1991.7-1999.7 武汉理工大学,讲师、副教授。
1999.7-2001.9 同济大学,土木学科博士后。
2001.9-2002.7 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所。
2002.7-2006.9 北京交通大学,土木建筑工程学院,隧道与岩土工程研究所,副教授。
2006.9- 北京交通大学,土木建筑工程学院,岩土工程系,教授。
白冰主持获得教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第1)、北京市自然科学二等奖(排名第1)等5项省部级以上科学技术成果奖励。获得北京市思政教学名师、北京高等学校优秀专业课主讲教师、北京市思政示范课(负责人)、北京市优质本科教材(主编)、北京市优质本科课程(负责人)等5项省部级高等教育/教学荣誉称号。获得国际先进材料协会(IAAM)第15届科学家奖章(Stockholm, Sweden)、Scott Sloan最佳论文奖等5项国际学术研究奖励,当选IAAM会士(Fellow)。获能源与环境领域国际权威奖项埃尼奖(Eni Award, FEEM基金会, Italy)提名。连续4年入选斯坦福大学(Stanford University)发布的“全球前2%顶尖科学家”终身成就榜/年度成就榜。主持承担了10余项国家级科学研究项目以及30余项工程服务项目。在国际、国内学术刊物上发表论文207篇,作为第1作者/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文128篇,主编10部中英文学术专著和教材,获得9项国家发明专利。任中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会理事和中国振动工程学会土动力学专业委员会等7个专业委员会委员,任《岩土工程学报》、《岩土力学》、《Scientific Reports》等5个国际、国内期刊编委会委员。现任中国民主同盟北京市市委委员、民盟高等教育委员会副主任、民盟北京交通大学支部委员会主任委员。当选北京市海淀区第十六届(2016-2021)、十七届人大代表(2022-2026)。
130 Bai Bing, Wu Haiyan, Nie Qingke, Liu Jingjing, Jia Xiangxin. Granular thermodynamic migration model suitable for
high-alkalinity red mud filtrates and test verification. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2025, 0: 1-14. SCI (A2)
129 Bai Bing, Zhang Bixia, Chen Hongju, Chen Peipei. A novel thermodynamic constitutive model of coarse-grained soils
considering the particle breakage. Transportation Geotechnics, 2025, 50: 101462. SCI (A2)
128 白冰. 厚植研究生专业课教学中的思政元素. 北京交通大学研究生教育研究与改革论文集,北京交通大学出版社, 2024.11
127 Bai Bing, Chen Jing, Zhang Bixia. Flowing-water remediation simulation experiments of lead-contaminated soil using UCB technology. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2024, 10: 2443071: 1-10. SCI(A4)
126 Bai Bing, Al-Raoush Riyadh, Taherdangkoo Reza. Physico-mechanical
properties and treatment
technology of hazardous geomaterials: volume III. Frontiers in Materials, 2024, 11: 1510473. SCI (A3)
125 Bai Bing, Zhang Bixia, Chen Jing, Feng Hanxiang. Development of a natural inorganic diatomite curing agent on heavy metal-contaminated loess.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2024, 136: 103790. SCI (A3)
124 Bai Bing, Chen Jing, Zhang Bin, Chen Liang, Zong Yongchen. The solidification of heavy metal Pb2+-contaminated soil by enzyme-induced calcium carbonate precipitation combined with biochar. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 212: 109496. SCI (A3)
123 Bai Bing, Bai Fan, Hou Jianpeng. The migration process and temperature effect of aqueous solutions
contaminated by heavy metal ions in unsaturated silty soils. Heliyon, 2024, 10: e30458. SCI (A3)
122 Bai Bing, Chen Jing, Zhang Bixia, Wang Hao. Migration trajectories and blocking effect of the fine particles in
porous media based on particle flow simulation. AIP Advances, 2024, 14(4): 045036. SCI (A4)
121 Bai Bing, Chen Jing, Bai Fan, Nie Qingke, Jia Xiangxin. Corrosion effect acid/alkali on cementitious red mud-fly ash materials containing heavy residues. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2024, 33: 103485. SCI (A2), Top期刊
120 Bai Bing, Cui Xianze, Fei Wenbin. Physico-mechanical
properties and treatment
technology of hazardous geomaterials-volume II. Frontiers in Materials, 2023, 10: 1334484. SCI (A3)
119 Bai Bing, Bai Fan, Nie Qingke, Jia Xiangxin. A high-strength red mud–fly ash geopolymer and the implications of curing
temperature. Powder Technology, 2023, 416: 118242, SCI (A2), Top期刊
118 Bai
Bing. The geo-environmental problems caused by underground construction.
Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 10754. SCI (A3)
117 Bai Bing, Zhou R, Yang G, Zou W, Yuan W. The constitutive behavior and
dissociation effect of hydrate-bearing sediment within a granular thermodynamic
framework. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 268: 113408. SCI (A1), Top期刊
116 Bai Bing, Cui Xianze. Physico-mechanical
properties and treatment
technology of hazardous geomaterials. Frontiers in Materials, 2023, 10: 1179876. SCI (A3)
115 Bai Bing, Bai F, Sun C, Nie Q, Sun S. Adsorption mechanism of shell powders on
heavy metal ions Pb2+/Cd2+ and the purification
efficiency for contaminated soils. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023,10:1071228. SCI (A3)
114 Bai
Bing. Special Issue on Advances in Soil Pollution and the Geotechnical Environment.
Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 12000. SCI (A3)
113 Bai Bing, Bai Fan, Li Xianke, Nie Qingke, Jia Xiangxin, Wu Haiyan. The remediation efficiency of heavy metal pollutants in water by
industrial red mud particle waste. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2022, 28: 102944. SCI (A2), Top期刊
112 Bai Bing, Wang Yan , Rao Dengyu, Bai Fan. The effective thermal conductivity of
unsaturated porous media deduced
by pore-scale SPH simulation. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10: 943853, SCI (A3)
111 Bai Bing, Nie Qingke,
Wu Haiyan, Hou Jianpeng. The attachment-detachment mechanism of
ionic/nanoscale/microscale substances on quartz sand in water. Powder Technology, 2021, 394: 1158–1168, SCI (A2), Top期刊
110 Bai
Bing, Zhou Rui, Cai Guoqing, Hu Wei, Yang Guangchang. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanism in view of the soil particle rearrangement of granular thermodynamics. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021,137(8),104272,SCI (A1),
Bai Bing, Jiang Sichen, Liu Lulu, Li Xu, Wu Haiyan. The transport of silica powders and lead ions under unsteady flow and variable injection concentrations. Powder Technology, 2021, 387: 22–30, SCI (A2),
Bai Bing, Nie Qingke, ZhangYike, Wang Xiaolong, Hu Wei. Cotransport of heavy
metals and SiO2 particles at different temperatures by seepage. Journal of
Hydrology, 2021, 597: 125771, SCI (A1),
107 Bai Bing, Zhang Jiaxi, Liu Lulu, Ji Yanjie. The deposition
characteristics of coupled lead ions and suspended silicon powders along the
migration distance in water seepage. Transport in Porous Media, 2020, 134(3):
106 Bai Bing, Xu Tao, Nie Qingke, Li Pengpeng. Temperature-driven migration of
heavy metal Pb2+ along with moisture movement in unsaturated soils.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020,153: 119573, SCI
(A1), Top期刊
105 Bai Bing, Ren Yan, Rao Dengyu.The transport of solid particle suspension at
different alkalinities in saturated porous media. Journal of porous media,
2020, 23(3): 207-218, SCI (A3)
104 Bai Bing, Yang G C, Li T, Yang G S. A thermodynamic constitutive model with
temperature effect based on particle rearrangement for geomaterials. Mechanics
of Materials, 2019, 139: 103180 , SCI(A1), Top期刊
103 Bai Bing, Rao Dengyu, Chang Tao, Guo Zhiguang. A nonlinear
attachment-detachment model with adsorption hysteresis for suspension-colloidal
transport in porous media. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 578: 124080, SCI
(A1), Top期刊
102 Bai Bing, Zhai Zhenqian, Rao Dengyu. The seepage transport of heavy metal
Pb2+ through sand column in the presence of silicon powders. Journal
of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2019, 67: 349-358, SCI (A3)
101 Bai Bing, Rao Dengyu,Xu Tao, Chen Peipei. SPH-FDM boundary for the analysis
of thermal process in homogeneous media with a discontinuous interface.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,117: 517-526,SCI (A2),
100 白冰, 桑有为, 杨光昌. 循环温度荷载引起的饱和粉质黏土的超固结效应. 应用基础与工程科学学报,
2018,26(4):863-871, EI
99 Bai Bing, Xu Tao, Li Huawei. The semi-analytical solution of particle
transport in porous media induced by seepage. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,
98 Bai Bing, Jiang Sichen. Thermally induced pore pressure and consolidation
volumetric strain for saturated soils. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2017,
49(H): 19-24, SCI(A4)
97 Bai Bing, Shi Xiaoying. Experimental study on the consolidation of saturated
silty clay subjected to cyclic thermal loading. Geomechanics and Engineering,
2017, 12(4): 707-721, SCI(A3)
96 Bai Bing, Wang Jiaqing, Zhai Zhenqian, Xu Tao. The penetration processes of
red mud filtrate in a porous medium by seepage. Transport in Porous Media,
2017,117(2): 207-227, SCI(A3)
95 Bai Bing, Long Fei, Rao Dengyu, Xu Tao. The effect of temperature on the
seepage transport of suspended particles in a porous medium. Hydrological
Processes, 2017,31(2): 382-393, SCI(A2)
94 Bai Bing, Xu Tao, GUO Zhiguang. An experimental and theoretical study of the
seepage migration of suspended particles with different sizes. Hydrogeology
Journal,2016,24(8): 2063-2078, SCI(A3)
93 白冰,赵晓龙,许韬.多级升温及降温引起的饱和红黏土的热响应试验研究.岩土力学,2016,37(1):
25-32, EI
92 白冰,张鹏远,宋晓明,郭志光,陈星欣. 渗透作用下多孔介质中悬浮颗粒的迁移过程研究. 岩土工程学报,
2015, 37(10): 1786-1793, EI
91 Bai Bing,Li Huawei, Xu Tao, Chen Xingxin. Analytical solutions for
contaminant transport in a semi-infinite porous medium using the source
function method, Computers and Geotechnics,2015,69: 114-123, SCI(A2)
90 白冰,张鹏远,闫瑜龙,秦禄盛,王明亮. 内外边界施加温度荷载的中空圆柱试样热固结试验. 岩土工程学报,
2015, 37(1): 67-74, EI
89 Bai Bing,Guo Lanjie,Han Song. Pore pressure and consolidation of saturated
silty clay induced by progressively heating/cooling. Mechanics of Materials,
88 白冰,张鹏远,贾丁云,蒋思晨. 不同幅值温度荷载下一种饱和红黏土的固结效应. 岩土工程学报,
2013, 35(11): 1972-1978, EI
87 Bai Bing. Thermal response of saturated porous spherical body containing a
cavity under several boundary conditions. Journal of thermal stresses,
86 Bai Bing, Li Tao. Irreversible consolidation problem of a saturated
porothermoelastic spherical body with a spherical cavity. Applied Mathematical
Modelling, 2013,37(4):1973-1982, SCI(A2)
85 白冰,刘文秀,史晓英,杨海朋. 不排水升温–降温过程引起的饱和粉质黏土的热力学响应. 岩土工程学报,
2012, 34(10): 1781-1786, EI
84 Bai Bing, Su Zhongqin. Thermal responses of saturated silty clay during
repeated heating-cooling processes. Transport in Porous Media, 2012,
93(1):1-11, SCI(A3)
83 白冰,苏钟琴,杨海朋.一种饱和粉质粘土的热固结特性试验研究.岩土力学,2012,33(1):12-16,EI
82 Bai Bing,Chen Xingxin. Responses of Cylinder Containing a Heat Source with
Exponentially Increasing Temperature.Advanced Science Letters,2012,12:442-445
81 白冰.空心圆柱饱和多孔介质热固结问题的解析解.岩土力学,2011,32(10):2901-2906,EI
80 白冰,陈星欣.热-冷反复变化过程中饱和粘性土的热固结试验研究. 工程力学,2011,28(10),EI
79 白冰,陈星欣.一种用于饱和土的热固结试验装置及其应用.岩土工程学报,2011,33(6),EI
78 Bai Bing. Consolidation solutions of a saturated porothermoelastic hollow
cylinder with infinite length. Engineering, 2010, 2(1)
77 Bai Bing. Thermoporoelastic problem of saturated media containing a
cylindrical cavity. International Workshop on Environment, Construction and
Transportation. 2010, June 26-28, EI
76 Bai Bing, Su Zhongqin. Thermolelastic responses of saturated soil
considering thermo-osmosis and thermal filtration. New Frontiers in Chinese and
Japanese Geotechniques, 2010, April 12-14, ISTP
75 白冰等. 强夯法加固铁路松软土地基现场试验研究. 中国铁道科学,2010,31(4),
74 白冰等. 强夯置换法处理软土地基若干问题研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,
2010, 29(s1), EI
73 白冰. 无限长圆柱饱和多孔热弹性介质的固结解. 岩土工程学报,
2010, 32(11), EI
72 白冰,聂庆科,吴刚, 苏钟琴. 考虑空间效应的深基坑双排桩支护结构计算模型. 建筑结构学报,2010,31(8),
71 白冰等.地铁列车振动作用下近距离平行隧道的弹塑性动力响应.岩土力学,2009,30(1),
70 Bai B, Li T. Solutions for cylindrical cavity in saturated thermoporoelastic
medium. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22(1):85-94, SCI(A4)
69 白冰等.循环剪切荷载作用下软土的力学性状研究.工程地质学报,
2008, 16(3)
68 白冰. 循环温度荷载作用下饱和多孔介质热-水-力耦合响应.工程力学,
2007, 24(5), EI
67 白冰,李春峰. 地铁列车振动作用下交叠隧道的三维动力响应. 岩土力学,
2007, 28(增刊),
66 Bai Bing. Fluctuation Responses of Saturated Porous Media Subjected to
Cyclic Thermal Loading, Computers and Geotechnics,2006,33(8), SCI(A3)
65 Bai Bing. Thermal Consolidation of Layered Saturated Porous Space Subjected
to Variable Thermal Loading. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2006,27(11).
64 Bai B. and He J. Thermal Consolidation of Saturated Porous Media Under
Cyclic Temperature Loading. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP), ASCE,2006,
63 Bai Bing. Consolidation characteristics and undrained shear strength under
repeated impact loading. Geotechincal testing Journal, ASTM,2006,29(4) , SCI(A4)
62 Bai Bing. Response of saturated porous media subjected to local thermal
loading on the surface of semi-infinite space. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2006,
22(1), SCI(A4)
61 白冰.非饱和介质中热能传输及水分迁移的数值积分解. 岩土力学,2006,27(12),
60 白冰.变热源强度温度荷载作用下非饱和土中的水分迁移规律.岩石力学与工程学报,2006,25(supp2),
59 白冰.饱和多孔介质热-水-力控制方程耦合项的意义及耦合影响.岩土力学,2006,27(4),
58 白冰,赵成刚,李涛,吴刚. 学位制度的改革与岩土工程研究生培养.土力学教育与教学(第一届全国土力学教学研讨会论文集).北京:人民交通出版社,
57 白冰,赵成刚,李涛. 工科研究生的培养方向与学科发展.北京交通大学学报(社科版),2006,5(2)
56 白冰. 岩土颗粒介质非等温一维热固结特性研究. 工程力学,
2005, 22(5), EI
55 白冰. 饱和土体固结变形特征的一种非线性描述. 岩石力学与工程学报,
2005, 24(11), EI
54 白冰. 饱和土体圆柱形热源热固结问题的一个近似解.岩石力学与工程学报,2005,24(6),
53 白冰. 岩土介质非稳态热固结耦合问题的热源函数法,力学学报,2004,36(4)
52 白冰. 核废料贮库周边介质热力耦合数值分析,岩土力学,2004,25(12),
51 Bai Bing. Model for predicting the shear strength of saturated soft clay
after impact loading.Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and
50 白冰. 饱和土体再固结变形特性若干问题研究. 岩土力学2003,(5),
49 白冰. 温度对粘性土介质力学特性的影响. 岩土力学,
48 白冰. 强夯荷载作用期间饱和土层的孔隙水压力. 岩石力学与工程学报,
2003, (9),
47 白冰. 强夯荷载作用瞬间饱和土层固结变形计算. 岩土力学2003,(1)
46 白冰,章光,黄胜生. 城市固体废弃物生态填埋技术研究.第一届全国环境岩土工程与土工合成材料技术研讨会,2002年11月17日-19日.
45 白冰. 粉煤灰作为排水垫层筑坝的动力分析. 力学季刊,
44 白冰. 饱和软粘土的塑性指数对其压缩变形参数的影响. 水利学报,
43 白冰. 冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土的一些性状. 岩石力学与工程学报,
42 白冰. 探地雷达测试技术发展概况及其应用现状. 岩石力学与工程学报,2001,(4)
41 白冰. 扫描电子显微镜测试技术在岩土工程中的应用与进展. 电子显微学报,
40 白冰. 冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土变形和孔压的若干问题. 同济大学学报,2001,(3),
39 白冰. 利用粉煤灰作为排水垫层筑坝的动力试验研究. 武汉大学学报,
38 白冰. 软土地层隧道抗震稳定分析. 佛山科学技术学院学报,2001,(1)
37 白冰. 计算机透析成像技术在岩土工程中的应用. 力学与实践,2001,(1)
36 白冰. 土工离心模型试验技术的一些进展. 大坝观测与土工测试,2001
35 BaiBing.Reconsolidation deformation of saturated soft clay and its
calculation. Proc. 10th IACMAG. Balkema Publishers (Netherlands), 2001.1
34 白冰. 随机地震作用下软土地层动力响应分析. 武汉交通科技大学学报,2000,(6)
33 白冰. 瑞利波测试技术发展概况及其应用. 中国煤田地质,2000,(3)
32 白冰. 基于累积损伤模型的软土地层结构物抗震稳定分析. 中国博士后学术大会论文集,2000.10,科学出版社,并获得由中国博士后科学基金会和中国科协学会部颁发的优秀论文
31 白冰. 饱和软粘土地基沉桩过程中桩土挤压应力及超孔压计算. 重庆交通学院学报,2000,(3)
30 白冰.关于夯锤冲击力大小的研究. 地下空间,2000,20(2)
29 白冰.长江堤防基础渗透破坏类型及其防渗治理分析. 上海地质,2000,(1)
28 白冰.动静结合排水固结法处理软基若干问题研究.四川建筑科学研究,2000,(1)
27 白冰.饱和软粘土及其在冲击荷载作用下的次固结变形.武汉交通科技大学学报,1999,(6)
26 白冰.冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土孔压计算模式. 合肥工业大学学报,1999,(6)
25 白冰,刘祖德.动静荷载耦合的固结计算问题研究. 武汉水利电力大学学报,1999,(5)
24 白冰.蒙特卡洛有限元法在土体变形分析中的应用.中国交通研究与探索,1999,人民交通出版社.
23 Bai Bing. Reconsolidation of Saturated Soft Clay After Impact Loading.
Proceedings of 2nd Asia Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environmental,
22 白冰,刘祖德.周期荷载作用下粘性土变形及强度特性述评.岩土力学,1999,(3)
21 白冰,刘祖德.冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土强度计算方法.水利学报,1999,(7)
20 白冰.湖北宜黄公路仙江段工程地质特征及软基处理体会. 湖北地矿,1999,(1)
19 白冰.冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土残余变形计算模式. 重庆交通学院学报,1999,(2)
18 白冰,刘祖德.饱和软粘土的再固结性状研究. 岩土工程学报,1999,(2). 获1999年度“林维德堂”优秀论文奖
17 白冰.硬壳层对公路软基沉降影响变形分析. 河海大学学报,1999,岩土工程专辑
16 白冰.冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土孔压增长与消散规律. 岩土力学,1998,(2), 被美国柯尔比科学文化信息中心评为优秀科学技术论文并获选进入全球信息网络.
15 白冰.土体变形分析的蒙特卡洛有限元法,岩土力学数值分析与解析方法,1998,广东科技出版社
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