


办公电话:010-51688018 13910536835 电子邮件: dwhe@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学光电子技术研究所 邮编:100044


何大伟    教授博导男,汉族,

1988-1991  中科院光机与物理研究所         凝聚态物理         硕士学位

       1992-1995  中科院光机与物理研究所         科研人员             助研

       1995-1998  中科院光机与物理研究所         凝聚态物理         博士学位

       1998-2000  北京交通大学                           博士后               博士后出站




自何年月    至何年月               工作单位                                                职称                                              职务

2011-11     现在                    北京交通大学                                       教授 博导                            光电子技术研究所常务副所长

2005-7       2010-7                北京交通大学                                       教授 博导                            支部书记、副所长

2000-7       2005-7                北京交通大学                                       教授 硕导                            支部书记、副所长

1998-7       2000-7                交大博士后流动站                                博士后

1992-7       1995-7                中科院长春光机与物理研究所               助研



  • 微纳光电子器件与技术
  • 光电信息工程


  • 光学工程硕士
  • 光电信息工程硕士


  1. 国家自然科学基金“面上” :利用能带排布调控二维材料多层异质结构中载流子动力学性质   2019-01-01--- 2022-12-31 主持 
  2. 国家重点研发计划:半导体二维原子晶体的可控掺杂及带隙调控 2016-07-01---2021-06-30 主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金“重大”:超高分辨率的瞬态吸收显微与量子调控系统 2016-01-01---2020-12-31 
  4. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:基于石墨烯的光调制器关键技术的研究,2014-01-01--2018-12-31,
  5. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于高质量石墨烯的叠层光伏器件的制备及其性能研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,主持
  6. 北京市自然基金“面上”:基于高质量石墨烯有机太阳能光伏器件性能的研究,2013-01-01--2015-12-31,主持
  7. 北京交通大学石墨烯基低成本高比能超级电容器的规模化生产研究,2013-04-20--2014-12-31,主持
  8. 北京交通大学:石墨烯的规模化生产研究,2013-04-20--2014-08-31,主持
  9. 科技部“973”:石墨烯的可控制备、物性与器件研究,2011-01-01--2012-12-31,
  10. 国防基础科研:2011-01-01--2012-12-31,
  11. 北京市科委:石墨烯透明导电薄膜及相关器件研发2010-09-01--2011-12-31主持
  12. 铁道部科技司:大功率机车运用维护技术研究--大功率机车车辆轮对踏面缺陷检测技术的研究,2010-01-01--2011-12-31,
  13. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于石墨烯的透明导电薄膜及其原理器件的研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,主持
  14. 北京市教委:纳米发光与显示材料制备及其性能研究,2010-01-01--2011-12-31,
  15. 北京市科委:聚合物光电材料和器件研究,2009-10-08--2011-10-31,
  16. 铁道部科技司:机车车辆新产品新技术研究— 转向架故障监测与智能诊断技术的研究,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,主持
  17. 北京市自然基金“面上”:核-壳结构纳米材料发光机理和性能研究,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,主持
  18. 北京市科委:高荧光量子效率纳米材料的设计与合成,2008-12-24--2010-01-31,
  19. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于有序介孔纳米材料的光电子器件的研究,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,主持
  20. 铁道部科技司:六轴9600KW交流传动电力机车技术再创新研究--大功率机车行车安全实时在线监测技术的研究,2008-01-01--2009-12-31,
  21. 国防预研专项:2008-01-01--2009-12-31,骨干
  22. 科技部“科技支撑”:城市轨道交通能馈式牵引供电系统及牵引传动系统研制--子课题,2008-04-01--2010-10-01,主持
  23. 北京交通大学:激光光纤准直与开关系统,2007-01-01--2007-12-31,主持
  24. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:电子陷阱及其在新电子俘获材料体系中的性质研究,2007-01-01--2007-12-31
  25. 校科技基金:新型高密度光存储材料的制备与应用研究,2007-01-01--2008-12-31
  26. 北京市科委:新型高密度光存储材料的制备与应用研究,2006-09-30--2008-12-30
  27. 北京市自然基金“面上”:新型高效真空紫外激发材料发光机理和性能的研究,2005-01-01--2007-12-31,主持
  28. 北京市科委:场致发光全色显示关键技术的研究,2001-09-18--2004-09-18,主持
  29. 国家自然科学基金:蓝色场致发光材料发光机理和性能的研究,2000-01-01--2002-12-01,主持



本科教学:    《光电子学》;本科生毕业设计。





1.    Pengzhi Wang, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Jialu Fu, Shuangyan Liu, Xiuxiu Han, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Transient Absorption Microscopy of Layered Crystal AsSbS3, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124, 1047-1052 (2020).

2.    Shengcai Hao, Matthew Z. Bellus, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Controlling Exciton Transport in Monolayer MoSe2 by Dielectric Screening, Nanoscale Horizons 5, 139-143 (2020).

3.    Shuangyan Liu, Congwei Tan, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, Hailin Peng*, and Hui Zhao*, Optical Properties and Photocarrier Dynamics of Bi2O2Se Monolayer and Nanoplates, Advanced Optical Materials DOI:10.1002/adom.201901567 (2020).

4.    Xiuxiu Han, Dawei He, Lu Zhang, Shengcai Hao g, Shuangyan Liu, Jialu Fu, Qing Miao, Jiaqi He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Type-II WS2-ReSe2 Heterostructure and its Charge Transfer Properties, Journal of Materials Research DOI:10.1557/jmr.2019.374 (2019).

5.     Lu Zhang, Dawei He, Jiaqi He*, Yang Fu, Ang Bian, Xiuxiu Han, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao, Ultrafast charge transfer in a type-II MoS2-ReSe2 van der Waals heterostructure, Optics Express 27, 17851-17858 (2019).

6.    Peymon Zereshki , Peng Yao , Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Interlayer charge transfer in ReS2/WS2 van der Waals heterostructures, Physical Review B 99, 195438 (2019).

7.    Yang Fu, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Ang Bian, Lu Zhang, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Effect of Dielectric Environment on Excitonic Dynamics in Monolayer WS2, Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 190137 (2019).

8.    Peng Yao, Dawei He, Peymon Zereshki, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Nonlinear optical effect of interlayer charge transfer in a van der Waals heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters 115, 263103 (2019).

9.    Shengcai Hao , Dawei He, Qing Miao, Xiuxiu Han, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Upconversion Photoluminescence by Charge Transfer in a van der Waals Trilayer, Applied Physics Letters 115, 173102 (2019).

10.   Jiaqi He, Lu Zhang, Dawei He*, Yongsheng Wang*, Zhiyi He, and Hui Zhao, Ultrafast Transient Absorption Measurements of Photocarrier Dynamics in Monolayer and Bulk ReSe2, Optics Express 26, 21501-21509 (2018).

11.   Siqi Zhao, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Xinwu Zhang, Lixin Yi, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Probing Excitons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenidesby Drude-Like Exciton Intraband Absorption, Nanoscale 10, 9538-9546 (2018).

12.   Xinwu Zhang*, Dawei He, Lixin Yi, Siqi Zhao, Jiaqi He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Electron Dynamics in MoS2-Graphite Heterostructures, Nanoscale 9, 14533 (2017).

13.   Jiaqi He, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Probing Effect of Electric Field on Photocarrier Transfer in Graphene-WS2 van der Waals Heterostructures, Optics Express 25, 1949-1957 (2017).

14.   J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Photocarrier Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Alloy Mo0.5W0.5S2, Optics Express 23, 33370 (2015).

15.   Q. Cui, J. He, M. Z. Bellus, M. Mirzokarimov, T. Hofmann, H.-Y. Chiu, M. Antonik, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Transient Absorption Measurements on Anisotropic Monolayer ReS2, Small 11, 5565 (2015).

16.   J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, Q. Cuig, F. Ceballosg, and Hui Zhao*, Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Excitons in Monolayer and Bulk WS2, Nanoscale 7, 9526 (2015).

17.   N. Kumar, Q. Cui, F. Ceballos, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*Exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer MoSe2, Physical Review B 89, 125427 (2014).

18.   N. Kumar, J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*Valley and spin dynamics in MoSe2 two-dimensional crystals, Nanoscale 6, 12690 (2014).

19.   N. Kumar, Q. Cui, F. Ceballos, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Exciton diffusion in monolayer and bulk MoSe2, Nanoscale 6, 4915 (2014).

20.   J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, Q. Cug, M. Z. Bellus, H.-Y. Chiu, and Hui Zhao*Exceptional and Anisotropic Transport Properties of Photocarriers in Black Phosphorus, ACS Nano 9, 6436 (2015).

21.   J. He, N. Kumar, M. Z. Bellusg, H. -Y. Chiu, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Electron transfer and coupling in graphene-tungsten disulfide van der Waals heterostructures, Nature Communication 5, 5622 (2014).

22.   Duan, Jiahua; *He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng; Fu, Ming; Li, Shulei   The fabrication of nanochain structure of gold nanoparticles and its application in ractopamine sensing  Talanta, 115vol, pp 992-998, 2013/10/15.

23.   Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Fu, Ming; Zhang, Xiqing; Wu, Hongpeng; Hu, Yin; Wang, Yongsheng Modulated photoluminescence of graphene quantum dots in the vicinity of an individual silver nano-octahedron  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(10), pp 4504-4509, 2014.

24.   Xu, Haiteng; *He, Dawei; Fu, Ming; Wang, Wenshuo; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng   Optical identification of MoS2/graphene heterostructure on SiO2/Si substrate     Optics Express, 22(13), pp 15969-15974, 2014/6/30.

25.  *Kumar, Nardeep; Cui, Qiannan; Ceballos, Frank; He, Dawei; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui   Exciton-exciton annihilation in MoSe2 monolayers    Physical Review B, 89(12), 2014/3/24.

26.  Kumar, Nardeep; Cui, Qiannan; Ceballos, Frank; He, Dawei; *Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui  Exciton diffusion in monolayer and bulk MoSe2    Nanoscale, 6(9), pp 4915-4919, 2014.

27.   Liu, Yongchuan; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Wang, Yongsheng; Li, Shulei  S ynthesis of MnO2/graphene/carbon nanotube nanostructured ternary composite for supercapacitor electrodes with high rate capability  Materials Chemistry and Physics, 147(1-2), pp 141-146, 2014/9/15.

28.  He, Jiaqi; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Liu, Zhiyong; Zhuo, Zuliang Solution-Processable Functionalized Graphene Oxide as an Efficient Hole Transport Layer in Organic Photovoltaics   Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3588-3591, 2014/5.

29.  Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Zhang, Xiqing; Duan, Jiahua; Wu, Hongpeng; Xu, Haiteng;Wang, Yongsheng   Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles with Graphene Oxide     Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3412-3416, 2014/5.

30.   Duan, Jiahua; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng Spectroscopic Detection of Clenbuterol Applying Gold Nanoparticles Encapsulated with Melamine       Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3373-3379, 2014/5.

31.  Zhuo Zu-Liang; *Wang Yong-Sheng; He Da-Wei; Fu Ming  Improved performance of P3HT:PCBM solar cells by both anode modification and short-wavelength energy utilization using Tb(aca)(3)phen  Chinese Physics B, 23(9), 2014/9.

32.  Gao, Qi; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Gao, Lei; Zhou, Yikang; Fu, Ming Infrared and microwave properties of polypyrrole/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites       Journal of Luminescence, 152vol, pp 117-120, 2014/8.

33.  Zhou, Yikang; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Ju, Changbin; Gao, Qi; Gao, Lei; Fu, Ming  Synthesis and Properties of Nano-Polyaniline Films Doped with Camphor Sulfonic Acid     Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3417-3421, 2014/5.

34.  Wang Wen-Shuo; *He Da-Wei; Wang Ji-Hong; Duan Jia-Hua; Peng Hong-Shang; Wu Hong-Peng; Fu Ming; Wang Yong-Sheng; Zhang Xi-Qing    An optimized, sensitive and stable reduced graphene oxide-gold nanoparticle-luminol-H2O2 chemiluminescence system and its potential analytical application   Chinese Physics B, 23(4), 2014/4.

35.  He Jia-Qi; *He Da-Wei; Wang Yong-Sheng; Liu Zhi-Yong   SPFGO effects on the electroluminescence and photovoltaic response in conjugated polymers     Acta Physica Sinica, 62(17), 2013/9.

36.  共轭聚合物中掺杂可溶性石墨烯对于OLED和OPV性能的影响      何家琪; 何大伟; 王永生;   Acta Physica Sinica, 17期, pp 541-546, 2013.

37.  Duan, Jiahua; *He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng; Fu, Ming Glassy carbon electrode modified with gold nanoparticles for ractopamine and metaproterenol sensing  Chemical Physics Letters, 574卷, pp 83-88, 2013/6/14

38. *Kumar, Nardeep; He, Jiaqi; He, Dawei; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui  Charge carrier dynamics in bulk MoS2 crystal studied by transient absorption microscopy     Journal of Applied Physics, 113(13), 2013/4/7.

39.  Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Wang, Sufeng; Wu, Hongpeng; Fu, Ming; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhang, Xiqing   Simple synthesis method of reduced graphene oxide/gold nanoparticle and its application in surface-enhanced Raman scattering  Chemical Physics Letters, 582 vol, pp 119-122, 2013/9/4.

40.  Y. Wu, Y. S. Wang, D. W. He, M. Fu, Z. M. Chen; Y. Li Spherical Zn(2)SiO(4):Eu(3+)@SiO(2) phosphor particles in core-shell structure: Synthesis and characterization  Journal of Luminescence, 130(10), pp 1768-1773, 2010.

41.  Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang   Graphene doping of P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic devices    Synthetic Metals, 160(9-10), pp 1036-1039, 2010.

42.  J. G. Wang, Y. S. Wang, D. W. He, Z. Y. Liu, H. P. Wu, H. T.; B. Y. Yang  Composition and annealing effects in solution-processable functionalized graphene oxide/P3HT based solar cells    Synthetic Metals, 160(23-24), pp 2494-2500, 2010.

43.  Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang Effect of SPFGraphene dopant in MEH-PPV organic light-emitting devices    Synthetic Metals, 160(13-14), pp 1587-1589, 2010.

44.  Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang    Solution-processable functionalized graphene in donor/acceptor-type organic photovoltaic cells   Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(7), pp 1196-1200, 2010.

45.  Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu, J. G. Wang; H. T. Wang  Improving photovoltaic properties by incorporating both SPFGraphene and functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes   Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(12), pp 2148-2153, 2010.





1,一种氧化石墨烯/聚吡咯复合材料的制备方法,何大伟,王永生,高琦,李京峰,富鸣,Zl2012 1 0003652.1

2,单层石墨烯/金纳米颗粒复合材料及其制备方法,何大伟,张希清,王闻硕,杨冰洋,王永生,ZL2011 1 0456075.7

3,一种氧化石墨烯/二氧化钛复合光催化材料及其制备方法,何大伟,王永生,杨冰洋,王闻硕,富鸣,张慧 ,201110456027.8

4,一种二氧化钛纳米管石墨烯混合光催化剂及制备方法,何大伟,王永生,李京峰,高琦,富鸣,2012 10008265.7

5,一种超级电容器及其电解液的制备方法,何大伟,王永生,许海腾,吴洪鹏,卓祖亮 ,201110457689.7




在所从事的相关研究工作领域共在国内外学术杂志、以责任作者发表论文 180 余篇,其中SCI检索文章110 余篇,已获授权发明专利 5 项;









        目前是北京市科委评审专家、国家基金、北京市基金, 国家博士后流动基金、霍英东基金等函审专家。

       是以下刊物:《JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE》、《SYNTHETIC METALS》、《Journal of Rare Earths》、《半导体学报》、《中国稀土学报》《物理学报》《中国物理快报》的特约审稿人。