办公电话:010-51685466 | 电子邮件: jlzhou@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:北京交通大学数学与统计学院 | 邮编:100044 |
• 研究方向:组合学与编码理论
• 研究兴趣:组合学与编码理论及密码学的交叉;组合设计;极值组合学;组合问题在有限域向量空间的模拟
• 主要学术论文:
[1] Qianqian Yan, Junling Zhou, The first infinite family of orthogonal Steiner systems S(3,5,v), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 105782
[2] Ruijing Liu, Junling Zhou, Further Study on Optimal Data Placements for Triple Replication, Graphs and Combinatorics (2023) 39:11 (February 2023, issue 1)
[3] 周君灵, 常彦勋,可分集与几乎可分集的新构造,中国科学: 数学2023 年第53 卷第2 期: 407—418(Zhou J L, Chang Y X. New constructions for partitionable sets and almost partitionable sets (in Chinese).Sci Sin Math, 2023, 53: 407-418, doi: 10.1360/SSM-2022-0031)
[4] Yunjing Shan, Junling Zhou, Suboptimal s-union families and s-union antichains for vector spaces, Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023) 113505
[5] 常彦勋, 谭霜飞, 周君灵,LD设计的存在谱,数学学报,2023, 66(6): 1019-1030
[1] Qianqian Yan; Junling Zhou, Infinite Families of Linear Codes Supporting More t-Designs, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ( Volume: 68, Issue: 7, July 2022), 4365 – 4377
[2] Zenghui Fang, Junling Zhou, Lidong Wang, Maximum w-cyclic holey group divisible packings and their application to three-dimensional optical orthogonal codes, Discrete Mathematics Volume 345, Issue 4, April 2022, 112754
[3] Ruijing Liu, Junling Zhou, Well-balanced quadruple systems, J. Combin. Des. (2022), 30, 260–275. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcd.21823
[4] Ruijing Liu, Junling Zhou, OPTIMAL DATA PLACEMENTS FOR TRIPLE REPLICATION IN DISTRIBUTED STORAGE SYSTEMS, Advances in Mathematics of Communications Vol. 16, No. 4, November 2022, pp. 903–919 doi:10.3934/amc.2022037
[1] Junling Zhou, Bohua Zhu, Maximum sets of mutually disjoint 2-chromatic Steiner quadruple systems, Finite Fields and Their Applications 76 (2021) 101908
[2] Ruijing Liu, Junling Zhou, Pure tetrahedral quadruple systems with index two, J Combin Des. 2021;29:52–72.
[3] Xiangqian Li, Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou, The existence of r-golf designs, J Combin Des. 2021;29:243–266.
[4] Tuvi Etzion, Junling Zhou, Large sets with multiplicity, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2021) 89:1661–1690
[5] Zenghui Fang, Junling Zhou, Lidong Wang, Maximum w-cyclic holey group divisible Packings with blocksize three and applications to optical orthogonal codes, J Combin Des. 2021;29:727–749.
[1] Junling Zhou, Wenling Zhou, Wide-sense 2-frameproof codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2020) 88(12): 2507–2519. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-020-00797-w
[2] Yanxun Chang, Charles J. Colbourn, Adam Gowty, Daniel Horsley, Junling Zhou, New bounds on the maximum size of Sperner partition systems, European Journal of Combinatorics 90 (2020) 103165. December 2020
[3] Tuvi Etzion, Junling Zhou, An improved recursive construction for disjoint Steiner quadruple systems, J Combin Des. 2020;28:551–567. August 2020
[4] Zenghui Fang, Junling Zhou, The sizes of maximal (v,k,k−2,k−1) optical orthogonal codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2020) 88:807–824。https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-020-00714-1
[5] Chunxuan Mao, Junling Zhou, The existence of 2-balanced Mendelsohn triple systems, Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020) 111652
[6] Bohua Zhu, Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, 2-(v,5;m) spontaneous emission error designs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2020)88:951–970 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-020-00722-1
[1] Yanxun Chang, Hao Zheng, Junling Zhou, Existence of frame-derived H-designs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2019) 87 (6):1415–1431
[2] Bohua Zhu, Junling Zhou, New lower bounds on 2-spontaneous emission error designs, Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 1152–1158, April 2019
[3] Xiangqian Li, Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou, Group divisible 3‐designs with block size four and group type 1^ns^1, J Combin Des. 27 (2019) 688–700. November 2019
[1] Yanxun Chang, Fengzhao Cheng, Junling Zhou, Partial geometric difference sets and partial geometric difference families, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 341, Issue 9, September 2018, Pages 2490–2498
[2] Hao Zheng, Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou, Existence of LS+(2n41)s, J Combin Des. 26 (2018) 387–400. Issue 8, August 2018
[3] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, Further results on 3-spontaneous emission error designs, Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 3057–3074, November 2018
[1] Hao Zheng, Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou*, Direct constructions of large sets of Kirkman triple systems, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2017) 83:23–32, DOI 10.1007/s10623-016-0197-4.
[2] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, Bounds and constructions of t-spontaneous emission error designs, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2017) 85:249–271, DOI 10.1007/s10623-016-0300-x (Nov.)
[3] Hao Zheng,Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou, Large sets of Kirkman triple systems of prime power sizes, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2017) 85:411–423, DOI 10.1007/s10623-016-0315-3
[4] Junling Zhou, Zihong Tian, Optimal 1-Spontaneous Emission Error Designs, J. Combin. Designs 25: 556–580, 2017 (December 2017)
[1] Geng Mingming; Zhou, Junling, Large sets of resolvable Mendelsohn triple systems of prime power sizes, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Vol. 338 (6), pp 1017-1021, 2015
[2] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, 3-Spontaneous Emission Error Designs from PSL(2, q) or PGL(2, q), J. Combin. Designs,Volume 24, Issue 5,24: 234–245, 2016
[3] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, Bounds on the Dimensions of 2-Spontaneous Emission Error Designs, J. Combin. Designs,Volume 24, Issue 10,24: 439–460, 2016
[1] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, A new result on Sylvester’s problem, Discrete Mathematics 331 (2014) 15–19, 28 September 2014
[2] J. Fang, J. Zhou, Y. Chang, Nonexistence of some quantum jump codes with specified parameters, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (2014) 73:223–235, DOI 10.1007/s10623-013-9814-7
[3] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, Yinv Zhang, On the exact size of maximum impulse radio sequences with parameters (m, k,λ, k-1), Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics 171 (2014) 122–136 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2014.02.009
[4] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang, New large sets of resolvable Mendelsohn triple systems, Discrete Mathematics 328 (2014) 27–35
[1] Y. Chang, J. Zhou, Large sets of Kirkman triple systems and related designs,Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (2013) 649-670 Volume 120, Issue 3, April 2013, Pages 649-670
[2] Chee, Yeow Meng; Colbourn, C.J.; Horsley, D.; Zhou, Junling, Sequence covering arrays, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 27, pp 1844-1861, 2013
[3] Yanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi, Junling Zhou, TBSs in some minimum coverings, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 313, Issue 3, 6 February 2013, Pages 278–285
[4] J. Zhou, Y. Chang, Overlarge sets of Mendelsohn triple systems with resolvability, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 313, Issue 4, 28 February 2013, Pages 490-497
[5] Yanxun Chang, Junling Zhou, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi, On tight blocking set in minimum coverings, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 40 (2013) 365–370.
[1] C. J. Colbourn, J. Zhou, Improving Two Recursive Constructions for Covering Arrays, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 6 (2012) 30–47
[2] J. Zhou, Y. Chang, Further results on large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin squares, J. Combin. Designs 20: 399–407, 2012 (September)
[3] Y. Chang, Fan Yang and J. Zhou, The existence spectrum for (3, lambda)-GDDs of type g^t u^1, Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 341–350
[4] Yanxun Chang, Giovanni Lo Faro, Antoinette Tripodi, Junling Zhou, Overlarge sets of resolvable idempotent quasigroups, Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 1461-1467
[1] Y. Chang, Y. M. Chee and J. Zhou, A pair of disjoint 3-GDDs of type g^t u^1, Des. Codes Cryptogr. (1) 60 (2011), 37-62. DOI 10.1007/s10623-010-9415-7.
[2] J. Zhou, Y. Chang and Z. Tian, Large sets of resolvable idempotent Latin quares, Discrete Mathematics, 311 (2011) 24–31 Volume 311, Issue 1, 6 January 2011, Pages 24–31
[3] J. Zhou, Y. Chang, P3BD-closed sets, J. Combin. Designs. 19 (2011) 407–421
[1] J. Zhou, Y. Chang and L. Ji, The spectrum for large sets of pure Mendelsohn triple systems,Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 1850-1863. (2008-5)
[2] J. Zhou, Y. Chang and L. Ji, The spectrum for large sets of pure directed triple systems, Science in China (A), 49 (2006), 1103-1127. (2006-8)
[3] J. Zhou and Y. Chang, Tripling construction for large sets of resolvable directed triple systems, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 22 (2006), 311-318. (2006-1)
[4] J. Zhou and Y. Chang, Product constructions for large sets of resolvable MTSs and DTSs, Australasian J. Combinatorics, 33 (2005), 47-56. (2005-10)
[5] J. Zhou, Recursive constructions for large sets of resolvable hybrid triple systems, Australasian J. Combinatorics, 36 (2006), 113-122. (2006-10)
[6] B. Fan, J. Zhou and Y. Chang, Large Sets of Pure Mendelsohn Triple Systems with Index入, Acta Mathematica Applicate Sinica, (5) 31 (2008), 953-960.
[7] Junling Zhou, Yanxun Chang,Existence of good large sets of Steiner triple systems,Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 3930-3935. Volume 309, Issue 12, 28 June 2009, Pages 3930–3935
[8] J. Lei, C. Fan, J. Zhou, Self-converse Large Sets of Pure Mendelsohn Triple Systems, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Oct., 2009, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 1665–1680.
[9] J. Zhou and Y. Chang, New results on large sets of Kirkman triple systems, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 55 (2010), 1–7.
[10] B. Fan and J. Zhou, Large sets of pure directed triple system with index lambda, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 26 (2010), 1899-1914.