期 刊-> 韩萌,王志海,原继东.Closed sequential pattern mining in high dimensional sequences [J]。Journal of Software,2013-04,8(6),1368:1373
期 刊-> 韩萌,王志海,原继东.Mining constraint based sequential patterns and rules on restaurant recommendation system[J]。Journal of Computational Information Systems,2013-05,9(10),3901:3908
期 刊-> 原继东,王志海,韩萌,刘亚姝.Efficiently using different arrays in mining access patterns[J]。Journal of Computational Information Systems,2013-03,9(5),1791:1798
期 刊-> 王中锋,王志海,解文杰.Tree-structured Bayesian network learning with application to scene classification[J]。Electronics Letters,2011-05,9(47),540:541
会议论文-> 付彬,王志海,Pan,Dolog,Xu.Learning tree structure of labels dependency for multi-label learning。PAKDD2012,马来西亚,159:159,2012-11
会议论文-> 付彬,王志海,Pan,Dolog,Xu.An integrated pruning criterion for ensemble learning based on classification accuracy and diversity。KMO2012,西班牙,47:47,2012-08
会议论文-> 田凤占,刘峰,王志海,于剑.Learning Bayesian Networks with Combination of MRMR Criterion and EMI Method。The 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and DataMining,江苏南京,2007-12
会议论文-> 田凤占,张颜锋,王志海,黄厚宽.Learning Bayesian Networks using Evolutionary Algorithm and a Variant of MDL score。The 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems,Vietri sul Mare, Italy,2007-12
会议论文-> 田凤占,李海生,王志海,于剑.Learning Bayesian Networks Based on a Mutual Information Scoring Function and EMI Method。4th International Symposium on Neural Networks,江苏南京,2007-12
会议论文-> 田凤占,李海生,王志海.Learning Bayesian Networks with the combination of Evolutionary Algorithm and EMI Method。2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition,Orlando, FL, USA,2007-12
会议论文-> 田凤占,黄厚宽,王志海,于剑.Learning TAN from Incomplete Data。IEEE ICIC 2005,安徽省合肥市,2005-12
会议论文-> 石洪波,王志海,黄厚宽.The Stability of A Restricted Bayesian Network:An Empirical Investigation。ICMLC 2003,2003-12
会议论文-> 石洪波,王志海,黄厚宽.A New Restricted Bayesian Network Classifier。PAKDD 2003,2003-12
会议论文-> 林友芳,王志海,黄厚宽.Exploration of OLAP Data Cubes of Data WareHouse Based on Discovery。国际微机应用学术会议,2000-12