020, 31:e1885. https://doi.org/10.1002/cav.1885

[18] Xingjie Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Discriminative context-aware correlation filter network for visual tracking[C]. Intelligent Systems and Applications (IntelliSys 2020), Sept 2020.

[19] Jun Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. A framework of tracking by multi-trackers with multi-features in a hybrid cascade way [J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2019, 78:306-321.

[20] Cheng Liu, Weibin Liu*, et al. A weighted edge-based level set based on multi-local statistical information for noisy image segmentation. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2019, 59: 89-107.

[21] Menglei Jin, Weibin Liu*, et al. A robust visual tracker based on DCF algorithm[J]. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019, 29: 1819-1834.

[22] Xing Liu, Weibin Liu*, et al. Image Caption Generation with Local Semantic Information and Global Information[C]. The 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2019), 2019.

[23] Menglei Jin, Weibin Liu*, Weiwei Xing. A Robust Visual Tracker Based on DCF Algorithm[C]. The 2019 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019.

[24] Yaru Cheng, Weibin Liu*, et al. A Novel Algorithm for Exemplar-based Image Inpainting[C]. The 2019 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2019.

[25] Jun Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Visual object tracking with multi-scale superpixels and color-feature guided kernelized correlation filters[J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2018, 63:44-62

[26] Chuanmin Zhang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Color image enhancement based on local spatial homomorphic filtering and gradient domain variance guided image filtering[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(6):063026.

[27] Cheng Liu, Weibin Liu*, et al. An improved edge-based level set method combining local regional fitting information for noisy image segmentation[J]. Signal Processing, 2017, 130:12-21.

[28] Jun Wang, Weibin Liu*, et al. Two-level superpixel and feedback based visual object tracking[J]. Neurocomputing, 2017, 267:581-596.

[29] Xiaomin Yu, Weibin Liu*, et al. Behavioral segmentation for human motion capture data based on graph cut method[J]. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2017, 43:50-59.

[30] 刘渭滨邹智元*, 模式分类中的特征融合方法综述北京邮电大学学报, 2017, 4: 1-7.


Weiwei Xing, Weibin Liu, Jun Wang, Shunli Zhang, Lihui Wang, Yuxiang Yang, Bowen Song,Visual Object Tracking from Correlation Filter to Deep Learning, Springer, 2021.12.








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