黄炳森,盛新志,曹佳琦,贾皓强,高炜,顾帅,Chu,娄淑琴.Machine-learning-assisted omnidirectional bending sensor based on a cascaded asymmetric dual-core PCF sensor.Optics Letters,2023,None(48)
薛璐,盛新志,Depeng,Zhaojin,娄淑琴.3D-printed high-birefringence THz hollow-core anti-resonant fiber with an elliptical core.Optics Express,2023,None(31)
薛璐,盛新志,贾皓强,娄淑琴.An Ultra-Wide Single-Mode Frequency Bandwidth and Low-Flattened Dispersion Hollow-Core Negative-Curvature THz Waveguide.Journal of Lightwave Technology,2023,None(41)
贾皓强,娄淑琴,后冬连,薛璐,盛新志,王鑫.Ultra-broadband 3-dB coupler based on dual-hollow-core polymer fiber covering E plus S plus C plus L plus U band.OPTICS EXPRESS,2023,None(31)
薛璐,盛新志,Qiyuan,Depeng,Zhaojin,娄淑琴.Single-Mode Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Waveguides for Low-Loss THz Wave Propagation.JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES,2023,None(None)
贾皓强,娄淑琴,后冬连,薛璐,盛新志,Chu,王鑫.Ultra-broadband 3-dB coupler based on dual-hollow-core polymer fiber covering E + S + C+ L + U band.Optics Express,2023,18(31)
黄炳森,盛新志,曹佳琦,贾皓强,高炜,顾帅,王鑫,Chu,娄淑琴.Machine-learning-assisted omnidirectional bending sensor based on a cascaded asymmetric dual-core PCF sensor.Optics Letters,2023,48(19)
薛璐,盛新志,贾皓强,娄淑琴.Single-polarization low loss Terahertz Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Fiber with high Polarization Loss Ratio.Optics Communications,2023,537(129460)
薛璐,盛新志,贾皓强,娄淑琴.Single-polarization low loss Terahertz Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Fiber with high Polarization Loss Ratio.Optics Communications,2023,537(129460)
曹佳琦,娄淑琴,黄炳森,顾帅,贾皓强,盛新志,王鑫.High sensitivity vector torsion sensor based on a single Stress-Applying fiber Sagnac interferometer.OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY,2023,无(80)
薛璐,盛新志,Mu,Kong,Wang,Chu,娄淑琴.3D-printed high-birefringence THz hollow-core anti-resonant fiber with an elliptical core.Optics Express,2023,31(16)
薛璐,盛新志,贾皓强,娄淑琴.An Ultra-Wide Single-Mode Frequency Bandwidth and Low-Flattened Dispersion Hollow-Core Negative-Curvature THz Waveguide.J Lightwave Technology,2023,41(18)
黄炳森,盛新志,曹佳琦,高炜,娄淑琴.High sensitivity twist sensor based on suspended core fiber Sagnac interferometer with temperature calibration.Optics Express,2023,31(23)
薛璐,盛新志,贾皓强,娄淑琴.Single-Polarization Low Loss Terahertz Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant Fiber with High Polarization Loss Ratio.SSRN,2023,None(None)
黄炳森,盛新志,曹佳琦,娄淑琴.A Compact Sensor Integrated in a Single Hollow Core Bragg Fiber for Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Strain.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2023,None(23)
薛璐,盛新志,娄淑琴,赵国忠,杨帅,邢震,贾皓强.High-Birefringence Low-Loss Hollow-Core THz Waveguide Embedded Parallel Slab Cladding.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TERAHERTZ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,5(12)
顾帅,皮鹏程,廉正刚,王鑫,盛新志,娄淑琴.Research on Bending Characteristics of Hollow-Core Micro-Structured Fibers for Development of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes.Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,2023,None(50)
曹寅,许文渊,蔺博,朱宇昂,孟凡超,赵小艇,丁进敏,娄淑琴,王鑫,贺敬文,盛新志,梁生.Long short-term memory network of machine learning for compensating temperature error of a fiber optic gyroscope independent of the temperature sensor.APPLIED OPTICS,2022,28(61)
黄英哲,赵红敏,赵小艇,蔺博,孟凡超,丁进敏,娄淑琴,王鑫,贺敬文,盛新志,梁生.Pattern recognition using self-reference feature extraction for phi-OTDR.APPLIED OPTICS,2022,35(61)
孟凡超,丁进敏,赵一鸣,刘鸿维,苏魏全,杨旅云,陶光明,Andrey,王鑫,牟宏谦,牛英利,贺敬文,张兴华,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Artificial intelligence designer for optical Fibers: Inverse design of a Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant fiber based on a tandem neural network.RESULTS IN PHYSICS,2023,None(46)
顾帅,廉正刚,余倩卿,徐江河,黄炳森,王鑫,盛新志,娄淑琴.Radiation-induced attenuation of hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber for space applications.INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY,2023,None(131)
贾皓强,王鑫,黄炳森,薛璐,盛新志,娄淑琴.Compact single-polarization coupler based on a dual-hollow-core anti-resonant fiber.OPTICS EXPRESS,2023,None(31)
刘明轩,王鑫,梁生,盛新志,娄淑琴.Single and composite disturbance event recognition based on the DBN-GRU network in 9-OTDR.APPLIED OPTICS,2023,1(62)
孟凡超,丁进敏,赵一鸣,刘鸿维,苏魏全,杨旅云,陶光明,Pryamikov,王鑫,牟宏谦,牛英利,贺敬文,张兴华,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Artificial intelligence designer for optical Fibers: Inverse design of a Hollow-Core Anti-Resonant fiber based on a tandem neural network.Results in Physics,2023,无(46)
曹寅,许文渊,蔺博,朱宇昂,孟凡超,赵小艇,丁进敏,廉正刚,徐知芳,余倩卿,徐江河,娄淑琴,王鑫,盛新志,梁生.A method for temperature error compensation in fiber-optic gyroscope based on machine learning.Optik,2022,256(无)
丁进敏,孟凡超,赵小艇,王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,杨旅云,陶光明,梁生.All-solid anti-resonant single crystal fibers.Frontiers of Optoelectronics,2022,15(3)
顾帅,王鑫,贾皓强,ZG,盛新志,YF,娄淑琴.Single-ring hollow-core anti-resonant fiber with a record low loss (4.3 dB/km) for high-power laser delivery at 1μm.Optics Letters,2022,22(47)
黄炳森,盛新志,唐子娟,王鑫,娄淑琴.High and online tunable sensitivity fiber temperature sensor based on Vernier-effect.Optical Fiber Technology,2022,无(72)
王鑫,张广法,娄淑琴,梁生,盛新志.Two-round feature selection combining with LightGBM classifier for disturbance event recognition in phase-sensitive OTDR system.Infrared Physics & Technology,2022,123(无)
黄炳森,盛新志,唐子娟,娄淑琴.High SMSR and widely tunable multi-wavelength erbium doped fiber laser based on cascaded filters.INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY,2022,None(122)
杨帅,盛新志,赵国忠,李帅.Simple birefringent Terahertz ber based on elliptical hollow core.Optical Fiber Technology,2019,53(无)
贾洪志,娄淑琴,梁生,盛新志.Event Identification by F-ELM Model for phi-OTDR Fiber-Optic Distributed Disturbance Sensor.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2020,3(20)
贾皓强,王鑫,Benson,顾帅,娄淑琴,盛新志.Ultrawide bandwidth dual sakura hollow-core antiresonant fiber polarization beam splitter.Journal of the Optical Society of America B,2021,11(38)
李丹丹,娄淑琴,辛奇,梁生,盛新志.SNR Enhancement of Far-End Disturbances on Distributed Sensor Based on Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2021,2(21)
贾皓强,王鑫,赵彤彤,唐子娟,廉正刚,娄淑琴,盛新志.Ultrawide bandwidth single-mode polarization beam splitter based on dual-hollow-core antiresonant fiber.Applied Optics,2021,31(60)
孟凡超,赵小艇,丁进敏,牛英利,张兴华,杨旅云,王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,陶光明,梁生.Discovering extremely low confinement-loss anti-resonant fibers via swarm intelligence.Optics Express,2021,22(29)
丁进敏,孟凡超,赵小艇,杨旅云,王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,Buczynski,陶光明,梁生.Refractive-index guiding single crystal optical fiber with air–solid cladding.Optical Materials Express,2021,9(11)
梁生,张永欣,王鑫,盛新志,娄淑琴,蔺博,董明利,祝连庆.Surface Brillouin Scattering in Disordered Optical Fibers with Transverse Anderson Localization Guiding Mechanism for Evaluation of Longitudinal Structural Fluctuations.IEEE Photonics Journal,2018,1(10)
孟凡超,赵小艇,丁进敏,牛英利,张兴华,Smietana,Buczynski,林博,陶光明,杨旅云,王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Use of machine learning to efficiently predict the confinement loss in anti-resonant hollow-core fiber.Optics Letters,2021,6(46)
贾洪志,娄淑琴,梁生,盛新志.Event Identification by F-ELM Model for -OTDR Fiber-Optic Distributed Disturbance Sensor.IEEE Sensors Journal,2020,3(20)
王占栋,娄淑琴,梁生,盛新志.Multi-Class Disturbance Events Recognition Based on EMD and XGBoost in phi-OTDR.IEEE ACCESS,2020,无(8)
王占栋,娄淑琴,王鑫,梁生,盛新志.Multi-branch long short-time memory convolution neural network for event identification in fiber-optic distributed disturbance sensor based on phi-OTDR.INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY,2020,无(109)
唐子娟,娄淑琴,王鑫,黄炳森,王明庆,盛新志.Sensitivity optimization of symmetric multi-core fiber strain sensor based on mode-coupling theory.Infrared Physics & Technology,2020,无(111)
贾洪志,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志.A k -Nearest Neighbor Algorithm-Based Near Category Support Vector Machine Method for Event Identification of -OTDR.IEEE Sensors Journal,2019,10(19)
贾洪志,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志.A k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm-Based Near Category Support Vector Machine Method for Event Identification of ϕ-OTDR.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, vol.19, no. 10, 3683-3689,2019,10(19)
王颖,盛新志,苑青,郭庆林,王淑芳,傅广生,梁宝来,Huffaker,Mazur,Maidaniuk,Morgan,Salamo.Carrier dynamics in hybrid nanostructure with electronic coupling from an InGaAs quantum well to InAs quantum dots.JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE,2018,None(202)
毛雅亚,盛新志,吴重庆,高凯强.All-optical regenerative wavelength multicasting for differential phase shift keyed signal based on a single semiconductor optical amplifier.OPTICAL ENGINEERING,2016,12(55)
梁生,Sweechuan,蔺博,盛新志,娄淑琴,张永欣,王鑫.Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Method Based on the Sidelobe Modulation for Ultrasound Detection.JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,2019,11(37)
吴亚男,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志.An Interrogation Method to Enhance SNR for Far-end Disturbances in Fiber-optic Distributed Disturbance Sensor Based on -OTDR.IEEE Sensors Journal,2018,None(None)
毛雅亚,吴重庆,盛新志,刘博,Rahat,冯田.Multi-Channel NRZ/RZ-DPSK to CSRZ-DPSK Format Conversion Based on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation of SOA.CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2017,10(34)
毛雅亚,盛新志,吴重庆,余贶碌.Broad-Band All-Optical Wavelength Conversion of Differential Phase-Shift Keyed Signal Using an SOA-Based Nonlinear Polarization Switch.中国物理快报:英文版,2016,3(0)
贾洪志,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志.A k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm-Based Near Category Support Vector Machine Method for Event Identification of phi-OTDR.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2019,10(19)
吴亚男,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志.An Interrogation Method to Enhance SNR for Far-End Disturbances in Fiber-Optic Distributed Disturbance Sensor Based on phi-OTDR.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2019,3(19)
梁生,张永欣,张星宇,盛新志,娄淑琴,王鑫,Lin,Dong,Zhu,罗珏婷,彭瑞,梁柳雁,林裕勤,王金利,杨越,康帅,黄悦朗,丁家政,徐文轩,李福晓.Role of structural anisotropy in geometric birefringence of high-birefringence index-guiding PCFs: analysis by moment of inertia.OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2019,1(51)
梁生,杨越,康帅,张永欣,盛新志,娄淑琴,王鑫,张婉,赵彤彤.Influences of asymmetrical geometric structures on the birefringence of index-guiding photonic crystal fiber.OPTIK,2019,None(180)
李晓赫,梁生,张永欣,Yu,盛新志,娄淑琴,王鑫,张婉,Dong,Zhu.Novel refractive index sensor based on fiber bragg grating in nano-bore optical fiber.OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2019,4(51)
梁生,Tjin,Lin,盛新志,娄淑琴,张永欣,王鑫.Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Method Based on the Sidelobe-Modulation for Ultrasound Detection.Journal of Lightwave Technology,2019,11(37)
杨帅,盛新志,赵国忠,李帅.Simple birefringent Terahertz fiber based on elliptical hollow core.Optical Fiber Technology,2019,11(53)
杨帅,盛新志,赵国忠,王颖,于洋.Novel Pentagram THz Hollow Core Anti-resonant Fiber Using a 3D Printer.JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES,2019,7(40)
毛雅亚,盛新志,吴重庆,余贶琭.Broadband all-optical wavelength conversion of DPSK signal using a SOA-based nonlinear polarization switch.Chinese Physics Letters,2016,33(3)
王颖,盛新志.Photoluminescence study of the interface fluctuation effect for InGaAs/InAlAs/InP single quantum well with different thickness.Nanoscale Research Letters,2017,1(12)
王颖,盛新志.Photoluminescence of low density InAs/GaAs quantum dots with different bimodal populationsPhotoluminescence of low density InAs/GaAs quantum dots with different bimodal populations.Micro & Nano Letters,2017,9(12)
王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Simultaneous measurement of torsion, strain and temperature using a side-leakage photonic crystal fiber loop mirror.Infrared Physics & Technology,2016,5(76)
林文台,梁生,娄淑琴,盛新志,王鹏,张颜.A novel fiber-optic distributed disturbance sensor system with low false alarm rate.Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering,2015,6(44)
杨崇瑞,汪家升,盛新志,娄淑琴.Technique to improve quality of LIBS spectrum signal based on multiple data processing methods.Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering,2014,11(43)
王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Simultaneous measurement of torsion, strain and temperature using a side-leakage photonic crystal fiber loop mirror. Infrared Physics and Technology.Infrared Physics and Technology,2016,无(76)
王鑫,娄淑琴,鹿文亮,盛新志,赵彤彤.Bend resistant large mode area fiber with multi-trench in the core.IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,2015,2(22)
鹿文亮,娄淑琴,王鑫,申艳,盛新志.False-color terahertz imaging system based on terahertz time domain spectrocsopy.Acta Physica Sinica,2015,No.1(64(11))
王鑫,娄淑琴,鹿文亮,盛新志,赵彤彤,Hua.Bend Resistant Large Mode Area Fiber with Multi-trench in the Core.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,2016,2(22)
王鑫,娄淑琴,盛新志,梁生.Simultaneous measurement of torsion, strain and temperature using a side-leakage photonic crystal fiber loop mirror.INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY,2016,76(76)
陈京惠,娄淑琴,梁生,王思远,盛新志,董宏辉.A novel location method based on Lissajous figure for fiber distributed sensing system.Journal of Optoelectronics Laser. , 2014. ,2014,4(25)
李小青,盛新志,张景圆,崔大富,彭钦军,许祖彦.Frequency up-conversion imaging with 60 dB gain using picosecond optical parametric amplifier.Chin. Opt. Lett.,2013,11(11)
梁生,盛新志,娄淑琴,冯艳,张康宁.Combination of Phase-sensitive OTDR and Michelson Interferometer for Nuisance Alarm Rate Reducing and Event Identification.IEEE Photonics Journal,2016,2(8)
梁生,盛新志,娄淑琴.Experimental investigation on lower nuisance alarm rate phase-sensitive OTDR using the combination of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer.Infrared Physics & Technology,2016,无(75)
梁生,盛新志,娄淑琴,王鹏,张颜.Novel Lissajous figure based location method for fiber-optic distributed disturbance sensor.Optik,2015,23(126)
高凯强,吴重庆,盛新志,尚超,王健.OCDMA Secure Communications Systems with Rapid Reconfigurable Pol-SK User Code.Optical Engineering,2015,9(54)
毛雅亚,盛新志,吴重庆,高凯强,王颖,张天雍.A novel all-optical NRZ-DPSK to RZ-DPSK format conversion based on nonlinear polarization rotation of SOA.Applied Optics,2015,27(54)
王苒,盛新志,毛雅亚,吴重庆,董宏辉.Experimental investigation on gain-dependent chromatic dispersion of the semiconductor optical amplifier.Infrared Physics & Technology,2014,67(1)
陈晓涌,盛新志,吴重庆.Influence of Multi-Cascaded Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers on the Signal in an Energy-Efficient System.CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2012,1(29)
陈晓涌,盛新志,吴重庆.Influence of Multi-cascaded Semiconductor Amplifier on the Signal in an Energy-Efficient System .Chinese Physics Letters,2012,0256-307X(29)
冯震,盛新志,吴重庆,李政勇,毛雅亚.All-Optical Time Slot Interchange Using a Cascaded Optical Buffer.Chin.Phys.Lett.,2012,8(29)
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盛新志,salmanRosewaks,YuvalGand,I.Bar.Disclosing rovibrational coupling and overlaps from irregularities in action spectra:photo disociation of the 4Vch rovibrational manifold of C2H2.J. of Chemical Physica,2002,14(117)
盛新志,娄淑琴.Influence of Deformation Holes on the Properties of Photonic Crystal Fibre.Chinese Physics Letterss,2005,10(22)
严世博,娄淑琴,赵国忠,郭娇艳,杨帅,盛新志.Investigation of multi-layer-wall hollow-core negative curvature fiber.2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),2021
杨锦,刘哲语,盛新志,乔飞,魏琪,赵晖禅,刘欣君.Gesture recognition system with aging awareness based on tactile perception.2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan),2020
王颖,盛新志.Bandgap control for the lattice-matched InGaAs/InAlAs/InP single quantum wells.1st International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry (NMCI2016),2016
王颖,盛新志.Bandgap control for the lattice-matched InGaAs/InAlAs/InP single quantum wells.1st International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry (NMCI2016),2017
赵红敏,盛新志,陈志杰,范玲,韩笑,牛原,缪萍.借助大学物理实验平台,深化学生创新能力的培养.2011 The Conference on Higher Education Development and Teaching Reform,2011
梁生,刘子豪,盛新志,娄淑琴,王向凯.Investigation on the Influences of Fiber Link and Laser Source on Performances of RoF Transmission with WiMAX for 16 QAM.International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics 2014,2014
娄淑琴,盛新志,王立文,尹国路.A curvature sensor using a novel side-leakage photonic crystal fiber based Sagnac interferometer.The 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors Program,2012
韩冰,盛新志,成正维,郑晓秋,缪萍.measurement technique of the tiny rotatory angle.APOC2003,2003
韩冰,郑晓秋,盛新志,滕永平,缪萍.generation of highly directional ultrasonic waves in sea.APOC2003,2003
analysis of photonic crystal made of issue
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