办公电话:51684912 | 电子邮件: xjyou@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京交通大学电气工程学院 | 邮编:100044 |
论文名称 | 期刊名称 | 出版年月 |
Differential equation model of the LLC resonant converter in the ideal case | Energies | 202010 |
基于开关电容和三绕组耦合电感的 高电压增益DC-DC 变换器 | 电 工 技 术 学 报 | 202009 |
Nonisolated High Step-Up Soft-Switching DC–DC Converter With Interleaving and Dickson Switched-Capacitor Techniques | IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS | 202009 |
基于开关电容和三绕组耦合电感的高电压增益DC–DC变换器 | 电工技术学报 | 202009 |
Tuning Method of Resonant Current Controller With DC Elimination for PWM Rectifiers in Electric Multiple Units | IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification | 202006 |
Parameters Compensation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in Flux-Weakening Region for Rail Transit | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS | 202004 |
Integral Sliding Mode Control for Starting Speed Sensorless Controlled Induction Motor in the Rotating Condition | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS | 202004 |
应用于矿井提升机系统的超级电容储能型MMC | 电源学报 | 202002 |
一种基于输入串联输出并联移相全桥变换器的改进交错控制方法 | 电工技术学报 | 202001 |
The Influence of Parasitic Components on LLC Resonant Converter | ENERGIES | 201911 |
The influence of parasitic components on LLC resonant converter | Energies | 201911 |
多芯并联封装IGBT缺陷与失效先导判据 | 电工技术学报 | 201911 |
电能路由器中基于MMC的超级电容储能系统及其改进SOC均衡控制策略 | 电网技术 | 201911 |
电能路由器中基于MMC的超级电容储能系统及其改进SOC均衡控制策略 | 电网技术 | 201911 |
Variable Frequency Control Strategy of Isolated Buck-Boost Converter | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics | 201909 |
谐振式模块化高增益升压型直流变换器 | 南方电网技术 | 201908 |
二阶广义积分器锁频环数字实现准确性对比 | 电工技术学报 | 201906 |
适用于多模式脉宽调制的通用切换策略研究 | 中国电机工程学报 | 201903 |
Hybrid Three-Level Full-Bridge Isolated Buck–Boost Converter With Clamped Inductor for Wider Voltage Range Application | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | 201903 |
Flux-Weakening in PMSM Drives: Analysis of Voltage Angle Control and the Single Current Controller Design | IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS | 201903 |
Virtual Impedance Sliding Mode Control-Based MMC Circulating Current Suppressing Strategy | IEEE ACCESS | 201903 |
永磁同步电机无速度传感器控制离散化方法研究 | 电工技术学报 | 201901 |
基于积分滑模的感应电机无速度传感器带速重投控制策略 | 电工技术学报 | 201812 |
基于单Q轴电流调节器的永磁同步电机电流轨迹控制 | 电工技术学报 | 201812 |
Hardware in the Loop Real-time Simulation for the Associated Discrete Circuit Modeling Optimization Method of Power Converters | Energies | 201811 |
基于开关电容的软开关高电压增益 DC-DC 变换器 | 电工技术学报 | 201806 |
Optimal Dual-Phase-Shift Control Strategy of an Isolated Buck-Boost Converter With a Clamped Inductor | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS | 201806 |
基于开关电容的软开关高电压增益DC-DC变换器 | 电工技术学报 | 201806 |
基于功率解耦的无桥PFC变换器 | 电力电子技术 | 201804 |
低开关频率下双三相感应电机矢量控制策略 | 电工技术学报 | 201804 |