办公电话:010-51683974 | 电子邮件: yxzhang@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京市海淀区上园村路3号北京交通大学电子信息工程学院自动化系 | 邮编:100044 |
黄志清, 解鲁阳,张严心,尹泽明, 基于区块链的物联网数据服务信誉评估模型[J],计算机工程, 2021, 1-12.
黄志清,曲志伟,张吉,张严心,田锐,基于深度强化学习的端到端无人驾驶决策[J] ,电子学报, 2020, (09): 1711-1719.
Wang, Shuti, Yin, Xunhe, Li, Peng, Zhang, Yanxin, Wang, Xin, Tong, Shujie, Cognitive Control Using Adaptive RBF Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning for Networked Control System Subject to Time-Varying Delay and Packet Losses[J], ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2021, 46(10): 10245-10259.
Wang, Zihao, Zhang, Yanxin, Yin, Chenkun, Huang, Zhiqing, Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning based on Maximum Entropy[C], IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference(IMCEC 2021), June 18, 2021, pp1402-1406
Jia, Yanxin Zhang, Chenkun Yin, Zhiqing Huang. An Autonomous Driving Agent
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Ruijie Zhao, Yanxin Zhang,Zhiqing Huang,Chenkun Yin, End-to-end Spatiotemporal Attention Model for Autonomous Driving[C], 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, 2020, pp2649-2653, 978-1-7281-4390-3.
Pang Ke, Zhang Yanxin, Yin Chenkun, A Decision-making Method for Self-driving Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning[C], Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020,1576 (1) DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1576/1/012025.
Haoran Zhang, Chenkun Yin, Yanxin Zhang, Shangtai Jin, Self-Guided Actor-Critic: Reinforcement Learning from Adaptive Expert Demonstrations[C], 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, December 14-18, 2020, pp572-577.
Haoran Zhang, Chenkun Yin, Yanxin Zhang, Motion Planning Using Reinforcement Learning Method for Underactuated Ship Berthing[C], 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Oct 9-11, 2020, pp354-359.
Yan Zhang, Yanxin Zhang, Integrated Intersection Evaluation Method Based on BP Neural Network[C].The 2018 International Conference on Transportation & Logistics,Information & Communication,Smart City(TLICSC 2018), 2018-10-30, Chengdu, China, 2018, pp204-213
SONG Yang, HUANG Zhiqing, ZHANG Yanxin, Dynamic sampling method for wireless sensor network based on compressive sensing [J]. Journal of Computer Applications, 2017, 37(1): 183-187.
Zhiqing Huang, Mengjia Li, Yang Song, Yanxin Zhang, Zhipeng Cheng, Adaptive Compressive Data Gathering for Wireless Sensor Networks[C], 2017 3nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, 2017,pp362-368
Yanxin Zhang, Siying Zhang, Robust Decentralized Reliable Control for a Class of Uncertain Interconnected Delayed Systems[C], The 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC), Florida, 2001, pp3213-3214 (ISTP)
Yanxin Zhang, Yuanwei Jing, Siying Zhang, Georgi M. Dimirovski, Robust Adaptive Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Similarity Using Neural Networks[C], 2nd-IFAC DECOM-TT, Ohrid, 2001,Vol.1: 359-366 (ISTP)
Yanxin Zhang, Bing Chen, Xiaoping Liu, Siying Zhang, Fuzzy Indirect Adaptive Sliding Mode Tracking Control for a Class of Nonlinear Similar Composite Large-scale Systems[C], 2002 American Control Conference (ACC), 2002, pp.2961-2966 (EI and ISTP)
Yanxin Zhang, Yuanwei Jing, Siying Zhang, Robust Decentralized Reliable Control For Uncertain Interconnected Delayed Systems[C], b’02 IFAC 15th World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002, Vol. 15, part 1: 356-358 (ISTP)
Zhang,Yanxin, Dimirovski, Georgi M., Jing, Yuanwei, Zhang, Siying, Fuzzy direct adaptive sliding mode control of interconnected large-scale systems[C], Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2002, Vol.5: 184-189 , (ISTP)
Zhang Yan-xin, Zhang Ying-wei, Zhang Si-ying, Fuzzy Direct Adaptive Sliding Mode Decentralized Control for Interconnected Systems[C], b’02 IFAC 15th World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2002, Vol. 15, part 1: 678-679 (ISTP)
Yanxin Zhang, Georgi M. Dimirovski, Yuanwei Jing, Siying Zhang, Neural-net based robust adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear composite systems, IEEE Conference on Control Applications Proceedings (CCA), 2003,Vol.2: 819-825 (ISTP)
Zhang,Yanxin, Wang, Xiaofan, A Stable Fuzzy Adaptive Control Method for MIMO Interconnected Systems[C], The 5th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Grand Hyatt-Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 July, 2004 , Vol.3: 1861-1869 (EI and ISTP)
Zhang,Yanxin, Wang, Xiaofan, Some Control Problems for Uncertain Time-delay T-S Fuzzy Models Using Linear Matrix Inequalities[C], 2004 American Control Conference(ACC),Boston, American, 30 June –2 July, 2004, vol.1: 464-469 (EI and ISTP)
Zhang, YX, Wang XF, Neural network indirect adaptive sliding mode tracking control for a class of nonlinear interconnected systems[J], ADVANCES IN NATURAL COMPUTATION, PT2, PROCEEDINGS (ICNC), 2005, Vol.3611: 283-291, (SCIE)
Zhang, Yanxin, Dong Hairong, Fuzzy-Neural Network Adaptive Sliding Mode Tracking Control for Interconnected System[J], Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computer Science (ICIC), 2006, Vol.4114:.127-133, (SCIE)
Zhang Yanxin, Xu Junfeng, Gao Ying, Hou Zhongsheng, Study on Relationship between NIHSS and TCMSSASD Based on the BP Neural Network Multiple Models Method[C], The Fourth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2007), Nanjing, China, June 3-7,2007,Vol. 4493,pp. 17-25 (SCIE)
Huang Zhi-Qing, Zhang Yan-Xin, Time-delay Analysis for Networked Control Systems[C], 2009 International Conference on Test and Measurement(ICTM 2009), HongKong, December 5-6, 2009, Vol. 2: 291-294 (EI and ISTP)
Zhang Yan-xin, Fuzzy Neural Network Adaptive Robust Control of a Class of Nonlinear Interconnected System Based on T-S Fuzzy Model[C],2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2010 CCDC),May, 26, 2010, pp.2561-2564 (EI and ISTP)
Huang Zhi-Qing, Zhang Yan-Xin, The stability Analysis for the pinning control of a class of the star coupled network[C], 2010 International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication and 2010 Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Technology and Ocean Engineering,Macao, January 30-31, 2010, pp. 370-373 (EI and ISTP)
Huang Zhi-Qing, Zhang Yan-Xin, Ren Zhong-Jie, Reliable Guaranteed Cost Control for a Class of Large-Scale System Based on T-S Fuzzy Model[J], Applied Mechanics and Materials/ Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISSN: 1660-9336,2010,Vol.20-23: 1409-1415. (EI)
Wang Xiao-Shan, Zhang Yan-Xin, A new time-delay compensation method in NCS based on T-S fuzzy model[C], The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, December, 4-5, 2010, Vol. 226: 581-590 (ISTP)
Lei Ma, Yanxin Zhang, Modeling and Analysis of time division switched model of NCS with delay and packet-drop[C], Control & Decision Conference, 2012, Vol. 139(2): 3563-3569 (ISTP)
Jianzhou Xu. Yanxin Zhang, PD-type iterative learning algorithm for uncertain time-delay systems[C], The 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC),2012, Vol.229(5):. 2300 - 2304. (ISTP)
Zhu shu, Zhang yanxin, Adaptive iterative learning control with initial state learning for Nonlinear Parameterized-Systems[C], 2012 5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 2012, pp381-385. (ISTP)
Yanxin Zhang, Wei Zhao. Guaranteed cost control of T-S nested fuzzy jump system with delay and packet-drop[C], Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2013, pp3624-3629 (ISTP)
Guofu Tang, Yanxin Zhang, Variable Deadband Sampling and T-S fuzzy PID co-design for Optimizing QoS and QoP of Wireless Networked Control Systems[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Vol.658: 502-507. (EI)
Y. X. Zhang, T. X. Zhang, An Improved PD Type Iterative Learning Control Algorithm Based on Wavelet Filter[J], Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, Vol.511-512: 898-903. (EI)
Zhang, Y. X.,Li, X. Y.,Huang, Z. Q., Research on Dynamic Coverage Based on V-DE Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks[C], International Conference on Automation, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering(AMEE),2015, pp. 379-382 (ISTP)
Zhipeng Jia, Zhiqing Huang, Yanxin Zhang, Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Entropy Weight and AHP[C], 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network (WCSN 2016), Advances in Computer Science Research, Vol. 44, pp 640-645, December, 10-11, Wuhan, China, 2016.
Lin Chang, Zhiqing Huang, Yanxin Zhang, An Improved Distributed Fault Diagnosis Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks[C], 3rd International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network (WCSN 2016), Advances in Computer Science Research, vol. 44: 646-651, Dec, 10-11, Wuhan, China, 2016, pp
Bojia Xu, Zhiqing Huang, Yanxin Zhang, An Analytical Performance Model for Software Defined WSN Based on Network Calculus[C], 2016 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology(ICCCT 2016), Dec, 24-25, Qingdao, China, 2016, pp
Zhiqing Huang, Xiongye Su, Zhang Yanxin, A Decentralized Solution for IoT Data Trusted Exchange Based-on Blockchain[C], 2017 3nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), 2017, pp1180-1184