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通讯地址:北京交通大学光电子技术研究所 | 邮编:100044 |
王永生 教授博导 男
主要从事发光、显示材料与微钠材料与器件的研究工作,相关领域主持完成“973”和“863”课题各1项,国家自然科学杰出青年基金项目1项,面上项目4项,在研主持“973”二级子课题项目一项、国防基础研究课题二项、北京市科学技术委员会三项,2005年以来,获2009年教育部自然科学一等奖 固态阴极射线发光及相关发光材料; 发表论文200余篇,被SCI网络版收录152篇,在SCI网络版中被他引161次;国内学术会议上做邀请报告7次,申请发明专利7项(获得授权4项),得到了国际、国内通行的认可和好评。
1. 国家自然科学基金“面上” :利用能带排布调控二维材料多层异质结构中载流子动力学性质 2019-01-01--- 2022-12-31 主持
2. 国家重点研发计划:半导体二维原子晶体的可控掺杂及带隙调控 2016-07-01---2021-06-30 参加
3. 国家自然科学基金“重大”:超高分辨率的瞬态吸收显微与量子调控系统 2016-01-01---2020-12-31 主持
4. 国家自然科学基金“重点”:基于石墨烯的光调制器关键技术的研究,2014-01-01--2018-12-31,主持
5. 国家自然科学杰出青年基金:有机无机复合发光显示材料与器件的研究 2008年-2012年 主持
6. 科技部“973”:石墨烯的可控制备、物性与器件研究,2011-01-01--2012-12-31,主持
7. 国防基础科研:2011-01-01--2012-12-31,主持
8. 北京市科委:石墨烯透明导电薄膜及相关器件研发2010-09-01--2011-12-31骨干
9. 铁道部科技司:大功率机车运用维护技术研究--大功率机车车辆轮对踏面缺陷检测技术的研究,2010-01-01--2011-12-31,主持
10. 北京市教委:纳米发光与显示材料制备及其性能研究,2010-01-01--2011-12-31,骨干
11. 北京市科委:聚合物光电材料和器件研究,2009-10-08--2011-10-31,主持
12. 铁道部科技司:机车车辆新产品新技术研究— 转向架故障监测与智能诊断技术的研究,2009-01-01--2011-12-31,主持
13. 北京市科委:高荧光量子效率纳米材料的设计与合成,2008-12-24--2010-01-31,主持
14. 铁道部科技司:六轴9600KW交流传动电力机车技术再创新研究--大功率机车行车安全实时在线监测技术的研究,2008-01-01--2009-12-31,骨干
15. 国防预研专项:2008-01-01--2009-12-31,主持
16. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:电子陷阱及其在新电子俘获材料体系中的性质研究,2007-01-01--2007-12-31,主持
17. 北京市科委:新型高密度光存储材料的制备与应用研究,2006-09-30--2008-12-30,骨干
18. 北京市科委:场致发光全色显示关键技术的研究,2001-09-18--2004-09-18,主持
1. Pengzhi Wang, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Jialu Fu, Shuangyan Liu, Xiuxiu Han, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Transient Absorption Microscopy of Layered Crystal AsSbS3, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124, 1047-1052 (2020).
2. Shengcai Hao, Matthew Z. Bellus, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Controlling Exciton Transport in Monolayer MoSe2 by Dielectric Screening, Nanoscale Horizons 5, 139-143 (2020).
3. Shuangyan Liu, Congwei Tan, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, Hailin Peng*, and Hui Zhao*, Optical Properties and Photocarrier Dynamics of Bi2O2Se Monolayer and Nanoplates, Advanced Optical Materials DOI:10.1002/adom.201901567 (2020).
4. Xiuxiu Han, Dawei He, Lu Zhang, Shengcai Hao g, Shuangyan Liu, Jialu Fu, Qing Miao, Jiaqi He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Type-II WS2-ReSe2 Heterostructure and its Charge Transfer Properties, Journal of Materials Research DOI:10.1557/jmr.2019.374 (2019).
5. Lu Zhang, Dawei He, Jiaqi He*, Yang Fu, Ang Bian, Xiuxiu Han, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao, Ultrafast charge transfer in a type-II MoS2-ReSe2 van der Waals heterostructure, Optics Express 27, 17851-17858 (2019).
6. Peymon Zereshki , Peng Yao , Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Interlayer charge transfer in ReS2/WS2 van der Waals heterostructures, Physical Review B 99, 195438 (2019).
7. Yang Fu, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Ang Bian, Lu Zhang, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Effect of Dielectric Environment on Excitonic Dynamics in Monolayer WS2, Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 190137 (2019).
8. Peng Yao, Dawei He, Peymon Zereshki, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Nonlinear optical effect of interlayer charge transfer in a van der Waals heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters 115, 263103 (2019).
9. Shengcai Hao , Dawei He, Qing Miao, Xiuxiu Han, Shuangyan Liu, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Upconversion Photoluminescence by Charge Transfer in a van der Waals Trilayer, Applied Physics Letters 115, 173102 (2019).
10. Jiaqi He, Lu Zhang, Dawei He*, Yongsheng Wang*, Zhiyi He, and Hui Zhao, Ultrafast Transient Absorption Measurements of Photocarrier Dynamics in Monolayer and Bulk ReSe2, Optics Express 26, 21501-21509 (2018).
11. Siqi Zhao, Dawei He, Jiaqi He, Xinwu Zhang, Lixin Yi, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Probing Excitons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenidesby Drude-Like Exciton Intraband Absorption, Nanoscale 10, 9538-9546 (2018).
12. Xinwu Zhang*, Dawei He, Lixin Yi, Siqi Zhao, Jiaqi He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Electron Dynamics in MoS2-Graphite Heterostructures, Nanoscale 9, 14533 (2017).
13. Jiaqi He, Dawei He, Yongsheng Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Probing Effect of Electric Field on Photocarrier Transfer in Graphene-WS2 van der Waals Heterostructures, Optics Express 25, 1949-1957 (2017).
14. J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Photocarrier Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Alloy Mo0.5W0.5S2, Optics Express 23, 33370 (2015).
15. Q. Cui, J. He, M. Z. Bellus, M. Mirzokarimov, T. Hofmann, H.-Y. Chiu, M. Antonik, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Transient Absorption Measurements on Anisotropic Monolayer ReS2, Small 11, 5565 (2015).
16. J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, Q. Cuig, F. Ceballosg, and Hui Zhao*, Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Excitons in Monolayer and Bulk WS2, Nanoscale 7, 9526 (2015).
17. N. Kumar, Q. Cui, F. Ceballos, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Exciton-exciton annihilation in monolayer MoSe2, Physical Review B 89, 125427 (2014).
18. N. Kumar, J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Valley and spin dynamics in MoSe2 two-dimensional crystals, Nanoscale 6, 12690 (2014).
19. N. Kumar, Q. Cui, F. Ceballos, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Exciton diffusion in monolayer and bulk MoSe2, Nanoscale 6, 4915 (2014).
20. J. He, D. He, Y. Wang*, Q. Cug, M. Z. Bellus, H.-Y. Chiu, and Hui Zhao*, Exceptional and Anisotropic Transport Properties of Photocarriers in Black Phosphorus, ACS Nano 9, 6436 (2015).
21. J. He, N. Kumar, M. Z. Bellusg, H. -Y. Chiu, D. He, Y. Wang*, and Hui Zhao*, Electron transfer and coupling in graphene-tungsten disulfide van der Waals heterostructures, Nature Communication 5, 5622 (2014).
22. Duan, Jiahua; *He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng; Fu, Ming; Li, Shulei The fabrication of nanochain structure of gold nanoparticles and its application in ractopamine sensing Talanta, 115vol, pp 992-998, 2013/10/15.
23. Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Fu, Ming; Zhang, Xiqing; Wu, Hongpeng; Hu, Yin; Wang, Yongsheng Modulated photoluminescence of graphene quantum dots in the vicinity of an individual silver nano-octahedron Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(10), pp 4504-4509, 2014.
24. Xu, Haiteng; *He, Dawei; Fu, Ming; Wang, Wenshuo; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng Optical identification of MoS2/graphene heterostructure on SiO2/Si substrate Optics Express, 22(13), pp 15969-15974, 2014/6/30.
25. *Kumar, Nardeep; Cui, Qiannan; Ceballos, Frank; He, Dawei; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui Exciton-exciton annihilation in MoSe2 monolayers Physical Review B, 89(12), 2014/3/24.
26. Kumar, Nardeep; Cui, Qiannan; Ceballos, Frank; He, Dawei; *Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui Exciton diffusion in monolayer and bulk MoSe2 Nanoscale, 6(9), pp 4915-4919, 2014.
27. Liu, Yongchuan; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Wang, Yongsheng; Li, Shulei S ynthesis of MnO2/graphene/carbon nanotube nanostructured ternary composite for supercapacitor electrodes with high rate capability Materials Chemistry and Physics, 147(1-2), pp 141-146, 2014/9/15.
28. He, Jiaqi; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Liu, Zhiyong; Zhuo, Zuliang Solution-Processable Functionalized Graphene Oxide as an Efficient Hole Transport Layer in Organic Photovoltaics Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3588-3591, 2014/5.
29. Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Zhang, Xiqing; Duan, Jiahua; Wu, Hongpeng; Xu, Haiteng;Wang, Yongsheng Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles with Graphene Oxide Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3412-3416, 2014/5.
30. Duan, Jiahua; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng Spectroscopic Detection of Clenbuterol Applying Gold Nanoparticles Encapsulated with Melamine Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3373-3379, 2014/5.
31. Zhuo Zu-Liang; *Wang Yong-Sheng; He Da-Wei; Fu Ming Improved performance of P3HT:PCBM solar cells by both anode modification and short-wavelength energy utilization using Tb(aca)(3)phen Chinese Physics B, 23(9), 2014/9.
32. Gao, Qi; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Gao, Lei; Zhou, Yikang; Fu, Ming Infrared and microwave properties of polypyrrole/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites Journal of Luminescence, 152vol, pp 117-120, 2014/8.
33. Zhou, Yikang; *Wang, Yongsheng; He, Dawei; Ju, Changbin; Gao, Qi; Gao, Lei; Fu, Ming Synthesis and Properties of Nano-Polyaniline Films Doped with Camphor Sulfonic Acid Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(5), pp 3417-3421, 2014/5.
34. Wang Wen-Shuo; *He Da-Wei; Wang Ji-Hong; Duan Jia-Hua; Peng Hong-Shang; Wu Hong-Peng; Fu Ming; Wang Yong-Sheng; Zhang Xi-Qing An optimized, sensitive and stable reduced graphene oxide-gold nanoparticle-luminol-H2O2 chemiluminescence system and its potential analytical application Chinese Physics B, 23(4), 2014/4.
35. He Jia-Qi; *He Da-Wei; Wang Yong-Sheng; Liu Zhi-Yong SPFGO effects on the electroluminescence and photovoltaic response in conjugated polymers Acta Physica Sinica, 62(17), 2013/9.
36. 共轭聚合物中掺杂可溶性石墨烯对于OLED和OPV性能的影响 何家琪; 何大伟; 王永生; Acta Physica Sinica, 17期, pp 541-546, 2013.
37. Duan, Jiahua; *He, Dawei; Wang, Wenshuo; Liu, Yongchuan; Wu, Hongpeng; Wang, Yongsheng; Fu, Ming Glassy carbon electrode modified with gold nanoparticles for ractopamine and metaproterenol sensing Chemical Physics Letters, 574卷, pp 83-88, 2013/6/14
38. *Kumar, Nardeep; He, Jiaqi; He, Dawei; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhao, Hui Charge carrier dynamics in bulk MoS2 crystal studied by transient absorption microscopy Journal of Applied Physics, 113(13), 2013/4/7.
39. Wang, Wenshuo; *He, Dawei; Duan, Jiahua; Wang, Sufeng; Wu, Hongpeng; Fu, Ming; Wang, Yongsheng; Zhang, Xiqing Simple synthesis method of reduced graphene oxide/gold nanoparticle and its application in surface-enhanced Raman scattering Chemical Physics Letters, 582 vol, pp 119-122, 2013/9/4.
40. Y. Wu, Y. S. Wang, D. W. He, M. Fu, Z. M. Chen; Y. Li Spherical Zn(2)SiO(4):Eu(3+)@SiO(2) phosphor particles in core-shell structure: Synthesis and characterization Journal of Luminescence, 130(10), pp 1768-1773, 2010.
41. Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang Graphene doping of P3HT:PCBM photovoltaic devices Synthetic Metals, 160(9-10), pp 1036-1039, 2010.
42. J. G. Wang, Y. S. Wang, D. W. He, Z. Y. Liu, H. P. Wu, H. T.; B. Y. Yang Composition and annealing effects in solution-processable functionalized graphene oxide/P3HT based solar cells Synthetic Metals, 160(23-24), pp 2494-2500, 2010.
43. Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang Effect of SPFGraphene dopant in MEH-PPV organic light-emitting devices Synthetic Metals, 160(13-14), pp 1587-1589, 2010.
44. Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu; J. G. Wang Solution-processable functionalized graphene in donor/acceptor-type organic photovoltaic cells Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(7), pp 1196-1200, 2010.
45. Z. Y. Liu, D. W. He, Y. S. Wang, H. P. Wu, J. G. Wang; H. T. Wang Improving photovoltaic properties by incorporating both SPFGraphene and functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(12), pp 2148-2153, 2010.
教育部自然科学一等奖 固态阴极射线发光及相关发光材料 2009年教育部 第一
铁道部有突出贡献的中青年专家 2000年 铁道部 第一
教育部跨世纪优秀人才 1999年 教育部 第一
北京市优秀青年骨干教师 1996年 北京市科委 第一
第三届高校青年教师奖 2002年 教育部 第一
铁道部青年科技拔尖人才 1996年 铁道部 第一
享受政府特殊津贴情况 2002年获得政府特殊津贴
获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助 2009年1月获国家杰出青年科学基金
第九、十届中国发光学会 副理事长 2001年始
中国光学学会光电子专业委员会 理事 2000年始
中国材料研究学会青年委员会 理事 1998年起
国际信息显示协会(SID北京分会) 理事 2000年起
《现代显示》杂志 委员 2001年始