


办公电话:010-51682054-117 电子邮件: pingzhao@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学数统学院 邮编:100044


2013年2月2014年2月在美国 St. Louis University of Missouri,访问学者。



  • 金融统计分析
  • 计算数学


  • 统计学硕士
  • 数学硕士


  1. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:时移不变框架小波及其应用的研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,主持




赵平,付俐,冯国臣, 概率论与数理统计基于MOOC教学改革初探, 北京交通大学本科教学研究与改革论文集(2020), 北京交通大学出版社,2021.12

付俐,赵平, 工科“概率论与数理统计”课程现代教育技术应用与教学方法改革的研究实践,北京交通大学本科教学改革论文集 (2009), 北京交通大学出版社,2010.03



  1. 期刊 Yaobang Chen,Ping Zhao,A hybrid overlapping group sparsity denoising model with fractional-order total variation and non-convex regularizer,Machine Vision and Applications,2025,Vol.36,No.1,12:1-11.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00138-024-01628-x
  2. 期刊 Yuhang Zhao, Ping Zhao,Image Denoising Model Using Adaptive Regularization Parameter Based on Structure Tensor,Journal of Electronic Imaging,2024,Vol.33,No.3,033022-1-033022-12.https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.33.3.033022
  3. 期刊 Xiaohui Chen, Ping Zhao, Image denoising based on the fractional-order total variation and the minimax-concave, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2024,Vol. 18, No. 2,1601–1608. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02876-6
  4. 期刊 Meimei Ji,Ping Zhao,Image restoration based on the minimax-concave and the overlapping group sparsity,Signal, Image and Video Processing,2023,Vol. 17, No. 4,1733–1741.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-022-02384-z
  5. 期刊 M Zhou,P Zhao, Enhanced total generalized variation method based on moreau envelopeMultimedia Tools and Applications,2021,Vol. 80, No. 13,19539–19566. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10586-9
  6. 期刊 P Zhao,X Zhao ,C Zhao, Image Denoising Based on Bivariate Distribution,Symmetry in Artificial Visual Perception and Its Application,2020, No. 11,1-10. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12111909.
  7. 期刊 P Zhao, C Zhao, The theory of matrix-valued multiresolution analysis frames, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2016,Vol. 42, No. 3, 507-519.
  8. 期刊 Z Lin, P Zhao, X Zheng, Hilbert Transform Pairs of Tight Frame Wavelets with Integer Dilation Factor, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2014, .vol. 33, No.9. 2917-2934.
  9. 期刊 Z Lin, P Zhao, Symmetric Tight Frame Wavelets Design Based on Taylor Series,Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014,vol. 10, No.7. 3065–3072.
  10. 期刊 P Zhao, C Zhao,Three-channel Symmetric Tight Frame Wavelet Design Method, Information Technology Journal, 2013, vol. 12, No.4, 623- 631.
  11. 期刊 P Zhao, C Zhao,Four-Channel Tight Wavelet Frames Design Using Bernstein Polynomial, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2012, vol. 31, No.5, 1847- 1861.
  12. 期刊 P Zhao, Z Shang, C Zhao, Image Denoising Based on Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Assumption,International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2012; vol. 10 No.2 1-11.
  13. 期刊 P Zhao, Parametric Unbiased Estimate and their Distribution Function about Uniform Distribution, College Mathematics, 2011,vol.27,No.6,145-149.
  14. 期刊 P Zhao,C Zhao, Z Shang, Image denoising based on non-based estimator of local variance for complex wavelet coefficients, Journal of image and graphics,2008, vol.13, No.1 ,14-18.
  15. 期刊 P Zhao,Z Shang, Texture image retrieval based on statistical characteristic of dyadic wavelet transform, Computer engineering, 2007,vol.33, No.20 ,210-213
  16. 期刊 P Zhao, Z Shang, X Feng, Texture image retrieval based on statistical model and KL distance, Microelectronics & computer, 2007, vol.24,No.11, 49-53
  17. 期刊 P Zhao, C Zhao, Peter G. Casazza, Perturbation of Regular Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces for Frames, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2006, vol. 52, No.10, 4643-4648.
  18. 期刊 C Zhao, P Zhao, M Wang, Optimal Harvesting for Nonlinear Age-Dependent Population Dynamics,Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2006, vol. 43, No.2,310-319.
  19. 期刊 C Zhao, P Zhao, Sampling Theorem and Irregular Sampling Theorem for Multiwavelet Subspaces, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2005, vol. 53, No. 2, 705-713.
  20. 期刊 C Zhao, M Wang, P Zhao, Optimal Control of Harvesting for Age-Dependent Predator-Prey System, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2005, vol.42, No.2,573-584.
  21. 期刊 C Zhao, M Wang, P Zhao, Optimal Harvesting Problems for Age-Dependent Interacting Species with Diffusion, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2005, vol.163, No.1:117-129.
  22. 期刊 C Zhao, M Wang, P Zhao,The Well Posedness and the Optimal Harvesting Problem for a Class of Population Dynamics, J.Sys.Sci.& Math.Scis.,2005, vol.25, No.1, 1-12.
  23. 期刊 Z Shang, M Zhang, P Zhao,J Shen,Different Complex Wavelet Transforms for Texture Retrieval and Similarity, Journal of Computer Research and Development,2005, vol.42, No.10, 1746-1751.
  24. 期刊 P Zhao, G Liu, C Zhao, A Matrix Valued Wavelet KL-like Expansion for Wide-sense Stationary Random Processes, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.52, No.4,914-920,2004.
  25. 期刊 P Zhao, G Liu, C Zhao, Frames and Sampling Theorems for Translation-Invariant Subspaces, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.11, No.1, 8-11, 2004.
  26. 期刊 P Zhao, G Liu, C Zhao,Density estimation in the presence of noise based on Riesz basis,ACTA electronic sinica, 2004, vol.32,No.10, 1666-1670.
  27. 期刊 C Zhao, M Wang, P Zhao, Optimal Control Problems for Semilinear Non-Well-Posed Parabolic Differential Equations,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ,2004, vol.300, No. 2, 375-386.
  28. 期刊 C Zhao, M Wang, Z He, P Zhao,Well Posedness and Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Periodic Population Dynamics, Matnematica Applicata,2004, vol.17, No.4, 551-556.
  29. 期刊 P Zhao, G Liu, C Zhao, A generalization of frame perturbations in Hilbert subspaces and its application to wavelet subspaces, Science in China(Series F), 2003, vol.46,No.2,151-159.
  30. 会议论文 W Li, P Zhao, A Study on Minimum-energy Vector-valued Wavelets Tight Frames,International Conference on Information Science and Technology,2012-3.436-440
  31. 会议论文  J Zhao, P Zhao, A study of M-band periodic wavelet frames using extension principles, International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 2011-7, 219 - 223.
  32. 会议论文  Y Yuan, P Zhao, A study of M-band minimum-energy frames on the interval, International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2011-3, 619 - 622 .
  33.  会议论文  H Li, P Zhao, Construction of Symmetric Orthonormal Multiwavelets, International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 2010, 309-313
  34. 会议论文  Q Liang, P Zhao, Minimum-energy Multi-wavelets Tight Frames Associated With Two Scaling Functions, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2010, vol.1,97-101.
  35. 会议论文 P Zhao, C Zhao, Z Shang, Spatially adaptive image denoising based on complex wavelet coefficients, 8Th international conference on signal processing, 2006, vol.2, 1127-1130.


  1. 赵平,付俐,赵生变,王金亭,王立春,王秋媛,马艳萍.概率论与数理统计(第二版)[M]. 国内:科学出版社,2021-1.
  2. 马占鸿, 赵平 等,植病流行学(第二版)[M]. 国内:科学出版社,2019-11.







 现是国际学术期刊《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》,《Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis》,《IET Image Processing》,《IET Signal Processing》,《 Journal of Electronic Imaging 》,《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》,《Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering》,《International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence》,《IETE Technical Review》,《IEEE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING》、《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》审稿人

国际会议 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and  Pattern Recognition (ICWAPR)程序委员会委员(Program Committee); 2010全国模式识别大会程序委员会委员。