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- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 复杂时空网络下分数阶系统的最优控制研究, 2022-2025
- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 随机分数阶多智能体网络的协同控制与优化, 2020-2023
- 其它: 安徽省统计局2020年重点研究课题, 2020-2022
- 北京市自然基金“重点”: 复杂网络协同性的优化理论与高效算法研究, 2018-2022
- 国家重点研发计划-任务: 聚变等离子体三维物理及边界磁场主动控制技术研究, 2018-2022
- 自然科学横向项目: 复杂地震信号高精度反演优化方法研究, 2018-2024
- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于复杂网络知识的分数阶信息传播动力学行为分析, 2018-2021
- 国家重点研发计划: 基于数字水印的大数据隐私保护与溯源, 2016-2021
- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 分数阶随机系统的非线性动力学行为与控制研究, 2014-2017
- 国家自然科学基金"青年基金": 波流作用中Hadley 大气模型的非线性动力学研究, 2010-2012
- 博士点基金: 统一Lorenz型混沌系统的控制与同步研究, 2008-2010
- 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于映射的大尺度神经元网络聚合行为研究, 2008-2010
- 校科技基金: 统一混沌系统的控制与同步研究, 2004-2005
- 国家自然科学基金: 矩阵微分系统与非线性混沌系统的复杂性研究, 2005-2007
- 校科技基金: 复杂网络系统中的混沌控制与同步研究, 2006-2006
王竞佳,于永光,候建,孟祥云.Local error analysis of L1 scheme for time fractional diffusion equation on a star-shaped pipe network.Physica Scripta,2024,99(99)
袁晓琳,任国健,李明泽,于永光.New asymptotic stability conditions for nonlinear stochastic systems driven by fractional Brownian motion.Filomat,2024,18(38)
候建,于永光,王竞佳,任鸿鹏.Local analysis of L1-finite difference method on graded meshes for multi-term two-dimensional time-fractional initial-boundary value problem with Neumann boundary conditions.Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2024,157(157)
王虎,谷雅娟,张晓丽,于永光.Stability and synchronization of fractional-order reaction-diffusion inertial time-delayed neural networks with parameters perturbation.NEURAL NETWORKS,2024,2024(179)
徐从辉,于永光,任国健,Si.Optimal control and bifurcation analysis of a delayed fractional-order SIRS model with general incidence rate and delayed control.NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-MODELLING AND CONTROL,2024,29(5)
袁晓琳,任国健,李明泽,于永光.New asymptotic stability conditions for nonlinear stochastic systems driven by fractional Brownian motion.FILOMAT,2024,38(18)
张晓丽,于永光,王虎,冯佳慧.Stability analysis of discrete-time tempered fractional-order neural networks with time delays.FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS,2024,27(4)
程晓迪,胡伟,于永光,Ahmed.Multi-surrogate-assisted stochastic fractal search based on scale-free network for high-dimensional expensive optimization.EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2024,249(A)
杨东升,王虎,任国健,于永光,许唯一.Successive lag synchronization of distributed-order multilayer neural networks with the short-term memory property.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2024,2024(479)
任国健,于永光,许唯一,李非凡,邬嘉玮.A fractional stochastic SPEIQR epidemic model in switching network for COVID-19.CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2024,2024(89)
邬嘉玮,于永光,任国健.Leader-Following Formation Control for Discrete-Time Fractional Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems by Event-Triggered Strategy.FRACTAL AND FRACTIONAL,2024,246(8(5))
袁晓琳,于永光,苏伟,任国健.Mean-square consensus control of multi-agent systems driven by fractional Brownian motion.SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES,2024,67(11)
袁晓琳,任国健,杨迈,于永光.Containment control of fractional complex networks with stochastic communication noises.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2024,112(24)
徐从辉,于永光,任国健,孙玉琴,司辛辉.Stability analysis and optimal control of a fractional-order generalized SEIR model for the COVID-19 pandemic.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2023,None(457)
程晓迪,胡伟,于永光,Rahmani.Multi-surrogate-assisted stochastic fractal search based on scale-free network for high-dimensional expensive optimization.EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2024,None(249)
陈伟,任国健,于永光,袁晓琳.Quasi-synchronization of heterogeneous stochastic coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with mixed time-varying delays via boundary control.JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2023,None(360)
张晓丽,于永光,王虎,冯佳慧.Stability analysis of discrete-time tempered fractional-order neural networks with time delays.Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis,2024,4(27)
杨东升,于永光,王虎,任国健.Successive lag synchronization of heterogeneous distributed-order coupled neural networks with unbounded delayed coupling.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,2024,178(114337)
文娇,任国健,于永光,王琨,He,Chen,Yan,Guo,Li.A non-linear diffusion of amorphous Pt studied using a variable-order fractional model.Physica B: Condensed Matter,2024,673(415448)
任鸿鹏,孟祥云,刘蓉蓉,候建,于永光.A class of improved fractional physics informed neural networks.Neurocomputing,2023,28(562)
杨东升,任国健,王虎,于永光,袁晓琳.Adaptive control for output projective synchronization of fractional-order hybrid coupled neural networks with mismatched dimensions.Neurocomputing,2023,558(2023)
陈伟,任国健,于永光,袁晓琳.Quasi-synchronization of heterogeneous stochastic coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with mixed time-varying delays via boundary control.Journal of the Franklin Institute,2023,13(360)
徐从辉,于永光,任国健,孙玉琴,司辛辉.Stability analysis and optimal control of a fractional-order generalized SEIR model for the COVID-19 pandemic.Applied Mathematics and Computation,2023,457(2023)
候建,孟祥云,王竞佳,韩永生,于永光.Local Error Estimate of an L1-Finite Difference Scheme for the Multiterm Two-Dimensional Time-Fractional Reaction–Diffusion Equation with Robin Boundary Conditions.Fractal and Fractional,2023,7(6)
A class of anomalous diffusion epidemic models based on CTRW and distributed delay
杨东升,于永光,胡伟,袁晓琳,任国健.Mean Square Asymptotic Stability of Discrete-Time Fractional Order Stochastic Neural Networks with Multiple Time-Varying Delays.Neural Processing Letters,2023,None(None)
芦珍珍,陈阳泉,于永光,任国健,徐从辉,马维元,孟祥云.The effect mitigation measures for COVID-19 by a fractional-order SEIHRDP model with individuals migration.ISA TRANSACTIONS,2023,None(132)
王虎,王莎,谷雅娟,于永光.Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Simplified Hodgkin-Huxley Model.MATHEMATICS,2023,3(11)
张晓丽,李洪利,于永光,张龙,蒋海军.Quasi-projective and complete synchronization of discrete-time fractional-order delayed neural networks.NEURAL NETWORKS,2023,None(164)
许珺,胡伟,顾文娟,于永光.A Discrete JAYA Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning and Simulated Annealing for the Traveling Salesman Problem.Mathematics,2023,14(11)
苏伟,陈先中,于永光,陈鸽.Noise-Based Control of Opinion Dynamics.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL,2022,None(67)
陈伟,于永光,海旭东,任国健.Adaptive quasi-synchronization control of heterogeneous fractional-order coupled neural networks with reaction-diffusion.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2022,None(427)
程晓迪,于永光,胡伟.Multi-Surrogate-Assisted Stochastic Fractal Search Algorithm for High-Dimensional Expensive Problems.Information Sciences,2023,无(640)
袁晓琳,于永光,任国健,陈伟,许唯一.The existence, uniqueness, and caratheodory's successive approximation of fractional neutral stochastic differential equation.Fractal and Fractional,2022,6(12)
许丹丹,张晓东,张兴华,于永光.Type Identification of Land Use in Metro Station Area Based on Spatial–Temporal Features Extraction of Human Activities.Sustainability,2022,20(14)
王淑慧,胡伟,Ignacio,于永光.Improved surrogate-assisted whale optimization algorithm for fractional chaotic systems ’ parameters identification.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2022,None(110)
袁晓琳,任国健,于永光,孙文娇.Mean-square pinning control of fractional stochastic discrete-time complex networks.Journal of the Franklin Institute,2022,6(359)
芦珍珍,于永光,陈阳泉,任国健,徐从辉,王淑慧.Stability analysis of a nonlocal SIHRDP epidemic model with memory effects.Nonlinear Dynamics,2022,1(109)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光.Distributed containment control of fractional-order multi-agent systems using neural networks.ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2022,1(24)
袁晓琳,于永光,芦珍珍,任国健.Mean-square asymptotic stability of fractional-order nonlinear stochastic dynamic system.Nonlinear Dynamics,2022,11(97)
刘向,于永光.Discrete fractional distributed Halanay inequality and applications in discrete fractional order neural network systems.FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS,2022,25(5)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Stability and synchronization of fractional-order generalized reaction-diffusion neural networks with multiple time delays and parameter mismatch.NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS,2022,20(34)
芦珍珍,于永光,任国健,徐从辉,孟祥云.Global dynamics for a class of reaction–diffusionmultigroup SIR epidemic models with timefractional-order derivatives.Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control,2022,1(27)
王琨,陈新,于永光,张翀,任国健,杨威,乔健,陈赟,尹立,颜丙越.A new diffusion-control model based on the power law distribution for the cure kinetics of epoxy-anhydride thermoset resins.POLYMER BULLETIN,2022,2022(2022)
任国健,于永光,徐从辉,袁晓琳.Fully distributed event-triggered protocols for stochastic multi-agent systems.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2022,18(16)
袁晓琳,任国健,王虎,于永光.Mean-square synchronization of fractional-order stochastic complex network via pinning control.Neurocomputing,2022,11(513)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光.Corrections for "Agreement coordination of fractional- order multi-agent systems with reaction-diffusion and persistent disturbances".PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2022,None(587)
王菲,闻国光,彭朝霞,黄廷文,于永光.Event-Triggered Consensus of General Linear Multiagent Systems With Data Sampling and Random Packet Losses.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2021,2(51)
陈益文,闻国光,彭朝霞,黄廷文,于永光.Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Group Consensus of Fractional Multiagent Systems Under Fixed and Switching Topologies via Pinning Control.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS,2021,1(51)
海旭东,于永光,徐从辉,任国健.Stability analysis of fractional differential equations with the short-term memory property.FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS,2022,3(25)
莫立坡,郭少岩,于永光.Mean-square H-infinity antagonistic formations of second-order multi-agent systems with multiplicative noises and external disturbances.ISA TRANSACTIONS,2020,None(97)
谷雅娟,于永光,王虎.Projective synchronization for fractional-order memristor-based neural networks with time delays.NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS,2019,10(31)
莫立坡,Zixin,于永光.Distributed discrete-time optimization of heterogeneous multi-agent networks with unbounded position constraints and nonconvex velocity constraints.Neurocomputing,2021,2021(466)
徐从辉,于永光,任国健,海旭东,芦珍珍.Extinction and Permanence Analysis of Stochastic Predator-Prey Model With Disease, Ratio-Dependent Type Functional Response and Nonlinear Incidence Rate.Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics,2021,16(11)
莫立坡,于永光,Lin,Xianbing.Distributed Continuous-Time Optimization of Second-Order Multiagent Systems With Nonconvex Input Constraints.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS,2021,51(10)
莫立坡,于永光,任国健,袁晓琳.Constrained Consensus of Continuous-Time Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Networks with Nonconvex Constraints and Delays.Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2021,2021(2021)
胡伟,于永光,RAHMANI,闻国光.Robust consensus tracking based on hABC algorithm with parameters identification for uncertain nonlinear FOMASs with external disturbances.JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2021,18(358)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光,任国健.Containment control of fractional discrete-time multi-agent systems with nonconvex constraints.Applied Mathematics and Computation,2021,None(409)
莫立坡,胡豪昆,于永光,任国健.Distributed optimization without boundedness of gradients for second-order multi-agent systems over unbalanced network q.INFORMATION SCIENCES,2021,None(565)
邬嘉玮,于永光,任国健.Containment Control of Heterogeneous Discrete-Time Multiagent Systems with Time Delay.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2021,2021(2021)
陈伟,任国健,于永光,海旭东.Mean-square output consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with communication noises.IET Control Theory and Applications,2021,None(None)
刘向,于永光.Synchronization analysis for discrete fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delays.NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS,2021,16(33)
王淑慧,于永光,胡伟.Static and dynamic solar photovoltaic models’ parameters estimation using hybrid Rao optimization algorithm.Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,None(315)
莫立坡,袁晓琳,于永光.Containment control for multi-agent systems with fractional Brownian motion.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2021,None(398)
海旭东,于永光,任国健,徐从辉,邬嘉玮.Pre-specified time synchronization of impulsive complex networks via distributed event-triggered transmission strategies.Asian Journal of Control,2020,None(None)
崔学莉,于永光,王虎,胡伟.Dynamical analysis of memristor-based fractional-order neural networks with time delay.MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,2016,18(30)
莫立坡,于永光.Constrained consensus over continuous-time multi-agent networks with state constraints, non-convex input constraints and time delays.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2020,20(14)
胡伟,闻国光,RAHMANI,于永光.Parameters estimation using mABC algorithm applied to distributed tracking control of unknown nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems.COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2019,104933(79)
胡伟,闻国光,RAHMANI,白敬,于永光.Leader-following consensus of heterogenous fractional-order multi-agent systems under input delays.ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2020,6(22)
闻国光,张云龙,彭朝霞,于永光,RAHMANI.Observer-based output consensus of leader-following fractional-order heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2020,10(93)
苏伟,Wang,Chen,于永光,Hadzibeganovic.Noise-based synchronization of bounded confidence opinion dynamics in heterogeneous time-varying communication networks.Information Sciences,2020,None(528)
卫佳敏,于永光.A novel cuckoo search algorithm under adaptive parameter control for global numerical optimization.Soft Computing,2019,7(24)
芦珍珍,于永光,Chen,任国健,徐从辉,王淑慧,殷哲.A fractional-order SEIHDR model for COVID-19 with inter-city networked coupling effects.Nonlinear Dynamics,2020,101(none)
徐从辉,于永光,Chen,芦珍珍.Forecast analysis of the epidemics trend of COVID-19 in the USA by a generalized fractional-order SEIR model.Nonlinear Dynamics,2020,3(101)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Synchronization for commensurate Riemann-Liouville fractional-order memristor-based neural networks with unknown parameters.Journal of the Franklin Institute,2020,357(13)
徐从辉,于永光,任国健.Dynamic Analysis of a Stochastic Predator–Prey Model With Crowley–Martin Functional Response, Disease in Predator, and Saturation Incidence.Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics,2020,15(7)
孙文娇,任国健,于永光,海旭东.Global Synchronization of Reaction-Diffusion Fractional-Order Memristive Neural Networks with Time Delay and Unknown Parameters.Complexity,2020,2020(none)
莫立坡,Liu,Cao,于永光.Distributed Second-Order Continuous-Time Optimization via Adaptive Algorithm with Nonuniform Gradient Gains.Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2020,none(none)
莫立坡,Hu,于永光.Distributed Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Networks Optimization with Nonconvex Velocity Constraints.Journal of the Franklin Institute,2020,357(11)
莫立坡,于永光,Zhao,Cao.Distributed Continuous-Time Optimization of Second-Order Multiagent Systems With Nonconvex Input Constraints.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2020,none(none)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光,任国健.Distributed Containment Control of Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems with Double-integrator and Nonconvex Control Input Constraints.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS,2020,18(7)
任国健,于永光.Mean square consensus of stochastic multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics by distributed event-triggered strategy.International Journal of Control,2017,None(None)
莫立坡,郭少岩,于永光.Mean-square H-infinity antagonistic formations of second-order multi-agent systems with multiplicative noises and external disturbances.ISA TRANSACTIONS,2020,None(97)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Synchronization for Incommensurate Riemann-Liouville Fractional-Order Time-Delayed Competitive Neural Networks with Different Time Scales and Known or Unknown Parameters1.Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics,2019,5(14)
白敬,于永光.Neural Networks Based Adaptive Consensus for a Class of Fractional-Order Uncertain Nonlinear Multiagent Systems.COMPLEXITY,2018,None(2018)
殷哲,于永光,芦珍珍.Stability Analysis of an Age-Structured SEIRS Model with Time Delay.MATHEMATICS,2020,3(8)
海旭东,任国健,于永光,徐从辉,曾彦翔.Pinning synchronization of fractional and impulsive complex networks via event-triggered strategy.COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2020,None(82)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Synchronization for fractional-order discrete-time neural networks with time delays.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2020,None(372)
闻国光,Zhang,Peng,于永光,RAHMANI.Observer-based output consensus of leader-following fractional-order heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems.International Journal of Control,2019,None(None)
王菲,闻国光,Peng,Huang,于永光.Event-triggered consensus of general linear multiagent systems with data sampling and random packet losses.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,2019,1(1)
陈益文,闻国光,Peng,Huang,于永光.Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Group Consensus of Fractional Multiagent Systems Under Fixed and Switching Topologies via Pinning Control.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2021,1(1)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Synchronization for Incommensurate Riemann-Liouville Fractional-Order Time-Delayed Competitive Neural Networks With Different Time Scales and Known or Unknown Parameters.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2019,5(14)
任国健,于永光,徐从辉,海旭东.Consensus of fractional multi-agent systems by distributed event-triggered strategy.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2019,1(95)
海旭东,任国健,于永光,徐从辉.Adaptive Pinning Synchronization of Fractional Complex Networks with Impulses and Reaction-Diffusion Terms.MATHEMATICS,2019,5(7)
卫佳敏,陈阳泉,于永光,陈玉全.Optimal Randomness in Swarm-Based Search.MATHEMATICS,2019,9(7)
莫立坡,袁晓琳,于永光.Neuro-adaptive leaderless consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems.NEUROCOMPUTING,2019,None(339)
徐从辉,任国健,于永光.Extinction Analysis of Stochastic Predator-Prey System with Stage Structure and Crowley-Martin Functional Response.ENTROPY,2019,3(21)
任国健,于永光.Mean square consensus of stochastic multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics by distributed event-triggered strategy.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2019,4(92)
任国健,于永光,卫佳敏,徐从辉.Pinning event-triggered control for stochastic discrete-time complex networks with time-varying delay.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2019,14(13)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光.Observer-based quasi-containment of fractional-order multi-agent systems via event-triggered strategy.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE,2019,3(50)
刘书欣,于永光,张硕.Robust synchronization of memristor-based fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with parameter uncertainties.NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS,2019,8(31)
谷雅娟,王虎,于永光.Stability and synchronization for Riemann-Liouville fractional-order time-delayed inertial neural networks.NEUROCOMPUTING,2019,None(340)
袁晓琳,莫立坡,于永光.Agreement coordination of fractional-order multi-agent systems with reaction-diffusion and persistent disturbances.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2019,None(525)
王虎,谷雅娟,于永光.Numerical solution of fractional-order time-varying delayed differential systems using Lagrange interpolation.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2019,1(95)
卫佳敏,于永光.A novel cuckoo search algorithm under adaptive parameter control for global numerical optimization.Soft Computing,2019,None(None)
莫立坡,袁晓琳,于永光.Quasi-composite rotating formation control of second-order multi-agent systems.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2019,10(13)
胡伟,闻国光,Rahmani,白敬,于永光.Leader-following consensus of heterogenous fractional-order multi-agent systems under input delays.Asian Journal of Control,2019,None(None)
莫立坡,郭少岩,于永光.Mean-square H∞ antagonistic formations of second-order multi-agent systems with multiplicative noises and external disturbances.ISA Transactions,2019,None(None)
张云龙,闻国光,彭朝霞,于永光,RAHMANI.Group multiple lags consensus of fractional-order nonlinear leader-following multi-agent systems via adaptive control.TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL,2019,5(41)
Wei,闻国光,Ahmed,于永光.Parameters estimation using mABC algorithm applied to distributed tracking control of unknown nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems.COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2019,None(79)
胡伟,闻国光,RAHMANI,于永光.Differential evolution-based parameter estimation and synchronization of heterogeneous uncertain nonlinear delayed fractional-order multi-agent systems with unknown leader.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2019,2(97)
胡伟,闻国光,RAHMANI,于永光.Distributed consensus tracking of unknown nonlinear chaotic delayed fractional-order multi-agent systems with external disturbances based on ABC algorithm.COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2019,None(71)
Bai,闻国光,Rahmani,于永光.Distributed consensus tracking for the fractional-order multi-agent systems based on the sliding mode control method.Neurocomputing,2017,235(1)
卫佳敏,于永光.An Effective Hybrid Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Unknown Parameters and Time Delays Estimation of Chaotic Systems.IEEE ACCESS,2018,None(6)
郭少岩,莫立坡,于永光.Mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with communication noises.JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2018,8(355)
莫立坡,袁晓琳,于永光.Target-encirclement control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with a leader.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2018,None(509)
苏伟,Ge,于永光.Finite-time elimination of disagreement of opinion dynamics via covert noise.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2018,4(12)
卫佳敏,于永光,蔡娣.Identification of Uncertain Incommensurate Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems Using an Improved Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2018,5(13)
白敬,闻国光,Ahmed,于永光.Consensus for the fractional-order double-integrator multi-agent systems based on the sliding mode estimator.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2018,5(12)
胡伟,于永光,顾文娟.Parameter estimation of fractional-order arbitrary dimensional hyperchaotic systems via a hybrid adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm with simulated annealing algorithm.ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,2018,None(68)
喜彦贵,于永光,张硕,海旭东.Finite-time robust control of uncertain fractional-order Hopfield neural networks via sliding mode control.Chinese Physics B,2018,1(27)
苏伟,于永光.Free Information Flow Benefits Truth Seeking.Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2018,4(31)
刘书欣,于永光,张硕,张宇婷.Robust stability of fractional-order memristor-based Hopfield neural networks with parameter disturbances.PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2018,None(509)
莫立坡,郭绍岩,于永光.Mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with nonconvex constraints, Markovian switching topologies and delays.NEUROCOMPUTING,2018,None(291)
蔡娣,于永光,卫佳敏.A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems.IEEE ACCESS,2018,None(6)
张宇婷,于永光,崔学莉.Dynamical behaviors analysis of memristor-based fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delay.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2018,None(339)
莫立坡,郭少岩,于永光.Mean-square composite-rotating consensus of second-order systems with communication noises.中国物理B:英文版,2018,7(27)
谷雅娟,于永光,王虎.Projective synchronization for fractional-order memristor-based neural networks with time delays.Neural Computing and Applications,2018,None(None)
Baijing,闻国光,Ahmed,于永光.Consensus problem with a reference state for fractional-order multi-agent systems.Asian Journal Of Control,2017,3(19)
苏伟,谷雅娟,王莎,于永光.Partial convergence of heterogeneous Hegselmann-Krause opinion dynamics.Science China-Technological Sciences,2017,9(60)
张硕,于永光,喻俊志.LMI Conditions for Global Stability of Fractional-Order Neural Networks.IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems,2017,10(28)
任国健,于永光.Consensus of fractional multi-agent systems using distributed adaptive protocols.Asian Journal Of Control,2017,6(19)
Molipo,于永光.Finite-time Rotating Encirclement control of Multi-agent systems.自动化学报,2017,9(43)
张硕,于永光,谷雅娟.Global attractivity of memristor-based fractional-order neural networks.Neurocomputing,2017,SI(227)
Baijing,闻国光,Ahmed,于永光.Distributed consensus tracking for the fractional-order multi-agent systems based on the sliding mode control method.Neurocomputing,2017,无(235)
谷雅娟,于永光.Synchronization-based parameter estimation of fractional-order neural networks.Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications,2017,无(483)
顾文娟,于永光,胡伟.Artificial Bee colony algorithm-based parameter estimation of fractional-order chaotic system with time delay.IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinca,2017,1(4)
白敬,闻国光,宋宇,RAHMANI,于永光.Distributed Formation Control of Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems with Relative Damping and Communication Delay.International Journal Of Control Automation And Systems,2017,1(15)
张硕,于永光,耿玲玲.Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Networks with Time-Varying External Inputs.Neural Processing Letters,2017,1(45)
耿玲玲,于永光,张硕. Function projective synchronization between integer-order and stochastic fractional-order nonlinear systems.ISA Transactions,2016,1(64)
谷雅娟,于永光,王虎.Synchronization for fractional-order time-delayed memristor-based neural networks with parameter uncertainty.Journal of the Franklin Institute,2016,15(353)
任国健,于永光.Robust consensus of fractional multi-agent systems with external disturbances. Neurocomputing,2016,1(218)
顾文娟,于永光,胡伟.Parameter estimation of unknown fractional-order memristor-based chaotic systems by a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm combined with differential evolution.Nonlinear Dynamics,2016,2(84)
刁淼,于永光,王莎.Hybrid Lag Function Projective Synchronization of Discrete Chaotic Systems with Different Orders. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation,2010,11(7)
张硕,于永光,王青.Stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with discontinuous activation functions.NEUROCOMPUTING,2016,1(171)
胡伟,于永光,张硕.A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for parameter identification of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2015,82(3)
张硕,于永光,王虎.Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks.Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,2015,1(16)
白敬,于永光,王莎,宋宇.Modified projective synchronization of uncertain fractional order hyperchaotic systems.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2012,4(17)
于永光,李涵雄.Adaptive hybrid projective synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems based on backstepping design.Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications,2011,1(12)
王莎,于永光,刁淼.Hybrid projective synchronization of chaotic fractional order systems with different dimensions.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2010,389(21)
闻国光,PENG,于永光,RAHMNI.Planning and control of three-dimensional multi-agent formations.IMA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND INFORMATION,2013,2(30)
闻国光,于永光,PENG.Distributed finite-time consensus tracking for nonlinear multi-agent systems with a time-varying reference state.International Journal of Systems Science,2016,47(8)
闻国光,于永光,PENG,王虎.Dynamical group consensus of heterogenous multi-agent systems with input time delays.NEUROCOMPUTING,2016,175(1)
BAI,闻国光,RAHMA,于永光.Distributed formation control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with absolute damping and communication delay.International Journal of Systems Science,2015,13(43)
闻国光,PENG,RAHMANI,于永光.Distibuted Leader-Following Consensus for Second-Order Multi-Agents Systems with Nonlinear Inherent Dynamics.International Journal of Systems Science,2014,9(45)
于永光,李兰荣,孟霞,王莎.Chaotic Synchronization of Fractional-order unidirectionally coupled Lorenz Systems.北京交通大学学报,2009,33(3)
王莎,于永光.Generalized Projective Synchronization of Fractional Order Chaotic Systems with Diferent Dimensions.Chinese Physics Letters,2012,29(2)
王莎,于永光.Application of Multistage Homotopy-perturbation Method for the Solutions of the Chaotic Fractional Order Systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Science,2011,13(1)
王虎,于永光,王莎,于俊志.Bifurcation analysis of a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model exposed to external electric fields.Neural Computing & Applications,2013,24(1)
王莎,于永光,王虎,Rahmani.Function projective lag synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems.Chinese Physics B,2014,23(4)
张硕,于永光,闻国光.Stochastic quasi-synchronization for uncertain chaotic delayed neural networks.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2014,25(8)
张硕,于永光,胡伟.Robust Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Networks with Parameter Uncertainties.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,2014(302702)
田晶磊,于永光,王虎.Stability and Bifurcation of Two Kinds of Three-Dimensional Fractional Lotka-Volterra Systems.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,695871(2014)
王青,于永光,王虎.Robust Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Systems with Uncertainties and External Disturbances.JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2014,2014(523572)
耿玲玲,于永光,张硕.Dynamic Analysis of the Nonlinear Chaotic System with Multistochastic Disturbances.Journal of Applied Mathematics,2014,2014(610816)
胡伟,于永光,王莎.Parameters Estimation of Uncertain Fractional Order Chaotic Systems via a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm.Entropy,2015,17(2015)
卫佳敏,于永光,王莎.Parameter estimation of chaotic systems with random noises based on an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm.Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (JAAC),2015,5(2)
任国健,于永光,张硕.Leader-following Consensus of Fractional Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2015,919757(2015)
王虎,于永光,闻国光,张硕.Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS ,2014,42(2)
王青,于永光,张硕. Dynamics of a general stochastic non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra model with delays and impulsive perturbations.Advances in Mathematical Physics,2015,824507(2015)
王青,于永光,张硕.Dynamics of a general non-autonomous stochastic Lotka-Volterra model with delays.Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (JAAC),2016,6(3)
彭朝霞,杨世春,闻国光,于永光. Adaptive distributed formation control for multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots .NEUROCOMPUTING,2016,173(3)
崔学莉,于永光,王虎,胡伟. Dynamical analysis of memristor-based fractional-order chaotic system with time delay.Modern Physics Letter B,2016,30(18)
王莎,于永光,刁淼.Application of multistage homotopy-perturbation method in hybrid synchronization of chaotic systems.International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2009,87(13)
于永光.Dynamical Analysis of a Low-order Model Representing Hadley Circulation.北京交通大学学报,2016,30(3)
于永光,张锁春,杨大力.The Analysis of Model on Population Growth with Stage-structure in the Polluted Environment.Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,2006,22(2)
于永光.Adaptive synchronization of a unified chaotic system.Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2008,36(2)
于永光,李涵雄.The synchronization of fractional-order Rössler hyperchaotic systems.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics ant its Applications,2008,387(5-6)
齐臣坤,李涵雄,于永光.A spatio-temporal Volterra modeling approach for a class of distributed industrial processes.Journal of Process Control,2009,19(7)
Peng,闻国光,Rahmani,于永光.Leader–follower formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots based on a bioinspired neurodynamic based approach.Robotics and Autonomous Systems,2014,2013(61)
张硕,于永光,闻国光,RAHMANI.Lag-generalized synchronization of time-delay chaotic systems with stochastic perturbation.Modern Physics Letters B,2016,1(30)
王虎,于永光,闻国光,张硕.Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay .NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS,2015,2(42)
王虎,于永光,闻国光.Stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with time delays.Neural Networks,2014,*(55)
王亚,于永光,闻国光,王虎.Parameter Estimation for Chaotic System Based on Improved Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization.Journal of Information & Computational Science,2014,3(11)
王莎,于永光,闻国光.Hybrid projective synchronization of time-delayed fractional order chaotic systems.NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS,2014,*(11)
闻国光,于永光,PENG,RAHMANI.Consensus tracking for second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching topologies and a time-varying reference state.International Journal of Control,2016,1(1)
Peng,Yang,闻国光,RAHMANI,于永光.Adaptive distributed formation control for multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots .NEUROCOMPUTING ,2016,1(173)
Bai,闻国光,RAHMANI,Chu,于永光.Consensus with a reference state for fractional-order multi-agent systems.International Journal of Systems Science,2016,1(47)
王虎,于永光,闻国光,张硕,Yu. Global stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with time delay.Neurocomputing,2015,1(154)
Peng,闻国光,RAHMANI,于永光.Distributed consensus based formation control for multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with a specified reference trajectory .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE ,2015,8(46)
闻国光,于永光,ZHAOXIA,AHMED.Distributed Consensus Tracking for Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with a Specified Reference State.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,2014(320687)
王虎,于永光. Two-parameter bifurcation in a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2013,1(18)
于永光,李涵雄.Adaptive generalized function projective synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems.Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,2010,8(11)
王莎,于永光,刁淼.Application of multistage homotopy-perturbation method in hybrid synchronization of chaotic systems.International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2010,10(13)
于永光,闻国光,李涵雄,刁淼.The Synchronization of Three Fractional Order Lorenz Chaotic Systems.Inter. J. of Nonli. Sciences Numerical Simulation,2010,3(10)
李涵雄,齐臣坤,于永光.A spatio-temporal Volterra modeling approach for a class of distributed industrial processes.Journal of Process Control,2009,No.7(Vol.19)
于永光,李涵雄.Application of the multistage homotopy-perturbation method to solve a class of hyperchaotic systems.Chaos, Soliton and Fractals,2009,No.42(Vol.4)
于永光,李涵雄.Generalized synchronization of different dimensional chaotic systems based on parameter identification.Modern Physics Letters B,2009,No.22(Vol.23)
于永光,李涵雄.The hybrid function projective synchronization of chaotic systems.International Journal of Modern Physics C,2009,5(20)
于永光,李涵雄.Dynamical analysis of fractional-order lorenz system.Chaos, Soliton and Fractals,2009,42(1)
于永光,李涵雄.Chaos synchronization of a unified chaotic system via partial linearization.Chaos, Soliton and Fractals,2009,41(143)
于永光.The synchronization for time-delay of linearly bidirectional coupled chaotic system.Chaos Solitons and Fractals,2007,4(33)
于永光,张锁春,杨大力.The Analysis of Model on Population growth with Stage-structure in the Polluted Environment.Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,English Series,2006,2(22)
于永光.global synchronization of three coupled chaotic systems with ring connection.chaos,solitons and Fractals,2005,5(24)
于永光,张锁春.Global synchronization of three coupled chaotic systems with ring connection.CHAOS SOLITONS &FRACTALS,2005,24(?)
于永光,张锁春.The synchronization of linearly bidirectional coupled chaotic systems.Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2004,?(22)
陈伟,任国健,于永光.Boundary Disturbance Rejection Control for Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems with Reaction-diffusion.12th IFAC Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications ICFDA 2024,2024
袁晓琳,任国健,于永光.Dynamics Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations With Brownian Motion.2023 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, ICFDA 2023,2023
任国健,于永光,芦珍珍,陈伟.A Fractional Order Model for Rumor Spreading in Mobile Social Networks from A Stochastic Process.2021 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL (ICSC'21),2021
任国健,于永光.Pinning Synchronization of Fractional General Complex Dynamical Networks with Time Delay.IFAC,2017
张硕,于永光.Fractional-order extreme learning machine with Lévy flight.IFAC,2017
任国健,于永光.Robust consensus for fractional nonlinear multi-agent systems with external disturbances.2017 36th Chinese Control Conference,2017
张硕,于永光.Robust adaptive control for a class of nonlinear fractional-order systems.International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications,2016
Jing,闻国光,AHMED,于永光.Consenus Tracking of Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems Based on Sliding Mode Estimator.The 35th Chinese Control Conference,2016
闻国光,于永光,彭朝霞,胡伟.Traveling wave solutions in one-dimension theta-neuron model.International Symposium on Neural Network 2009,2009
陈关荣,李春生,孟霞,于永光.The Application of Fuzzy-Neural Network on Control Strategy of Hybrid Vehicles.2008 27th Chinese Control Conference,2008
于永光,李涵雄. Stable Flocking Motion of Multi-agent Formation in 3-dimensional Space.2008 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation ,2008
于永光,李涵雄.Stable Flocking of Mobile Formation in 3-dimensional Space.2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems,2008
孟霞,于永光,闻国光,陈关荣.Chaos Synchronization of Unified Chaotic System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller.2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence),2008
王辉,李传东,于永光.An Estimate of Impulse Bounds in Delayed BAM Neural Networks.2008 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence) ,2008
于永光,李涵雄,闻国光. Control of a Formation with One Cyclic Relation in 3-dimensional Space.2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics ,2008
孟霞,于永光.Modified dislocated feedback synchronization of unified chaotic.2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics,2008
刁淼,于永光,王莎. The Hybrid Function Projective Synchronization of Discrete Chaotic Systems.2009 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications,2009
闻国光,Rahmani,于永光. Decentralized closing ranks in 2-dimensional rigid multi-agent formations.2010 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP),2010
于永光,宋宇,林欣姝,白敬.The synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems via sliding mode control. 2011 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP),2011
王莎,于永光. Function projective synchronization of chaotic fractional order systems with different dimensions.2011 Fourth International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications,2011
宋宇,于永光,王虎.The stability and chaos analysis of the Lorenz-84 atmosphere model with seasonal forcing. 2011 Fourth International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA),2011
林欣姝,于永光,王虎.Dynamics analysis of the stochastic Lorenz systems.2011 Fourth International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA),2011
白敬,于永光. The synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems with different dimensions through sliding mode control.Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA),2011
王亚,于永光,王莎.Three improved Euler methods for a class of simplified quasi-cubics function.2012 Fifth International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA),2012
张硕,于永光,王虎.Generalized function projective synchronization of chaotic systems with time-delay and stochastic perturbation.2012 Fifth International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA),2012
王虎,于永光,王镁,赵然.The Dynamical analysis of a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin-Huxley Model.2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation(ICNC2010),2010
赵然,于永光,闻国光.Guoguang Wen; Decentralized cohesive motion control of multi-agent formation in 3-dimensional space. International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence,2010
白敬,于永光.Sliding Mode Control of Fractional-order Hyperchaotic Systems.2010 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications,2010
1. 分数阶神经网络的定性分析与控制, 于永光; 王虎; 张硕; 谷雅娟 ;科学出版社, 2021